Format War - HD DVD vs. Blu-Ray - *Its Over...Toshiba Swings White Flag*

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[quote name='JasonTerminator']Since when does "postponed" mean cancelled, people?

Am I the only person that actually reads linked articles?[/QUOTE]
Postponed in this case does mean cancelled, because HD DVD group is searching for something to fight against the Warner decision with.........
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Since when does "postponed" mean cancelled, people?

Am I the only person that actually reads linked articles?[/QUOTE]

It's their nice way of saying canceled, don't you get that? It's postponed indefiniteley. They're trying to save some face. Even if they decided to speak, what are they going to say? Well, uhhh... are sales... no. Umm we have cheap players! Not much to play on them though, but we got them!
[quote name='JasonTerminator']So you guys are just pulling meaning out of your ass.

I love it. Even when Blu-Ray wins, they lose.[/quote]

Someone's sour
Does anyone even care? I mean seriously the only people clamoring over this victory are on the interwebz. No one outside of the internet cares about this hd war. Like others have said no one is in rush to replace their dvd collections with hd ones. You all make a big deal out of nothing:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
you know what is sad......that people take sides in the format war and cheer this news......This can only be bad for consumers as the competion was bound to keep prices going down. I also think HD-DVD is the better format so it looks like it is this generations "Beta"
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Sour about what? You guys are acting like HD-DVD raped your mothers or something.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.[/quote]

I have no clue, you just sound vindictive
[quote name='geko29']As a long time HD DVD supporter--since October 2006--and owner of nearly 100 discs, I'll say that the adage is not true. The rumors of HD DVD's demise are NOT exaggerated. They may be premature, but that doesn't mean they aren't absolutely accurate.

yeah pretty much every news website (cnn, nytimes, forbes, bloomberg, reuters, etc.) is declaring the format war as officially over.. a fairly bold thing to claim.

didn't think it would happen so soon, but looks like it's settled. Blu-Ray is the victor.

now hopefully this will mean lower prices on discs and cheaper players to compete with DVD.
does anyone have a link that shows what all movies will be affected by this? I understand it is all Warner backed movies but I would like to see a list. Thanks!
[quote name='apokalipze2']Does anyone even care? I mean seriously the only people clamoring over this victory are on the interwebz. No one outside of the internet cares about this hd war. Like others have said no one is in rush to replace their dvd collections with hd ones. You all make a big deal out of nothing:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:[/quote]
This is fictional. If people outside the internet didn't care about HD Wars then why would they find research that people are hesitant to buy when there are two formats?

Meanwhile, industry observer "Media Wonk" (aka Paul Sweeting) has also posted an interesting feature over at Content Agenda, in which a couple of points that we've been making lately here at The Bits are confirmed by Warner's Sanders. First, Blu-ray stand alone players outsold HD-DVD in December. Here's the quote:

"One of the things you see in the NPD data for this fourth quarter was that even with a $100 [price] premium, Blu-ray set tops outsold HD set tops in December. Even with Toshiba having the lowest-cost player in the market, software sales remained 2 to 1 in favor of Blu-ray."
According to an interview with a Warner exec, he claims that NDP data shows that Blu-ray stand alones sold MORE in december than HD-DVD stand alones. I am guessing Warner used this, software sales and PS3 sales to make a decision.

And like him or not, but Michael Bay is one of the biggest name Directors in Hollywood, and his word does mean something in that regard.

And here is an AVS link regarding Warner Bros/New line Movies that Blu-ray gets exclusively.

Lord of the Rings this Christmas PLEASE!
Warner controls 20% of the film market, so quite a bit, but in terms of major franchises...

The Matrix
Harry Potter
Ocean's Eleven
Dirty Harry
The Exorcist
Mad Max
Lethal Weapon

And that's just after a skimming of releases by myself. There's tons of non-sequel movies that are affected by this too.
[quote name='rodeojones903']There are Blu-ray burners out right now for the PC. Best Buy over here carried them the last time I looked (but they were very expensive).[/quote]

Will you essentially be able to copy an HD-DVD to a blu ray disc?... down the road in 3 years or so when my 360 is no longer being used and the format is totally dead, thats a good option for the 20 discs I have in HD DVD now. Just copy it to blu disc and keep that in the box.
I'm so ready for this war to be over. If this is the end, truly, then let it be the end. The other day I went to BB to get Bourne Ultimatum on Blu ray... how silly of me.. its only on HD-DVD. So I bought it on DVD.
I'm just ready to have all movies available on blu ray.
[quote name='rodeojones903'] recommends people not to buy HD DVD players.[/QUOTE]

So they want everyone and their uncle to buy a PS3? That doesn't make any sense. Blu-ray needs cheaper players if they want to knock out HD dvd for good and put the war behind us.

