Fire Emblem Heroes: Choose Your Legends!

These banners are taunting me. I want a Hector so bad.

I'm taking Lyn. I'd much rather take my chances pulling on rgb than colorless. I want Roy and Lucina the most though. I missed out on xander, so Roy will fill my sword cav spot. Pulling Roy will also mean I'll probably end up with a good iv eliwood since I'll no longer need him. Could always go on the b team with Clive I guess, lol.

Off topic, firesweep Tana is so good. im gonna give her more skills later, and have her with a def build I can swap to. I had to grind so much sp already this weekend.

Edit: I got a 5 star fae on the free summon. Not Hector, but free is free
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Posted my wyvern team last night. Gonna try out another build on michalis and possibly Tana after I grind some sp this weekend. I really want to build a Camilla now, but my 5* is -atk and I only have 4 4* right now. No idea on those ivs. Might go +res on her since she'll be the mage baiter for the group.

I just need to be able to give Camilla's wyvern to Felicia.
Reinhardt's are all pretty standard fare: Moonbow/Luna, Vantage 3, horse buff, and then Death Blow 3 or Fury if that's not an option.

My Ryoma turns on at 50% with Defiant Attack and Vantage 2. It carried me through a lot of early content, but now he's just a TT/AA grunt.

For Ninian, I just do a Google image search and go "Man, it'd be nice to have one of those in the game."
Had some trouble with infernal Narcian until I added MRobin and a dancer. TA and swordbreaker turned it around. I really need to invest some time in my Olivias beyond "acquire dance."

To anyone that hasn't done the 5 orb Oboro quest yet, all I had to do was bump the 3* up to 20 and do Paralogue 4-1. She can get kills on the healer and sword flier.
After much deliberation...I think Lyn is the free unit to take, if it makes us choose right away at the start.   She has default Swift Sparrow 2 so getting additional copies of her wouldn't be bad.  

The bottom line is I think you gotta take either Ike or Lyn.   I realized that unlike other units, IS gave them complete passives.  They gave speical treatment to the leading vote getters. Their b) skills are unique.  You are getting the most bang for your buck with either of these units. 

Roy is the one I want the most, but I really don't want to dive into colorless hell on this banner. I'd love extra merges for Lyn as well though. I'll just have to see how it goes. I'm up to almost 70 orbs, and I still have more chain challenge stages to do.

Chain challenge is in the story mode section. It's a tempest trials style of stages. You get a set amount of teams to make it through x amount of stages. Normal and hard give out feathers, and lunatic gives out juicy orbs. There's also chain stages for paralogue quests too if you tab it over.

I took Lyn. I whaled kind of hard too. My free summon was a 5* Caeda, and in that same batch was another 5* Caeda and Amelia. No 4* Camillas which I was pretty disappointed about. Way too many hinata, fir, and laslow. Finally got a good iv eliwood(which I knew was gonna happen after I got roy.) Colorless didn't treat me too bad. I only pulled if it was the last orb in the summon. A few healers, but I got quite a few archers. Faye I'm really torn on, cause I want to give the bow to somebody, but I want to use her exp skill to train my bow characters. I think around 425 orbs. I got above a 3.75 pity rate only twice. Lots of pretty bad ivs, but I'm happy with the brave heroes' at least.

3 Blazing Roys - -spd +res, -hp +def, -hp +atk

1 Brave Ike - -spd +def

1 Brave Lucina - -hp +spd

Faye -hp +def
Caeda - +atk -res, +atk -def
Amelia - +hp -res
Lukas +spd -res
Seliph -atk +def, +def -res
Catria - +atk -def
Soren - +hp -atk
Olwen - -hp +def
Lyn - +atk -res, -atk +spd 
Ogma - -hp +atk
Kagero -def +res
Sakura - -spd +res
I picked Lucina as my free unit. Then I went and spent some orbs in the banner. Managed to get Ike. Will probably try for archer Lyn after the daily orb bonuses stock up again.

I love Lyn, she is so aggressive went you set it to auto battle she is up in your face like its no one business. 

And god forbid you are a flier then you are on her hit list and she will come for you first to mow you down.

Another question. How do you check a characters IVs? 

I used to IV breed in Pokemon but did not know IVs were in this game.

I wouldn't get too down and out yet. There's a retweet event, the quick hero battles goals, and then new monthly quests tomorrow. We have some orbs on the way. I'm trying to be patient for all that. My goal is to hopefully get roy at least +5. That goal would be lyn, but i'm not pushing my luck on colorless. I'll settle for neutral and horse buffs.

I was writing a big long post asking about whether or not I should turn various units I have sitting around into feathers. About halfway through, it dawned on me that I had already typed all of the reasons to get rid of them.

