Format War - HD DVD vs. Blu-Ray - *Its Over...Toshiba Swings White Flag*

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[quote name='H.Cornerstone']But who doesn't like Super Mario Galaxy? that's not really a good barometer. ;) And yes, you are missing out a bunch of awesome games. Resistance, Motorstorm, Warhawk, Ratchet and Clank, Super Stardust HD, Heavenly Sword, GT5: Prologue, Unreal Tourny 3 and Uncharted are all awesome games, plus Little Big Planet, Killzone 2 and MGS 4 all coming next year. With those variety of titles I can't see how you can honestly say that the PS3 has no games, unless you have a personal grudge against Sony which I can't help with.

and as I far as I know, Target doesn't carry the actual players, we just have the end-cap, probably why they haven't sold one. :D

And Manaknight got banned? Why? Gizmo does worse stuff than him and he's still here. Never seen him copy peoples post and take them to other sites and pretend they are his, or troll threads with crap in the PS3 forums like (Zomg 2 Reasons to own the PS3 not so it's not a paperweight!)

And Disney is a selling point because they own Buena Vista, Miramax and Dimension films, who have a lot of good movies that aren't kids ones. (Suck as Equilibrium, The Rock and Con-Air) They also own Pixar, and everyone loves Pixar. Plus Fox (if they keep their promise of 100 titles next year, which I doubt), MGM (if they get their crap together, since they do own the largest catalog of titles, Ben-Hur Please!) and Sony, who has some good catalog titles such as Ghostbusters. And then there's little talked about Lionsgate, who has some very solid releases like Crank, Terminator and 3:10 Yuma coming soon.[/quote]
I have to agree with what he is saying in regards to the PS3 not having any good games yet. That is so wrong. Now it may not be as many as the other 2 systems, but they still have good games out now. I think alot of people that really are casual gamers or are just flat out fanboys to a particular system, just go around saying that because they hear everyone else saying it. Nothing urks me more than when I am in a video game retailer and I hear a customer inquiring about the PS3 and the customer service rep says stuff like "The PS3 doesn't really have any games out right now for the system" or "The PS3 is going to be finished in a year" or some nonsense like that. I am a gamer, so don't let my comments here drive you to think I am a Sony fanboy. I own every system and several games for each one. That's what a true gamer does, they will invest in every system out there because they know that some games are exclusive to certain consoles.

Back to the PS3. Exclusive games to own right now: Ratchet and Clank: Future Tools of Destruction, Heavenly Sword. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Unreal Tournament 3, Resistance: Fall of Man (The sequel is soon to follow. 8 player co-op, and 60 person multi-player), Devil May Cry 4 (Not an exclusive, but IMO should have been an exclusive. It started with the Sony console, should have continued with it exclusively.)

And let's not forget what is coming soon: Metal Gear Solid 4, Soul Calibur IV (With Darth Vader as a playable character!) And finally I have 3 words for you that tops them all: GOD OF WAR. I'm out!
One thing disney does well is get people to buy the same movies over and over again. [referring to their classics]

The best thing for someone to do right now is to create a cheap 99-150 dollar dedicated blu ray player.

Coby, Cyberhome.. I'm looking at you!
I haven't seen many posts from Gizmo in awhile. I hope he finds the strength to carry on after the death of his beloved format. :cry:

For me the main reason I wanted Bluray to survive was my purchase of the PS3. It's the centerpiece in my entertainment center used for gaming, a little bit of accessing the internet, and as a movie player. The thing that pissed me off was the fact that some movies I wanted would come out in HD-DVD only and others in Bluray. Had all studios agreed to make all titles in both formats I would've been happy but I'm sure that didn't make sense from a business standpoint.
[quote name='ricoraney']I have to agree with what he is saying in regards to the PS3 not having any good games yet. That is so wrong. Now it may not be as many as the other 2 systems, but they still have good games out now. I think alot of people that really are casual gamers or are just flat out fanboys to a particular system, just go around saying that because they hear everyone else saying it. Nothing urks me more than when I am in a video game retailer and I hear a customer inquiring about the PS3 and the customer service rep says stuff like "The PS3 doesn't really have any games out right now for the system" or "The PS3 is going to be finished in a year" or some nonsense like that. I am a gamer, so don't let my comments here drive you to think I am a Sony fanboy. I own every system and several games for each one. That's what a true gamer does, they will invest in every system out there because they know that some games are exclusive to certain consoles.

