Gamestop Reform, Need Help, Please Read


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I work at gamestop and am trying to reform it by eliminating ALL gutting from the stores. I propose to have only display cases for the new section of any system because this eliminates any confusion of inventory, the customer WILL be happy and the policy to be more enforced.

Buying a gutted game can lead to customers coming back saying "oh the game had been played and i want an exchanged" all that easily. Having only sealed copies really guarantees satisfaction and better policies.

If you agree, I recommend you help me call corporate and suggest this new reform. It will help with employees taking less time gutting games and more time helping you as a customer. Please do call corporate, It would make all the employees happy and a better experience to you too.

P.S. While you have corporate on the phone, mention to get better trade in values. I cringe every time a new game gets the $15 dollar treatment.
I like minty reprints being disguised as used though :whistle2:$ If Gamestop were to keep these sealed and jack up the prices behind a glass case they'd lose a lot of sales with me.
The easiest way to avoid getting gutted games is to not be stupid enough to keep buying them.

*ahem* Half of CAG.
I wholeheartedly agree. Which is why I don't buy gutted games.

You hear that, half of CAG? This is how that works.
[quote name='Survivalism']I wholeheartedly agree. Which is why I don't buy gutted games.

You hear that, half of CAG? This is how that works.[/QUOTE]

Amazon has better prices on everything anyway, 99% of the time, honestly I don't see why people even go to Gamestop anymore.
[quote name='Indigo_Streetlight']I like minty reprints being disguised as used though :whistle2:$ If Gamestop were to keep these sealed and jack up the prices behind a glass case they'd lose a lot of sales with me.[/QUOTE]

I thought the reason they usually opened the games and sold them as used was so they could raise the price though.
[quote name='Cmosfm']Amazon has better prices on everything anyway, 99% of the time, honestly I don't see why people even go to Gamestop anymore.[/QUOTE]

Instant gratification?
[quote name='rainking187']I thought the reason they usually opened the games and sold them as used was so they could raise the price though.[/QUOTE]

No one's stopping them from charging over MSRP on new games. I'm pretty sure the reason for the used reprints is to sucker people into B2G1s. Most good reprints usually come around the time of a B2G1. Xenosaga III and Tales of the Abyss are two that come to mind.
Sorry but companies only understand one thing: money. If you really don't want to support GameStop's gutting policy, vote with your dollar.

I haven't bought a new game from GS for quite a while but if an employee ever tries to give me a gutted game, I ask for an actual new copy. If they comply, I complete the purchase. Otherwise, I just say "no" and leave.
Just don't shop there...I don't. Gamefly used sales, CAG trades and lowballs, Amazon, various sales at B&Ms, Craigslist, there are plenty of options. I haven't bought something from Gamestop in over five years.
I have a few questions/comments on the whole gutting "scandal":

-How bad is the situation exactly? When I see most people complaining about gutted games, its not about buying Pokemon X on launch day and having it already opened for them, it's trying to pick up Sky Crawlers or Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 or some other game that the store probably only has about 2 or 3 copies on a quicky sale a year down the line. Add to this the way that many in the CAG community, when they're not complaining about gutted games, are boasting about how they never or rarely shop at GS for price reasons (especially on new titles), makes me wonder how often they actually encounter this issue. Of course, regardless of the context of the purchase I suppose the thrust of all this is that it just generally sucks to get a gutted copy, which brings me to my next point...

-Do you think GS can actually put an end to gutted games even if they wanted to? When I go to the gamestop at the local shopping center, the counter is a bit full-up with product. The local mall-based GS however? The place is an effing wreck: the glass behind the counter is stuffed with games, the top of the counter is stacked two times over with CEs and accessory bundles, and the drawers are crammed full of used games. So, how can it be fixed? Should they have the games out in the walls/aisles, locked up in their own little individual cases a la Best Buy? Given the relatively small size of nearly all gamestops, I would kinda see that as a security issue. Should some of the walls be lined with glass enclosures? I think that would probably have problems of its own, and knowing how the online community operates, I can almost imagine one gripe being exchanged for another... stories of how that jerk employee gave you a gutted game would be traded in for stories of how that jerk employee took his sweet time getting to the enclosure and now the service sucks. So how would you fix it? And finally...

