Fire Emblem Heroes: Choose Your Legends!

I'd either save it for someone you can merge from your barracks units, or a favorite. I suspect there will always be someone worthwhile in every Hall going forward, otherwise they won't sell Forma Souls.

I have been lucky enough to get all of the Duos. I've been strongly considering only spending on them until a rerun shows up (Halloween?). But that's a long time, and I really want disarm trap for Leila so I know that won't happen.
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Also, this skill shop sucks. It's just another vehicle to try and get people to buy the feh pass. I'm earning what, maybe 50-60 codes per week? In a scant 32 weeks, I can finally have that disarm trap I've been wanting. Almost a year after that I can get a +1 merge on my soiree Ishtar.
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Also, this skill shop sucks. It's just another vehicle to try and get people to buy the feh pass. I'm earning what, maybe 50-60 codes per week? In a scant 32 weeks, I can finally have that disarm trap I've been wanting. Almost a year after that I can get a +1 merge on my soiree Ishtar.
Yep. For sure it sucks. I don't even care about it at all. It's just nerve wracking. They will soon accelerate the code drops but its just too dumb to care. I'll get one copy of SS3 in like six months or w/e.

They're making it very difficult for me to keep with my "IS will get no money from me after their feh pass announcement" policy.

I really want to give disarm trap to Leila, and if I bought orbs now I could keep a Forma soul in my back pocket. I'll stay strong for now. After all, I resisted the NY packs. :D
I bought the FEH Pass even though I complained about it.

With auto battle, Tempest trials are so easy to get to 50k and get the heroes and all the items.

With the new filters, my favorites system is no longer useful. Now I need to figure out how to reassign them.

Also, I'm turning over a new leaf on keeping one of every hero going forward. I have so many units that I have absolutely no use for. So now I'll get the dragonflowers and then use them for that sweet sweet SI. This new policy would be even better if I could get a single Easter Palla for disarm trap.
Loving the new sort feature. Once I get a chance I plan on making sure I have a halfway decent team for each of the various games. (Well, except for TMS since I only have two.)
That's cool.  I haven't tried it yet though.

I love the new 40 / 40 free summons feature.  It's like between that and tickets they've finally gotten around to fixing 'new heroes' banners.  I am going to spark for Midori and then I have a plan.   That bow is insane.

My plan is that I need 8 more copies of Norne.  (Weird how I can collect 12 Reysons while he's 4-5*).  Just look at this build:


That's -10 attack to the enemy from Lull and weapon (essentially +10 to res and def).  Then on PP she gets another +5 atk / +5def from Close Foil against everyone but dragons and magic users.  So that's +5 atk to her and another +7 from the weapon.   Which makes 58atk/48spd/48def 44res on either phase, dual counter, before close foil buff, ANY blue buffs, and you can use any seal you want.  That is all self-contained. Add that DD3 to the EP. 

I mean that is absolutely insane.  I think IS goofed with all these stacking lulls. 

These are the new most powerful units.  The lull stackers.

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I am definitely getting the free spark for Midori.  Her art is so awesome and cute too.  Too bad she's going to the glue factory.  Would be nice to have one to keep. 


Would be cool to pull another one of the banner units first too.  Nice rebound after a disastrous legendary banner that I had to give up on. 

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We're finally able to verify that duo heroes can be rerun on banners. Duo Hector is the first one to show up a second time.

I still think I'm going to make them all a priority, but it's nice to know that they won't all be ultra-rare with only one chance each.
You should.  I still think that it's incredible that you've pulled every single one. 

I just free pulled Soiree Berkut.  Had 39 orbs, sniped reds only, and finally received my very first duo hero.  :)

Must get young Whitewings. Though they look ridiculous with one of them flying around on a pegasus and the other two just standing there getting drug along.

Also, I had to watch the video again after finding out their duo skill refreshes every odd-numbered turn.

It's kind of a bummer though, because I can't seem to keep a lance flyer on my flying team. First Catria, then Cordelia, Tsubasa currently, and now hopefully Palla and the gang.
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Duo Heroes are so stupid  lmao

Well, IS pulls another fast one and powercreeps the already-strong units with more new ones.  Another effective Sword, another green nuke that will be impossible to merge, and a doubler lance flier. 

People go crazy and then it turns out that not much has changed.  They are masters of disguising their powercreep.  Like adding another seasonal green armor to the game doesn't change much. 

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Free pulled another +atk Tibarn.   I had enough for two rounds of pulls.  So I finished the circle, and then with my first red orb on my second circle:


but she is -atk! lol

Oh man, I just realized that these are seasonal units that are going to become unavailable later. For some reason I was thinking Marth was going to be entering the summoning pool.  But Caeda and Merric are going to be pretty rare after this banner. 

Yeah, at the end of the banner I may end up dumping all my orbs into Fire Emblem Babies.

So Palla is unsurprisingly a monster. I doubt anyone needs that verified. But I did want to clarify the duo skill. There were a couple ways it could have been read, so I'll spell out how it works.