Back to the PS3. Exclusive games to own right now: Ratchet and Clank: Future Tools of Destruction, Heavenly Sword. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Unreal Tournament 3, Resistance: Fall of Man (The sequel is soon to follow. 8 player co-op, and 60 person multi-player), Devil May Cry 4 (Not an exclusive, but IMO should have been an exclusive. It started with the Sony console, should have continued with it exclusively.)

And let's not forget what is coming soon: Metal Gear Solid 4, Soul Calibur IV (With Darth Vader as a playable character!) And finally I have 3 words for you that tops them all: GOD OF WAR. I'm out![/QUOTE]

PS3 obviously doesn't have that many exclusive games, but it does have good games, some exclusive... like Call of Duty 4 which is the number one game on XBL, which you can play for free via PSN.

Games don't sell consoles, IGNORance does...
peoples ability to ignore the obvious is what keeps the 360 afloat. "PS3 has no games" let me ignore the full library of games offered on the PS3, PSN is free "but I rather pay for XBL"ignor the free sevice, for something slightly better just to play Call of duty 4. Why buy a 360 knowing that the system has a high probability of failing(RRodD). MS 360 RRoD at GDC today.
If someone doesn't want a PS3 then that's fine, but don't try to make it seem like your not buying a PS3 because there's something wrong with the system, or its lacking in the games department, cause imo that would be just another example of someone ignoring the facts.

DVD helped sell PS2s, I don't see having blu ray won't help sell PS3s in a similar fashion.
[quote name='Thomas96']PS3 obviously doesn't have that many exclusive games, but it does have good games, some exclusive... like Call of Duty 4 which is the number one game on XBL, which you can play for free via PSN.

Games don't sell consoles, IGNORance does...
peoples ability to ignore the obvious is what keeps the 360 afloat. "PS3 has no games" let me ignore the full library of games offered on the PS3, PSN is free "but I rather pay for XBL"ignor the free sevice, for something slightly better just to play Call of duty 4. Why buy a 360 knowing that the system has a high probability of failing(RRodD). MS 360 RRoD at GDC today.
If someone doesn't want a PS3 then that's fine, but don't try to make it seem like your not buying a PS3 because there's something wrong with the system, or its lacking in the games department, cause imo that would be just another example of someone ignoring the facts.

DVD helped sell PS2s, I don't see having blu ray won't help sell PS3s in a similar fashion.[/quote]

Many people feel the need to justify their purchase and make themselves feel better by bashing the other options out there. My choice (to buy a PS3) was based on several factors. I almost bought a 360 on several occasions but held out until the PS3 was released. Of the two next gen systems (I enjoy it and own one but I don't consider the Wii a true next gen system) I only had the space and available inputs for one. There were several things I liked about the 360. The vast library of games, although it is subscription based Xbox live has more features like achievements, more downloadable content on live, etc...

The bottom line is I considered both systems to be quality products. Even though I chose the PS3 I have never felt the need to justify my choice by crapping on the 360.
[quote name='Thomas96']PS3 obviously doesn't have that many exclusive games, but it does have good games, some exclusive... like Call of Duty 4 which is the number one game on XBL, which you can play for free via PSN.

