Game of Thrones discussion thread - Season 5 debuts April 12th

[quote name='Poor2More']I recently purchased the Audio Book for "Clash of Kings", I honestly never used an audio book before, so will I lose the essence of the book since it being read to me? I chose Audio book because I could never get through a book that large by reading, took me almost 3 months for "The DA Vinchi Code". I see the audio book is read by Roy Dotrice, which I hear he does an excellent reading and voices for the different characters. Any opinions on this audiobook?[/QUOTE]

I'm not familiar with any of the Song of Ice and Fire audiobooks, but just as a general rule I wouldn't worry about losing anything just because you're having the book read to you. In fact, given how much dramatic tension these books have it might even enhance your experience.
Supposedly someone from Camelot has been cast for season 2. I hope its Eva Green as Melisandre.

Probably James Purefoy though. Which is also good.
[quote name='Anexanhume']Supposedly Purefoy is filming Richard II right now, but I don't know when that ends.[/QUOTE]

There was a recent interview where he said he was negotiating for something so it does sound like its him. Plus HBO does like to reuse actors.
Game of Thrones has been nominated for best drama and Peter Dinklage for best supporting actor at the Emmys.

13 total nominations
Definitely no surprise that Dinklage got a nomination, though I was very pleasantly surprised that the series got a nod. It's got little chance of winning (Mad Men or Boardwalk Empire will likely win), but Dinklage might have a decent shot.
Yeah, I think the series has little chance of the best drama win, especially considering the fantasy bias (although LOTR overcame it). A nomination is still a big deal though.
Emmy nods are still items they'll be happy to put on the outside of the DVD and BD cases before they get sold, even if they don't win.

Nice to see Peter Dinklage get the supporting actor nod, as he's one of the best actors in the series.

Also nice to see that HBO gets two nods with Boardwalk Empire (fantastic show, if you've not seen it) and Game Of Thrones.
[quote name='shrike4242']Emmy nods are still items they'll be happy to put on the outside of the DVD and BD cases before they get sold, even if they don't win.

Nice to see Peter Dinklage get the supporting actor nod, as he's one of the best actors in the series.

Also nice to see that HBO gets two nods with Boardwalk Empire (fantastic show, if you've not seen it) and Game Of Thrones.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, good awards showing are part of what keep shows on HBO. They have to be pretty happy with two of their shows getting the nod. There's not a snow ball's fucking chance in hell it will win (fantasy winning best drama, yeah right), but it's a pretty good achievement none-the-less. Also, Martin's book Dance of Dragons sold the most copies of any fiction book on its first day for this year. Not Science Fiction, Fantasy. Just fiction. That's a huge deal. Consumer awareness of the series is going through the roof.
[quote name='Anexanhume']Yeah, good awards showing are part of what keep shows on HBO. They have to be pretty happy with two of their shows getting the nod. There's not a snow ball's fucking chance in hell it will win (fantasy winning best drama, yeah right), but it's a pretty good achievement none-the-less. Also, Martin's book Dance of Dragons sold the most copies of any fiction book on its first day for this year. Not Science Fiction, Fantasy. Just fiction. That's a huge deal. Consumer awareness of the series is going through the roof.[/QUOTE]

Season 3 will win the Emmy for best drama.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']Season 3 will win the Emmy for best drama.[/QUOTE]

ASoS is definitely the strongest material, but it may need to be chopped significantly and there's no guarantee we'll get past season 2.
[quote name='Anexanhume']ASoS is definitely the strongest material, but it may need to be chopped significantly and there's no guarantee we'll get past season 2.[/QUOTE]

HBO is pretty good about keeping series going, especially if the ratings stay up for this. It would suck if they only did a few seasons since there'd be no way to wrap up the story. So I'm guessing they'll finish it all--though a lot is going to be dependent on how fast Martin can get the last 2 books written.
I loved the show a few episodes in when I had a better idea of the characters and all. I finished the book last week and am about 300 pages into A Clash of Kings. I've never been a fast or diligent reader, but I'm reading these books so fast.
I get the feeling that not having the last two books already finished is going to be a problem. If it takes him as long to write them as it did ADWD then HBO might end up ending it their own way. I can't see them putting the show on break for years for him to finish.
[quote name='Clak']I get the feeling that not having the last two books already finished is going to be a problem. If it takes him as long to write them as it did ADWD then HBO might end up ending it their own way. I can't see them putting the show on break for years for him to finish.[/QUOTE]

Hopefully Martin at least has the last two books sketched out in terms of major plot events.

That way, if nothing else, he can have them make it end how he wants it to end, even if a lot of smaller details end up different in the books.

