FREE 'Final Fantasy 13 Chocobo' Avatar item for Xbox Live Members ONLY

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I refuse to let it take up as much time as FFXI or even WoW did for me, but I wouldn't mind hopin online to shaq-fu around about. Yeah I'm hoping to beta as well, but worst case scenario I'll just 7-day trial it or something.
[quote name='Metalic']The FF MMO having story driven missions made me lol. Saying you played WoW and im assuming you are implying WoW has no story driven missions.

Im sorry you couldnt put the two together but i really didnt expect you to.

Im looking forward to FF14. Hopefully beta it on PC first.[/QUOTE]

Okay so far you still havent made real any point other than you know how to laugh at someone without apparent reason or any information to back yourself up and be a condescending jerk about it in the process.

Are you laughing because you think FFXI doesnt have story-based mission sets cause I will be glad to give you the titles of all the epic ones that each would take a beginner months to complete or even weeks for the more experienced.

And are you saying that WoW does have story-based missions? Because when I played it, all I saw were a bunch of 1-off fetch/kill quests. Or quest chains that, again, ammounted to a bunch of fetch/kill quests but did nothing to contribute to an overall beginning-to-end game-wide mission-driven story arcs. (FFXI has tons of those too).
[quote name='Izod517']I refuse to let it take up as much time as FFXI or even WoW did for me, but I wouldn't mind hopin online to shaq-fu around about. Yeah I'm hoping to beta as well, but worst case scenario I'll just 7-day trial it or something.[/QUOTE]

yeah I will likely do that (hopefully they will have a free first month offer). Not real impressed with the fact that all the races are almost exactly the same as the ones in FFXI only now they have different names (Elvaans are now Elezens? WTF?? lol). And if I like it I will keep playing. I am wanting to go back to FFXI temporarily just so I can do one of the mini-story expansions they recently added involving my favorite NPC.
[quote name='n10zguy']I disagree. FFXI has a ton of stuff for people to do endgame and to do at lower levels. I played WoW for like 4 months and all of it was more of the same crap. Level up. Kill other PCs. Fight monsters for better gear to better kill other PC's.

Let me stop you there. All FFXI had, was grind levels over and over, or grind quests to level over and over. It's nothing new, it just looked pretty at the time, and has the Final Fantasy name attached.

[quote name='n10zguy']At least FFXI has a ton of story-driven missions for you to get into with cutscenes and NPC's you actually give a damn about. It's not all just mindless repetition.

Defias/Van Cleef/The king being kidnapped stuff starts around level 12-16, and goes through endgame if you actually pay attention and read the quest log and see how the NPCs interact when turning in quests.

Onyxia stuff had good story, the Ahn'Qiraj gates opening event was amazing, and honestly, I love the direction they went in Lich King for some quests having cinematics now.

[quote name='Izod517']Not going to turn this into a WoW / FFXI discussion. I loved both games for their own reasons, but to claim WoW lacks endgame is just ignorant. It's endgame was far more in depth and developed than FFXI could have ever hoped to be - it also required far more group coordination and advanced battle tactics. As advanced as FFXI's fights got until recently were: "stand here." FFXI's endgame was one of two things, standing around 4 hours hoping to out claim a bot, or farming for pop items for hours. PvP in WoW is optional. There are PvE servers. Also (at least since BC - I realize this was different in Vanillia) endgame gear from PvE does little for PvP. FFXI did have a decent story, but its easy to claim that because of the cutscenes, ultimately WoW has a much richer lore and more in depth stories, it's just not as linear and thus harder to follow. Every quest in WoW has some sort of story - many of which relate to the lore of the world. It's not 'bring me two bat wings and I'll give you 100 gil." To say WoW was repeative in comparision is laughable - FFXI is very grind heavy, countless hours are spent in XP parties, even after level cap to get merits. Most of what you do in FFXI is get gear to XP faster.