-Is it really so scandalous? I hate to say it, but I think Joe Q Public just doesn't care. Personally the highest level I've seen the "gutted games scandal" eleveated to was a brief snippet in what I think was WSJ... and I'm pretty sure that was covering the matter of employees being able to play games and mark them as new (which I think IS an issue). if it was anywhere close to the scandal that people here make it out to be I would sorta expect it to make more waves in my non-gaming news. I think that's the sum of my thoughts on this issue: is it really a big deal? As someone said before, money talks. Imagine being in GS' shoes and you're asked to rearrange your store to fix an issue that no one really fusses over, save for a group of rather particular gamers, is it really worth it just for a brief hand clap followed by a " if only they'd stop hassling me about preorders"

I do think there are problems related to the gutted games issue, as I mentioned before the employee testing privilege needs to go, and there's really no reason why you should preorder or buy a newer game and have it already gutted, but I don't think it does any good to just generalize and complain without first thinking of how/if it can actually be fixed.

If they comply, I complete the purchase. Otherwise, I just say "no" and leave.
Is it a CAG rite of passage or something to tell the story about how you just march out of a Gamestop like a badass? Let's be honest, no one does this... we say something like "ahh I think I'll pass" and return to our business.
The biggest issue I think people have with the gutting (and I agree with it) is that if a game is supposedly new, that means that the manufacturer's shrink wrap and any security devices are still in tact.

GameStop's gutting of games is done by removing the items from the packaging- which is legally then not supposed to be sold as "new" considering it's opened.
I hear they sell open new games at full price. Any truth to this?

Where's ninja dog? What does he think?
I've only bought a few CE/LE games new from GS the last year or so. (I had GS gift cards from e-rewards) Otherwise I mostly buy new from Amazon, unless GS has an exclusive version.
In 2009 around late November, I tried buying a new game from GS as a Christmas present but every fucking game I brought up to the counter, they handed me a gutted copy. I asked for a sealed copy but kept getting "duhh, we only have opened new copies". I have not purchased anything from them since.
[quote name='Altanis']The biggest issue I think people have with the gutting (and I agree with it) is that if a game is supposedly new, that means that the manufacturer's shrink wrap and any security devices are still in tact.

GameStop's gutting of games is done by removing the items from the packaging- which is legally then not supposed to be sold as "new" considering it's opened.[/QUOTE]

To Gamestop, "new" is if a game isn't "pre-owned", played or not, opened or not. Their definition may differ to many (Including me, but I don't care about the issue), and to say your definition is legal sounds silly
[quote name='Ilikecoldbeverages']Long post.[/QUOTE]

In my experience, the gutting situation is not that bad. The store I visit most often generally guts one game to put up on the shelves. Sometimes, with a really big name title, like a Halo game, they might gut more. I have seen people say the situation at their stores is a lot worse, but I can only speak on what I have seen over the years. I would say that maybe like 10% of the time I have been offered a gutted copy.

And you're right about the average person not caring. If anyone wants real proof, just look at the fact that GS still does it. If enough people cared, they would stop. They don't. So, just give it up. GS does not care what we think. We are in the minority. Most of us only buy stuff from GS when we are getting a great deal from them. We don't make them any money. Our voice is meaningless to them.
[quote name='steve nash']if you wait so long to buy a game that all they have left are guts, then you deserve it[/QUOTE]

So I guess buying a game on day one isn't soon enough for you? Because I have had this happen with a preorder twice. It's why I just buy stuff from and not GameStop b&m stores anymore. Unless the game is in some sort of cardboard box packaging, because doesn't seem to get that just throwing everything into flimsy plastic bag mailers isn't adequate protection.
Instead of whining about how Gamestop 'omg guts games and charges the new price still for them', contact the Federal Trade Commission through their complaint website and flood them with about 10k complaints about the companies' practices.


Just don't try to file a complaint and use all sorts of swear words and uneducated language in it or it won't be taken seriously.

I hate their policies too and with them being the largest game retailer in the U.S. you would think they would follow what Toys R' Us does and have spare game cases and pre-printed coverart for any games they want to advertise without having live product out on the sales floor.

