Fire Emblem Heroes: Choose Your Legends!

-hp +spd ike

-def +atk ike

-atk + res celica :'(

-atk +res gray

-def  +atk karel

so tempting to spend money right now, but i should be holding back for cyl. not getting a good celica is killing me though. i wouldn't mind another gray either. since i'd like to move his sword to someone, and i want to keep him for the double sp skill.

my head is about to explode right now.  3 banners up right now where I need 9 of the 12 guys. 

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Discovering that you can look at the map beforehand sure improved my Arena Assault results. It also showed me that I need to level up Tobin, of all people, so I can have another Hector killer. Seems like my sword users get used up quickly in this mode.

The starter banner is very tempting, but I want as many orbs as possible once the Halloween banner arrives.
I just did my first arena assault.  Finished 7/7 advanced, lost about 6-7 dudes, 4,449 score.  Pretty fun!  I'm rank 27k. 

I like how they keep adding multi-unit army stuff to the game to keep things relevant and fresh.

My teams can autobattle win begginer mode in arena assault. Some the strats they use man. Sometimes works with amazing results, sometimes fails spectualrly
What are you guys doing with your extra GHB and TT reward units?

I'd like to give other units things like Hit and Run, Berkut's Lance/ water boost 2, and B Tomebreaker but then I'd have one fewer Clive, Berkut, or Girl Robin.
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only one i've trained that i had a double of was masked marth, and i merged that one. berkut, i'm probably gonna give his lance to somebody. hit and run is on clair, so you can hang on to your clives.

also, this game needs to stop being so stingy with feathers.

Michalis is very valuable to me, but I still have his iotes shield to others since it's very valuable on others too. In the long I prefer to have more powerful characters at no merge than fewer characters at +10 merge. Don't want to rely on merge to power through the content in the game
20k into tempest trials already. might actually go all the way to 99,999 this time. 

might work on a flier emblem team since i can't seem to get the horse characters i want at good ivs. sitting on 16 eliwood, and my only +atk is -hp. wouldn't think it'd be that hard with a common unit. similar situation with felicia. i want to make a defensive version of her, and my only + res is -hp.

Horse emblem is easy to build dude.  I use a neutral Cecilia and Reinhardt.  Xander and Camus were available to everyone.  After acquiring a great deal many of units this is still my very best team. 

There's a big difference between having a bad bane, and not having the best one.   You don't need +atk Cecilia or Rein for them to dominate. 

yeah, i actually have +atk cecilia and rein. i wasn't really playing when xander came around. i did manage to get 1 camus, and i've trained him up already. i use a lot of units that have bad/not optimal banes. i just wanted my eliwood to be perfect, and not even perfect really just not -hp. i plan on investing a couple big things into him like heavy blade and aether. i may just do it anyway, and merge him into the good one when i get it. i just didn't want to have to train him to 40 again. 

I definitely agree with that. My -atk/+spd Reinhardt still dismantles everything that isn't green. I've been using Xander, Titania, Rein, and Clarine from the time Xander came around. With the release of Camus I found plenty of cavalry to go around.

Now fliers on the other hand...
I definitely agree with that. My -atk/+spd Reinhardt is still doing a lot of heavy lifting on everything that isn't green. I've been using Xander, Titania, Rein, and Clarine from the time Xander was ready.

By the way, where's Umbry. Ike has been "here" for quite awhile now. Hardly seems as exciting as the thread title would indicate.
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Weirdest things have been happening to me on the Hero Fest banner.   I have been pulling just blues and greens going for Julia and Ninian specifically.  My first two 5*s were both Delthea.  Delthea killed my pity rate twice! like wth! Then I finally got a Ninian and stopped pulling that banner.   Spent around 140 orbs total.   Was really irritated with the first Delthea because she was -spd, but the second one was +spd - res so that's awesome;  she's an incredible unit.

Just going to spend the rest of my orbs pulling only blues and greens on Nohrian summer until the end of the month, since I have none of those units yet.   I'd love to have a Julia and Celica, but you can't have them all.   Limited-timed units take priority so S.Elise and S.Corrin are way more important. 

iTunes cards are buy one, get one 20% off at Target.  Combined with red card that's $85.50 for $100 credit.

