Free copy of An Inconvenient Truth DVD...maybe not

How about we stay on topic, and leave the arguing for the vs. forum? Will someone please create a topic so they'll have a place to argue? :)

Anyway, thanks OP for the find!
[quote name='iheartmetal']thats neat... if you believe in that kind of liberal mumbo jumbo[/QUOTE]

Liberal? Oh drop it.... it's a movie about the environment. If you don't believe it, then don't get the free copy.

Always has to be a troll or two here. :roll:
[quote name='GuyWithGun']How about we stay on topic, and leave the arguing for the vs. forum? Will someone please create a topic so they'll have a place to argue? :)

Anyway, thanks OP for the find![/QUOTE]

I second that!!!!
[quote name='Krymner']Yeah, and what I found funny about this give-away was this.

Meh. I've seen this documentary. Giving it away free doesn't make me wanna see it again. My biggest gripe about it is not the liberal slant, but the fact that it seemed at least almost a third of the movie is less about global warming and more about Gore and his 2000 run for presidency.

Believe what you want about global warming, since even scientists cannot agree on the cause. Personally, I think less than 1% of global warming is caused by humans.

The problem with the whole global warming issue is that it based on the idea that Earth should be a certain way, and since it is not, it is our fault. The Earth is and always will be extremely unpredictable. There is no balance, only a chaotic system punctuated by catastrophies. The last ice age was less than 10,000 years ago. Go back further, and you got dinosaurs walking around and the majority of the Earth was believed to be like a huge primordial swamp; hot and humid just like reptiles love.

Men have only just begun using fossil fuels such as oil and coal within the last 150 years. So after about 150 trips around the sun, the earth is now being destroyed by humans after it has been so "perfect" for millions of trips around the sun. Whatever. Man is small. Earth is big.

Earth FTW!![/QUOTE]

Please finish your elementary school education first.....then come back here to argue that humans aren't destroying the earth. (And no, I'm not a hippie or tree hugger or anything like cars uses premium fuel and I love it....but, it's hard to argue facts......)
[quote name='Krymner']Yeah, and what I found funny about this give-away was [/quote]

Keep that stuff to the Versus forum please.
My required comment:

This is a convenient way to see a convenient movie about something inconvenient. Thanks OP!

Yes, "Thanks OP!" is part of the comment.
It's an El Nino year people, that always means worth for the USA.

And I like how there are dozens of people who belive this. Have fun with the ammount of spam will come. The spam that will be from paper, thats made from trees that can help slow down global warming.
[quote name='nwaugh']Propaganda should be free.[/QUOTE]

Ha! My thoughts exactly. And the reason it's "liberal mumbo jumbo" as another user put it is because the "scientists" were hand selected by Gore and he, obviously, only chose those who believe in it. The overwhelming majority seem to be against the idea.
[quote name='GTZ_NSR'] The overwhelming majority are against the idea.[/QUOTE]

Are against the idea of global warming? How fucking dumb are you?! Pat Roberson even said that global warming is happening and that humans are behind part of it. The debate now is how much is human fault and how much is nature.

Of course yu are probably one of the people that think that the earth was created in 6 days. :roll:
[quote name='javeryh']It was like 73 degrees on Saturday in north NJ - in January. Global warming FTW!!![/QUOTE]

that was such a ****ing awesome day

and Global Warming is propaganda? someone needs to lay of the doobie.
[quote name='hhhdx4']that was such a ****ing awesome day

and Global Warming is propaganda? someone needs to lay of the doobie.[/QUOTE]

Its propaganda when the movie is created and heavily promoted by the democrat's favorite PR guy.
I live in Iowa. I drive 40 miles each way on crappy highways to get to work. So far this year no snow. I love global warming. Except for polar bears going extinct. That would suck.
[quote name='robdees']I live in Iowa. I drive 40 miles each way on crappy highways to get to work. So far this year no snow. I love global warming. Except for polar bears going extinct. That would suck.[/QUOTE]

Say it with me....

El Nino!

It's El Nino so this year a lot of it deals with that.

And when globabl warming sets in the new ice age I'll sure to think of you living under a mile od ice.
[quote name='mykevermin']Irony FTW! IIRC, Crichton's claims in the book were thoroughly debunked by a scientist, who made a brief appearance in Crichton's latest novel as a character unrelated to the plot or story, but whose status as a child molester was mentioned many, many times.

You gotta hand it to Crichton - he's so devoted to science. :roll:

BTW, in for 1 (I hope). Thanks OP![/QUOTE]
What is your point? The best science fiction always stays close to scientific possibilities or theories.
I haven't read Crichton's latest yet it (even though it is sitting on my book shelf) but you are missing the point. Politics and science should never mix, let alone politicians and science. Scientist are always debunking other scientist's theories all the time it is part of the game called science.
[quote name='robdees']I live in Iowa. I drive 40 miles each way on crappy highways to get to work. So far this year no snow. I love global warming. Except for polar bears going extinct. That would suck.[/QUOTE]

Meh, the zoos will still have polar bears.
I noticed in stores the DVD was made in a really thin cardboard... Obviously to save plastic and stuff, cool idea.