Games don't sell consoles, IGNORance does...
peoples ability to ignore the obvious is what keeps the 360 afloat. "PS3 has no games" let me ignore the full library of games offered on the PS3, PSN is free "but I rather pay for XBL"ignor the free sevice, for something slightly better just to play Call of duty 4. Why buy a 360 knowing that the system has a high probability of failing(RRodD). MS 360 RRoD at GDC today.
If someone doesn't want a PS3 then that's fine, but don't try to make it seem like your not buying a PS3 because there's something wrong with the system, or its lacking in the games department, cause imo that would be just another example of someone ignoring the facts.

DVD helped sell PS2s, I don't see having blu ray won't help sell PS3s in a similar fashion.[/QUOTE]

Thomas you gotta admit the 360 having "Culdcept Saga" is a HUGE exclusive. Well at least for me it is. Culdcept is digital crack, 2nd to Dragon Force. The Japanese have understood this and submitted, why can't Americans do the same? ;-)
Chi tell me if you see a $250 BR player new around lately ok? I mean like the 1400, Sharp or Sony NOT the 1200 for example.
[quote name='guyver2077']:([/QUOTE]

I hope Amazon gets "The Lawless" back on HD DVD. :(

When those docs come out I'm still buying or have most been canceled? I'm just geeking out a little imagining a trip down the Nile in HD.
Microsoft isn't going to do a Blu-Ray add-on.

#1 - They're goal is, and always has been digital downloads. This cannibalized HD-DVD add-on/HD-DVD software sales. Maybe not to a large extent, but enough to make Blu-Ray the winner.

#2 - Royalties. Microsoft isn't going to pay Sony royalties.

#3 - It would look very desperate on their part. They've trumpeted HD-DVD for so long, and then insantly say Blu-Ray is better. Yeah...not happening.

#4 - It would hurt potential new 360 owners who are looking for "The Complete Package" in an entertainment center. Why buy a 360 and a Blu-Ray add-on when you could get a PS3 for potentially $150 cheaper (Assuming person would get a 360 Pro ($350) and a Blu-Ray add-on (probably $200) for $550). They'd be better off trying to fool the consumer in saying the 360 has everything built-in.
[quote name='dallow']I think geko secretly hates all of us deep down inside.[/quote]

Not any more than I hate myself deep down inside. :) I'm an equal-opportunity curmudgeon.
[quote name='Thomas96']PS3 obviously doesn't have that many exclusive games, but it does have good games, some exclusive... like Call of Duty 4 which is the number one game on XBL, which you can play for free via PSN.

Games don't sell consoles, IGNORance does...
peoples ability to ignore the obvious is what keeps the 360 afloat. "PS3 has no games" let me ignore the full library of games offered on the PS3, PSN is free "but I rather pay for XBL"ignor the free sevice, for something slightly better just to play Call of duty 4. Why buy a 360 knowing that the system has a high probability of failing(RRodD). MS 360 RRoD at GDC today.
If someone doesn't want a PS3 then that's fine, but don't try to make it seem like your not buying a PS3 because there's something wrong with the system, or its lacking in the games department, cause imo that would be just another example of someone ignoring the facts.

DVD helped sell PS2s, I don't see having blu ray won't help sell PS3s in a similar fashion.[/QUOTE]

I definitely agree there because many I knew who bought a PS2 within the first two years was because it had DVD playback. People I know bought it over an Xbox only because they did not need a remote, and could get playback right out of the box. I think blu-ray will help PS3 once more and more people upgrade their TVs soon due to HD becoming standard.

Anyway, I'll be honest that I didn't expect Toshiba to pull out until May, so this is quicker than I expected.
i wonder if any of the titles will keep some value after they are harder to find. I still believe pans could be worth something along with whichever the final movie released on the format is.
So, any idea when Universal and Paramount will announce they're working on BD titles?

I'm deathly afraid to see what the HDD Smackdown forums look like.
[quote name='mykevermin']So, any idea when Universal and Paramount will announce they're working on BD titles?

I'm deathly afraid to see what the HDD Smackdown forums look like.[/quote]

uh...2 weeks.
[quote name='Thomas96']PS3 obviously doesn't have that many exclusive games, but it does have good games, some exclusive... like Call of Duty 4 which is the number one game on XBL, which you can play for free via PSN.