The war isn't over but Blu-ray has a tank and Hd-dvd has a water pistol.

Oh I take that back, the real quote says:

As a result of the format war, most HDTV owners should refrain from buying a Blu-ray or an HD DVD player in the short term.

Nice spin there, your format wins the war and you still have to miss quote people. Classy.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Since when does "postponed" mean cancelled, people?

Am I the only person that actually reads linked articles?[/quote]LOL

I like when people claim to read the article, but lie.

A rep for the group told us this evening that the press conference will not be rescheduled, but that the group will still have a presence at the show from its booth on the convention floor.
Same link as posted a page or two back when it was first said they were cancelling the show.
[quote name='KingDox']So they want everyone and their uncle to buy a PS3? That doesn't make any sense. Blu-ray needs cheaper players if they want to knock out HD dvd for good and put the war behind us.

The war isn't over but Blu-ray has a tank and Hd-dvd has a water pistol.

Oh I take that back, the real quote says:

As a result of the format war, most HDTV owners should refrain from buying a Blu-ray or an HD DVD player in the short term.

Nice spin there, your format wins the war and you still have to miss quote people. Classy.[/QUOTE]

Lawls. Check the editor's note at the top of the page:

Editor's note, January 5, 2008: Because of the recent news that Warner Bros. Entertainment will be exclusively supporting Blu-ray, CNET recommends refraining from purchasing an HD DVD player in the near future. Exclusive support of Warner Bros. Entertainment gives Blu-ray a large advantage in terms of studio backing, leaving only Paramount and Universal as major studios releasing movies exclusively on the HD DVD format. This guide will be overhauled after CES to reflect this and any other news announced at the show.
Well, its ironic that I got the OCeans trilogy on HDDVD from Warner Home Video earlier today. No idea why. I preordered it from a coupon from CAG in late Sept, hgad to call and cancell it in late Oct and it was confirmed cancelled. Yet I wake up this morning and my mother says that it came by UPS. No email saying a shipment and no charges on that card I used. Either way, I'm waiting at least a week before I open it in case its too good to be true
Just curious but what was the situation like before the Paramount deal? I remember people were saying it was essentially Universal Vs BD, but how many studios were neutral at that point? I only ask because that situation could've been worse than it is now. Of course, there were a lot of other factors that are involved. I can't see HD-DVD coming out of this, but I'm just wondering if this is the least amount of studio support they have had.
I am kind of surprised at how many people seem to be trying to unload their HD DVD players and collections...personally I cant wait to see if they start dropping the prices on HD DVDs just so i can get the Universal titles and other currently HD DVD exclusive titles since it will still be a long time before they come to blu-ray...

The only HD DVDs i would consider getting rid of would be the ones i can get on Blu-ray currently
just came from bestbuy.. ofcourse bluray is plastered everywhere..

i was quite happy to see though a few families browsing through the hd dvd section..

they actually had good deals on the players..

a30- 249 (hot)
[quote name='dpatel']Just curious but what was the situation like before the Paramount deal? I remember people were saying it was essentially Universal Vs BD, but how many studios were neutral at that point? I only ask because that situation could've been worse than it is now. Of course, there were a lot of other factors that are involved. I can't see HD-DVD coming out of this, but I'm just wondering if this is the least amount of studio support they have had.[/quote]
I believe it is because in the beginning Warner and Paramount were exclusive and Weinstien actually released titles, and Universal was status quo.

