GameFly March 2012 Sale - Under $15 Blowout


4 (100%)
[img-r=1]1372[/img-r]GameFly's monthly used game sale is returns with under $15 prices and free shipping on sale items. GameFly's games come complete with manual, case, and online passes. They are guaranteed and are usually in excellent condition. Out of stock items sometimes return later. Sale ends 3/26.

L.A. Noire $8.99
Homefront $9.99
Crysis 2 $9.99
:ps3: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood $12.99
:ps3: Portal 2 $12.99
:ps3: MLB 11: The Show $12.99
:ps3: Rage $12.99
:ps3: Killzone 3 $14.99
:ps3: Duke Nukem Forever $7.99
:ps3: Captain America: Super Soldier $9.99
:ps3: Dungeon Siege III $9.99
:ps3: Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters $9.99
:ps3: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine $9.99
:ps3: X-Men: Destiny $9.99
:ps3: Dead Space 2 $12.99
:ps3: Alice: Madness Returns $14.99
:ps3: SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs $14.99

:360: Bulletstorm $7.99
:360: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood $12.99
:360: Dead Space 2$12.99
:360: Driver: San Francisco$12.99
:360: Portal 2 $12.99
:360: Alice: Madness Returns$14.99
:360: Duke Nukem Forever $7.99
:360: L.A. Noire $7.99
:360: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 $8.99
:360: Captain America: Super Soldier $8.99
:360: Transformers: Dark of the Moon $8.99
:360: Crysis 2 $9.99
:360: Deus Ex: Human Revolution $9.99
:360: El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron $9.99
:360: F.E.A.R. 3 $9.99
:360: Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters $9.99
:360: Major League Baseball 2K11 $9.99
:360: Medal of Honor $9.99
:360: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine $9.99
:360: X-Men: Destiny $9.99
:360: Dragon Age II $12.99
:360: LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean $12.99
:360: Rage $12.99
:360: Shadows of the Damned $12.99
:360: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year $14.99

:wii: Call of Duty:Black Ops $14.99
:wii: Disney Epic Mickey $14.99
:wii: Hasbro Family Game Night 3 $14.99
:wii: Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters $7.99
:wii: Nicktoons MLB $7.99
:wii: Santa Claus is Comin' to Town $7.99
:wii: Captain America: Super Soldier $9.99
:wii: Cars 2 $9.99
:wii: Driver: San Francisco $9.99
:wii: LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean $9.99
:wii: Smurfs Dance Party $9.99
:wii: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 $12.99
:wii: LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars $12.99
:wii: Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit $12.99
:wii: Phineas & Ferb: Across the Second Dimension $12.99
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[quote name='buster90']is this the big sale from today? Or will there be another one?[/QUOTE]

Has been confirmed that this is the month end sale.
Thanks OP! Kinda hacked I missed out on Portal 2 so quickly!!! Hopefully it comes back. Did pick up Alice, Green Lantern and Dead Space 2
[quote name='Investor']How is Captain of America? Is it any good?[/QUOTE]

It depends on how much a fan you are of Cap. Im a long time fan and i could not be happier! its really amazing to me, and a great game. A huge take off from Arkham Asylum, but thats a great thing in my opinion. The shield action and fighting gives me goosebumps hahaha.

Its a little loose, the graphics aren't that great by todays standards, but you can tell there was actual effort put into it. the presentation and menus are great and thought out. Along with 3d supprt which is pretty cool when your eyes adjust. Its a solid purchase that I would have easily spent 40 on.
[quote name='Investor']How is Captain of America? Is it any good?[/QUOTE]
It is a poor man's Arkham City.
That being said, there are worse games to emulate. Combat is fun, the game is short, it's extremely linear, and they overdid it with the hidden "collectible" objects. For this price, though, it's a no-brainer.
[quote name='brianace']It is a poor man's Arkham City.
That being said, there are worse games to emulate. Combat is fun, the game is short, it's extremely linear, and they overdid it with the hidden "collectible" objects. For this price, though, it's a no-brainer.[/QUOTE]

This post nailed it.
Any thoughts on Crysis 2 and AC Brotherhood for 360 vs PS3? I would prefer PS3 but of course they are both currently out of stock.
Tempted to nab Portal 2 but I really shouldn't spend money on games I've played and I know I won't play again for a long time. Backlog is already pretty beefy.
Grabbed Crysis 2 and AC Brotherhood for the 360 finally. Hoping that portal 2 becomes available again like others.