When I asked myself if anything was going to change that, I deleted it and wrote this brief story instead. :D
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I have a hoarding problem when it comes to units. Got a lot I'm saving to +10 when i get a good iv, and then a stash of various good skills for inheritance. I dropped off quite a few units after last night though.

I whaled on the wrong banner. I've been grinding out more of my chain challenges(since I have some amazing units now), and decided to go for hector. 2 pulls without a green, and the second one gets me 5* roy. Single pull hector, 3.50 pity rate hector, fresh no green 5* roy, single pull hector, 3.25 pity hector, and single pull 5* chrom. 

Now i don't know if i actually want to give some folks distant counter, or drop all the hectors on hector. None of them are +atk, but i did get one +def -spd(or at least i think it was -spd).

wtf? how much did you spend to get 4 hectors?

I never understand posts like this. (I see them on gamefaqs all the time).  Anytime I have tried to snipe for someone it takes me at least 2-3 $40 purchases (150-225 orbs) just to -maybe- get one of him on a 3% focus rate. 

Then people are always like "I spent 200 orbs" (to get these eight to ten 5*, or these four same 5* focus).   I'm like wth?

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wtf? how much did you spend to get 4 hectors?

I never understand posts like this. (I see them on gamefaqs all the time). Anytime I have tried to snipe for someone it takes me at least 2-3 $40 purchases (150-225 orbs) just to -maybe- get one of him on a 3% focus rate.

Then people are always like "I spent 200 orbs" (to get these eight to ten 5*, or these four same 5* focus). I'm like wth?
Cyl is where i spent the money. i bought a bunch more orbs after i posted my winnings. 5.75 pity rate, 4 red orbs, 1 luke. I think i bought one 20 orb pack on the hector banner, and i used around 90 orbs total i think. I think these games have a some other kind of rng in them. Where you get lucky just to pull one certain character, but others flow like a river. My goal was really just to get my first one, but having a -atk +spd hector didn't sit well with me. so i tried for the second one. If it makes you feel any better, true to my usual luck, only decent iv was the +def one. i needed this "win"

On the flip side, i don't honestly remember how much i spent on the bridal banner, but a lot of pity breakers and only a bridal lyn to show for it. I really wanted her, but i wanted cordelia as well. Tried for caeda as well, and only got charlotte.

Heroes i've never seen: B.caeda, linde, minerva, dragon scion tiki, katarina, saber, lachesis, ephraim(tried for him and eirika too), innes, sanaki, b.cordelia, and spring/summer xander

If it helps, here's the bottom of my storage list when I sort by the order obtained. This is obviously over a couple banners (otherwise it'd be over 7%)
4 stars
3x Cecilia
2x Beruka
2x Nino
2x Camilla
Hawkeye (actually excited about ThrAtk3)
3 Stars
2x Barst
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That's another thing. In all these greens I sniped, not a single 4* Camilla. How does that work? 1 Titania, 2 nino, and no Hawkeye. Tons of the rest though.
Got an Ike last night, so I took Lyn as my free unit. I'm glad, because I really didn't want to have to choose between them.

Now I can go back to saving for the next holiday banner. I'm sure that I'll want to get Witch ___ or Yuletide ___ just as badly as the brave heroes.
Congrats! I took Lyn as my free pull as well. She's still ridiculously good without a boon.

I'm so torn on my horse emblem, cause I gave eliwood heavy blade and galeforve. So him and Roy usually just slaughter maps with anything other than blues, and even then it's only a few blues that cause problems. So I have them, Lyn, Camus, and rein. If I were to drop one, it'd be rein, but I feel like I really need the magic user. Also thinking about giving Roy distant counter. Mine is 55/36 unbuffed, +4 merge.

Also grinding tons of sp reworking my wyvern team instead of raising my bench up. Especially the ones with weapons that I don't have exp boosters for.
Rein might be nice in case you run into a super-Effie, but I don't know that any choice is necessarily "wrong."

Especially starting with two horsemen with Heavy Blade and Galeforce. That's pretty nuts. :)
Saving orbs for the next seasonal banner sounds like a really good idea. I wasted so many in the last month alone.

Alright, I'll start saving now. Plus I can't afford to by orbs like I used to.

*Back to the Voting Gauntlet*

Im just working on getting as many as people as I can to Lv 40 then decide what I wanna do.

I really like Camus and kinda wanna make him into a horse team.

Yeah, this just made my decision to give B.Roy distant counter that much easier. He's my summoner support, and I have Eliwood as his ally support. Just gotta switch Rein to fortify cav, and Roy will have some respectable defensive stats to go with his monstrous offensive spread.

It is tempting to support out a Hector though for the mini tempest. It's just too much fun sweeping maps with Roy and Eli. Gonna train an Elise. Thinking about Roy, Eliwood, Rein, and Elise for horse team 1. Then Camus, Cecilia, Lyn, and Elise(have 2 5*s) for horse team two. I also have a +10 4* Eliwood, and enough copies to make a 10+ 4* Frederick.

