Free Games from Goozex~NO FRAUD TALK

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[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Huh. Because I just checked the page and noticed my points were gone, so I went into My Requests and....

Also? I saw this in the FAQ:

But when I go to add something to my library, I get this:

So, which is actually true?[/quote]

What happens is that, it will match you, then you have the choice of selecting mail in 1 day or mail in 3 days. And they also give the option of cancelling a trade, but both parties have to agree.
I'm loving this new "available trades" feature; it helped me locate three games to pick up. And I'll have enough points left over to get Midway Arcade Classics for my girlfriend (Gauntlet is one of her favorite games ever). Hopefully someone will put that up for trade before Christmas, then I'll have an extra present for her!
Yea i dont think there is "Lines" you have to wait in to get a match. I was like 20 something on one right after i picked it and about 6 hours later it found me a match and my other games havent moved at all in line.
There are lines, it's just that sometimes circumstances, such as number of available copies, or the type of trade you selected ("disc only" etc), mean that you get the game earlier than the "x turns to go" text indicates.
is it limit to one house hold? cause i think my brother wants game but so do i, so if tis only one per house hold we both cant do it right? i hope its not
[quote name='Limegreen']What is the best game for 100 points[/quote]

Brain Age for the DS is only 100 points. That's what I'm going for. However, last night it said I have 38 turns to go when I put it on hold - it's the same today. When does it update, and is this what you do to receive the game?
So I just put Hydro Thunder for DC on my requested list and it says im first in line, what do I do now, I see no button to order it or anything.
I need 200 points for Street Fighter Anniversary Collection for Xbox, are there any other ways to get points like referrals?
They get paired up, you just have to understand that over people want to get the same game as you. My freinds just ordered Simpsons Hit&Run and Harry Potter:4 for Xbox, awesome deals guys.
I requested SOul Calibur 2 ( compatible with the 360) but I think you have to trade a game before you cna get the 100 points.
[quote name='Benisjamin']I need 200 points for Street Fighter Anniversary Collection for Xbox, are there any other ways to get points like referrals?[/quote]
There are 2 other ways to get points. The first is by shipping out games of your own. I just shipped out Hellgate: London and got 900 points for it. The other way is to buy points. Points start at $5 for 100 points, with discounts when you buy more points at once. (The discounts start when you buy $50 worth of points, which would be 1000, but gets you 1050. The more points you buy, the more extra you get free. Also, know that if you buy 1000 points, you have enough points to get ANYTHING on the site, because there is a point cap so that the most expensive game is 1000 points. You can get 1 PS3 or 360 game that just came out, or get a bunch of older games!).

However, you weren't far off the mark when you asked if there is a benefit for referals- there is, in fact, just not in the form of points. You need two things to buy a game. The correct amount of points, and 1 trade credit. A trade credit costs $1, but Goozex gives them out all the time. I've only bought a few trade credits, because I've gotten trade credits for referals (you get 5 when you refer a friend) and I got 10 because I was in the top 10 seller list in September. In fact, there are benfits to both the person refering and the person being refered- you both get extra trade credits! That's why it's good to sign up as someone's referal (my sig is automatically linked to my referal page, so if anyone is interested in signing up under it, feel free).

Additionally, someone mentioned something about being afraid of someone lying and saying they never got the game. There's a VERY easy way to protect against this, in the form of delivery confirmation. For a few cents extra you can get your package deliver confirmation, so that you know when your package arrives. You get the peace of mind of knowing the post office won't screw up, and if someone is stupid enough to lie about getting a game (and it's unlikely- Goozex has an AWESOME userbase, I haven't run into a problem about someone lying yet) then you can email [email protected] your delivery confirmation number, and they'll give you your positive feedback and points. With the hundreds (And yes, I've probably saved hundreds of dollars on Goozex) of dollars I've saved, shelling out a few more cents to make sure my trading experience stays as awesome as it is, is definitely worth it.

And turgore2008, originally Goozex would award you 100 free points after your first trade, but they're running a promotion now that you get 100 free points right when you sign up so you can get a trade right away and see just how easy Goozex is.

And finally, sorry for my posts on the first page about my signature, I didn't know it would only appear once per page. Alas, I'm a CAG n00b.
I used your link ShadowMasterX,so you got a referral. Also,I just mailed out my first game & with first class & delivery confirmation was only $2.73.I think I have to wait for that buyer to say everything's ok before they'll allow my next sale,correct??
I didn't see anything I wanted for the 100 points so I'll let "em ride til I have enough for a high point game.I think a lot of us had been debating trying this so I will let everyone know my experience,good or bad...
[quote name='Rozz']Brain Age for the DS is only 100 points. That's what I'm going for. However, last night it said I have 38 turns to go when I put it on hold - it's the same today. When does it update, and is this what you do to receive the game?[/quote]

[quote name='Rozz']Anyone?[/quote]

Well the your number depends on certain factors. How many other people are requesting the game, and also how many games are available. Once the game ships off to whomever bought it then you will move up in number. The hold up might be that the sellers haven't confirmed the transaction.

