Free 4 GB Flash Drive

I don't think you have to post; rather, I think the forum topic is just for 'we're thinking of giving out gift certificates instead, what do you think?'. Of course, it's going to get an overwhelming OK, so we'll just have to wait and see if they decide there's too many people to pay off...
funny thing is, if they never sent the email I would have totally have forgotten about the site and chalked it up to another memory stick promo not received. Gotta give them credit for caring
[quote name='AkariK']I don't think you have to post; rather, I think the forum topic is just for 'we're thinking of giving out gift certificates instead, what do you think?'. Of course, it's going to get an overwhelming OK, so we'll just have to wait and see if they decide there's too many people to pay off...[/quote]

The e-mail said "If you are interested, or have any other questions, comments, etc. Please use the forum thread" so I am guessing you have to post there.
[quote name='Metalic']Ive yet to receieve a email from them but i went ahead and posted in the specific thread so i guess ill be fine.[/quote]

I did the same thing. I figure it least it gets my name out there just in case.
I had already deleted the email, but thanks to thread I went back through my trash and found it. I wouldn't have even realized it was for this before, I usually delete all my hotmail emails.
[quote name='Crazyglitcher']Would have been cool if you could choose between amazon or newegg but this is better than nothing! lol[/quote]

Was a prize chosen already?

Edit: I finally got a e-mail from them. Newegg is awesome.
It's not like Newegg doesn't sell games too =p

Their shipping is better and it'll be good for when I need to buy a recently released game... or I can buy PC parts for cheap which is just as good with the amount of time I'm spending on Team Fortress 2.
[quote name='homeland']still waiting on email.. Did it come from[/quote]

I'm in the same boat as you. I got the e-mail a month or so ago saying they weren't going to be able to give out the drives but I still have yet to get this most recent one.
I got mine today also.

Note to Yahoo users, check your spam box, that is where mine was at.

Hell, at least they are keeping their word!

An yes, it comes from It should say this:

First off, let me just state that this email has been sent to ALL of our members - so it possible that you are not affected by this.

As you may or may not be aware, there was an issue with the promotional items that were supposed to be sent to new members. Due to on going issues with the USB drivers, Suppliers, and Other companies involved there has been a significant delay in the delivery of these items.

At this time, I would like to apologize for this, and offer the following remedy:

For those you not interested in waiting through the drawn out negotiation processes, Typeractive would like to offer you a gift certificate to equal to the value of the promotional item, plus shipping.

If you are interested, or have any other questions, comments, etc. Please use the forum thread located here:

- PhireHawk.
I got the email, but how much could the drive be worth?

Here is to hoping more than $15

Excuse me while I tag what spam email I used for this:

[quote name='becuzimbrown']Just got the email, what did i miss?

What do i say on the forum thread?[/quote]

Something on the lines of "Thanks, this will do" or something like that.
take a look at what others posted.
This seems odd to me. They basically said they could not afford to do the 4GB flash drives because supposedly the deal they were working on with the company fell through but they can afford to give everyone a gift certificate of equal value to
[quote name='Shady3011']Living in California makes using Newegg more painful on the wallet.[/quote]

Precisely why I said wish we could choose between amazon or newegg lol. ^_^
[quote name='dkim064']still haven't gotten anything...[/quote]

Did you get into the promo in time and did you enter in correctly? After the 21st or some date close to that, you had to get 5 friends to sign up with you, and the deal was done like the 28th or something.
oh, i received the email a couple days ago and i didnt read the ending part. replied to topic. but yeah, im in california and the tax that newegg charges just makes me not want to order from there. heh, might as well throw up the gc on ebay. would be nice if they offered amazon/ gc instead.
[quote name='r1sky']oh, i received the email a couple days ago and i didnt read the ending part. replied to topic. but yeah, im in california and the tax that newegg charges just makes me not want to order from there. heh, might as well throw up the gc on ebay. would be nice if they offered amazon/ gc instead.[/quote]

just ebay it, then.. or donate it to a fellow cag :D
I didn't even really want the flash drive anyway. I'm hoping for a gift certificate to mostly cover a dvd burner to replace mine, which is on the way out, sigh.