Games don't sell consoles, IGNORance does...
peoples ability to ignore the obvious is what keeps the 360 afloat. "PS3 has no games" let me ignore the full library of games offered on the PS3, PSN is free "but I rather pay for XBL"ignor the free sevice, for something slightly better just to play Call of duty 4. Why buy a 360 knowing that the system has a high probability of failing(RRodD). MS 360 RRoD at GDC today.
If someone doesn't want a PS3 then that's fine, but don't try to make it seem like your not buying a PS3 because there's something wrong with the system, or its lacking in the games department, cause imo that would be just another example of someone ignoring the facts.

DVD helped sell PS2s, I don't see having blu ray won't help sell PS3s in a similar fashion.[/quote]

I'm sorry if I'm stepping on toes but you sound like the typical angry fanboy. I have all 3 systems and use my 360 crashbox 4 times as much for gaming then my PS3. I'll agree with you that the 'no games' argument is dull and void but the exclusives have for the most part fell short in some way shape or form. The library is growing but don't knock the 360 for focusing more on games than a high def optical media. COD4 is great on both systems but I'ld say better on LIVE, and LIVE... is WORTH the few bucks a month you pay. Of course we'ld all love it to be free be this is business. PSN is OK at best, it'll take some time still to come close to where LIVE is now. I also have to disagree with you on the DVD comment. It didn't help sell the PS2 or like Blu-ray is helping the PS3. It was a plus don't get me wrong but Sony banks on the software to sell to make the most profits and if people buy PS3 for movies only, they don't really help out the game side of things. They seemed to want BD more than their games division. PS2 helped DVD be adopted in Japan after it was already adopted in the US and EU markets. PS3 won the BD war by itself.

[quote name='mykevermin']So, any idea when Universal and Paramount will announce they're working on BD titles?

I'm deathly afraid to see what the HDD Smackdown forums look like.[/quote]

You don't wanna know man. It's been a downward spiral ever since the Warner move, 8-9 Blu/PS3 fanboy posts to 2-3 save HD DVD fanboy posts and mixed somewhere in there, 1 reasonable and worthy thread.
[quote name='Chitown021']Many people feel the need to justify their purchase and make themselves feel better by bashing the other options out there. My choice (to buy a PS3) was based on several factors. I almost bought a 360 on several occasions but held out until the PS3 was released. Of the two next gen systems (I enjoy it and own one but I don't consider the Wii a true next gen system) I only had the space and available inputs for one. There were several things I liked about the 360. The vast library of games, although it is subscription based Xbox live has more features like achievements, more downloadable content on live, etc...

The bottom line is I considered both systems to be quality products. Even though I chose the PS3 I have never felt the need to justify my choice by crapping on the 360.[/QUOTE]

I'm not trying to take anything away from the 360. I'm not trying to make the ps3 look good by crappin on the 360. I'm just making a point that people try to point out flaws about the PS3 even after they've been addressed, while totally ignoring the issues w/ their own console. There are some things that Sony needs to work on.. PRICE.

and to stay on topic.. now that the format war has been won, lets see the prices of blu rays get lowered to better compete with DVD [ref both players and discs] PRice is an issue for Sony across all markets and all their products.
[quote name='Sarang01']Thomas you gotta admit the 360 having "Culdcept Saga" is a HUGE exclusive. Well at least for me it is. Culdcept is digital crack, 2nd to Dragon Force. The Japanese have understood this and submitted, why can't Americans do the same? ;-)
Chi tell me if you see a $250 BR player new around lately ok? I mean like the 1400, Sharp or Sony NOT the 1200 for example.[/QUOTE]

nowadays having any exclusive on your system is huge. Culdcept Saga, though, that game isn't my cup of tea.... after reading up on it, kinda reminds me of Eye of Judgement without the cards and use of the camera.
Welcome to the party Universal!

