Free Remote Jacket Acessory from Nintendo.

Crap, you need the serial. I was hoping just having it registered would be enough... my Wii is back home so I can't do it until this weekend.:whistle2:(
It wouldn't let me get 4, so I asked for 2 and it took me to a shop nintendo page to confirm my order and enter my shipping info. If you're getting the blank page, it's not going through.
I got the blank screen in Firefox after entering the SN, # of jackets requested, and region. I copy/pasted the URL into IE and it let me complete the order.

Here's the URL I copy/pasted (notice the XXXX at the end!):

The XXXX is an individual transaction ID. I was still able to find mine in my browser's history. Hope this helps people complete their orders.

I did a little futzing around with the Nintendo Store and was able to pull up a Wiimote Jacket ordering page. Looks like they'll be selling them for $5 each.
Im in for 4 as well with no blank pages, they will start shipping as soon as oct 15 sounds good plus they look good and they are free
[quote name='Slayzz']I got a blank page too after submitting the order. Hope it go through![/QUOTE]

Same here, when I went back to order it said I was over the limit so hopefully they got my order...
it said to print off this page for my records. not really neccessary when it shows nothing but

Product subtotal $0.00
shipping $0.00
sales tax $0.00
Order total $0.00
Hey guys I need some help...not sure if my order went through properly or not, got a weird change window screen or something like that (I'm using Opera).

Do they send confirmation e-mails or does it show up on My Orders?


[quote name='prateeko']Same here, when I went back to order it said I was over the limit so hopefully they got my order...[/QUOTE]

This is a great idea...I tried to order just 1 instead of 4 and it said I was exceeding the limit too, I guess my order went through.
Somehow I missed the letters "et" in this thread and have been sitting here trying to figure out what a Wii Remote Jack is.
Sigh... there's a trick to supposedly ordering free stuff I found out when I was screwing around. Register your serial, then go to the checkout. You'll see your rubbers for 0.00.
Open a second page (I used IE 7) and go to the main page of Nintendo Shop. I added a Wii lan adapter and refreshed the original page. It showed a quanity of 4X (same as my rubbers for some reason) of Lan adapters for 0.00, no shipping or tax. I doubt these orders will go through, but try it out! And don't abuse it buttholes because I just want one Wii lan adapter.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Sigh... there's a trick to supposedly ordering free stuff I found out when I was screwing around. Register your serial, then go to the checkout. You'll see your rubbers for 0.00.
Open a second page (I used IE 7) and go to the main page of Nintendo Shop. I added a Wii lan adapter and refreshed the original page. It showed a quanity of 4X (same as my rubbers for some reason) of Lan adapters for 0.00, no shipping or tax. I doubt these orders will go through, but try it out! And don't abuse it buttholes because I just want one Wii lan adapter.[/quote]

Well then you probably should have kept your mouth shut.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Well then you probably should have kept your mouth shut.[/QUOTE]
That's a pretty smart ass remark. What'd I do Cap'n Ornery?
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Sigh... there's a trick to supposedly ordering free stuff I found out when I was screwing around. Register your serial, then go to the checkout. You'll see your rubbers for 0.00.
Open a second page (I used IE 7) and go to the main page of Nintendo Shop. I added a Wii lan adapter and refreshed the original page. It showed a quanity of 4X (same as my rubbers for some reason) of Lan adapters for 0.00, no shipping or tax. I doubt these orders will go through, but try it out! And don't abuse it buttholes because I just want one Wii lan adapter.[/quote]

i needed a classic controller so i added that and got:

Wii Remote Jacket
Classic Controller

we'll see!
For reference... I did this in both FF and IE. FF gave me an error after step 1, IE let me complete ALL steps.

So, unless there's cofirmation the other way, you'd do well to try it in IE first.

(I had two serial numbers)
Don't be a sucker. Wrap that fucker!

First found out about this this morning when my Wii was glowing. Hoped it would be a nifty firmware update, but this is good news too.
I couldn't place an order online, as it said that I had exceeded the quantity for my console. As I ordered 4, one for each Wiimote, I guess it thought differently. I called in on the 800-255-3700 phone number and was able to set up an order for 4 of them, as well as 4 of the locking-clasp Wiimote straps.

The jackets won't ship until October 15th.
Hmmm...I wouldn't mind getting the locking-clasp straps.

