GameStop Trade & Promos XXVII: Values available on the website and on Android/iOS app.

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181 (100%)

The new thread format will be a work in progress but this first post will be the promos that are active and useful information, but also wikified. The second post will currently be frequently asked questions but may move it into the first post. Post three will be historical trade-in values from before the list.

Trade-in Values Available at:

Also on GameStop app on iOS and Android

Upcoming Promotions/Information:

From GameStop employees on CAG: Information (will post it when they update it)

Guaranteed $30/$40 on select games (Varying End Dates) said:
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I don't think anyone who is in their 40s and lives in their parents basement could be considered "cool"...


I saw a pro day flyer , figured it would of been posted already or I would have took a pic. I didn't see any mention of the additional 10% for trades/pre owned. If I remember right here's some prices ( no guarantees I remember right).
Gta V next gen 30$
Dark souls 3 35$
Battlefront 20$
Mad max 15$
Is GS in the Dallas area still allowing Shell gas gift card purchases with trade credit? I read that eBay and Amazon are toast, but not sure about Shell.

Just got an email with a link but no details about it. >.>

Also it mentioned 20% extra towards games and accessories when trading towards something Pokemon on 8/1.
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I saw a pro day flyer , figured it would of been posted already or I would have took a pic. I didn't see any mention of the additional 10% for trades/pre owned. If I remember right here's some prices ( no guarantees I remember right).
Gta V next gen 30$
Dark souls 3 35$
Battlefront 20$
Mad max 15$
Those prices plus the 20% coupon is a good way to use my last $100 egift card. Thanks for the tip. I'm definitely waiting for PRO Day
Those prices plus the 20% coupon is a good way to use my last $100 egift card. Thanks for the tip. I'm definitely waiting for PRO Day
Yeah assuming they drop the used prices , which I guess they have to now (or who knows). I was going to wait for Sat to trade in some more boomerangs I already picked up. After seeing the prices for the sale I'm worried about values dropping. Somemone did mention something about guaranteed values on Gamestops Facebook page but I don't remember what titles.
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I saw a pro day flyer , figured it would of been posted already or I would have took a pic. I didn't see any mention of the additional 10% for trades/pre owned. If I remember right here's some prices ( no guarantees I remember right).
Gta V next gen 30$
Dark souls 3 35$
Battlefront 20$
Mad max 15$
what about Mortal Kombat XL? any indications that it will be on sale?

I saw a pro day flyer , figured it would of been posted already or I would have took a pic. I didn't see any mention of the additional 10% for trades/pre owned. If I remember right here's some prices ( no guarantees I remember right).
Gta V next gen 30$
Dark souls 3 35$
Battlefront 20$
Mad max 15$
Probably make GTA V a good GS to BB mover with the 20% coupon ($21.60 before taxes if the pre-owned copy is $30 or $17.28 if $30 refers to new copies)

The employee was in the wrong about your return but you dug your own grave with the trade.

It should go without saying but trading in two copies of the same game to the same employee is just asking for trouble. When you have a junior detective, that’s when corporate gets involved. Next time just use more common sense and trade the same game to at least a different employee if not a different store. If you want me to spell it out for you even more, just do what I do and carry a bag of my games with me into the store. If the same employee rings me up, I just make sure I don’t hand them any duplicates (from prior trades with him/her) and keep them in the bag for another store or shift. I can understand the convenience factor to not want to drive across town but if you want to do this you have to practice more discretion. You will screw yourself if you don’t use common sense. Make another $7 profit at the risk of getting your account banned or just drive out elsewhere while making sure you’re in the game? Pretty easy decision tree.

The problem now is that you’ve been identified as “that guy” by the employee and trust me, people talk at work all the time so I would be awfully careful whenever he’s working there. He might just put other coworkers on alert about you. Personally, I would limit my transactions with him to strictly purchases from now on.
What's the problem here? You're allowed to trade in 3 of the same game per 12 month period, right?