I signed up, thanks.
[quote name='David85']Are against the idea of global warming? How fucking dumb are you?! Pat Roberson even said that global warming is happening and that humans are behind part of it. The debate now is how much is human fault and how much is nature.

Of course yu are probably one of the people that think that the earth was created in 6 days. :roll:[/QUOTE]

You're actually taking anything Pat Robertson says seriously? You do realize he's a nut bag don't you? Are things changing? Sure. Is it all humans fault and is the world going to end? Hardly. It's sad that you feel you have to lash out against me because of my opinion.
[quote name='Krymner']
My biggest gripe about it is not the liberal slant, but the fact that it seemed at least almost a third of the movie is less about global warming and more about Gore and his 2000 run for presidency.[/QUOTE]

The whole point of that one scene (yes, the one section that was about 10 minutes) was to demonstrate that Gore needed a new direction/purpose/goal in his life. You know, instead of just disappearing from the public.
[quote name='GTZ_NSR']You're actually taking anything Pat Robertson says seriously? You do realize he's a nut bag don't you? Are things changing? Sure. Is it all humans fault and is the world going to end? Hardly. It's sad that you feel you have to lash out against me because of my opinion.[/QUOTE]

I'm not lashing out, I'm just calling you a dumbass for not seeing the facts. I do the same thing to the religious assholes who don't want to see the facts about a little thing called evolution.

And yes I know Pat Robertson is a religous wacko, my point is he even sees the facts for what they are and you can't.

On Saturday in the northeast it reached the lower 70s, the first time ever in January it got that warm. The old Jaunary record was mid 60s.
hopefully it will arrive, if this is a true offer: Thx OP

If not I hope you get anal raped by homosexuals.
[quote name='Faded']hopefully it will arrive, if this is a true offer: Thx OP

If not I hope you get anal raped by homosexuals.[/QUOTE]
That's a pleasant thing to say, n00b.
[quote name='Krymner']Yeah, and what I found funny about this give-away was this.

The problem with the whole global warming issue is that it based on the idea that Earth should be a certain way, and since it is not, it is our fault. The Earth is and always will be extremely unpredictable. There is no balance, only a chaotic system punctuated by catastrophies. The last ice age was less than 10,000 years ago. Go back further, and you got dinosaurs walking around and the majority of the Earth was believed to be like a huge primordial swamp; hot and humid just like reptiles love.

Men have only just begun using fossil fuels such as oil and coal within the last 150 years. So after about 150 trips around the sun, the earth is now being destroyed by humans after it has been so "perfect" for millions of trips around the sun. Whatever. Man is small. Earth is big.

Earth FTW!![/QUOTE]

Your argument is flawed at the most basic level. When you say something like "Men have only just begun using fossil fuels such as oil and coal within the last 150 years. So after about 150 trips around the sun, the earth is now being destroyed by humans after it has been so "perfect" for millions of trips around the sun." As if a small thing can't have a huge effect. if you are sixty or seventy years old, and you live your life perfectly and are perfectly healthy and have interacted with thousands or tens of thousands of people over your lifetime and driven thousands of miles in your car, and eaten thousands of pounds of food and suddenly you are hit in the skull by a stray bullet, I could argue (using your logic) that the bullet could not have killed you. You have been around for decades, millions upon millions of seconds, you have interacted with thousands of people for millions of minutes, have eaten thousands of pounds of food with millions of calories, your heart has beat millions of bullet couldn't kill you. Man big, bullet small.

By your logic we should simply dump nuclear waste into Lake Michigan, dump chemical waste into the Mississippi...and the earth because she is so huge will figure out how to deal with doesn't really work like that.
[quote name='GTZ_NSR']Ha! My thoughts exactly. If it does come, I'm just going to turn around and sell it on or something. And the reason it's "liberal mumbo jumbo" as another user put it is because the "scientists" were hand selected by Gore and he, obviously, only chose those who believe in it. The overwhelming majority are against the idea.[/QUOTE]

If you ordered this without the intent of using it for what it's available for, you're a filthy scumbag...
If this is indeed legit, companies put a lot of money into things they find important to them, in order to, by their standards, educate and improve quality of life issues...
The reason more things like this don't come up is pieces of shit like you, I hope you're poisoned by your own stench you lowlife fuck...
[quote name='goatindaruffness']If you ordered this without the intent of using it for what it's available for, you're a filthy scumbag...
If this is indeed legit, companies put a lot of money into things they find important to them, in order to, by their standards, educate and improve quality of life issues...
The reason more things like this don't come up is pieces of shit like you, I hope you're poisoned by your own stench you lowlife fuck...

Not only that, but it seems like many of these dvds were paid for by contributions from individuals rather than corporations. From what I have gathered (albeit quickly) it seems like people are able to contribute small sums of cash to help people who can't afford the dvd. So, I'll get one of my dad's Republican party mailers he sometimes gets, and tape the postage paid return envelope to a box of bricks and send it back to them (at their expense).
What happened to you guys? When did rationale leave and absurdidty enter? Please stop bickering over petty ways to make so-and-so suffer because of some ignorant comment(s) on CAG.

