Fracture - Gen. Discussion & Info - Demo Now On XBLM


170 (100%)


The world is in chaos. After years of neglecting the environment, nature has fought back with devastating effect. Earthquakes, floods and tornadoes have reduced the United States to a mere shadow of its former self, effectively cutting the East and West coasts off from each other. And with division has come dissent. Thousands died and those that survived were forced to adapt to a new way of life. In the East, the path to survival was paved with technology and cybernetic enhancement. In the West, survival of the fittest took on new meaning with stem cell research and genetic modification. These two ideologies and ways of life lead to a division so great that war is the only course of action.
In Fracture™, take on the role of Atlantic Alliance soldier Jet Brody as he goes against the genetically enhanced Pacificans and their fanatical leader General Nathan Sheridan. Unleash the power of terrain-deforming weapons that literally reshape the battlefield before your very eyes, and decimate your enemies with a wide array of weapons with earth-shattering effects.
Reshape the battlefield. Reshape the battle. For the sake of mankind and the future of humanity.

  • Reshape the battlefield with terrain-shattering weapons: Experience a dynamic battlefield that is unique every time you play. Use weapons to fracture, crater, freeze, or elevate the earth. Raise and lower terrain to provide cover, discover hidden pathways, and mold the war zone to your own advantage.
  • Experience a story of betrayal and revenge: Follow the journey of a patriotic Atlantic Alliance soldier when an act of treason launches him into the battlefield, as forces wage a battle of genetics vs. cybernetics. In a war that divides loyalties and tests the bonds of country and family, this soldier's discoveries will ultimately decide the fate of North America and perhaps the world.
  • Play online: Choose the side of the genetically enhanced Pacificans or the cybernetically powerful Atlantic Alliance, then jump online and exploit your side's advantages as terrain deformation and combat elements allow for endless hours of fun.
  • Fight for control of familiar locations and landmarks: The last World Wars were fought in Europe, but the next great global war will be fought on American soil. Battle in famous locations across the United States. Defend the Atlantic Alliance in Washington, DC, fight the decisive battle for control of Pacifica in the basin of the now-empty San Francisco bay and uncover the secret that will determine the world's fate in the Southwest Desert.

I had a thread for this a while back but after CAG 2.0 came out some of the older threads disappeared.

Anyone try the demo yet?
I enjoyed it a lot. Felt like it had a lot of its own thing going for it with so many third person shooters available. I will have to check out the full game for sure.
Wow. The game look really good and it was a lot of fun to build my own sniper towers and use land torpedoes. I don't know how much of the multiplayer I'll play because it seems like it would be hectic, but I'll be playing through the single player campaign at least once or twice through GameFly.
I Had alot more enjoyment out of this then I did Force Unleashed demo. Damn fun shooting at the ground or bouncing enemies off the terrain.
Surprised to see a lot of positive feedback on this one...looks like it might be a sleeper hit.

I hope to get a chance to try it in an hour or so...been very busy all day.
Played the demo yesterday and was pretty impressed. I like the concept and the terrian deforming.
Graphics were nice and clean.
Not sure about the story it seems pretty bland but the inovation could be there.
The demo was pretty sweet. I went into it by trying not to compare the graphics to Mass Effect...and it really looks better than I thought it would. Raising the terrain as a barrier is cool. Even more awesome is lowering/raising the terrain under an enemy then shooting the hell out of them.

I had a lot of fun. I better but this back on the "To Buy" list.
Count me in as also being really surprised at how much I enjoyed the demo. Very cool play mechanics and the ability to make your own cover on the fly was a really great dynamic.
Guess I'm the only one who didn't like it. The demo got really repetitive really fast, so I can't imagine being able to sit through the whole game. The whole game's going to be raising the ground to get to a platform or lowering the ground to get under an object.
For not really hearing anything about it, I have to agree, the demo did surprise me abit. I'm not sure if it'll be worth a buy, but definitely a rental.

The multiplayer also looks very fun (YouTube it).
[quote name='Scorch']Guess I'm the only one who didn't like it. The demo got really repetitive really fast, so I can't imagine being able to sit through the whole game. The whole game's going to be raising the ground to get to a platform or lowering the ground to get under an object.[/quote]
Agreed. It feels a bit like Brute Force in that it's not bad, but not that good. It's certainly not good enough to bother with this fall.
This game is thoroughly uninteresting, but it sure does look pretty. I feel sorry for any poor souls who end up with this thing, because it's the most blatant example of "doing all the superficial shit right and nothing else." I feel even more sorry for anyone who feels compelled to play the multiplayer. I hated it, and beyond that, it reminded me of why this holiday may depress the hell out of me when all is said and done.