"While Universal values the close partnership we have shared with Toshiba, it is time to turn our focus to releasing new and catalog titles on Blu-ray," said Craig Kornblau, president of Universal Studios Home Entertainment.

"The path for widespread adoption of the next-generation platform has finally become clear. Universal will continue its aggressive efforts to broaden awareness for hi-def’s unparalleled offerings in interactivity and connectivity, at an increasingly affordable price. The emergence of a single, high-definition format is cause for consumers, as well as the entire entertainment industry, to celebrate."

Glad to see the wars over quickly and glad I didn't early adopt (nearly bought an HD-DVD player over the summer).

Here's to hoping that Blu Ray prices start coming down in effort to start gaining marketshare faster to challenge DVD.
[quote name='cuco33']I'm sorry if I'm stepping on toes but you sound like the typical angry fanboy. I have all 3 systems and use my 360 crashbox 4 times as much for gaming then my PS3. I'll agree with you that the 'no games' argument is dull and void but the exclusives have for the most part fell short in some way shape or form. The library is growing but don't knock the 360 for focusing more on games than a high def optical media. COD4 is great on both systems but I'ld say better on LIVE, and LIVE... is WORTH the few bucks a month you pay. Of course we'ld all love it to be free be this is business. PSN is OK at best, it'll take some time still to come close to where LIVE is now. I also have to disagree with you on the DVD comment. It didn't help sell the PS2 or like Blu-ray is helping the PS3. It was a plus don't get me wrong but Sony banks on the software to sell to make the most profits and if people buy PS3 for movies only, they don't really help out the game side of things. They seemed to want BD more than their games division. PS2 helped DVD be adopted in Japan after it was already adopted in the US and EU markets. PS3 won the BD war by itself.

You don't wanna know man. It's been a downward spiral ever since the Warner move, 8-9 Blu/PS3 fanboy posts to 2-3 save HD DVD fanboy posts and mixed somewhere in there, 1 reasonable and worthy thread.[/QUOTE]

I dont' think anyone whether you like the 360, or PS3 has anything to be angry about. How is it that Sony was pushing blu ray more than games... because they weren't out spending money out buying up DLC for GTA IV, or development teams? Why can't halo be at native 1080p [which I think any gamer can appreciate] its not a issue of development power its a matter of space. The PS3 is a gaming machine first, lets not put it down just because Sony maybe did a little more homework as to what was need for HD gaming machine. In the next 2-6 years, we're going to want games in HD... is it that bad that Sony just wanted to be prepared. They could have used a DVD drive as well, and let blu ray and hd dvd fight it out, then a couple of years later release a newer system w/ the winner of the blu ray and hd dvd format war [without blu ray ps3 to help]. Overall, each company has to play to their strengths, Nintendo has IP recognition, Mario, Zelda, etc, MS has money; money to buy up developers, and exclusives, and Sony has the resources to create their own formats, and in this case they found a way to win a format war, and prepare their system for the next generation of games [in High Definition]. If Sony continues to play to their strenghts, then it'll be even better for PS3 owners. Sony BMG has more downloadable content available for download on XBL than on the PSN.. why all Sony parts not working together.

In regards to the PS2, I know I'm not the first to justify the 300 dollar PS2 as 150 for the DVD player and 150 for the PS2... that's how I figured that having DVD helped the PS2... but alas, that's just theory I can't really prove it, with nothing other than my own recollection.
With the known "chub" that Michael Bay has had for Blu-Ray, I wonder what kind of Transformers release he'd whip out for Blu-Ray? I'm assuming the Imax extended edition which featured 8 more min.
[quote name='dallow']Welcome to the party Universal!

"While Universal values the close partnership we have shared with Toshiba, it is time to turn our focus to releasing new and catalog titles on Blu-ray," said Craig Kornblau, president of Universal Studios Home Entertainment.