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i want to pull on hero fest some more, but my last few pulls were pretty bad.  was pulling only greens hoping for julia/hector. got up to 7.50/4.50 pity rate, and it got ruined by elise(5 colorless orb draw, wtf??). drew a few more after that, and ended up with my second -atk leo. 

idk what to do about the summer banner either. i got corrin(-hp +def) and elise(-atk +res) but yeah. i think i'd prefer my units to come out neutral, tbh. i've only ever pulled two of those, ryoma and luke.

I got Julia twice in 15 pulls. Dunno if I should keep pulling.(no orbs now). Feels like I already used up my luck
was thinking about doing a flier emblem team with all killer weapons, warding blow, fortify/wards, and iceberg as their specials for funzies. call it ice ice baby emblem. probably use caeda, florina, clair, and camilla, or swap florina for est for better speed. i thought about summer corrin as well, since she has +4 spd/res on attack. will probably try even though she's +def -hp. i probably don't have enough stuff to get them all the skills anyway. was just thinking of different stuff.

i went for tana and got ninian. bad ivs too

on the plus side, i'm up to almost 50k in tempest trials. gonna start working on legion ghb, and the units needed for the sacred seals missions coming up. reddit has the datamined list.

we need more exp/valor heroes, and we need them to stop being locked behind 5*s or limited time banners. took my ike to 25 and gained 400 sp with 11 stamina left. insane

how is everyone's tt going? i'm sitting pretty at 85k right now. this is so much better than the old scoring for trials. i haven't had to watch my phone all day.

I'm going through TT on cruise control. I'll get the seal just with the 3x point missions.

Just remembered that I hadn't done my free Bladetome banner draw, and got Celica. These free draws have been terrific for me so far.
Free draws have been pretty terrible for me. I guess I'll stop rolling banners for a while, until I see someone I really want. Sorry Tana, I used too many orbs on your banner and got nothing...

I've also been pretty laid back on the Tempest Trials. Only doing the 2 daily bonus runs. I think I'm at 26,000 points right now. I should be able to get that 5 star Clive before the event ends in a couple days.

Tempest Trials are meh.  Which is why I was SO GLAD they added the 2 bonus rounds.  I just do mine twice a day now and that's plenty.  That was a much welcome change. 

I've spent a grip on banners this month.   Kinda frustrating since each of my singular copies of Amelia, S.Corrin, S.Elise all three are -speed!  I got a +atk - def Tana though.  Going to try to keep pulling only blues and greens only on the summer banner until it's over in two weeks.  

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i hit 100k on tt this morning. i'm done now. just couldn't pass up the easy orbs/feathers. orbs led me to a +spd tana(-res i think). time to focus on the infernal valter. i still need to train some of the quest units for the seal return quests coming up.

really bugging me that i couldn't get quickened pulse. that'd be a huge difference maker for infernal.

Finished infernal this morning. Now to make valter +2 or just make him 5* and save the extra 2 for panic ploy fodder. Leaning towards +2 cause he's just so badass, but panic ploy is equally badass.
Lol, now we just need goads/hones for infantry.

Debating on making valter a tankier build. Sitting on a few faes now. Maybe +hp/def from summer Robin(blasphemy I know), renewal, and bonfire special. I have to look over some stuff later. I'm just tired of the cookie cutter fury/l&d + vantage/desperation. Giving him some more hp might help with panic ploy too.
I had a -atk Sheena break my pity rate pulling for S.Elise a couple weeks ago.  Oh okay maybe I'll just give that 11 MT Killing Axe+ to my 3*+10 Beruka or something.   Then you see there's 14 MT Slaying Axe+ now...

F U Sheena. 

I just cashed in some best buy gift cards for excess pulling this month and -Attack Katerina broke my new 4%+ reds sniping pity rate on Celica/Gray banner. 

banes have just become insufferable. 