I'll accept donations!
I look around on newegg and decided that amount will be $21.00

This will cover about 6 different usb flash drives plus shipping (or whatever else you choose to spend it on)

I'm hoping to get this done ASAP as this has been drawn out too long as it is.

All members who are entitled to this will recieve an email from newegg containing their gift certificate code, and gift certificate security code. This will be emailed to the email address you used when you signed up on Typeractive.

Let me know when you guys get this so I can check the e-mail address I signed up on.
[quote name='eliter1']I never posted on that forum but do I still get the GC? I was one of the first to sign up[/quote]

If you received the email about the GC then probably yeah, you'll get it. If you didnt....maybe you accidentally deleted it.
[quote name='Metalic']So the e-mails are being sent out today from Newegg or what?[/quote]
Huh? If you're talking about the one with the gift certificate in it, they haven't been sent out yet. If you were referring to the "email" I was talking about in the previous post, then that's the one that tells people about the forum post/suggestions on the Newegg GC.
Hello {%USERDAME%}......

Now, on to the promotional items.

There seems to have been a slight problem, which prevented new posts on the forum. I am not sure if anyone else had this problem or not. Here is the message that should have appeared on the forum topic related to promotion items:

Please post any questions, comments, etc. about the email regarding the promotional item remedy here.
Sorry for the delay, I haven't been able to make any posts to the forum from computer...but it didn't seem to affect anyone else :confused:

For those of you who are owed a promotional item here is how it will work.

Those who have expressed interest in a the gift card substitute don't have to do anything else. Your information will simply be pulled up, and you will be emailed by newegg.

The E-mail will contain two codes, one is the gift card code, and one is a security code (created by newegg to prevent "gift certificate" theft)

You can visit Newegg, just like normal. When you go to checkout there will be a place for you to fill out the information given to you by Newegg to redeem your gift certificate.

The Time Frame

Newegg only accepts Verified Visa Card to purchase [/url]gift certificates. This does not affect you - it only affects our company and our company's ability to purchase gift certificates.

Unfortunately, our company only uses Mastercard and/or American Express. A new funding source linked to a Verifiable Visa card has been established. The only thing we are waiting on is the actual card to arrive from our financial institution. This will be between 5 and 10 business days; starting from Friday, May 9, 2008.

Once that is squared away, the issuance of gift certificates will begin immediately; once this happens, I'd like to invite those of you who receive the gift certificates first (or last?) to please post something about it here.
I just got this email, I didnt copy the part about the new site features because I dont really care...we should be getting them pretty soon, and I actually need a flash drive
[quote name='BL00DW0LF']I just got this email, I didnt copy the part about the new site features because I dont really care...we should be getting them pretty soon, and I actually need a flash drive[/quote]

I just got it as well. Anyone wanna trade an amazon GC for my newegg gc when I get it? haha...
Hmm, after getting the e-mail about the "problem" with the promotional item I have yet to receive the most recent two messages. I went and posted in the thread so hopefully that's good enough to get me the GC.
[quote name='Chitown021']Hmm, after getting the e-mail about the "problem" with the promotional item I have yet to receive the most recent two messages. I went and posted in the thread so hopefully that's good enough to get me the GC.[/quote]

Same here.
[quote name='Chitown021']Hmm, after getting the e-mail about the "problem" with the promotional item I have yet to receive the most recent two messages. I went and posted in the thread so hopefully that's good enough to get me the GC.[/quote]

same thing happened to me, but i found the latest 2 messages in my spam bin
[quote name='Sphinx625']has anyone recieved their gift certificate yet?[/quote]

I think it's gonna take a bit longer than that, you'll have to be patient.

And the site's back up.
bread's done