"The path for widespread adoption of the next-generation platform has finally become clear. Universal will continue its aggressive efforts to broaden awareness for hi-def’s unparalleled offerings in interactivity and connectivity, at an increasingly affordable price. The emergence of a single, high-definition format is cause for consumers, as well as the entire entertainment industry, to celebrate."


Wow, I would have guessed it would take them at least a day to draft a release....

But then again, they probably knew about this a few weeks ago.
[quote name='Thomas96']How is it that Sony was pushing blu ray more than games... [/QUOTE]

Because they launched at $600 ($500 too but those were quite limited) and pretty much conceded the console war this generation as a result. Launching a year after the 360 was likely at least in part because of wanting to include Blu Ray as well.

It paid off as Blu Ray won and wouldn't have without the PS3. Now it remains to be seen if they can at least try to catch MS for second place this generation in the gaming front.

They have some heavy hitters coming in MGS4 and Final Fantasy XIII, we'll just have to see if these franchises, which many feel are getting a bit stale, can make up enough ground for them to get into second. Or if MS will maintain the lead with the biggest games being multiplatform (namely GTA4, RE5) and exclusives like Gears of War 2, Dead Rising 2 etc.
[quote name='Thomas96']I dont' think anyone whether you like the 360, or PS3 has anything to be angry about. How is it that Sony was pushing blu ray more than games... because they weren't out spending money out buying up DLC for GTA IV, or development teams? Why can't halo be at native 1080p [which I think any gamer can appreciate] its not a issue of development power its a matter of space. The PS3 is a gaming machine first, lets not put it down just because Sony maybe did a little more homework as to what was need for HD gaming machine. In the next 2-6 years, we're going to want games in HD... is it that bad that Sony just wanted to be prepared. They could have used a DVD drive as well, and let blu ray and hd dvd fight it out, then a couple of years later release a newer system w/ the winner of the blu ray and hd dvd format war [without blu ray ps3 to help]. Overall, each company has to play to their strengths, Nintendo has IP recognition, Mario, Zelda, etc, MS has money; money to buy up developers, and exclusives, and Sony has the resources to create their own formats, and in this case they found a way to win a format war, and prepare their system for the next generation of games [in High Definition]. If Sony continues to play to their strenghts, then it'll be even better for PS3 owners. Sony BMG has more downloadable content available for download on XBL than on the PSN.. why all Sony parts not working together.

In regards to the PS2, I know I'm not the first to justify the 300 dollar PS2 as 150 for the DVD player and 150 for the PS2... that's how I figured that having DVD helped the PS2... but alas, that's just theory I can't really prove it, with nothing other than my own recollection.[/quote]

I was referencing more of that anger towards paying for LIVE than the Blu-ray argument. Note that your 1080p statement fails since most games on both platforms generally run around 720p natively. Only a handful of titles are 1080p native. I have no issues with Sony doing their work and seeing a need for more disk space in the long run since afterall their system is designed for a 10yr life cycle. Hence why also Blu-ray would never go away even if it lost the movie format war. But it's not ready yet and we see even today with Capcom titles requiring a mandatory 5gb HDD install, or Resistance at launch with buffered worthless data files to promote quicker load times. See the read speeds are very slow for a disk based platform but some developers found ways to make it work. See Uncharted for example, visually stunning and a great game. What I'm trying to get at is a game doesn't become great because the graphics got better. That's a plus. A shitty title in HD is still a shitty title. See Lair as proof. Nintendo laid a smackdown to gamers to show that cheesy gay graphics can still make the game tons of fun, you only need WiiSports as proof ;)

For linear based games, multiple DVD9s would suit just fine. It was never a problem before, it shouldn't be now. The only thing I see that would require more compression or in fact the BD's disk space advantage would be sandbox games like GTA.

But back to high def movies, I'm surprised that Uni made a statement before Para. I think backdoor dealings were in the works and everyone knew about it. So when's Paramount moving? And who thinks TF will be the same disk on Blu? or would it be better?
[quote name='dallow']Welcome to the party Universal!