But those would likely cost them all of $.03 per case/artwork and that's profit that could be adding to the billions they make in a year.:roll:
[quote name='steve nash']if you wait so long to buy a game that all they have left are guts, then you deserve it[/QUOTE]

I was at the store before they opened on release day (waiting outside because I had other places to go later), and they only had gutted copies to fill my pre-order. I complained about why they would gut a pre-order, but to no avail and then decided I was wasting my breath so I haven't bought anything of consequence from GS ever since. Only exceptions were Wii system pre-order (which wasn't gutted, thank God) and Harvey Birdman for $5.
the gutted games are usually the ones the employees play. employees are allowed to "rent" games -including new ones- so if u get a new one with scratches/smudges/etc its because an employee or an employee's friend/sibling/etc used it and obviously doesn't care because its free to them. my friend works at gamestop and he brings home new games to try out all the time. i went to buy demon souls once and they didnt have it because another employee had rented it. never went to that gamestop again.
[quote name='JayTL']To Gamestop, "new" is if a game isn't "pre-owned", played or not, opened or not. Their definition may differ to many (Including me, but I don't care about the issue), and to say your definition is legal sounds silly[/QUOTE]
Let me know where I ever said that my definition was the legal one.

Although, considering that retailers aren't allowed to sell any returns, no matter what (opened or not), as new, you would think that anything opened couldn't be sold as new.

Not that I buy anything "new" at GameStop anyway. The only time I buy from GameStop or is when they're either having a really good sale or I have a gift card.
[quote name='Altanis']Let me know where I ever said that my definition was the legal one.

Although, considering that retailers aren't allowed to sell any returns, no matter what (opened or not), as new, you would think that anything opened couldn't be sold as new.

Not that I buy anything "new" at GameStop anyway. The only time I buy from GameStop or is when they're either having a really good sale or I have a gift card.[/QUOTE]

Sears and Sams Club sell returns, but they have stickers clearly marking them as used/returned. I have seen this with TV's, Computers and a couple lawnmowers as well as some misc items.

If people want to change gamestops policies they should stop shopping there. That may also change the damn pre-order bonus crap!
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Next time they try to pull and sell you a gutted game, ask them this.

If I(you) were to walk in, with a gutted game, unscratched in pristine(LIKE NEW) condition game and wanted to return it as "new" would they? If they say no, then tell them to sell you the game as used.

Raise hell, get loud and get it cheap. Or go else where. 9 times out of 10 I avoid gamestop for buying. The only one I actually will goto is our Preakness Location in Wayne NJ. The staff "care" and go way out of there way, at least for me. Everywhere else is a zoo and a wreck. I don't get "gutted" games.
[quote name='Invicta 61']Bought a "new" PS2 game last week. Didn't know new games were supposed to have scratches on the disc.[/QUOTE]

First rule of Gamestop logic and language education:

Pre-owned > New.

As far as I know, New only equals Sealed Happy Perfect New if you pre-order a game right when it first comes out. Otherwise you take your chances with Chocolate-Milk-covered-front-liner New.
[quote name='saberz']Next time they try to pull and sell you a gutted game, ask them this.

If I(you) were to walk in, with a gutted game, unscratched in pristine(LIKE NEW) condition game and wanted to return it as "new" would they? If they say no, then tell them to sell you the game as used.

Raise hell, get loud and get it cheap. Or go else where. 9 times out of 10 I avoid gamestop for buying. The only one I actually will goto is our Preakness Location in Wayne NJ. The staff "care" and go way out of there way, at least for me. Everywhere else is a zoo and a wreck. I don't get "gutted" games.[/QUOTE]
I asked them to return a game the one time after ripping off the shrinkwrap from a game I still wanted to keep anyway that I just bought from them while I was still in the store. They told me I could 'trade it in and get store credit for it'.

I rose a lil hell that day and almost got banned from going in that store and I think it actually did make the employees think for a second about how out of whack that gutted copy policy is.

Of course, the next time I went back there it was back to business as usual.:cry:
I've actually returned a gutted copy once but only because it was the manager and I had dealt with him in the past. It's the only good GS I've been to.
[quote name='Fonz72']Sears and Sams Club sell returns, but they have stickers clearly marking them as used/returned. I have seen this with TV's, Computers and a couple lawnmowers as well as some misc items.[/quote]
Read the bold part. What did I say? Oh, that's right: That companies cannot legally sell a return- opened or not- as new.