I'm not trying to put the entire season at the feet of one substandard shooter, regardless of how devoid of fun Fracture is. This game clearly had plenty of effort and money put behind doing things right from a presentation standpoint and succeeded there. The game runs on a pretty clean and proprietary shooter engine, the opening cinema is polished and impressive, and the environment modeling gives the game a high-end look while allowing excellent set-piece effects. It does all the basic technical and presentation stuff right, but once you get to actually playing the game, the lack of gameplay ideas beyond "hey guys let's make a shooter with this one extra feature it will be totally cool" shows through quite blatantly. This game, while wholly unremarkable on its own, serves as a very obvious example of a depressing trend in development.

Since by and large second tier third party publishers all seem to want to run with the big boys at that $60 price point no matter what, the focus of development has been on churning out a game that seems to be on a level with the big hitters like Gears of War and Call of Duty in comparisons like the bullet points on the back of the box and the screenshots. Does Fracture have competent and engaging challenges and level design? Not on your life. Does it have a moderately creative science fiction concept, slick cutscenes, and internet multiplayer? You bet it does. This, to me, speaks volumes to the misplaced priorities in the HD retail space right now. -more-
Rented it also last night....

Its kind like that Trailer Park girl on the other side of the tracks, Anyone can hit it withen 2 hours of meeting here.....but do you really wanna?
I was able to pick this up today for $20 off a guy on Craigslist. Granted, it's not the greatest game in the world, another fair shooter by my accounts. I'm enjoying it so far.
Having played through the first act, the weapons are innovative and fun. Had a blast with the vortex grenade and the Lodestone gun. Wish they let you carry more than one gun at a time though.

Unfortunately this game arrived at the wrong time. Got to play it only for a couple days before switching it for SR2 at blockbuster.
I didn't see a thread for this, not sure if I am allowed to make a thread since the game is already out, but anyone thinking of getting this: the game was not worth $50 or $60, but it is definitely worth $15-$20. The critics were harsh on this game and gave it about a 6. I think this games only problem was being released in the between some great games(Left 4 Dead, Gears 2, Fallout 3, COD: WaW, etc.) and it is on a console riddled with shooters. Overall I think the game deserves a 7.5 or an 8 because the game has good plot, combat, and graphics.
I didn't hate the demo .
But I think I'd rather have Legendary .

I usually buy one or two mediocre games a season , this one will be on my Target clearance watch list .
I agree with ya Ace, definitely worth the price it is now. So many weapons to choose from. Great concept as well.
Got mine three days ago from Play Asia. This game may have not been worth 60, but it was probably the best 15 I ever spent so much variety in the weaponry. Like Destinywaste said this game has it's own thing that pulls it away from the other generic shooters. Great game.
[quote name='Richlough']I didn't hate the demo .
But I think I'd rather have Legendary .

I usually buy one or two mediocre games a season , this one will be on my Target clearance watch list .[/quote]

I do the same thing... I have actually played and beat both of them, and I have no regrets about either. They are both somewhat short (6-8 hours), but fun games none the less. The funniest thing is Legendary's review on IGN, the guy that reviewed it is an absolute dipshit who contradicts himself every chance he gets. I would say both games are deserving of a 7 or so. I definitely find both games to be 100 times better than Far Cry 2 and the complete catastrophe that is.

It is unfortunate that Fracture didn't have a bigger online community, because it was actually kind of fun when I tried it out.
Yea I played online the other day and only 1 other person was on. The gameplay was great, just wish there were more people. Hopefully since the game is rapidly dropping in price more people will buy it.
Anyone else encounter the achievement bug for completing act three? I beat the boss twice and still no achievement. Sumbitch was a real PITA too. I've seen a few other people online who encountered the same thing. Hey Lucas, gimme my 30 points dammit! (And the cost of a rental for Inbananna Jones 4 while you're at it.)

Overall I enjoyed the game. It got frustrating in parts and I had to put it down a few times but when I came back fresh, it was fun again. The game has it's rewards if you stick with it, um, except for the final one. :p
[quote name='lorne']Anyone else encounter the achievement bug for completing act three? I beat the boss twice and still no achievement. Sumbitch was a real PITA too. I've seen a few other people online who encountered the same thing. Hey Lucas, gimme my 30 points dammit! (And the cost of a rental for Inbananna Jones 4 while you're at it.)

Overall I enjoyed the game. It got frustrating in parts and I had to put it down a few times but when I came back fresh, it was fun again. The game has it's rewards if you stick with it, um, except for the final one. :p[/QUOTE]

I also had this problem. I went back and played through the game again from the beginning and was awarded my act 3 achievement when I beat the first Spike Hydra in DC. I think there must have been some kind of glitch where the game thought I didn't complete that part of the act.

bread's done