I made Robin my Summoner Support but was thinking of changing it to Roy.

Roy is teamed with Robin and Julia and Lyn. They are my main team for now.

I may build a horse team as my second around Camus and Reinheart.

Just curious how you run your Eliwood as i have bunch.

Also is there any benefits of merging four star heroes if you never plan of promoting them?

A 4* +10 is equal to a 5* +5 from what I've read. 4* +5 is equal to a 5*. The only loss is in certain skills, which can be inherited from a higher level unit. With the exception of legendary weapons. I 5*'d my first Eliwood for that reason. I plan on giving him more merges later, but those ivs won't matter, and i seem to pull enough of him. Feathers are hard to hold on to for me atm. I've burned 80k in the last 2 days.

My 5* Eliwood is running




Heavy Blade 3

Swordbreaker 3

Hone Cavalry

I haven't built the 4* one yet. I'm thinking about some sort of brave build or something with triangle adept, possibly both if they work together.

Damn thats nice build.

I never know what to do with them. It's so different from making Pokemon and stuff and i am an expert in that.

I never know what goes with what.

I use the wiki for ideas and hope they work but i never have the characters to inherit skills from.

Luckily I got a 4 Star Klein so I can give ( i'm thinking Cordelia ) Death Blow

For most heroes that I really like kinda rather get them as  4* because you can put more skills on then or merge heroes.

How do you get so many feather. I'm about to hit 20K and just promoted a bunch 3* to 4* some to use their skills, 

It seems all the units I like are not top tier but its still fun to play with like my build for Jaffar +1 and he doesn't have all I want him to have.

He does 23 damage after he hits which I like hit and run with him.

Deathly Dagger

Night Sky

Poison Strike 3

Savage Blow 2

I'm getting about 6-7k a week from arena stuff. I think it's 200 a day right now for quests. I completely cleared the last trials, and I got a few thousand from sending crappy/extra units home. I hadnt sorted my box since I started playing. Finally sat down and did that over the weekend.

I would use gamepress more for build ideas, wiki is kind of dry. Gamepress generally has 2-3 for each hero. You can get a lot of ideas from Reddit too, and check heroes out in tower/arena. You'll see some crazy stuff on ai heroes.

I sometimes waste skills too by building a team, and then changing it. Like right now with my wyvern team, and I used my only hinoka on valter. Now I need to give him fortify fliers instead. I guess having 2 different builds on him won't hurt. Never know what the future holds for units.

Also, I dont know the link off hand, but people on Reddit use a battle simulation site. Put in your unit and skills, and you can set it up against other heroes to see how they do. Doesn't account for every build, but will give you a good idea how your guy will stand up to arena teams.
I'm getting about 6-7k a week from arena stuff. I think it's 200 a day right now for quests. I completely cleared the last trials, and I got a few thousand from sending crappy/extra units home. I hadnt sorted my box since I started playing. Finally sat down and did that over the weekend.

I would use gamepress more for build ideas, wiki is kind of dry. Gamepress generally has 2-3 for each hero. You can get a lot of ideas from Reddit too, and check heroes out in tower/arena. You'll see some crazy stuff on ai heroes.

I sometimes waste skills too by building a team, and then changing it. Like right now with my wyvern team, and I used my only hinoka on valter. Now I need to give him fortify fliers instead. I guess having 2 different builds on him won't hurt. Never know what the future holds for units.

Also, I dont know the link off hand, but people on Reddit use a battle simulation site. Put in your unit and skills, and you can set it up against other heroes to see how they do. Doesn't account for every build, but will give you a good idea how your guy will stand up to arena teams.
Thanks man.

Ill check gamepress and reddit some.

update: gamepress is way better for ideas, already working on upgrades for Ryoma

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So I finally made my first full on Hero.

It is Ryoma 5*


Reciprocal Aid

Night Sky - ???

Fury 2

Vantage 3

Threaten Atk 2

I did not have the characters to go full for Threaten Atk and did not want to full on Fury.

I have 363 which is not enough for Moonbow and the one before but if I merge it with my other 5* Star Ryoma I would.

Is it worth it to merge 5* of S and A class Heroes?

Next is Ninian, Eliwood and Anna for the Tempest Trials and then on my main units are next.

Also when they have Bonus units, does it mean any Lyn of just the non bow/bride one?

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For this tempest trials, yeah it'll be regular Lyn only.

I merge 5*s if it's a character i really like, or if it doesn't have anything worth inheriting. I really wanted to merge my Ikes and Hectors, but they have too good of skills. I wouldn't merge on the basis of sp unless it's a unit you'd send home anyway. Especially with all the double sp going on. 120 is 2-3 training tower stages.