Edit: Just checked the games information (Brain Age) and it seems there is only 1 copy of the game available and its for the cartige only. So you can imagine that you're going to be waiting along time before you actually get the game.
[quote name='bvcxz11']I used your link ShadowMasterX,so you got a referral. Also,I just mailed out my first game & with first class & delivery confirmation was only $2.73.I think I have to wait for that buyer to say everything's ok before they'll allow my next sale,correct??
I didn't see anything I wanted for the 100 points so I'll let "em ride til I have enough for a high point game.I think a lot of us had been debating trying this so I will let everyone know my experience,good or bad...[/quote]
Thanks for refering under me. To answer your question, Goozex has a multi-tiered feedback system that dictates the amount of games you can receive and ship out at a time. At the first tier of feedback, having a score of 0-9, you can only ship it out 2 games at once, and only receive 2 games at once. However, these restrictions get lighter as you trade more. At my feedback level, I can ship out an unlimited number of trades, and receive 10 at a time. Just one more positive feedback, and I'll be able to receive 15 games at a time. Also, it's a good idea, keeping those points so you can get a higher priced game, instead of using them right away for a cheaper game. It is VERY frustrating this to receive an email that you were matched with a game you wanted, but you didn't have enough points. I just missed Ninja Gaiden Sigma myself, and by very few points too. :(

As for your question, Rozz, the Goozex matching matrix goes through several times a day, I don't know when they are. However, you can see information on the game's page that there are 0 copies ready for trade right now, but there are 2 that will become sellable soon. As long as there are 0 ready copies to trade, the number won't go down. However, it seems this game gets traded fairly often, there are 5 trades going on right now for it.
[quote name='buterbals']Well the your number depends on certain factors. How many other people are requesting the game, and also how many games are available. Once the game ships off to whomever bought it then you will move up in number. The hold up might be that the sellers haven't confirmed the transaction.

Edit: Just checked the games information (Brain Age) and it seems there is only 1 copy of the game available and its for the cartige only. So you can imagine that you're going to be waiting along time before you actually get the game.[/quote]

Are you sure? On where it says 'Game Avaiable As', it lists it as being avaiable both cart only and as complete (they're both in green). How do you check how many copies are currently in stock? Thanks.
[quote name='Rozz']Are you sure? On where it says 'Game Avaiable As', it lists it as being avaiable both cart only and as complete (they're both in green). How do you check how many copies are currently in stock? Thanks.[/quote]

Click to view a game, and scroll down a bit to where the description of the game is at. Then click on the "Trading Info." tab on the left side. The reason why its still displayed as "Complete" is because the 2 remaining copies are "Active" at the moment. Unless the trades don't go through then it will be passed down to the next person. There aren't any copies listed as "Ready". Hope that helped abit.
[quote name='BernardB89']well I would do this, but the only thing is i dont know how to send my games that I no longer want...[/quote]
Then join for the free game.
[quote name='BernardB89']well I would do this, but the only thing is i dont know how to send my games that I no longer want...[/quote]
Try using the mail?

[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Okay, so it costs a trade credit to request a game...does it cost one to send a game out?[/quote]
Just to request.

C'mon people, it's not that complicated, and the site has a FAQ which should answer all your questions. ;)
I've been using Goozex for a little while now. I've sent out 2 games and am getting back 4 games with the points! The site is great. You get 100 points free for signing up (can be used for a game free) and they give you a free trade. You get more points by sending your games out to other people.

To the poster who didn't like the match times, goozex just put in a new feature. They show how many people are ready to trade immediately (not waiting on points, etc). I added a game that was available and I got the confirmation/game sent email in a few hours.

If anyone wants to try it, go to, or if you want to be nice, use my referral :)

PM me if you have any goozex questions, I'm a huge fan of their site if you couldn't tell :D
just got my confirmation that my game will come on dec the 4th...YAY im soo happy. I just hope that i actually get it lol! if this works, then goozex is my new freind :)
[quote name='BernardB89']question..can you use many accounts on the same address? is this adviceable?[/quote]
Go away, damn Judas. Who the hell is stupid enough to ask that? Oh, my bad. You.
[quote name='BernardB89']question..can you use many accounts on the same address? is this adviceable?[/quote]