Regardless as long as you liked the game that's all that matters, different strokes for different folks. I just don't like misinformation. Again I liked both for different reasons but I'm not under any assumptions that FFXI was something that it is not.[/QUOTE]

WoW PvP was always optional, at least once the game launched out of beta. (I was not part of the beta, I can't speak on behalf of it.) The game had both PvP and non-PvP servers. If you played on a PvP server, you knew the risks. If you want PvP, Ultima Online pre-Trammel. Yea, I thought so. (I seriously hate people who whine about PvP and dying if they haven't came back to an empty corpse.)
[quote name='georox']Let me stop you there. All FFXI had, was grind levels over and over, or grind quests to level over and over. It's nothing new, it just looked pretty at the time, and has the Final Fantasy name attached[/QUOTE]

ooooh let ME stop YOU there. If that's all you saw, then you either never made it to endgame or were only interested getting to endgame content and nothing else.

[quote name='georox']Defias/Van Cleef/The king being kidnapped stuff starts around level 12-16, and goes through endgame if you actually pay attention and read the quest log and see how the NPCs interact when turning in quests.[/QUOTE]

But again, not epic storylines, but little more than side-quest chains that don't contribute to an overall main story just lore of the land.

[quote name='georox']Onyxia stuff had good story, the Ahn'Qiraj gates opening event was amazing, and honestly, I love the direction they went in Lich King for some quests having cinematics now.[/QUOTE]

Same with Onyxia. yes, the gates opening looked cool but an epic battle with giant Anubis monsters is not relevant to what I was saying. I will agree the cutscenes were a nice touch to WotLK (I do have friends that play WoW so I am not totally ignorant what goes on there), too bad they are generic and don't really involve the player.

[quote name='Izod517']Not going to turn this into a WoW / FFXI discussion. I loved both games for their own reasons, but to claim WoW lacks endgame is just ignorant. It's endgame was far more in depth and developed than FFXI could have ever hoped to be - it also required far more group coordination and advanced battle tactics. As advanced as FFXI's fights got until recently were: "stand here." FFXI's endgame was one of two things, standing around 4 hours hoping to out claim a bot, or farming for pop items for hours. PvP in WoW is optional. There are PvE servers. Also (at least since BC - I realize this was different in Vanillia) endgame gear from PvE does little for PvP. FFXI did have a decent story, but its easy to claim that because of the cutscenes, ultimately WoW has a much richer lore and more in depth stories, it's just not as linear and thus harder to follow. Every quest in WoW has some sort of story - many of which relate to the lore of the world. It's not 'bring me two bat wings and I'll give you 100 gil." To say WoW was repeative in comparision is laughable - FFXI is very grind heavy, countless hours are spent in XP parties, even after level cap to get merits. Most of what you do in FFXI is get gear to XP faster.

Regardless as long as you liked the game that's all that matters, different strokes for different folks. I just don't like misinformation. Again I liked both for different reasons but I'm not under any assumptions that FFXI was something that it is not.[/QUOTE]

Let's be fair here, I never said WoW lacks endgame content, and I never said FFXI wasn't repetitive, there was no misinformation. My point was that there wasn't anything TO WoW other than the stuff you do endgame which again is all about fighting monsters to get better gear to make it easier for you to do.... what? Fight monsters better? Kill the opposing team better? Kill people in PvP better?

Also, something else you need to be fair about. the endgame strategies in FFXI were far more complex than "stand here". Anyone who has fought Absolute Virtue, Pandemonium Warden, Dynamis Lord, or any of the final bosses from the storyline missions will tell you that. Yes, one SMALL part of endgame involved waiting around for hours for monsters that only spawned once every 24 hours (or 3-7 days in some cases) in the hopes of out-claiming other shells, but there are tons of other endgame materials that were much more involved. Dynamis, Limbus, Einherjar, Nyzul, Assault, and Salvage, just to name a few. But you know this already having played for 5 years.

And not EVERY quest in WoW has a story. WoW has just as many throwaway "fetch me this" or "kill this for me" for a mild reward "quests" as FFXI does. But you made my point when you speak of the storyline. I don't really see any richer lore out of WoW than FFXI except for the fact that (as you said), it's non-linear and harder to understand so therefore there is nothing there really for me to care about. When I read a book I like to do it from beginning to end, not read the chapters randomly and hope that I can piece it together afterward.