But hopefully the show just gets him to sit down and finish these last too books without taking such a long time and not writing other stuff in the meantime etc.
Martin has said multiple times that he doesn't think they will catch him before Winds of Winter, especially if they have to split book 3 in twain. He's not so optimistic about book 7, though.

I'd say if it came to it though and it was finish book 7 or have the show delayed or finish without him, you bet your ass he'd clear his schedule and only work on that book. He wouldn't like that since he is a slow and deliberate writer, but I can see him feeling it's his duty to do so.
I really have my doubts about them splitting any of the books in half.

I'm probably the only one, but the more I read the more I wish i had a pet wolf. How awesome would that be?
[quote name='dmaul1114']HBO is pretty good about keeping series going[/QUOTE]

I wouldnt say that but I would say a 3rd season is almost a lock at this point.

You cant compare it to the shows they have cancelled though because of the improving ratings, the award nominations, and just the general buzz it has received.

[quote name='Clak']I really have my doubts about them splitting any of the books in half.

I'm probably the only one, but the more I read the more I wish i had a pet wolf. How awesome would that be?[/QUOTE]

I dont love the idea either. A longer 3rd season would be idea or maybe extending it halfway through the 4th.
Yeah, if they can't split book 3 into 2 seasons, hopefully they can at least stretch it out a few episodes longer to not have to cut as much.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Hopefully Martin at least has the last two books sketched out in terms of major plot events.

That way, if nothing else, he can have them make it end how he wants it to end, even if a lot of smaller details end up different in the books.

But hopefully the show just gets him to sit down and finish these last too books without taking such a long time and not writing other stuff in the meantime etc.[/QUOTE]

i read an interview in EW I believe where he said he does have it sketched out and has shared it with the show creators.

Also why are you guys so dead set on one book=one season? It really is just one long narrative there is not even really any time jumps between books. IMO they can split up the books in whatever way works best. I'm hoping they extend to 13 episodes though to match the runs of other series like True Blood.
The thinking is one season per book would already mean 7 seasons which is a pretty long run from a pay cable series.

Split any books and they're adding to that so must think that's unlikely. Martin has said he'd prefer book 3 be split into 2 seasons, but of course he has little say in the matter.
[quote name='jlarlee']i read an interview in EW I believe where he said he does have it sketched out and has shared it with the show creators.

Also why are you guys so dead set on one book=one season? It really is just one long narrative there is not even really any time jumps between books. IMO they can split up the books in whatever way works best. I'm hoping they extend to 13 episodes though to match the runs of other series like True Blood.[/QUOTE]

Well the show cant go 10 seasons. For a number of reasons one book=one season does work best if possible.
Yeah, George told HBO how the story ends. You can kinda tell with the way certain characters get a lot of exposition in the first season when they got very little in book one. Indicating they're going to become bigger players later.

The reason people say it's one book per season is because in Hollywood the general rule of a script is "one page = one minute" (where a script for a movie is generally 90-120 pages), so 60 pages is an episode. And once some fat gets trimmed, it does add up to about 10 episodes.

If it was 7 seasons, it would be the same length as the Sopranos run. Maybe not in total episode count though, as this show will certainly have to add 1-2 episodes to the count for a few seasons, unless they just trim enough out. The show has been pretty good about making scenes that were not in the book just to move the story along quicker.
[quote name='yankeessuck']
You cant compare it to the shows they have cancelled though because of the improving ratings, the award nominations, and just the general buzz it has received.

IDK about that.

Rome and Deadwood had critical acclaim and share many of the characteristics of what constitutes the success-fulness of GoT: the good numbers, critical acclaim and buzz. The thing that scares me most about a cancellation down the road are the associated production costs.

HBO seems to let shows that are withering/floundering continue production if they are cheap to produce (Hung comes to mind) but will readily cancel expensive shows that are still basking in their own success; GoT being period/fantasy, with all the costs that being such entails, and requiring remote location shooting with tons of extras is what fuels my fears for a potentially incomplete series. While that's only two strikes, it is a pretty big pair of strikes.

Granted Deadwood did have David Milch go squirrelly on it and a HBO executive staff in upheaval with cost cutting pressures effectively killing it on the vine, only to to see it replaced by a cheaper to produce (but less successful) John From Cincinnati.

Like Rome, I'm just going to enjoy it while it's on.

I agree in that a third season is virtually guaranteed, I just accept that HBO giveth and HBO taketh away.
I still don't get why they canceled Carnivale, that show was awesome. Clancy Brown was awesome on that show.
Sopranos' ratings actually fell from what I remember, yet HBO still let it finish its run because it was a hallmark show. GoT is all from specific source material that fans have a head start on consuming (ie: reading the books), so they will keep tuning in because they know what to expect. I would think those unfamiliar with the books will keep watching because it's a wild ride. Box sets will be bought up like crazy, that's a guarantee. It is scary though that HBO shows' success doesn't depend on critical acclaim. Deadwood was loved like crazy and got canceled. The Wire was/is the best rated/critiqued show of all time and was going to get canceled but opted instead to have a quick wrapup like Rome had.