Obviously they dont. So people like you cant abuse it and get a million free games
yeah...i didnt try that(same add)
dont want to abuse it
and Leek, shut your pie hole. just because you have a higher rep than me doesnt give you the right to be nasty to NEWB like myself. Like i said, i was merely asking, and I DIDN'T even tried it. I know how it feels when some idiot goes and messes it up for everyone elses...not gonna be that kind of person.
(sorry admins)
multiple account aren't allow obivious, but would it be possible to get a game and then change all your info to fake info and then just create another account!!!!!
nah...i only have one account in there, and yeah, im not going to even try to make a new one because im afraid I wont get my FREE game.
goozex FTW! haha
From the Goozex Terms of Use:

[quote name='Goozex Terms of Use'] USER ID FRAUD. User may not (i) select or use as a User ID a name of another person with the intent to impersonate that person; or (ii) use as a User ID a name subject to any rights of a person other than User without appropriate authorization; or (iii) create multiple User IDs within a single household; or (iv) create multiple User IDs in two or more households for the purpose of defrauding the Company or avoiding adverse action by the Company with respect to User’s account.

And believe me, these guys are on top of things. Anyone trying to cheat the system will end up getting busted. It's just not smart. Also, when it says December 4th, Bernard, it means that the seller, if at all possible, will SHIP your game by the 4th, not that you'll receive it then. It can take up to a week or two to receive the game, depending on how far away you are from the seller, or how quickly s/he ships it out.

And remember everyone, if you want to sign up to Goozex and want to get extra trade credits while you're at it, just click my signature to sign up.
ohhh...ok I get it.
Um that extra trade credits you speak of, what do we have to do other than clicking on it and signing up(me thinks)?
Nothing. Just sign up under a referral, and when you complete your first trade you get extra trade credits. However, since you're already signed up, you can't get them anymore.
what kind of legal actions could they do????......why do they have "change personal info" option then thats just stupid
Hmm... I signed up a long time ago, and never got around to actually using the service. I got 0 points for signing up. No free game for me.

Fine. I can create a new account with the CAG 2007. This isn't quite a case of multiple accounts; I never used the old one, and would discard it, 100 points in hand. Oh wait, the logout button doesn't actually log me out. Nope. It just takes me back to the home page, still logged in. :bomb:
Actually I see nothing wrong in making multiple accounts,sure it might seem bad,but the seller still gets his points,goozex doesn't sell the games.

Also,I'm not creating multiple accounts if you are thinking that,I don't wanna get ban from goozex.
[quote name='BernardB89']yeah...i didnt try that(same add)
dont want to abuse it
and Leek, shut your pie hole. just because you have a higher rep than me doesnt give you the right to be nasty to NEWB like myself. Like i said, i was merely asking, and I DIDN'T even tried it. I know how it feels when some idiot goes and messes it up for everyone elses...not gonna be that kind of person.
(sorry admins)[/quote]
No, it isn't "rep" reputation means nothing on the internet, neither does post count, you're merely give a bad stereotype for new members, to be stupid be Captain Obvious. CAG is really going into a bad stage right now, it's become popular and now scammers and retards just want to come in. Do not make multiple accounts. You will be banned on this website for saying so. Goozex is a member of CAG. He's an affiliate.
[quote name='Boolean']Hmm... I signed up a long time ago, and never got around to actually using the service. I got 0 points for signing up. No free game for me.

Fine. I can create a new account with the CAG 2007. This isn't quite a case of multiple accounts; I never used the old one, and would discard it, 100 points in hand. Oh wait, the logout button doesn't actually log me out. Nope. It just takes me back to the home page, still logged in. :bomb:[/quote]

I did the same thing; made an account awhile ago thinking it was more like Switchplanet (free to trade)... But I couldn't get any points, so I decided to never use it... Now that I can use it and actually get a trade, I may use it.
[quote name='GiD']Actually I see nothing wrong in making multiple accounts,sure it might seem bad,but the seller still gets his points,goozex doesn't sell the games.

Also,I'm not creating multiple accounts if you are thinking that,I don't wanna get ban from goozex.[/quote]

True, the seller gets his points, but if you never intend to trade games, you take them out of the system. One of the positive aspects of Goozex is that when you get a game, you eventually take it put it back into circulation. Also, you get a free trade credit when you start, making multiple account cheats Goozex out of the one way it makes a little money off of trades.
[quote name='buterbals']Click to view a game, and scroll down a bit to where the description of the game is at. Then click on the "Trading Info." tab on the left side. The reason why its still displayed as "Complete" is because the 2 remaining copies are "Active" at the moment. Unless the trades don't go through then it will be passed down to the next person. There aren't any copies listed as "Ready". Hope that helped abit.[/quote]

You've been a damn good help. Thank you very much!

I might just chose something else... or maybe if I keep patient I will eventually get a copy...
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