And I will admit WoW's endgame probably is far more developed than FFXI. They have a hell of a lot more revenue to work with considering that they marketed the hell out of it over here and in WoW you don't have to deal with half your server not being able to speak the same language as you. Plus Blizzard really knew their 'target audience'. I mean I suppose if FFXI had included the ability to fart or made the females scantily-clad with huge breasts, it might have made more money as well. LOL

I have not once said that FFXI was better than WoW or that WoW was a bad game. This whole thing started because someone jerk decided to call a game that I personally liked, "horrible" and I decided to defend it.

Yes, I made a comparison to WoW because the point I was trying to make was based on what I personally want out of an MMORPG. And that is to have a reason to keep playing it. And repetitive endgame crap (found in both FFXI and Wow and pretty much any MMORPG out there) is not it.

The difference I was pointing out was that FFXI had something WoW didnt and that was a lot of story-driven missions, with cutscenes, and epic, LINEAR stories with final bosses and everything at the end. And when I am done with the storyline, I take a break, sometimes 2-4 months at a time.

Sure I will do some of the more involved stuff like Limbus and Einherjar, or the Zeni Monsters and Sea Gods, but I have a life and don't have the kind of time it takes to devote to all that repetitive endgame stuff that ultimately serves no purpose.
[quote name='n10zguy']ooooh let ME stop YOU there. If that's all you saw, then you either never made it to endgame or were only interested getting to endgame content and nothing else.

I tried to get to endgame while enjoying myself along the way. The game did not lead to enjoyment. It is a grindfest. That isn't a good way to build a game.

[quote name='n10zguy']But again, not epic storylines, but little more than side-quest chains that don't contribute to an overall main story just lore of the land. [/quote]

They did contribute to the main story, and the lore of the land IS part of the story. The king/Onyxia plot/etc. was the MAIN story behind WoW before the expansions came out, and if you never picked up on that you must have just clicked a quest, looked at what you had to do for exp, then moved on as fast as possible.

[quote name='n10zguy']Let's be fair here, I never said WoW lacks endgame content, and I never said FFXI wasn't repetitive, there was no misinformation. My point was that there wasn't anything TO WoW other than the stuff you do endgame which again is all about fighting monsters to get better gear to make it easier for you to do.... what? Fight monsters better? Kill the opposing team better? Kill people in PvP better?[/quote]

Personally, I found the story great in vanilla WoW. I found a lot of the quests tied together, and continued onward to the end of the game if you actually followed the story and plot from each quest, not just the "kill X for loot Y". I had my days of playing games for the sake of killing people/getting loot (Ultima Online, pre-Pub 16 and such)

[quote name='n10zguy']made the females scantily-clad with huge breasts, it might have made more money as well. LOL[/quote]

Mithra FTW... err I mean...

[quote name='n10zguy']Yes, I made a comparison to WoW because the point I was trying to make was based on what I personally want out of an MMORPG. And that is to have a reason to keep playing it. And repetitive endgame crap (found in both FFXI and Wow and pretty much any MMORPG out there) is not it.[/quote]

Try Lord of the Rings Online (I'm not joking.)

[quote name='n10zguy']The difference I was pointing out was that FFXI had something WoW didnt and that was a lot of story-driven missions, with cutscenes, and epic, LINEAR stories with final bosses and everything at the end. And when I am done with the storyline, I take a break, sometimes 2-4 months at a time.[/quote]

WoW has those, lot's of endgame involved epic story, lot's of the midgame had great story lines (Look at all of the stuff regarding the scourge/plague/etc., The king as stated before, the various dragon cult things... [Look, I'm not good with names] and so on.) the problem is most WoW players, and most people in general when they install the game, turn off the part of their brain that controls literacy. (Believing that is the only thing that has kept me from murder. See - chat channels)

Oh, and also, I don't play WoW anymore, and I don't think WoW is some amazing MMO, it's pretty damn middle of the line generic, I just think FFXI is terrible. It's not NCSoft bad, but it's pretty damn bad.

