Forza Motorsport 3 - Out Now!

I looked in the download history and was able to start up the download again. Whew, disaster averted! Thanks for the tip.

[quote name='Spybreak8']Apparently if you have a capture card you can adjust settings to get your design onto the car fairly easy.
Link because I can't figure out how to embed here:

I still think Photoshop needs a Forza export plug in haha.[/QUOTE]

Wow. That looks painful (I don't have the game nor any past version, so I'd never seen the tools before). It's pretty amazing what people have been able to create with these tools. Kudos to those who manage it. It's too bad you can't hook up a mouse and then paint like a paint program. Not that I'd create anything good that way either, but a crappy design I could make would take a lot less time. :)
[quote name='Spybreak8']Maybe I'm missing it but is there anyway to invert a shape like so you could have > be < on the other side of the car?[/QUOTE]

There's away to symmetrically copy everything from one side to the other side .
^Oh fucking HELL YEAH! That's what I'm talking about! The R15! Consider the 400pts GONE!

[quote name='Spybreak8']Maybe I'm missing it but is there anyway to invert a shape like so you could have > be < on the other side of the car?[/QUOTE]

You use the Negative and Positive of the X and Y to flip it. So say if you're working on the Front end of the car and on the left side is a Negative # in the x when you go to the right side make sure the x is positive of the same # from the left and they should be Symmetrical.

I can show you pics if you don't understand from above.
Yea Top Gear gave the 458 Italia the Car of the Year award so I'm down.

Rich, Yea that works for sides but what about trying to get symmetrical on the top layer?!
I don't hate it but Turn 10 did promise stuff they didn't deliver on. Looks like they might be learning their lesson. Also, offering FM2 with all the DLC for $19 didn't help either.
Haven't played this yet, got it in the mail today and noticed on that there is a free holiday car sampler. It says it is one car from the holiday pack, so basically its just a free DLC car?

Also for anyone that bought the pack, is it worth the $5?
[quote name='chibamm']Do you guys have any recommendations for what kind of wheel controller to get for the 360?[/QUOTE]

Personally I have been using Microsoft's Wireless Racing Wheel for some time and you can't beat it within something in its price range.
[quote name='FurryCurry']Why do Forza 2 fans hate Forza 3 so much?[/QUOTE]

Is there that much a difference in gameplay to make it bad?
I'm curious. I want to get this game.
It seems like a lot of people on Amazon and Gamefaqs didn't appreciate some multiplayer aspects of Forza 3 over Live. Something to do with the lack of being able to chose where you race, and you can only set what car stock may be used? I forget. A lot of people don't seem happy about the Forza 3 multiplayer experience versus Forza 2. I even heard some people use the words "Gears of War 2" in terms of how bad Turn 10 dropped the ball.

Then again I played some MP and it wasn't bad at all. No lag and I could care less about picking the course to play. Random makes things more challenging and interesting.

With that said my brief time with Forza 3 (I have been playing too much Call of Duty and I still gota pour more time into L4D2) the game feels a lot more better control wise then Forza 2, and is quite a bit better in the graphics department. My only gripe with the game was loading times (even with HD install it would still take 20+ seconds to load my race) and lack of weather (Wheres my Snow or Rain? PGR4 handled it like crap but at least it had it.)
Anybody know if I'm not doing it right or do you always start in like 6th/7th/8th place in the races? In the first Forza game you got positioned in the starting grid based on the quality of your car (it ran some simulated "qualifying" times in the loadup) so if you had the best car you would be at the front of the line. It seems in Forza 3 no matter how good your car you always get stuck way back in the pack.

It's okay to have to work your way up sometimes but even in the multi-part championships where I take the lead in points, why do I not get the luxury of starting 1st in the grid on the races since I'm in the lead? It's more annoying now than challenge.

[quote name='Ruahrc']Anybody know if I'm not doing it right or do you always start in like 6th/7th/8th place in the races? In the first Forza game you got positioned in the starting grid based on the quality of your car (it ran some simulated "qualifying" times in the loadup) so if you had the best car you would be at the front of the line. It seems in Forza 3 no matter how good your car you always get stuck way back in the pack.

It's okay to have to work your way up sometimes but even in the multi-part championships where I take the lead in points, why do I not get the luxury of starting 1st in the grid on the races since I'm in the lead? It's more annoying now than challenge.


1st season, you start 8th... 2nd season, 7th... 3rd season, 6th.... etc...
Does anyone know of any really good decal tutorial sites for making your own decals? Is it possible to mirror half the object or do I have to build the other side from scratch?
[quote name='ITDEFX']Does anyone know of any really good decal tutorial sites for making your own decals? Is it possible to mirror half the object or do I have to build the other side from scratch?[/QUOTE]

After you've made the first half, can't you just copy the layers then paste and flip? Pretty sure you could do this even in Forza 2. It's been awhile since I've played though
I can't remember exactly how to do it as its been a while, but I think all you have to do is copy over to the other side of the car and then copy the new one back and it should be mirrored. If you just need to flip a single layer, you can just set the size to negative values.
OK I used negative values on size to flip it but now its upside down. I am trying to make the batman beyond logo which I think I got it perfect on the left side, now I need to copy and flip/mirror it but its not happening.
[quote name='Hoss360']1st season, you start 8th... 2nd season, 7th... 3rd season, 6th.... etc...[/QUOTE]

Ahhh, makes sense. No wonder why I'm starting in 6th now as opposed to dead last. Man it's gonna be a long slog to get to 1st.

Yeah I learned that the hard way, now I have a car with a big padlock over it in my garage, lol. No biggie as I'll probably get the dlc after Xmas anyways.
[quote name='Sdawg']Yeah I learned that the hard way, now I have a car with a big padlock over it in my garage, lol. No biggie as I'll probably get the dlc after Xmas anyways.[/QUOTE]

Yeah good point, mind as well download it and unlock it later.
[quote name='saunderscowie']I am considering buying the new car pack. If I do will I have all the cars automatically in my garage?[/QUOTE]I think you still have to buy them with in-game credits. They're just added to the manufacturer's list/showroom. I could be wrong though and I frequently am.
You'll still have to buy the cars with in game credits. They won't just show up in your garage.

Can anyone give some backstory on that speeding bullet clip? How was that possible?
bread's done