Is $15 for Oblivion GOTY a good price? I saw you can get it new for $20, but wasn't sure if anyone saw a used/new price for cheaper.
Thanks to the OP! I picked up Alice, which I've been wanting since it came out, but knew I'd never have time to play it. I still have the very end of the first game to finish, and I bought that launch day. You could say I'm a little behind on my gaming.
Snagged Portal 2 (been holding out this long... $12.99 is the price for me) and WH40K: Space Marine, since I used to be a big tabletop 40K player back in the day. The demo was fun if not a little repetitive, but for $9.99, why not.

This was last night, btw... noticed that Portal 2 was OOS when I tried to get a copy for my brother.
Snagged Alice. Was going to buy new when it dropped to $19.99, but since GameFly only sends out the disc it should have the unused DLC code (good for a digital copy of the original American McGee's Alice).
Snagged Dead Space 2 since I missed it last time they had it on sale for this price. Missed out on Portal 2 though, really hope it comes back in stock.

[quote name='htz']I highly doubt EA would shut down the servers for the game next month. Crysis 2 just turned 1 year old, and the lengthy single player is worth the $10.[/QUOTE]
Next month EA MMA and Spare parts are getting shut down both of which are 1-1.5 years old. Don't know how active Crysis is online but if it's not super active it won't be long before it gets shut down.
[quote name='Manifest95']Is $15 for Oblivion GOTY a good price? I saw you can get it new for $20, but wasn't sure if anyone saw a used/new price for cheaper.[/QUOTE]

That's a solid standard price IMO.
[quote name='thenutman69321']Next month EA MMA and Spare parts are getting shut down both of which are 1-1.5 years old. Don't know how active Crysis is online but if it's not super active it won't be long before it gets shut down.[/QUOTE]

I'm guessing those have nearly non-existant communities that probably weren't very big to begin with. You can find full multiple full matches in Crysis any time of the day. I'd be shocked if EA shut down a game where you can find matches so easily.
My .02. I preferred EA MMA's single player campaign to the online portion. It was a big cry-fest. The takedown spammers complained about the body blow spammers and vice versa.
[quote name='morrodox']Just got confirmation, they shipped mine already. (Placed at around 8AM CST, got notice about 2:20 PM.)[/QUOTE]

My Portal 2 shipped earlier today. They seem to have really good service at Gamefly. I was concerned about my billing address being wrong and a live chat rep was very helpful and made sure my order was good to go. It only took about 5 minutes too.
Damn, my order of Captain America and LA Noire shipped separately. Oh well, I guess I'm stuck with slow media mail. I can live with it since the prices are awesome as always.
Damn, I wish I would have checked this sooner. I would have gotten Warhammer 40k in a heartbeat. Anyone hear have any insight on Dungeon Siege III?
[quote name='NEP']Got my copy of Space Marine today. Its uhh.. really bad >_>[/QUOTE]
The condition or the quality of the game itself?
Sorry if someone already posted this,

Do you have to be a gamefly member to take advantage of this deal? I'm trying to get a game and the only option that shows up is "keep" or rent. And thanks for the advice/help in advance.
[quote name='bascubs29']Sorry if someone already posted this,

Do you have to be a gamefly member to take advantage of this deal? I'm trying to get a game and the only option that shows up is "keep" or rent. And thanks for the advice/help in advance.[/QUOTE]
No you don't, just gotta sign up for an account like any other online retailer. If it only says Keep or Rent, it means it's sold out. May come back in stock if people return their rentals, or people return/cancel their purchases.
No you can buy as a non-member, but when it says Keep or Rent, that means it has sold out to the general public. Now the only way to buy would be to rent it and click keep as a member. See Warhammer 40k for an example of this. The used version sold out, but members can still keep their copies.
[quote name='Tsel']The condition or the quality of the game itself?[/QUOTE]

Sorry, the condition was great. The game is really bad.
[quote name='NEP']Sorry, the condition was great. The game is really bad.[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed it when I played it through. Short game, though - but was definitely worth a 1-day redbox rental for $1 ;)
[quote name='NEP']Sorry, the condition was great. The game is really bad.[/QUOTE]

I really enjoyed it, it's kind of simple and mindless shooting and slashing at times, but I liked it.