Also, I want SW:TOR. Right now. Give me it.
[quote name='GamerKingFaiz']*sigh*... tl;dr[/QUOTE]

Pretty much.

For FF12 you have FF12 for lore/story.

For WoW you have Warcraft 1,2,3 and the many books.

Thats all that really needs to be said when he brings up "Story driven missions"

I dont think FF12 even got close to a million subscribers. Its on 4 Platforms also(PS2,PS3,PC,XBOX 360). Why defend such a horrible game is beyond me.
Im sure it was his first MMO. I havent played WoW in a year BtW, And am also highly looking forward to SW:TOR. WoW is at top for a reason. the game is addictive and its why i quit.

Want my chocobo pet already :(
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[quote name='Metalic']
Want my chocobo pet already :([/QUOTE]

Srsly, whatthedillyyo?

Shame a freebie sparked a debate about the franchise, but sometimes these things can be as enthralling (and as pointless) as watching politicians debate publicly.
[quote name='Icehearted']Srsly, whatthedillyyo?

Shame a freebie sparked a debate about the franchise, but sometimes these things can be as enthralling (and as pointless) as watching politicians debate publicly.[/QUOTE]

Or watching drunk hobos...debate in the form of a shouting match.
"Sorry, this page is unavailable" for me as well.

EDIT: Actually the entire Xbox Live Marketplace website seems to be down at the moment so there may be still some left.

EDIT2: Site's back up, Got mine.
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"Download codes will be sent via email this Holiday season"

I have yet to receive my code.

Its rather vague and I havent seen any other info on a date anywhere. Just sit tight and watch the email.

Soon we will all have out own delicious crunchy chick.. I mean Baby Chocobo. :p
From Major Nelson's Twitter:

" Your last chance to grab the #Free FFXIII Chocobo Pet is this Thursday 12/17. SIgn up here:

And then

"FYI: The Chocobo pet won't be available for a few more weeks...but sign up ends Thursday. Emails will be sent w/ your code when it's ready"
Wish there was some sort of e-mail confirmation but I've signed up three times now just to see if I get three codes.
[quote name='Benisjamin']So are these just a cruel joke or?[/QUOTE]

they'll probably be sent after SPIKE announces their winners and forgets to email the game codes because they were all playing with the chocobos... :whistle2:#
Didn't get in on it. Came real close to pulling the trigger, but just didn't do it. I guess I'm not that interested in having a chicken sit on my hand.
They changed the look:



Aww bummer. The first one was so damn cute!

I really hope it looks better then the updated one, its kinda weak looking.

But still. It is Free!:D
I hope I still get a code.
I liked the look of the first better. Looked like it had a mohawk and shit lol
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Not going to lie, I still am happy to get this thing for free.... but oh my goodness did they make it ugly looking. Now it literally looks like you have a baby chick as a pet, as opposed to a chocobo....
Yeah, I liked the first one better but it even says under the picture that it's for representation only and not the final product. Looks kinda like the render from the game of the baby Chocobo. The final looks to have a flat matte instead of any intricate detail....which sucks, but if you look at the other avatar pets it matches the same art style.

Oh well, I'm still glad I got in for 1. I'll give it a look to see how the avatar interacts with it.

As to the release, I think we've got a few weeks left. IIRC, Major Nelson posted on his twitter about how the 17th (or whenever) was the deadline to register and the codes would be sent out a few weeks later.
it finally arrived...

considering it was free, it's much cooler than the parrot. so, yay. just wish it looked more like a chocobo than a baby chick.
Code Redeemed

You have successfully redeemed a code for: FINAL FANTASY XIII Chocobo. It has been added to your download queue.
If you have an additional code to redeem please enter it above.
Email came 13 minutes ago, if you haven't gotten yours yet they are probably still in the process of sending them out. Thanks again OP.
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