Did you even read what I wrote, or are you just responding to what you want me to have written?
Care to back that up with a link, Altanis? Ever bought a "new" car with zero miles on it?

Any chances a Mod could just merge this thread with any of the thousands of other gutting threads? Round and round we go.
[quote name='SoulProphet']I work at gamestop and am trying to reform it by eliminating ALL gutting from the stores. I propose to have only display cases for the new section of any system because this eliminates any confusion of inventory, the customer WILL be happy and the policy to be more enforced.

Buying a gutted game can lead to customers coming back saying "oh the game had been played and i want an exchanged" all that easily. Having only sealed copies really guarantees satisfaction and better policies.

If you agree, I recommend you help me call corporate and suggest this new reform. It will help with employees taking less time gutting games and more time helping you as a customer. Please do call corporate, It would make all the employees happy and a better experience to you too.

P.S. While you have corporate on the phone, mention to get better trade in values. I cringe every time a new game gets the $15 dollar treatment.[/QUOTE]

They will never change.
The problem is when you are giving a game as a gift its really tacky to give an unshrinkwrapped game especially if you paid the full new price for it. It just doesn't look like you are giving a new game, and frankly if I was going to give a gutted game as a gift I would just go buy a used copy from somewhere else. If I am buying a game as a gift I make sure I go to another store besides gamestop or I order from to make sure I get a brand new shrinkwrapped copy. I refuse to give one of Gamestop's gutted games as a "new game" gift.

Another problem is stickering up the new games, there are stickers on the cover art (at least over here there are on new games), and stickers degrade the value of the game on the used market especially if they are not removable without damaging the game. No one wants to buy a game plastered in Gamestop stickers when the next guy has one that is sticker free. Plus there are like 3 stickers on the case itself which are a huge pain to remove especially if they have been baking on there a while while the game sat on the shelf.

Its not going to change, but I can voice my opinion by not purchasing gutted games especially if they are sold as new. Again if I want to buy a game that has no shrinkwrap I will look for a used copy somewhere else. I purchase very little at GS and only buy there because I am on the e-rewards program and I get gift cards to GS for free. I usually use the gift cards to preorder a new game, usually whatever new Pokemon RPG has come out, and I have never run into a situation where I received a gutted game as a pre-order.
[quote name='SaraAB']The problem is when you are giving a game as a gift its really tacky to give an unshrinkwrapped game especially if you paid the full new price for it. It just doesn't look like you are giving a new game, and frankly if I was going to give a gutted game as a gift I would just go buy a used copy from somewhere else. If I am buying a game as a gift I make sure I go to another store besides gamestop or I order from to make sure I get a brand new shrinkwrapped copy. I refuse to give one of Gamestop's gutted games as a "new game" gift.

Another problem is stickering up the new games, there are stickers on the cover art (at least over here there are on new games), and stickers degrade the value of the game on the used market especially if they are not removable without damaging the game. No one wants to buy a game plastered in Gamestop stickers when the next guy has one that is sticker free. Plus there are like 3 stickers on the case itself which are a huge pain to remove especially if they have been baking on there a while while the game sat on the shelf.

Its not going to change, but I can voice my opinion by not purchasing gutted games especially if they are sold as new. Again if I want to buy a game that has no shrinkwrap I will look for a used copy somewhere else. I purchase very little at GS and only buy there because I am on the e-rewards program and I get gift cards to GS for free. I usually use the gift cards to preorder a new game, usually whatever new Pokemon RPG has come out, and I have never run into a situation where I received a gutted game as a pre-order.[/QUOTE]
:applause: They stopped doing the sticker on the coverart around here a while ago, but some games still exist that have them on there.:bomb: If they've been on there long enough the glue hardens to where it takes either a hair dryer to heat up the glue and soften it enough to peel off easily or some Goo Gone and risking stripping off a layer or two of the color from the coverart to remove them.:roll:

That's why if I do buy anything from them used I nitpick everything, even if there's a line a mile long behind me.
[quote name='Altanis']Let me know where I ever said that my definition was the legal one. [/QUOTE]

[quote name='Altanis']The biggest issue I think people have with the gutting (and I agree with it) is that if a game is supposedly new, that means that the manufacturer's shrink wrap and any security devices are still in tact.

