- Feedback
- 68 (100%)
got 105 thanks
Feedback Rules and Guidelines (edited 3/18/2008)
-When should we leave feedback?
- Feedback should be left when both parties participate in an exchange of items of specific value. Some examples outlined below or when and when not to leave feedback.
- User 1 trades his Bioshock for User 2's Mass Effect. Feedback is left by both parties.
-What should feedback contain?
- User 1 buys an Xbox 12 month code from User 2. Feedback is left by both parties.
- User 1 gives User 2 a free 48 Xbox Live code. NO Feedback is left.
- User 1 gives User 2 a free Playstation 3. NO Feedback is left.
- User 1 gives User 2 a Playstation 3 and User 2 pays $20 for the shipping. Feedback is left for both parties.
- User 1 trades a gmail invite for a qmail invite from User 2. NO feedback is left.
- Feedback should be specific. This is what another CAG will use to determine the trustworthiness of another. If someone is selling a high valued item, it would be important to know if the user has done so in the past.
-Should I be worried about retaliatory feedback if I have a negative experience and I completed my end of the deal with no issues?
- Good format =Traded Mass Effect for his Bioshock. Fast Shipping, great Trade!
- Bad format = A+++++ Trade, thanks!
- Retaliatory feedback will be removed, provided sufficient proof can be shown that it is unwarranted. For example, if user 1 ships an item timely and user 2 doesn't ship for a month. User 1 leaves feedback and User 2 retaliates.