GameFly March 2012 Sale - Under $15 Blowout


4 (100%)
[img-r=1]1372[/img-r]GameFly's monthly used game sale is returns with under $15 prices and free shipping on sale items. GameFly's games come complete with manual, case, and online passes. They are guaranteed and are usually in excellent condition. Out of stock items sometimes return later. Sale ends 3/26.

L.A. Noire $8.99
Homefront $9.99
Crysis 2 $9.99
:ps3: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood $12.99
:ps3: Portal 2 $12.99
:ps3: MLB 11: The Show $12.99
:ps3: Rage $12.99
:ps3: Killzone 3 $14.99
:ps3: Duke Nukem Forever $7.99
:ps3: Captain America: Super Soldier $9.99
:ps3: Dungeon Siege III $9.99
:ps3: Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters $9.99
:ps3: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine $9.99
:ps3: X-Men: Destiny $9.99
:ps3: Dead Space 2 $12.99
:ps3: Alice: Madness Returns $14.99
:ps3: SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs $14.99

:360: Bulletstorm $7.99
:360: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood $12.99
:360: Dead Space 2$12.99
:360: Driver: San Francisco$12.99
:360: Portal 2 $12.99
:360: Alice: Madness Returns$14.99
:360: Duke Nukem Forever $7.99
:360: L.A. Noire $7.99
:360: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 $8.99
:360: Captain America: Super Soldier $8.99
:360: Transformers: Dark of the Moon $8.99
:360: Crysis 2 $9.99
:360: Deus Ex: Human Revolution $9.99
:360: El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron $9.99
:360: F.E.A.R. 3 $9.99
:360: Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters $9.99
:360: Major League Baseball 2K11 $9.99
:360: Medal of Honor $9.99
:360: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine $9.99
:360: X-Men: Destiny $9.99
:360: Dragon Age II $12.99
:360: LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean $12.99
:360: Rage $12.99
:360: Shadows of the Damned $12.99
:360: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year $14.99

:wii: Call of Duty:Black Ops $14.99
:wii: Disney Epic Mickey $14.99
:wii: Hasbro Family Game Night 3 $14.99
:wii: Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters $7.99
:wii: Nicktoons MLB $7.99
:wii: Santa Claus is Comin' to Town $7.99
:wii: Captain America: Super Soldier $9.99
:wii: Cars 2 $9.99
:wii: Driver: San Francisco $9.99
:wii: LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean $9.99
:wii: Smurfs Dance Party $9.99
:wii: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 $12.99
:wii: LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars $12.99
:wii: Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit $12.99
:wii: Phineas & Ferb: Across the Second Dimension $12.99
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How often/likely is it that games come back in stock? Is it just randomly throughout the day? I've been refreshing the PS3 AC Brotherhood page all day.
[quote name='MrBeatdown']How often/likely is it that games come back in stock? Is it just randomly throughout the day? I've been refreshing the PS3 AC Brotherhood page all day.[/QUOTE]

I'm wondering this as well. Primarily waiting to see if they add new games to the list. Catherine is calling my name. One day it'll be mine.
[quote name='MrBeatdown']How often/likely is it that games come back in stock? Is it just randomly throughout the day? I've been refreshing the PS3 AC Brotherhood page all day.[/QUOTE]

It seems to be extremely random as to if and when it will happen, but it DEFINITELY happens. I've scored a couple times on re-stocks.

[quote name='CheapAssHustla']I'm wondering this as well. Primarily waiting to see if they add new games to the list. Catherine is calling my name. One day it'll be mine.[/QUOTE]

I don't think they've ever added games to a monthly sale.
My copy of Dark Souls (PS3) arrived chipped (about 5 large chips around the edges). Gamefly won't replace it and I thought about ordering again since its the same price and still in stock, but with all these chipped disc posts, I'm just going to wait.
Yup Recieved chipped disc on Crysis 2 for PS3... Initially i thought it was just an ugly protective coating job a tthe factory, I never have problems with PS3 games and scratches. Its odd, its just around the very outside edges of the disc, but they are indeed chips, actual small chunks missing.

Oh well, im trading it to gamestop to set off my trade 3 +10 bonus. so I get my money back on that at least.

I just ordered assassins Creed BroHood, and its still TBD, no emails about it yet. Anyone having slow service on this? Im starting to worry about bad condition of the disc. Generally how bad do 360 games come? Id guess its just luck of the draw, considering the disc could have been to several different people.
Man ordered tons of games of both PS3 and 360 and yet to have any problems and all of them have been in prefect shape.
the games from gamefly recently at least for me have had the discs edges chipped. I am waiting for Captain america and green lantern to come in hopefully they'll be good.
[quote name='tylerh1701']It seems to be extremely random as to if and when it will happen, but it DEFINITELY happens. I've scored a couple times on re-stocks.