GameStop's gutting of games is done by removing the items from the packaging- which is legally then not supposed to be sold as "new" considering it's opened.[/QUOTE]

And I said that just because it's opened doesn't it's not new. Where is there a law that says that Gamestop can't sell an open copy as new? Since they have two classifications for games: New and Pre-Owned. Not new and played, or new and opened.

[quote name='Altanis']

Although, considering that retailers aren't allowed to sell any returns, no matter what (opened or not), as new, you would think that anything opened couldn't be sold as new. [/QUOTE]
...:roll:... Go to a Target, or a Walmart. Go to Customer Service. Look at all the shopping carts with shit in them. those are returns. Going back on the sales floor. What do you think happens to mostly anything that gets returned. It gets resold.

I guess my problem is that I don't treat video gaming as a viable collector's activity. I know many people do, but I can't see it. All I'm buying is a disk. i'll buy it for (hopefully cheap), enjoy it for (hopefully) a month, and trade it towards the next one. I haven't bought a gut since Lost Odessy or Ninja Gaiden 2 (I don't remember what came out last), but honestly..I'd be happier to get the game opened than not at all. After all, the first thing I do with it is open it. And honestly don't think I'm going crazy for Gamestop, I'm more playing devil's Advocate or poking holes in peoples logic :)
[quote name='JayTL']And I said that just because it's opened doesn't it's not new. Where is there a law that says that Gamestop can't sell an open copy as new? Since they have two classifications for games: New and Pre-Owned. Not new and played, or new and opened. [/QUOTE]
:roll: Once something is opened it is not NEW anymore. Try this experiment. Buy a new, still shrinkwrapped game in Gamestop(a novelty, I know;)), open it right in front of them and then ask them to return the game with the receipt they just handed you minutes ago.

See what they say. Chances are they will say that you can 'trade the game in for credit', but that they can't give you your money/credit back because the game is no longer new once it's been opened.

Then point to each of their 'newsed' sections with the gutted copies and say 'well then those are USED as well too'.

Definition of NEW(as found here:
adjective, -er, -est, adverb, noun
–adjective 1. of recent origin, production, purchase, etc.; having but lately come or been brought into being: a new book.

2. of a kind now existing or appearing for the first time; novel: a new concept of the universe.

3. having but lately or but now come into knowledge: a new chemical element.

4. unfamiliar or strange (often fol. by to ): ideas new to us; to visit new lands.

5. having but lately come to a place, position, status, etc.: a reception for our new minister.

6. unaccustomed (usually fol. by to ): people new to such work.

7. coming or occurring afresh; further; additional: new gains.

8. fresh or unused: to start a new sheet of paper.

9. (of physical or moral qualities) different and better: The vacation made a new man of him.

10. other than the former or the old: a new era; in the New World.

11. being the later or latest of two or more things of the same kind:
In this case, #8 above happens to be the definition that fits into this situation the best.
[quote name='Ziv']Care to back that up with a link, Altanis? Ever bought a "new" car with zero miles on it? [/quote]
I can try to find a link. I just remember this from multiple reports on the news including interviews with Consumer Protection Agencies and the like. Again, I'm pretty sure that legally a company has to sell any returns they get as used or refurbished. I know that most of Best Buy's "refurbished" items are really just returns that, according to their spokespeople (again, blame the news if I'm wrong) they cannot sell as new.

Never bought a car, so nope. Although cars specifically have a law/amendment saying that a car with under a "reasonable amount" of miles or some other political bull can be sold as new.
I do believe that the limit is around 500 miles though, because a dealership around here is selling a car with like 570 miles (it's under 600, anyway) on it as used. When I asked about it, the answer was that it had too many miles to be sold as new. Trust me, if they coulda sold it as new, they woulda.

Although I will say this: if you guys are as interested in finding a law that says returns can't be sold as new, research it yourself. I'm not a law professor (or even a law student). If you're that interested, look it up yourself. Besides, every state is so different nowadays that what I say can be applicable to my state but not yours.

[quote name='JayTL']And I said that just because it's opened doesn't it's not new. Where is there a law that says that Gamestop can't sell an open copy as new? Since they have two classifications for games: New and Pre-Owned. Not new and played, or new and opened. [/quote]
Never did I fucking say that opened didn't mean it wasn't new. The point was that since stores are not legally supposed to sell returns as new product (because they cannot guarantee that it's unused), GameStop shouldn't be allowed to sell opened games as new, since you cannot be sure that it's new or not.