On every odd turn, if the skill has already been used it refreshes. It will stay available for every turn until it is used again, at which time the cycle starts over.

When I first read the wording I wasn't sure if it worked that way of if it was ONLY available on odd numbered turns after the first use. (only available turns 3,5,7,9 etc)
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I don't think that there's any way that I can ignore the prospect of working on a fully built Young Marth.  I think ALL of my orbs for the next 30 days are going to have to go towards this banner.  He is the perfect candidate to +10 with Close Call and Distant Counter, and he also has dual-effectiveness and vantage.

I've already pulled two copies of him.  There are several reports of people pulling 11 copies in as little as 270 to 450 orbs.  This 4* focus rate cannot be ignored. 

It's just like when we had that two-unit banner with Surtr, except your're going to have to pay out a bunch of feathers to do the promoting. 

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Just look at this:


40% damage reduction most of the time, dual range defense, AND cavalry + armor effectiveness, in addition to vantage on his weapon.  That is really strong.

Yeah it's hard to say.  +atk without a doubt on  vantage + effectiveness unit.  But then that +spd contributes towards the 40% dmg reduction build.  

So the answer is +atk.  But I would go +spd probably if I was pretty sure that I was going to be running CC/Repel most of the time. 

Is it weird that I got 3 Respledent heroes?

I got Sophia, Eliwood and Azura and only had it for a month.

Not complaining just weird.

Also raising them all now and Hector so hes ready when he comes.

Just wish I had someone else with armored boots!

You can time it so that a 1 month purchase gets you three resplendents. If you get the pass just before one unit expires, you'll get it, the second one a few days later, and then the third one 2 weeks later.
I keep revisiting your question from the other day Roger, and I think it's +speed.  But that's assuming you're going to keep CC/Repel on him at all times.  It's damn close. 

:) He's currently still in stasis. I stopped doing anything when they announced Larum was going to be on the Legend Banner. I'm getting tired of using Leila and getting fouled up by traps.
Especially with Umbry's post I want to make clear that this is not a complaint post :)

I had 2 clear and 2 green. After not getting Larum, I decided I'd finish out the circle starting with the green on the left.
I'm going to let this cool down a bit before trying again.
[attachment=33946:Screenshot_20200430-094944_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg]
Yes Larum, I AM ready to watch you dance.
Right up until I get your dragonflowers.
Then I'll watch you dance off into oblivion.

Adding some thoughts after getting a chance to use Leila with disarm trap and the difference is night and day. The fun in using her is in the positiong, and it makes a big difference to be able to ignore traps.

Plus, I don't need to spend 4k divine codes for it anymore. Now my debate is if I want to use codes for a 3rd Special Spiral or my first null follow-up.
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I spent 220 orbs sniping green only and trying to go for Edelgard + Celica.  Normally I wouldn't 1-color snipe but this time it's a great opportunity. 

Came away with 3 Nagi, 1 Naga, and a -atk Edeglard.  Cool to get her, but ugh.  That could have gone a lot better. 

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I have pantsless Marth up to a possible +3 now (still leaving the +atk out for now). I can't decide whether to fodder off Larcei or Mareeta. I'm leaning towards Larcei, as I think I'd rather have him stand still than move back one space.

1 turn cd Regnal Astra ia pretty cool though too. :whistle2:/
I think either are fine. People are super judgmental against Close Call but I've never felt that way at all.  What, for all the times you are attacking something one space beyond the lightning trap with your red sword?

Nah, I use hit&run all the time on my fliers.  It's a very beneficial ability.  Moving your unit back out of range is extremely helpful in most instances.  Use whichever you want.

I just pulled a +spd Marth (have +atk too) and have 6 copies now  =D  Might have to give up on this legendary banner unfortunately.  New Heroes banner in like 4 days too so likely need another 135 orbs for that.  It doesn't ever stop. 

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I actually have a realistic shot of getting Young Caeda to +4 or +5.  Just pulled a +spd copy and I have four of her. 

That's a lot of DC sacrifice, and she's a little boring considering she'll probably only run her stock kit, but she's sooo good.  Will probably merge her to +4 if I pull one additional copy.  Would you merge a unit like that or save the fodder?


I'm thinking about instagibs against L!Alm and his ilk.  That's like 97atk vantage nukes (pre-buff) against any sword, lance, axe, or colorless bow that attacks her.  no conditions.  

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Well, I'm a bad person to ask because I only have 2-3 spare DC sources. If you can afford to lose 4 DCs, then go for it. There are a lot of worse ways to merge them away.
ahhhhh skeet skeet skeeet skeet skeet


just one more to go.  Wish I had spent some more time on the legendary pulling greens now. 

But I'm having a superstition about doing any merges before being completely done with the banner.  A lot of people say that the game senses stuff like that.  Like if you Summoner Support someone then suddenly you can't pull them anymore.   Wdyt of that kind of nonsense?

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bread's done