I don't think they've ever added games to a monthly sale.[/QUOTE]

Ok, thanks for letting me know. I'll still check back and see what people picked up.
Just a heads up, some games are available again on gamefly right now. Mostly xbox 360 games, like crysis 2, driver San Francisco, dead space 2, xmen, etc.
Anyone think their going to get a restock of Portal 2. I missed this and was hoping more would become available before the sale ends.

[quote name='babramson101']Anyone think their going to get a restock of Portal 2. I missed this and was hoping more would become available before the sale ends.

Portal 2 for PS3 is in stock again. Xbox 360 is still out of stock.
They split my 3 game order into two separate shipments. Deus Ex and Portal 2 have not shipped, but Captain America has.
Might re buy portal 2 if it comes bis. couldn't get into it originally but it'd be worth it to have a copy on ps3 and PC.
[quote name='whitereflection']How can you tell it came back in stock? It would always just show the "Keep" price if it sold out.[/QUOTE]

The option to "BUY" will be there if it's back in stock.
[quote name='whitereflection']How can you tell it came back in stock? It would always just show the "Keep" price if it sold out.[/QUOTE]
I'm sorry but... :rofl:
[quote name='namtrahj']I think he means that you can't tell after the fact that a game has been in stock and sold out again.[/QUOTE]

That's what I meant, I thought that was clear. The previous poster said that the item came back in stock again and he missed it.
[quote name='bradmanuel']Crysis 2 back in stock for X360

EDIT: Beaten[/QUOTE]

[quote name='whitereflection']That's what I meant, I thought that was clear. The previous poster said that the item came back in stock again and he missed it.[/QUOTE]
I thought you previously meant how could one tell when an item comes back in stock. Not how could I tell when the last time an item did come back in stock. That was the confusing part and it made me chuckle cause I thought you were able to tell it was in stock when it was first on sale but can't tell its in stock when it did came back in stock.

If you were referring to bradmanuel's post, I think he didn't see my post above his mentioning Crysis 2 came back in stock, so he essentially did a repost and said I beaten him to posting it first. Not cause he saw Crysis 2 coming back in stock and missed purchasing it, heh.
[quote name='Buzzman']My Rage didn't come with the online pass :([/QUOTE]

you dont need an online pass for rage. or do you mean the anarchy codes?
[quote name='Buzzman']My Rage didn't come with the online pass :([/QUOTE]

Did you get the 360 or PS3 version? If you want the sewer and anarchy codes, I might have a spare I can send you via private msg.
[quote name='Buzzman']My Rage didn't come with the online pass :([/QUOTE]

Buzzman, Send me a pm and tell me which version you got. I'll give you a free online pass code. :D I've been slacking on my twitter account where I give out free codes so I'll give you one to feel better about my efforts!
[quote name='CaseX']Did you get the 360 or PS3 version? If you want the sewer and anarchy codes, I might have a spare I can send you via private msg.[/QUOTE]

Yea I meant the sewer codes. I got it for 360.
[quote name='Buzzman']Yea I meant the sewer codes. I got it for 360.[/QUOTE]

Give me 5 minutes and I'll shoot you a pm.
[quote name='Buzzman']Yea I meant the sewer codes. I got it for 360.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='bgame2']Give me 5 minutes and I'll shoot you a pm.[/QUOTE]

Lol. I sent the codes.
Yea thanks again for the codes and thanks for offering bgame. This community is hands down the best around because of people like you two.
[quote name='canvasch']dirt 3 for 14.99 but you gotta pay shipping... like 18$ something after the fact.. :([/QUOTE]

sold out now.
[quote name='Buzzman']Yea thanks again for the codes and thanks for offering bgame. This community is hands down the best around because of people like you two.[/QUOTE]

Relatedly, if anyone needs random codes, please feel free to email me. I'm glad to help out if possible.
[quote name='Trojann']I have never bought from Gamefly do you get the case n manual with the game?[/QUOTE]

Yes you get both, bought infamous 2 for $17.99. Case and manual look brand spanking new!!!....besides shrink wrap of course.
[quote name='bgame2']Relatedly, if anyone needs random codes, please feel free to email me. I'm glad to help out if possible.[/QUOTE]

u don't happen to have the kingdom of A------------- online pass right?
i'll pay
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron $14.99
Deus Ex: Human Revolution $14.99

El Shaddai for PS3 is back in stock but gamefly has bumped the price up by $5 and no free shipping for non-rental gamefly members. Deus Ex is also back in stock with no free shipping for non-rental gamefly members either.
Got X-Men today for the PS3. Edges were chipped but it still plays okay. little bit disappointed with the quality of the disk.

Sent from my new iPad. Not that that's important. I just like saying it:)
[quote name='chingychink2005']^Douche, lol. The new Ipad or Ipad 2? Can't decide which to get.[/QUOTE]
Asus transformer prime. -anti apple user
[quote name='bgame2']Relatedly, if anyone needs random codes, please feel free to email me. I'm glad to help out if possible.[/QUOTE]

dont need any at the moment. But thanks so much for the offer. super kind of you.
bread's done