...:roll:... Go to a Target, or a Walmart. Go to Customer Service. Look at all the shopping carts with shit in them. those are returns. Going back on the sales floor. What do you think happens to mostly anything that gets returned. It gets resold.
*sigh* You're again trying to attack things I've never said. You're trying to debate on points that are at best tangentially related to what I've said. Either way, I'm done arguing since it's obvious you really don't read what others have said.

I KNOW most of their returns get sold again. Guess what? Everything I've ever returned to Walmart gets a red and white sticker put on it, and gets sold at a lower price. This is because they cannot sell it at the price of a new product, even if the item was still shrinkwrapped. This is how companies skirt the law all the time. Ever looked through the clearance section of a Walmart? A lot of that stuff is overstock they're getting rid of or replacing, but a good bit is also returns.
I'd been waiting for the price of EA Active NFL Training Camp for Wii to come down. GameStop actually was the first to do so and just marked it down to $60. I purchased one today and when I get home I realize that the game had already been opened and it was resealed with regular tape. Not very happy and by that time the store was closed so I'll have to go back tomorrow and ask to get one that hasn't been opened. I have no idea if this was a return or previously gutted for some reason or what. I'm not cutting their cheap tape seal though to see what the contents looks like. I can tell at least the heart rate monitor was removed and repackaged since that is visible through the box.

Gutting games is stupid and I will only buy a gutted game if the price is really low. Well I never buy anything from GameStop unless they have a really good promotion going (so not very often). I can understand gutting one copy for display, but even then the display copy should be sold at the used price.
The problem with Gamestop is that they gutter to save space and easier for the employees to get the games (that why they have a camera facing the registers) This will never change. Just because it's open, doesn't mean it's not new. The problem is since its open, its not consider new and we dont know if it was played,scratched, etc . New is considered in factory packaging.Never opened, used, etc. We have no clue if the employee is selling a used copy or not. Besides, it doesnt really matter since they keep the games in a cheap disk paper holder and all crammed in the drawers.
I KNOW most of their returns get sold again. Guess what? Everything I've ever returned to Walmart gets a red and white sticker put on it, and gets sold at a lower price. This is because they cannot sell it at the price of a new product, even if the item was still shrinkwrapped. This is how companies skirt the law all the time. Ever looked through the clearance section of a Walmart? A lot of that stuff is overstock they're getting rid of or replacing, but a good bit is also returns.[/QUOTE]

Not all Walmarts put a red/white sticker on it. Maybe the item being returned as a updated price to be marked down in the system??? Why would Walmart
sell the item lower if it's still shrinkwrapped? If it's open then I understand, but if it's shrinkwrapped, then they can put it back on the floor.
[quote name='Altanis']I KNOW most of their returns get sold again. Guess what? Everything I've ever returned to Walmart gets a red and white sticker put on it, and gets sold at a lower price. This is because they cannot sell it at the price of a new product, even if the item was still shrinkwrapped. This is how companies skirt the law all the time. Ever looked through the clearance section of a Walmart? A lot of that stuff is overstock they're getting rid of or replacing, but a good bit is also returns.[/QUOTE]
Your Walmart stores have a clearance section? :shock: What magical land do you live in? Around here the WM stores still try to sell N64 and PS1 games for close to what their MSRP was 10+ years ago.:cry::whistle2:#
[quote name='The Punisher']The problem with Gamestop is that they gutter to save space and easier for the employees to get the games (that why they have a camera facing the registers) This will never change. Just because it's open, doesn't mean it's not new. The problem is since its open, its not consider new and we dont know if it was played,scratched, etc . New is considered in factory packaging.Never opened, used, etc. We have no clue if the employee is selling a used copy or not. Besides, it doesnt really matter since they keep the games in a cheap disk paper holder and all crammed in the drawers.[/QUOTE]
Save space? They could stop buying 90 billion copies of (insert shovelware title) and then they wouldn't need to save space.;) As for the 'just because it's open doesn't mean it's not new' thing again, once the shrinkwrap is off it it's USED to me and to the employees at Gamestop if you try returning it 5 minutes after buying it.

