I hope the 'all pre-owned Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PSP and DS' was added after those first couple of posts, otherwise I dare say those people can't read because PS2 isn't in that list (which is very sad because there's still plenty of PS2 games I want).
My List:
Gears of War 1-2
Left 4 Dead
Magnacarta 2 (although that artbook you get for reserving through gamestop is tempting...and I intend on holding out for a year to see if a PS3 version is in the works)
GTA4 (PS3. Already have the 360 version, but may give it to my brother when I move out)
RE5 (if that new version is going to DTO only...I WANT a physical copy dang it!)
There's probably more, but most of the other games I'm hankering to get I'd rather buy new. You know, support those that make them.