I think fury is fine for arena or one stage battles, but i always have a backup skill for tempest/chain. That chip damage adds up quick if you don't have a healer on the team. Although I have had Camus run two stages of tempest on 1 hp before(vantage). If Ryoma's one of your main fighters, I'd look into getting an atk/spd boost A skill to swap when you're using him in one of those events. Unless you run a good dedicated healer on his team. 

On the cheaper side of things, atk+3(cherche/gordin 4*) or spd+3(fir 4*). I haven't used ryoma a lot to know what he needs boosted other than atk, or what your ivs are on your ryoma.

other options

life and death 2 - hana 4*

darting blow 3 - florina/tharja 4*

death blow 3 - klein 4*

just make sure you remember to change back to fury for arena/story/ghb. or stick with it if you like it better. i usually only put fury if it's on an all around unit. someone i'm gonna use to defend as well as fight, or if they have some sort of self sustain(renewal, falchion, aether, sol/noontime)

On the cheaper side of things, atk+3(cherche/gordin 4*) or spd+3(fir 4*). I haven't used ryoma a lot to know what he needs boosted other than atk, or what your ivs are on your ryoma.

other options

life and death 2 - hana 4*

darting blow 3 - florina/tharja 4*

death blow 3 - klein 4*

just make sure you remember to change back to fury for arena/story/ghb. or stick with it if you like it better. i usually only put fury if it's on an all around unit. someone i'm gonna use to defend as well as fight, or if they have some sort of self sustain(renewal, falchion, aether, sol/noontime)
He does have reciprocal aid for healing off others. But I Atk 3 or Darting Blow.

I have one Klien and I am thinking of saving it for 4* Cordelia which i may promote or save it for 5* Reinhardt.

I am still learning how to make good teams and synergy between them.

He does have reciprocal aid for healing off others. But I Atk 3 or Darting Blow.

I have one Klien and I am thinking of saving it for 4* Cordelia which i may promote or save it for 5* Reinhardt.

I am still learning how to make good teams and synergy between them.
It's all personal preference too. If you find a way that works, stick with it. As far as synergy goes, I just try to cover all my bases. Even though my main team right now doesn't. Physical damage, magic damage, and tank(s) for both. If you have a reasonably all-around tank, then a healer would work well.

If you ever need help, just post your stuff here. Between all of us, I'm pretty sure we have all the units, and a lot of different stuff built and used.

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Question: How hard is it to score Heroes during the trials?

Love to get some Heroes and seals as well.

Have any of you all got any during previous ones?

I have a week and I am gonna try and win some as I have never done trials before.

They've made it easier to hit the heroes and seals with each new TT release. Make sure you do the two 3x points runs each day and it shouldn't be too hard. Also, if you don't have a good version of any bonus unit, you can just throw one on a team and let him get killed. The bonus multiplier is more important than the deathless one.

I'm excited about a distant defense seal, but I have a problem now with Masked Lucina. I didn't expect that we'd ever see them again, so I already inherited all the skills on my second one (At least I hadn't spent the feathers yet).

Edit: Lyn is a monster with the TT stat boost.
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So that's what I will be doing all weekend.

Battling in the trial and working on leveling up more characters for the Trials and skills Inheritance.

I lucky my 4* Anna just hit Lv 40 and I have Ursula at 36 and Ninian is next to level up cause she's only Lv 23, so I can get that larger bonus.

On Trials, I am at 2296 so far. I may throw Ninian into my second team for the bonus and dancing and keep her away from dying.

I so far have only done Lv 30s and below.

Here are the characters I am working on. Any thoughts or ideas are helpful.

Robin (m) Fav character so he will always be on my main Team and my Summoner LInk




Triangle Adept 2 

Quick Riposte 2 - Switching for Swordbreaker

Hone Atk 3


Silver Axe - when 5* her Noatum


NIght Sky


Vantage 2 - when 5* 3

Threaten Def 3




Growing Thunder?

Deathblow 2

Lancebreaker 3

Threaten Res 3

And any thoughts on 


LIghtning Breath +




Swordbreaker 3

Threaten Def 3 - accidentally added Fortify defense

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Robin looks pretty solid. Ninian and Anna I'd give them an a slot that boosts spd/atk unless you want them for defense. Ursula I'd give either moonbow, or bonfire/iceberg. I'm not sure what her defensive stats are. AOE just takes too long to charge, and enemies usually aren't in the right position to effectively use it.

Sitting at 11k in trials already. My main team of brave Roy, eliwood, brave Lyn, and Elise are tearing through things. Only have fortify Cavs on atm too, need sp. Elise has gone from lvl 16-39 so far. Not even using her to fight. Roy and eliwood are just ridiculous together with both having galeforce. Bait with Roy, and then just sweep the map.
bread's done