The producers of GoT wanted to prove they could film something like that relatively cheap. They came in well under budget for the pilot, almost as a way to say "See, HBO, it doesn't have to cost as much as Lord of the Rings and be just as grand." All the actors (because of preexisting source material) know pretty much how long they'll be needed for, and HBO will probably only recruit bigname actors that are bound to that and can't say "I'm more famous than these other clowns, I want more money." HBO would just say "Why? You'll be dead in two episodes anyway." The show might have costs, but there's also things that keep costs down. One being they just shoot in real cities/forests, not like Deadwood where they foolishly leased out a large chunk of land and consumed a lot of budget just on that. I think that's the real reason HBO canceled Deadwood. They had Milch semi-bail on them to do his shitty JFC show and figured they wasted too much money on the property they filmed on.
I don't disagree with that.

Let's just hope that HBO's management doesn't stay true to their past precedent as the likely creeping CGI costs (which should increase even more with next season) give me pause.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']

HBO seems to let shows that are withering/floundering continue production if they are cheap to produce (Hung comes to mind) but will readily cancel expensive shows that are still basking in their own success; GoT being period/fantasy, with all the costs that being such entails, and requiring remote location shooting with tons of extras is what fuels my fears for a potentially incomplete series. While that's only two strikes, it is a pretty big pair of strikes.


I never had alot of confidence in HBO in terms of not pulling the plug too early. I seem to recall someone from HBO essentially admitting they made a mistake with Rome and Deadwood but I will never forgive what they did.

Add this to the list of reasons why they shouldnt split the 3rd book
[quote name='h3llbring3r']I don't disagree with that.

Let's just hope that HBO's management doesn't stay true to their past precedent as the likely creeping CGI costs (which should increase even more with next season) give me pause.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that is going to be a unique situation. I can't recall any previous HBO shows that really did a lot of CGI, so how that will factor in is still a mystery.
I don't know, the description of Stannis makes me think of a bigger, rougher looking guy. I just don't see Fiennes filling that.
[quote name='jgiovanni']Rumor has it that Joseph Fiennes might be cast for season 2 as Davos. I think he would make a better Stannis.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I can't see him as Stannis, but think he'd definitely work as Davos.

As with the others, I picture Stannis as bigger and rougher looking that Fiennes.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, I can't see him as Stannis, but think he'd definitely work as Davos.

As with the others, I picture Stannis as bigger and rougher looking that Fiennes.[/QUOTE]

Hes kind of boring but Davos isnt actually Mr Excitement so I guess that could work
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, I can't see him as Stannis, but think he'd definitely work as Davos.

As with the others, I picture Stannis as bigger and rougher looking that Fiennes.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I'm hearing rumors about James Purefoy, who would make an excellent Stannis (though he'd have to swap his trademark smirk out for a scowl, I think he'd be up to it).

[quote name='yankeessuck']Hes kind of boring but Davos isnt actually Mr Excitement so I guess that could work[/QUOTE]

If there's a more boring regular POV character than Davos, I can't think of one. I wouldn't be surprised if his role was diminished greatly in the show since he won't really be necessary as the witness to Stannis' comings and goings, which is his function in the books.
Fiennes seems too young for Davos. Christopher Eccleston would be my ideal Davos.

I always pictured Stannis as a rougher and huskier type. Like Ray Winstone. That dude would dominate as Stannis. Only thing is he looks older than Mark Addy, and Stannis is supposed to be the middle brother.
Dinklage is older than Coster-Waldau and Headley even though Tyrion is younger than Jaime and Cersei. Age doesn't matter, you can make people look older. It's not as if Robert and Stannis will be on screen together for people to compare.
From the above link:

[quote name='WinterIsComing post']Melisandre will be played by Carice van Houten, a Dutch stage and film actress. She’s appeared in the movies Valkyrie and Repo Men. I think you’ll agree she looks just about perfect for Melisandre.

And Stannis will be played by British actor Stephen Dillane, best known to U.S. audiences by playing Thomas Jefferson in HBO’s John Adams.[/quote]


IMDB page for Carice van Houten:

IMDB page for Stephen Dillane:
[quote name='Hell Monkey']She is not quite as I pictured Melisandre, then again neither is the person who plays Catelyn Stark.[/QUOTE]

Its hard to say that until shes in full costume
Yeah, she has red hair which is the real key. She was never really described in that much detail in the books beyond having firey read hair. All the rest comes down to costumes.

Dillane could be very good as Stanis. He was great as Jefferson in the John Adams miniseries.
bread's done