FORZA Motorsport 2 - Gen Discussion - March Pack Due 3/19 - 400pts - 13 New Cars!

I remember the pgr3 time trial competetion they had. And when I thought I would do a perfect lap and there is no way I could do any better I submitted my time. Only to find out my best only ranked me at like #2000. I was sad. I imagine that is how this would turn out if I tried.
Hmmm I don't know..finally got around to playing it and the graphics are definitely worse than I expected (I like PGR3's graphics more). The rest I guess such as the controls and stuff were somewhat expected in a game like this, but I was just hoping there would actually be more differences between PGR3 and Forza 2. Don't see any reason really to get Forza 2 since I have PGR3...the customization would be nice...but besides that...
[quote name='SteveMcQ']The pedals? On the wheel? I don't think any pedals have ever had any sort of feedback function.[/quote]

Well, I guess I said that wrong. I ment like in those arcade machines; the Ferrari game had vibrations in the pedals, or am I just imagining things?
[quote name='-Never4ever-']The demo contest sounds absurd, why not just have the demo upload your lap times and post them on a leaderboard? It's really mind boggling.[/quote]

It seemed to me that the demo was rushed out and that feature prob isn't there yet that is why you have to do it manually.:bomb:
[quote name='Spybreak8']It seemed to me that the demo was rushed out and that feature prob isn't there yet that is why you have to do it manually.:bomb:[/QUOTE]

Has there ever been a demo that uploads high scores/leaderboards?
Japan's already got their hands on the game. A brief look at some of the paint customization already being done:


Mmmm...Nissin ramen.


These last two are pretty damn nice. Awesome gradient use and shadowing on the characters:


haha i did this all wrong thats funny late and wrong cars...... Ohh well i trieds since no one else did. Better late than never/
[quote name='cgarb84']TeamXbox's review is up, got a 9.3. [/QUOTE]

I'm surprised they didn't give it an 11, the way they slurp it down.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']I'm surprised they didn't give it an 11, the way they slurp it down.[/quote]

like you slurp down the haterade, right?
[quote name='Spades22']wow thats nice art on those cars...can you like get images from your computer or how does that work? o_O[/quote]I think they shut down any ability to download images and use them, so all that art you see is user made, bit by bit. Basically they use the basic shapes and tools available to them and layer them on to get those amazing pieces of work. I'm almost embarassed to even try them myself when I get the game.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']I think they shut down any ability to download images and use them, so all that art you see is user made, bit by bit. Basically they use the basic shapes and tools available to them and layer them on to get those amazing pieces of work. I'm almost embarassed to even try them myself when I get the game.[/quote] that's insane. I like the mario one and I was hoping they had like certain characters you could just paste on your car (but I guess MS wouldn't get nintendo characters lol). Anyway my cars will never look like that :cry: The best it will get is like a lightning bolt on the side or something lame xD
[quote name='Malik112099']like you slurp down the haterade, right?[/QUOTE]

Their fault they are pre-pubescent cockblocks who are 'OMG teh Hal00000zzz' or teh F0rz@ pwns jo0'. Couldn't give an unbiased review to save their lives. A shame, it was a half-decent site a couple of years ago.
a look at some nice custom cars, this is from the japanese version


after watching that this game is back on my list to get.
That's fucking sick! I'm tempted to get it just to play around with designing vehicles but $60 is too much for it alone since I didnt' like the game. Its not my cup of tea.

How much for the Power Puff Girls car :D
[quote name='LinkinPrime']That's fucking sick! I'm tempted to get it just to play around with designing vehicles but $60 is too much for it alone since I didnt' like the game. Its not my cup of tea.

How much for the Power Puff Girls car :D[/QUOTE]

did you see the KFC car some where around 3/4 of the way through the video.
[quote name='mr ryles']did you see the KFC car some where around 3/4 of the way through the video.[/quote]

saw it, very detailed but I hate KFC ;).

Awesome Kill Bill car Brak. Is it pretty simple to create designs or is it mostly free hand drawing with the joystick(s)?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Awesome Kill Bill car Brak. Is it pretty simple to create designs or is it mostly free hand drawing with the joystick(s)?[/QUOTE]
Neither, really. On the last Forza, you had to make everything out of preexisting shapes, and whatnot.

For instance, the KILL BILL lettering is made solely out of shapes (the B, alone, took 10 or 12 shapes) -- there were no letters in the vinyls; they needed to be made from scratch. Thankfully I took drafting, so I knew what I was doing... but it took a century.

The television color test car took me a very long time to do. The static, especially.
[quote name='H-Town Info']why did u make it on a integra type-r Brak ;)[/QUOTE]
It looks sharp, like a sword. :O
[quote name='Brak']Neither, really. On the last Forza, you had to make everything out of preexisting shapes, and whatnot.

For instance, the KILL BILL lettering is made solely out of shapes (the B, alone, took 10 or 12 shapes) -- there were no letters in the vinyls; they needed to be made from scratch. Thankfully I took drafting, so I knew what I was doing... but it took a century.

The television color test car took me a very long time to do. The static, especially.

It looks sharp, like a sword. :O[/QUOTE]

Those are awesome Brak.