"While Universal values the close partnership we have shared with Toshiba, it is time to turn our focus to releasing new and catalog titles on Blu-ray," said Craig Kornblau, president of Universal Studios Home Entertainment.

"The path for widespread adoption of the next-generation platform has finally become clear. Universal will continue its aggressive efforts to broaden awareness for hi-def’s unparalleled offerings in interactivity and connectivity, at an increasingly affordable price. The emergence of a single, high-definition format is cause for consumers, as well as the entire entertainment industry, to celebrate."


Huh, so Paramount's the rotten egg, huh?

(Yeah, I know there are smallish studios who aren't releasing HDM yet, and also the Weinstein group, who haven't done much of anything - but Paramount/DW are the last of the studios who actively release HDM who aren't Blu).


Bring on Sweeney Todd, There Will Be Blood, The Big Lebowski, and WWE videos! NOW!
It's going to be really funny when Blu-Ray doesn't get nearly as popular as everyone predicts. Where's the incentive to rebuy your entire movie library again? Those players better get really cheap really fast or this will go down as the most pointless format war ever.
[quote name='insertcleverthing']Where's the incentive to rebuy your entire movie library again? [/QUOTE]

The picture quality is waaaaaaaay better if you have a HDTV?
[quote name='Sporadic']The picture quality is waaaaaaaay better if you have a HDTV?[/quote]
Considering that my entire family literally could not detect a difference in a side by side comparison at BestBuy, I'm not entirely sold on that. I'm somewhat of a videophile so I noticed the obvious difference, but as a standalone is it really that much better? VHS to DVD was a gap as wide as the Grand Canyon in terms of storage, quality, and ease of use. Does Blu-Ray offer the same advantage? No, not really. I don't think the average consumer will give a flying fuck unless they can buy a player at Walmart for 50 bucks. Honestly, how many people even have HDTVs now? I know it's under 50%.
[quote name='insertcleverthing']It's going to be really funny when Blu-Ray doesn't get nearly as popular as everyone predicts. Where's the incentive to rebuy your entire movie library again? Those players better get really cheap really fast or this will go down as the most pointless format war ever.[/quote]

Who said you HAD to rebuy your movie library? Regular DVD's play on Blu-Ray players (upconverted too).

Do like I do. Buy NEW releases on Blu-Ray.
[quote name='Thomas96']nowadays having any exclusive on your system is huge. Culdcept Saga, though, that game isn't my cup of tea.... after reading up on it, kinda reminds me of Eye of Judgement without the cards and use of the camera.[/QUOTE]

Hehe, I have told my friends recently that if they announce Culdcept is going to the PS3, I'm selling my 360.
[quote name='insertcleverthing']Considering that my entire family literally could not detect a difference in a side by side comparison at BestBuy, I'm not entirely sold on that. I'm somewhat of a videophile so I noticed the obvious difference, but as a standalone is it really that much better? VHS to DVD was a gap as wide as the Grand Canyon in terms of storage, quality, and ease of use. Does Blu-Ray offer the same advantage? No, not really. I don't think the average consumer will give a flying fuck unless they can buy a player at Walmart for 50 bucks. Honestly, how many people even have HDTVs now? I know it's under 50%.[/QUOTE]

I think you and your family need to go get an eye exam.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Will Sony now finalize the Blu-Ray player? I would hate to see something down the line akin to the Samsung 1.1 players.[/quote]

First off, it's not just Sony, it's the BDA. 2ndly they are already finalized. the PS3 is 1.1 and it is mandated now that all players that are manufactured must support 1.1. And as far as I know, Samsung never released a stand alone 1.1. Panasonic has already released a profile 1.1 player.

And Casey, I agree with your above statement. Even my mom and dad can tell the difference between Blu-ray and DVD, and they both don't have the greatest sight around.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I think you and your family need to go get an eye exam.[/quote]
I didn't say I couldn't tell the difference. I actually said it was obvious.