I just got off the phone asking Macy's if they sell iTunes gift cards and they don't.  So much for converting that credit!

i would love some katarinas. could use some swift sparrow fodder. i spent a little this morning on another shot at s.corrin. first one was -atk +def, and second one was -hp +spd. probably gonna have to merge my other 2 into her. i'd love to have one fodder for my eventual optimal iv felicia, swift strike would be pretty cool on her.

working on training my valter, and saw a really interesting build for him on reddit. heavy blade + qr + aether, really thinking about giving that a go, and make a wyvern emblem team. i have a 4*+10 cherche already. so her, s.corrin, valter, and i'm thinking either a tank michalis or support spring camilla(neutral, ugh). since unfortunately we have no red wyverns. 

i have so much stuff to train now, and need about another 100k feathers. i think from now on i'm gonna save for cyl, and try to work this pile of stuff down. i'm also playing through sacred stones again, so another ss banner will probably break that one, lol.

Yeah Swift Sparrow is awesome, but really hard to pull the trigger on sacrificing.  My finger has been so hot on the trigger for a couple months that I'm sure people have gotten sick of me asking about ideal uses for it.  I'm finally going to give it to Tana today since I pulled another another SS2. 

The ability is weird though.  You want to max an extra +2 points on damage or speed (Darting or Deathblow) with most characters.   SS2 seems to be ideal for these middling 34-37 speed, high attack characters.  Which there aren't many.

SS2 goes against "maxing" so it ends up being quite the conundrum.  It seems perfect for units like Tana or Celica, anything with Lucina-like 35/35-ish offensive spreads.

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I don't think you can really use a Heavy Blade build on Valter because his attack isn't high enough.  He will face many units with higher than 50 attack. 

yeah, that's why i was thinking of strike on felicia. 41/42 spd/res on attack, but i might just stick with my initial plan. rogue dagger + distant def

on a flier team it's easy to buff that number up with hones/goads though. ike's attack with boon is 54, and a lot of people use him without the boon. might work better than we think. i'm not dropping anything on him just yet. i'd like the see it in action, and do some more research myself. i really want to use this heavy blade on eliwood, cause i like his weapon so much.

I did this with two bars of stamina in about an hour:


The weekend SP grind is unreal.  I used S.Robin with Lance Valor, a dancer, and a healer.  You're getting 12 SP every kill, 4x per map.  Just plowed through maps only attacking with Effie.  I'm so excited because I finally pulled an Effie that I wanted and she has +atk -spd.  Been waiting for this unit forever.  I'm going to promote her right away.  I have a brave lance+ waiting for her too. 

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Yeah, doing the same thing with valter right now. We really need more sp/exp skills. Gonna do michalis next, and fortunately I have sp.chrom and s.tiki.

Also, cyl hype!!
been hitting training tower hard. michalis 4* to 40 > promote to 5* > to 40 again. 4* valter to 20, 3* mich and valt to 20 > promote to 4* > to 20 again, s.corrin to 40, and then several thousand sp between 4 characters. still probably going to have to grind more. i also need like 80,000 feathers to finish upgrading valt/mich's merges, and to get a blade tome on corrin.

i think i have everyone's builds decided, but i'm going back and forth on a few things for michalis

a - iote's/earth boost/close def

b - renewal/quick riposte/obstruct

also thinking about throwing the lower level blade tome on corrin for now. the bonuses should far outweigh the -4 atk difference.

I'm really torn on the CYL units.  Not sure which one I will take for free.  I would kill to be able to choose one at the END of the banner, but I'm sure that we'll have to do it right away before being able to pull on it.  I'd love to take Roy or Ike for originality, but you simply can't miss out on getting archer Lyn. 

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I watched the channel after posting that, which was why I changed it to "these CYL banners," as in the ones we have now.

I'm in the same boat for the free choice. I'd like Ike because my Axes are not great, but a horse Archer that can't get distant countered by melee is too good to pass up.
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Horse lyn is absolutely disgusting. Definitely not using my free pick on her. If I happen to summon her then that's fine though.
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Yeah, you're probably right. Plus, when I compare the number of 5 star Cav units to the number of 5 star Axes that I have...
Rein, Xander, Camus, Titania, 3 randos
Titania, Minerva

@Umbry - CYL is Choose Your Legends. They had a vote for favorite male/female from FE when the game first came out. The top two in each are getting new characters added.
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bread's done