And The difference is HD-DVD just lost Warner, the biggest name in Hi-def media so far and one of the best studios too. Blu-ray now has the best two studios releasing exclusively on their side, Plus the addition of New Line who was MIA.
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']Well, its ironic that I got the OCeans trilogy on HDDVD from Warner Home Video earlier today. No idea why. I preordered it from a coupon from CAG in late Sept, hgad to call and cancell it in late Oct and it was confirmed cancelled. Yet I wake up this morning and my mother says that it came by UPS. No email saying a shipment and no charges on that card I used. Either way, I'm waiting at least a week before I open it in case its too good to be true[/quote]

Warner's online store has an "F" rating. If you take a look at any forum where people have ordered discs from them they have experienced the exact same thing. People have ordered something, canceled it at a later date and the merchandise has still been shipped.
[quote name='HERETOSTAY']Warner's online store has an "F" rating. If you take a look at any forum where people have ordered discs from them they have experienced the exact same thing. People have ordered something, canceled it at a later date and the merchandise has still been shipped.[/quote]

Damn. Though do they catch it and bill you or anything? Granted this came by UPS second day shipping. And months after cancelling
[quote name='Jedi1979']I am kind of surprised at how many people seem to be trying to unload their HD DVD players and collections...personally I cant wait to see if they start dropping the prices on HD DVDs just so i can get the Universal titles and other currently HD DVD exclusive titles since it will still be a long time before they come to blu-ray...

The only HD DVDs i would consider getting rid of would be the ones i can get on Blu-ray currently[/QUOTE]

It's funny as I think it will be a while before "Casablanca" and "Forbidden Planet" as most PS3 BR's don't seem to like old movie classics one bit.
So it's all over then, well that went longer than it should have.

Ofcourse I'm very happy with DVD so am not in any rush to buy any more high-def discs, but at least now they might come down to a resonable price, maybe.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']I believe it is because in the beginning Warner and Paramount were exclusive and Weinstien actually released titles, and Universal was status quo.[/quote]
Warner and Paramout were exclusive before the formats launched. At release in April/May 2006, they had already gone neutral. So until the middle of this year, Blu-Ray had Sony/Columbia, Disney/Buena Vista, Fox (no I won't include MGM :)), Lionsgate, Warner and Paramount. HD DVD had Universal, Weinstein, Warner, and Paramount.

Since the summer, Weinstein has disappeared, Paramount dropped Blu-Ray, and now Warner dropped HD DVD. On the surface, just counting numbers of studios, things don't look all that different now than they did before. HD DVD has the support of two exclusive studios, both majors, as opposed to the one major and one minor they had before. Previously that had been enough to hang on. But previously they also had Warner's support. And that, ladies and germs, makes all the difference in the world.
[quote name='geko29']Warner and Paramout were exclusive before the formats launched. At release in April/May 2006, they had already gone neutral. So until the middle of this year, Blu-Ray had Sony/Columbia, Disney/Buena Vista, Fox (no I won't include MGM :)), Lionsgate, Warner and Paramount. HD DVD had Universal, Weinstein, Warner, and Paramount.

Since the summer, Weinstein has disappeared, Paramount dropped Blu-Ray, and now Warner dropped HD DVD. On the surface, just counting numbers of studios, things don't look all that different now than they did before. HD DVD has the support of two exclusive studios, both majors, as opposed to the one major and one minor they had before. Previously that had been enough to hang on. But previously they also had Warner's support. And that, ladies and germs, makes all the difference in the world.[/quote]
I agree, like I said, Blu-ray now has the two best studios, With Disney and Warner, but didn't know the other stuff. And I wouldn't include MGM either.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']I agree, like I said, Blu-ray now has the two best studios, With Disney and Warner, but didn't know the other stuff. And I wouldn't include MGM either.[/QUOTE]

Funny how you think Disney is the best .

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
[quote name='Richlough']Funny how you think Disney is the best .

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:[/quote]
yeah, because you know, HighDefDigest didn't give them the Studio of the year or anything like that....
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']yeah, because you know, HighDefDigest didn't give them the Studio of the year or anything like that....[/QUOTE]

I like how you always edit your posts .:lol:

A little nervous of what to say ?

Disney movies are second rate at best .

Maybe they put alot of care when they put together a disc , but that's an entirely different thing than best studio .
[quote name='Richlough']I like how you always edit your posts .:lol:

A little nervous of what to say ?

Disney movies are second rate at best .

Maybe they put alot of care when they put together a disc , but that's an entirely different thing than best studio .[/quote]
How is not the best studio? Isn't the content they put out what matters? Isn't how they care and provide great customer service mean their a great studio? And the reason I edited it was because I originally said HighDefMedia Magazine and they looked back in the thread and realized it was HiDefDigest.