I got an email confirmation this morning. If you got a blank page and quit, I'm pretty sure you won't get your order. The following 4 pages are:

1. Cart w/ # jackets to be ordered
2. Shipping address
3. Order confirmation
4. Thank you for your order

And it doesn't matter whether or not you were logged in to My Nintendo or not...or at least for me. I still had to put in my shipping address.

Refer to my post on page 3 if you want to try to complete your order through another browser (can anyone verify that the method works?). Or just call the phone number listed in this thread.
So, with all the Mozilla related problems, I thought I'd try IE first. Bad move.

I put in my request for 3, and get 404 Errors and Server Errors.

Go to Firefox, put in my request for 3, and it tells me I've exceeded my limit, but it will give me one extra anyway. I click "Proceed" and get a half formed screen that says "Please go Thank you."

I'm not sure if that's two unfinished sentences or if Nintendo is politely asking me to leave. Or to thank someone.

I check "My Orders" and, to no surprise, find I don't have any. So I go back in my browser history until I get a page that works.

After what seems like forever, I get a shopping cart with 1 remote jacket. After waiting more, it still hasn't loaded in some of the images, so I click on whatever the button is. It calls some javascript checking function.

Wait forever. Then I get the blank screen.

Reload. Wait forever. Then I get the address confirmation.

Click the button. Wait forever. ANOTHER blank screen.

Reload. Wait forever. As of posting this, still waiting.

Nintendo's web stuff sucks. First the headache with the Brain Age 2 stylii, now this. I'm all for free crap, but this is just a mess. Mess for them, too, since if I really want it, I'm going to have to get on the phone and waste some more time -- mine and theirs.

I have no idea if I have 0, 1, 3, or four of these controller jackets coming, and they're so fugly I don't know if I'm going to bother calling customer service.

Maybe it's a good thing that Nintendo doesn't do much online stuff with their consoles. If it were all like this, it would be a nightmare.
I also got to the last step and it came up blank.
But when I re-did it in IE, it said my serial number had redeemed the max amount.

Has ANYONE received a confirmation e-mail? I haven't.
I suggest that everyone who is having problems or are unsure if their order has been accepted call Nintendo at 800-255-3700 to get it straightened out.
[quote name='prateeko']Same here, when I went back to order it said I was over the limit so hopefully they got my order...[/QUOTE]

Same thing happened to me. No idea if it went through or not, but I'm doubting it as the last thing it shows for my account is the replacement wrist straps from a while back.

Guess I'll try again tomorrow.
Sorry if old news, but IGN is reporting this freebie is costing Ninty $18million.

The suits must have a crystal ball calculator that told them $18m in rubber is less than $XXXmill in litigation??? Either that or warranty expenses from customer returns.
Here is the email I just got in response to my question as to if my order went through (I got the Whiite Screen of Death as well)-- it seems to both say it went through, and to try again in a few days (?!).


I'm sorry to hear that you had a problem placing your order for the Wii Remote Jacket. We are aware of the problem and are working on a solution. Please wait a few days before trying to place your order again. When you return to the website and place your order again, you should be able to view the order confirmation page displaying your seven-digit order number. This means your order was successfully completed.

Considering that orders will not begin shipping until October 15th, the wait should not delay your order once it does go through. On behalf of Nintendo, I thank you for your patience and apologize for any inconvenience.

Nintendo of America Inc.
Got the message on the Wii; in for 4. After clicking "Submit", Meesa got a 404 page in IE. Oh well, will worry about it later. Seems they know about the problem already...

And, oh yeah...yay for free stuff! :applause: @ Nintendo.
[quote name='rodeojones903']I did too, but it says I have ordered the max amount for my serial number. I guess they received it but are being hammered with orders.[/QUOTE]

Same here.
Is there something after submitting the order? I got the blank page and used up all 4 quantities. How do they know where to send the jackets to?
Thanks for the find. I personally will do this LATER, because they start shipping October 15th. I will actually submit my request once this "Blank screen" gets fixed. Why bother trying to worry? I would suggest that anyone who hasn't done this yet wait at least a few days so Nintendo gets this sorted out. Better be safe than sorry.
[quote name='lilboo']I also got to the last step and it came up blank.
But when I re-did it in IE, it said my serial number had redeemed the max amount.

Has ANYONE received a confirmation e-mail? I haven't.[/QUOTE]
I just woke up to find a confirmation email in my inbox, yeah.
bread's done