As for them being crammed in the drawers, that's how these 'newsed' games get scratched and fingerprinted up. When was the last time you bought a new game that was already scratched or had fingerprints on it?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Your Walmart stores have a clearance section? :shock: What magical land do you live in? Around here the WM stores still try to sell N64 and PS1 games for close to what their MSRP was 10+ years ago.:cry::whistle2:#[/QUOTE]

That reminds me. My Walmart has on clearance for a long time xbox 20 GB hard drive for $59.99. Wireless senor bar for Wii $11. PS3 (Different colors) controllers $54.99. Alot of crap leftovers that I cant remember.
Yeah Wal-Marts have a "clearance" section, but the clearance items in the electronics section are never more than 5% off no matter how long they sit.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Your Walmart stores have a clearance section? :shock: What magical land do you live in? Around here the WM stores still try to sell N64 and PS1 games for close to what their MSRP was 10+ years ago.:cry::whistle2:#

Save space? They could stop buying 90 billion copies of (insert shovelware title) and then they wouldn't need to save space.;) As for the 'just because it's open doesn't mean it's not new' thing again, once the shrinkwrap is off it it's USED to me and to the employees at Gamestop if you try returning it 5 minutes after buying it.

As for them being crammed in the drawers, that's how these 'newsed' games get scratched and fingerprinted up. When was the last time you bought a new game that was already scratched or had fingerprints on it?[/QUOTE]

"Just Because it's not new"
What I mean was just because they opened it, that it could be possible that it is new, but no one knows if that's a fact. (That why I wrote New as in factory packaging) Once opened, anything can happen to it which is why
I dont consider open as "new" It's like buying a car. Once off the lot, the price drops. We all know that Gamestop lies and try to dump used games as "new."

I never buy new games at Gamestop. I buy at Best Buy , Target,etc.
Gamestop used games are good only when they have promotions. Even their trade ins rip people off.
[quote name='The Punisher']That reminds me. My Walmart has on clearance for a long time xbox 20 GB hard drive for $59.99. Wireless senor bar for Wii $11. PS3 (Different colors) controllers $54.99. Alot of crap leftovers that I cant remember.[/QUOTE]
Back when Kmart still did real clearance prices I got one of the 120gb 360 HDD's for like $15.;) And those PS3 controllers on 'clearance' are actually MSRP.:cry:
[quote name='aem']Yeah Wal-Marts have a "clearance" section, but the clearance items in the electronics section are never more than 5% off no matter how long they sit.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. I always got a kick out of them dropping something $.05 from MSRP and it's 'falling prices'.:roll:
[quote name='The Punisher']"Just Because it's not new"
What I mean was just because they opened it, that it could be possible that it is new, but no one knows if that's a fact. (That why I wrote New as in factory packaging) Once opened, anything can happen to it which is why
I dont consider open as "new" It's like buying a car. Once off the lot, the price drops. We all know that Gamestop lies and try to dump used games as "new."

I never buy new games at Gamestop. I buy at Best Buy , Target,etc.
Gamestop used games are good only when they have promotions. Even their trade ins rip people off.[/QUOTE]
As I said above, when I had more options for clearance(shocked I picked up :ps3:Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Ultimated Edition the other night at TRU for under $10) I used to only buy games at 90% off, but lately I just buy them from Amazon. It's much more convenient and they ship it right to my house.;)
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Back when Kmart still did real clearance prices I got one of the 120gb 360 HDD's for like $15.;) And those PS3 controllers on 'clearance' are actually MSRP.:cry:

Yeah. I always got a kick out of them dropping something $.05 from MSRP and it's 'falling prices'.:roll:

As I said above, when I had more options for clearance(shocked I picked up :ps3:Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Ultimated Edition the other night at TRU for under $10) I used to only buy games at 90% off, but lately I just buy them from Amazon. It's much more convenient and they ship it right to my house.;)[/QUOTE]

Just wanted to make clearer for others to understand. :D I do agree that Amazon has great deals, but sometimes Target (Clearance), ToysRUs (B1G1) has great deals too. I dont really shop at Gamestop unless they have a great promo on used games (only shop there 5-10%, maybe less than 1-2 times a year) I guess that's why we have CAG :D
Red Alert 3 ultimate edition $10. Wow. I never seen that at my store. The only thing I saw was Street Fighter 4 limited edition. Would have got it, but wanted the Ryu and not Viper.
bread's done