Persona (PSP), most definitely. Star Ocean IV in the case that it went cheap enough. I'd get Darkstalkers Chronicles for a friend, and ~maybe~ Raiden IV if it goes for cheap enough (and if I don't spend that money on importing Cave's upcoming SHMUP instead).
Off the top of my head, LittleBigPlanet and Rock Band Unplugged are my most obvious choices for what I'd get. Getting a game guaranteed complete with artwork and user manual has been the crux of my lack of visits to GameStop, but it's good to know the website can now hold to this promise.
I would have to plump for ODST, after hearing my friends rave about Firefight. I would also consider Fallout 3; the consideration being whether or not I can afford to neglect the wife and kids for however many hours I'll surely put into it.
There are a few games i'm interested in such as:
Fallout 3
Fable II
Demon's Souls
Ratchet & Clank Future:Tools of Destruction
I could go on but i think that's enough for now.
I've been weeping hard since they stopped selling PSX games a few years ago . . . Ahh.
I think now I will jump in and buy:
ICO (haaahhh! -- maybe! It'll be hard to find and all that)
Resident Evil 5 to play like a big jerk on Halloween (with the lights out, avoiding the rapping of candy-starved children)
Might snag either the first or second Professor Layton so that I can be a good boyfriend, or whatever. You know.