If you are interested in the subject matter, please take advantage of the opportunity that they are offering a free dvd for you. If you oppose the subject matter, I suggest you do the same. If you reject the premise, I don't believe it's wise to elminate all discussion on it. I don't enjoy some assertions that I will be subjected to (Al Gore's pretentious and sacrosanct attitude) but I do want to understand and be aware of the inflicition we cause on the earth by humanity's callous and prideful actions.

I for one don't believe everything presented in the film. But I can find common ground on a few points:

- Making the earth a better place to live.
- Conserving what's left of our resources.
- Educating/Enforcing the public to do what's right, not what's easy.
[quote name='goatindaruffness']If you ordered this without the intent of using it for what it's available for, you're a filthy scumbag...
If this is indeed legit, companies put a lot of money into things they find important to them, in order to, by their standards, educate and improve quality of life issues...
The reason more things like this don't come up is pieces of shit like you, I hope you're poisoned by your own stench you lowlife fuck...

-_- And I did what to you? Oh, that's right. Nothing.

[quote name='golddbz2000']What happened to you guys? When did rationale leave and absurdidty enter? Please stop bickering over petty ways to make so-and-so suffer because of some ignorant comment(s) on CAG.

If you are interested in the subject matter, please take advantage of the opportunity that they are offering a free dvd for you. If you oppose the subject matter, I suggest you do the same. If you reject the premise, I don't believe it's wise to elminate all discussion on it. I don't enjoy some assertions that I will be subjected to (Al Gore's pretentious and sacrosanct attitude) but I do want to understand and be aware of the inflicition we cause on the earth by humanity's callous and prideful actions.

I for one don't believe everything presented in the film. But I can find common ground on a few points:

- Making the earth a better place to live.
- Conserving what's left of our resources.
- Educating/Enforcing the public to do what's right, not what's easy.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you 100%, although I don't think the world is going to be flooded because of it as Gore does. I don't oppose the subject matter, but I do oppose how he went about doing it. It is interesting to watch though if you can get past the whole Mr. Roboto thing.
I fit the right-wing description well? Interesting considering you know nothing about me, including the fact that I'm not from Tennessee. I'm hardly ignorant or unwilling to accept the facts. For example, I've noticed and have accepted that you and some other people that have posted in this thread are complete dicks. I just disproved your theory ^_^
i saw this movie in my AP Environmental Science actually has a clip from Futurama in it and some kids laughed b/c they recognized the Futurama episode in the movie :)

good documentary thing...i can't believe that the glaciers have retreated THAT much!!!

global warming is for realz, yo
[quote name='GTZ_NSR']I agree with you 100%, although I don't think the world is going to be flooded because of it as Gore does. I don't oppose the subject matter, but I do oppose how he went about doing it. It is interesting to watch though if you can get past the whole Mr. Roboto thing.[/quote]

and I agree with you...I'm certain the world's not going to flood and I am against how he went about presenting some aspects of the film.

It should at least provoke intelligent discussion and not be relegated to name calling.
As a young man on the internets, the only thing I'd use this movie for is a way to childishly bash and caricature those evil right-wingers, so I'll pass on this deal.
In. I hope it comes. I've been wanting to see it, but never got around to renting it.

Let's see. I live in Maryland (a very temperate state). Just last week, I was walking around in a t-shirt, pushing my baby girl (also wearing short sleeves) in a stroller. Was this due to global warming? I don't know. I'd certainly watch the dvd to learn more about what's going on with the environment, though. Is this warm weather a fluke, of the beginning of a trend? I guess we'll all find out eventually...
I paid for it when it came out.. kinda wish I had held out now.

I hate political partisanship. I'm firmly against it.. and believe it is destructive to the concept of the democracy. For a good read, take a look at George Washington's farewell address.

Anyways.. the global warming debate should be taken out of the political arena and argued in the scientific community. It's become a republican vs. democrat issue. People take sides, make attacks, and let their pride obstruct any attempt to view the data from a neutral position.

Honestly.. I've seen both sides of the argument ( global warming versus the reversing of the polls to cause another ice age). Both have compelling arguments. However.. we as a civilization have the capability to develop and use on a large scale alternative sources of energy. The fact that we don't has to due with corporate America, lobbyists, and the protectionism of an industry.

On a side note.. the price of gas doesn't have as much to do with supply and demand of crude as the general populace thinks.. it has to due with an oligopoly controlling how many refineries are active (50% fewer are open now than were in 1980), and how the oligopoly of fuel companies can toy with supply through manipulation of production.

Anyways.. there's alot of fact in Gore's film. You cannot deny the receding of glaciers, differing weather patterns, etc. I kind of admire what he did.. he brought attention and discussion of the topic to the mainstream populace.

Oh yeah.. another thing.. don't rely on Fox News to supply you with "scientific facts." They're part of the reason that a valid scientific theory has become a political issue.
bread's done