I think the real advantage to the hard work like that in Forza 2 is the online auctionhouse. I'd probably bid on all three of those cars if I saw them lol.

I'm hoping to make at least one sweet looking car, but I am graphically inept, so it'll probably take forever and a day.
kinda dissapointed in the graphics but this seems to be a simulation fan's dream..

i personally suck ass at this game.. i cant even complete the first turn in the demo
Yeah, GameSpot must have been paid off because the graphics clearly are NOT all that amazing. IGN was right (for once) about something :p
[quote name='SynGamer']Yeah, GameSpot must have been paid off because the graphics clearly are NOT all that amazing. IGN was right (for once) about something :p[/quote]I know, GameSpot is nuts. A 9.2 for this game!? Gimme a break! Did they not even play the 1 track demo!? Ridiculous!

Glad for the glowing reviews, this is the first 360 game I've bought at full price (well, $54 at Amazon), but I love Forza, and can't wait to get into the customization on this bad boy.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I know, GameSpot is nuts. A 9.2 for this game!? Gimme a break! Did they not even play the 1 track demo!? Ridiculous!


Well the demo is quite different from the full game. Damage modeling seem sto be much better, plus full customization, but overall the game doesn't deserve a 9.2 imo. Graphics could have definitely been better.
Hm, my order from Amazon still hasn't shipped, so it looks like I won't be getting it in the mail until at least Friday or the weekend. Maybe it's for the better, I've got 3 finals to worry about.
[quote name='menikmati']Hm, my order from Amazon still hasn't shipped, so it looks like I won't be getting it in the mail until at least Friday or the weekend. Maybe it's for the better, I've got 3 finals to worry about.[/QUOTE]

Shit I'd worry about your finals first, heh
[quote name='menikmati']Hm, my order from Amazon still hasn't shipped, so it looks like I won't be getting it in the mail until at least Friday or the weekend. Maybe it's for the better, I've got 3 finals to worry about.[/QUOTE]

Same here. Minus the finals. But I'm heading to my parent's house this weekend, so I won't be able to play anyway.
After spending about the last 2 hours with the full game, I'd say 9.2 isn't out of the question, at least for fans for sim type racing games.

Even though the graphics aren't jaw dropping, they get the job done very well. Everything else that I've encountered is more or less as good as I could hope for. My only issue at the moment is joining online games, for whatever reason, every race I try and join is either full or closed. My 360 has no trouble getting online to download demos and whatnot so I don't think the issue is on my end.

If I had to rate it out of 10, I'd probably give it a very high 8 or a 9. I just wish I were better at customizing cars.

That being said, if you only like arcade style racing games, this is absolutely not for you. Playing even with a slow car (I'm tooling around in a CR-X at the moment) requires a great deal of concentration, especially if you turn the assists off.

A reviewer that holds the accesibility of the game against it could knock Forza 2 for it's unforgiving nature. At the same time, it's fairly clearly defined as a sim type racer so I would hope that no one is going into the game without knowing any of what to expect.
[quote name='Radioactive_Man']I don't know about you guys but I would rather have a racing game with 60 fps and great graphics than a racing game with 30 fps and amazing graphics.[/quote]
I had heard that the cut corners on the game to maintain a steady 60 FPS. No problem there. But at least once a lap, I am reminded I am playing a video game when I witness a framerate drop. Occasionally, I'll be on only racer on the screen, too.

When game reviewers say the framerate is 'steady' they should mean Resistance steady- locked, 100% of the time.

Here's my first car, for shits and giggles:

On-line matchmaking is currently a no-go...
Wow. 4 hours straight of this game. That's by far the longest stretch I've ever played anything. Cars all handle beautifully. Racing AI is quite astounding (especially if you bump it up to the highest level).

Graphically, the jaggies don't seem quite as prevalent as it was in the demo. From the courses I've raced, though, Mugello Short (the one in the demo) is by far the most boring looking track aside from the test tracks. The architecture and surroundings are bare. Others, though, look damn good. The front straight of Silverstone with the glistening pavement looks amazing. NYC looks astounding (sharper than PGR). The two better looking courses are probably Sunset Peninsula Raceway (Infield Short) and Maple Valley. The former has a great sense of scale to it. Seeing the grandstands off in the distance and the great architecture around the main pits reminds me of IMS. Maple Valley probably has the most artistic look to it with the fall foliage and the extreme bloom/diffuse (I forget which is which) effects on the cars.

The Car and Driver Levels are a nice addition. I really feel the sense to stick with a car as much to level it up and it always feels like I'm being rewarded in every race. Every few races I had the chance to win a car and for the tech-heads, you also get upgrade discounts.

Also nice how they switch you directly into your garage to pick a car if the current one you have doesn't fit the regulations. It was always a pain in the ass in the other racing series having to back out a few menus when your car wasn't the correct rating.

The Car Reward screen is pretty damn cool, though they did steal the idea from the Infiniti commercials.

Car Customization is just insane. Everything is so well laid out. There's shortcuts to the most recent colors used so you can quickly switch out. It's just...vast.

Anyone have impressions with the wheel? Mine should get here early next week. Can't wait.
bread's done