I enjoy 40K a lot more than a game like Gears of War, with its slow, brooding pace and bullet-sponge enemies.
[quote name='bascubs29']LA Noire is back up to 39.99[/QUOTE]No, it's not. That's for a new copy. The deal was on a used copy which is not currently available.
picked up Portal 2 (a must buy at this price), warhammer 40k (I like gears and the warhammer universe so I thought I would give it a shot), Alice (would have liked to wait till it dropped to 10 but The code should be included with this copy) and Deus Ex (definitely worth $10). All for the 360.

I wish el shadai was on sale for the ps3, and of course I am still waiting for a chance to pick up Catherine ps3 on the cheap.
Was tempted for a second. $36 for Rage, Portal 2 & Deus Ex. A pretty good price for 3 games I really want to play. But with my backlog, I've pretty much decided that unless it's a game I really want to play multiplayer from day 1 (Halo, Gears) I'll pretty much stick to $6 and under. BBV you spoiled me.
[quote name='Gertle627']Was tempted for a second. $36 for Rage, Portal 2 & Deus Ex. A pretty good price for 3 games I really want to play. But with my backlog, I've pretty much decided that unless it's a game I really want to play multiplayer from day 1 (Halo, Gears) I'll pretty much stick to $6 and under. BBV you spoiled me.[/QUOTE]

That's kind of how I'm getting. Backlog is so big not much since adding to it. Of course I did get xmen for9.99. Figured I would actually play it when I get it and trade it to baby or GS and break even. Free rental I guess.
has anyone else had problems with getting chipped disks recently from gamefly? I have been buying games for 3-4 years now from them, and 95% of the time, the games came in pristine/mint condition.

However, the last few ps3 games I got from their nightly deals last week have all had chips going around the outsides of them... it almost seems too pattern like to be coincidently chipped disks. Anyone else getting chipped disks?
[quote name='mrclutch']That's kind of how I'm getting. Backlog is so big not much since adding to it. Of course I did get xmen for9.99. Figured I would actually play it when I get it and trade it to baby or GS and break even. Free rental I guess.[/QUOTE]

Yea I've been backloging throughout the year myself for the most part. Ive picked up Rage, deus ex and some vita games but that's been it for 2012 so far. I'm waiting for games like twisted metal to drop in price in the meantime
Don't feel bad. You're not the only one. Take a look at all 5 of my orders from Gamefly for 5 games total. All PS3 used. All chipped. Crysis 2 and a few others have chips going all the way into the data portion, so those games didn't work.

Others here said that as long as the chips don't go into the data portion they are fine with buying from Gamefly. I had trouble with a few of mine going into the data portion of the dics. But even if the chips didn't go that far in, I still don't want them. I know I bought it used, but I didn't want to see any chips on them.

[quote name='the_grimace']has anyone else had problems with getting chipped disks recently from gamefly? I have been buying games for 3-4 years now from them, and 95% of the time, the games came in pristine/mint condition.

However, the last few ps3 games I got from their nightly deals last week have all had chips going around the outsides of them... it almost seems too pattern like to be coincidently chipped disks. Anyone else getting chipped disks?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='the_grimace']has anyone else had problems with getting chipped disks recently from gamefly? I have been buying games for 3-4 years now from them, and 95% of the time, the games came in pristine/mint condition.

However, the last few ps3 games I got from their nightly deals last week have all had chips going around the outsides of them... it almost seems too pattern like to be coincidently chipped disks. Anyone else getting chipped disks?[/QUOTE]

same here...

dues ex came in pretty bad shape for me today.
Dark Souls is 17.99 used for both 360 and PS3. Resistance 3 is 19.99. Not sure if they are free shipping for non-members.
bread's done