Also, another sad story. I know at least two members of my family that can't tell the difference between regular analog/cable tv channels and streaming hdtv channels. Now that is scary...
I will be curious whether criteron starts releasing blu-ray, they might be the killer ap (for me, at least).
Also, of my family and extended family, 100% of adults over the age of 35 believed if the tv says hdtv, even if it is outputting standard cable, it is high-definition. They also have a 0% chance of determining on a tv screen of 27" or less, if a dvd is a br/hd/dvd or a dvd I've downres'd to fit on a single layer dvd+r.
I don't see how LG will pull it off.

They haven't fixed the Broadcom problems with the Samsung combo, and the LG uses the same board.
[quote name='cuco33']I was referencing more of that anger towards paying for LIVE than the Blu-ray argument. Note that your 1080p statement fails since most games on both platforms generally run around 720p natively. Only a handful of titles are 1080p native. I have no issues with Sony doing their work and seeing a need for more disk space in the long run since afterall their system is designed for a 10yr life cycle. Hence why also Blu-ray would never go away even if it lost the movie format war. But it's not ready yet and we see even today with Capcom titles requiring a mandatory 5gb HDD install, or Resistance at launch with buffered worthless data files to promote quicker load times. See the read speeds are very slow for a disk based platform but some developers found ways to make it work. See Uncharted for example, visually stunning and a great game. What I'm trying to get at is a game doesn't become great because the graphics got better. That's a plus. A shitty title in HD is still a shitty title. See Lair as proof. Nintendo laid a smackdown to gamers to show that cheesy gay graphics can still make the game tons of fun, you only need WiiSports as proof ;)

For linear based games, multiple DVD9s would suit just fine. It was never a problem before, it shouldn't be now. The only thing I see that would require more compression or in fact the BD's disk space advantage would be sandbox games like GTA.

But back to high def movies, I'm surprised that Uni made a statement before Para. I think backdoor dealings were in the works and everyone knew about it. So when's Paramount moving? And who thinks TF will be the same disk on Blu? or would it be better?[/QUOTE]

LOL I'm definitely not willing to pay for live... I just can't bring myself to do.. especially knowing that I'm enjoying the PS3 online for free. The 5gb hard drive install isn't purely a developers choice. Insomniac specifically said that they didn't wanto do any hard drive installs, because they didn't want to make players "wait for the fun". [that was from a youtube video interview that was posted regarding Resistnace 2] So resistance 2 wont' have any mandatory installation and I think we can all agree that Resistance 2 will be much more game than a Lost Planet 2, Hot shots golfl, and DMC4.

Well thanks to the 360 we all are getting a gimped version of GTA IV.
[quote name='Thomas96']LOL I'm definitely not willing to pay for live... I just can't bring myself to do.. especially knowing that I'm enjoying the PS3 online for free. The 5gb hard drive install isn't purely a developers choice. Insomniac specifically said that they didn't wanto do any hard drive installs, because they didn't want to make players "wait for the fun". [that was from a youtube video interview that was posted regarding Resistnace 2] So resistance 2 wont' have any mandatory installation and I think we can all agree that Resistance 2 will be much more game than a Lost Planet 2, Hot shots golfl, and DMC4.

Well thanks to the 360 we all are getting a gimped version of GTA IV.[/quote]

Quick question, have you tried LIVE? If not, try it before you keep knocking it. It is worth the $4 and change a month.

But then you go on stating gimped version of GTA4... you're a 360 hater. If you knew what was the issues it was both systems, not just one. You know who wins? Those like me who own both and try both. Both have their merits and their downfalls. I think you might want to try 1 day without putting on those Sony 4D glasses :cool:

but... BACK ON TOPIC... I'm surprised LG is continuing their support for HD DVD
[quote name='dallow']I don't see how LG will pull it off.

They haven't fixed the Broadcom problems with the Samsung combo, and the LG uses the same board.[/QUOTE]

Then they need to fix it pronto then steal Denon's customers in the process.
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