And if you think Disney movies are second rate, you clearly have never seen one.

To quote HighdefDigest as to their reasoning "My hat's off to Walt Disney Studios / Buena Vista for really understanding the high-def consumer. We want releases that look phenomenal, sound fantastic, and come packed with bonus content that takes advantage of new technologies. They may not have released the largest number of titles, but they released the most consistent, highly-rated discs. Kudos. "
[quote name='Richlough']I like how you always edit your posts .:lol:

A little nervous of what to say ?

Disney movies are second rate at best .

Maybe they put alot of care when they put together a disc , but that's an entirely different thing than best studio .[/QUOTE]

Personally I think Sony has been the best in newer offerings but then I like Foreign films also. As it stands everyone else has ignored the foreign film and hand drawn Animation fan.
edit: Ok Corner where are "Lilo and Stitch", "Spirited Away", "Castle Of Cagliostro", "The Rescuers Down Under", "The Ducktales Movie" and "Tron" on Blu-Ray? Oh yeah and "The Incredibles".
If we go further what about "Zu Warriors" with non-butchered subs hopefully. Oh and "Sin City" too.
Can you honestly agree with this statement .

[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Disney has the best movie titles in the universe.[/QUOTE]

I haven't seen Herbie Fully Loaded , so I guess I'll take your word for it .
[quote name='Richlough']Can you honestly agree with this statement .

I haven't seen Herbie Fully Loaded , so I guess I'll take your word for it .[/QUOTE]

I've seen better. What about Indiana Jones, BTTF, etc?
[quote name='guyver2077']+1

He always gave us hope and words of encouragement![/QUOTE]

Gizmo? Heh. Well, I suppose you're right. Jim Jones soothed many souls at the People's Temple as well, did he not?
[quote name='guyver2077']+1

He always gave us hope and words of encouragement![/QUOTE]

Really? You mean that for real? I was sorta hoping he was crying quietly in his moms basement.

That being said I definitely laughed pretty hard when this was announced.
And to rich, I could pick out a bad movie from a studio you like too and claim everything they do sucks. Disney makes some good movies and they have an amazing catalog, plus it helps that they do HD right by making amazing transfers with amazing audio.

Ps did you sign your petition? I hear those help
There's no petition that I know of .
It was a joke .

I can tell when you make one , apparently you incapable of doing the same .

I'm just trying to say Disney is not as good as Universal or any of the older giants , he seems to think so .
Not thatI have to justify it to you .

Where's your old avatar ?
I was just teasing you. Old avatar retired because I am engaged to her and thought hmm maybe freaky to have that up that being said she's sleeping on my lap wanna a snapshot :)
[quote name='Maynard']I was just teasing you. Old avatar retired because I am engaged to her and thought hmm maybe freaky to have that up that being said she's sleeping on my lap wanna a snapshot :)[/QUOTE]

I guess I can no longer comment about that .

I can only imagine the shots from that photo session .;)
[quote name='KingDox']So they want everyone and their uncle to buy a PS3? That doesn't make any sense. Blu-ray needs cheaper players if they want to knock out HD dvd for good and put the war behind us.

The war isn't over but Blu-ray has a tank and Hd-dvd has a water pistol.

Oh I take that back, the real quote says:

As a result of the format war, most HDTV owners should refrain from buying a Blu-ray or an HD DVD player in the short term.

Nice spin there, your format wins the war and you still have to miss quote people. Classy.[/QUOTE]

As already stated, actually read the first paragraph of the article.
[quote name='Richlough']Can you honestly agree with this statement .

I haven't seen Herbie Fully Loaded , so I guess I'll take your word for it .[/quote]

Gee, real mature of you to put those words into my mouth. Because I never said that. The only thing I said was that Disney is the best studio when it comes to releasing titles in Hi-def. And no matter what you say, I think it, geko thinks it, and there are hundreds of people on AVS who agree with that statement.
[quote name='Sarang01']It's funny as I think it will be a while before "Casablanca" and "Forbidden Planet" as most PS3 BR's don't seem to like old movie classics one bit.[/quote]Same goes for HD DVD going by their sales.

Sony did release 20 Million Miles to Earth fairly recently though.
I wonder how badly it did.
Oh well, I got one.
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