What's the problem here? You're allowed to trade in 3 of the same game per 12 month period, right?
I've traded in multiple copies of the same game in back to back days a ton of times in the past. Me and my brother used to trade in 2 of the same copies at a time on the same account in the same transaction. I've never had a single problem at this GS in 12+ years until this new JR detective fuck head started working there.

Also the crazy thing is he didn't call corporate over the L4D2 trades in back to back days. He called them today after I went to trade in 2 DIFFERENT Pokemon games, brought them in as cartridge only, he inspects them like a no life piece of shit for 2 minutes and then says he has to call corporate and ask if he can take the trades and inform them I've traded in "too much new merchandise". Even after I tell him I have the receipt from where I purchased them at Best Buy out in my car he gave me a douchey reply and called corporate anyway.

He's just an asshole who was still butthurt because he was in the wrong over the new merchandise return policy when I returned a charge kit and he didn't want to give me a cash refund for an unopened brand new accessory even though I paid with cash and he only gave me cash when I threatened to call his DM because he knew he was wrong and a fuck ing idiot.

He'll probably get a raise lol

Yep, this is great advice. When you are in a hole, just keep on digging :D
I might be missing something here, but it seems like to me he was trying to trade in two different Pokemon games? Either way I trade max of 1 title per store. Although I don't think there's anything wrong with using the system to make a profit (buying from store X and trading at store Y), I don't want to give any reason to look into my business

How long is the weekly sale going on for? I might pick up a used copy of Doom or Uncharted 4

If I recall this sale started on the 25th? So 1 wk from this date I'm hoping
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How long is the weekly sale going on for? I might pick up a used copy of Doom or Uncharted 4

If I recall this sale started on the 25th? So 1 wk from this date I'm hoping
Weekly sales usually run Wednesday through Tuesday, but IIRC, Deader said these summer sales last Monday through Sunday.

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I've never had a problem exceeding the trade limit, but I am sure some CAGs might abide by something or the other.

Yep I've never kept track at BB. I am positive i've exceeded 3 in 12 months many a time and not one peep out of them.
If something irresistible comes up on something I've previously traded three of I won't worry too much then. Thanks for the data points.

I don't want to give any reason to look into my business

That Johnny dude knows this employee is trouble but feels compelled to have interactions with him regardless and then he keeps coming back here to bitch about it

If he is already "that guy" then he'll get that extra attention even if he is doing things by the book.

BTW you don't tell a junior detective that you have the receipt of purchase in the car lol you might as well give him the ripped factory seal and little BB bag while you are it

That Johnny dude knows this employee is trouble but feels compelled to have interactions with him regardless and then he keeps coming back here to bitch about it

If he is already "that guy" then he'll get that extra attention even if he is doing things by the book.

BTW you don't tell a junior detective that you have the receipt of purchase in the car lol you might as well give him the ripped factory seal and little BB bag while you are it
What difference does it make? If I buy a game at Best Buy I have every right to trade it in to Gamestop without some loser working a cash register sticking his nose in my business all because he is too fuck ing stupid to know the return policy for a new item.

And I only have 1 local Gamestop unlike most of you and this JR detective is up there all the fuck ing time whether I go in the morning or at night. I don't know what happened to the other employees who used to work there.

What difference does it make? If I buy a game at Best Buy I have every right to trade it in to Gamestop without some loser working a cash register sticking his nose in my business all because he is too fuck ing stupid to know the return policy for a new item.

And I only have 1 local Gamestop unlike most of you and this JR detective is up there all the fuck ing time whether I go in the morning or at night. I don't know what happened to the other employees who used to work there.
If hes there that much her likely the store manager or the asm. Means he got transfered there or promoted
What difference does it make? If I buy a game at Best Buy I have every right to trade it in to Gamestop without some loser working a cash register sticking his nose in my business all because he is too fuck ing stupid to know the return policy for a new item.

And I only have 1 local Gamestop unlike most of you and this JR detective is up there all the fuck ing time whether I go in the morning or at night. I don't know what happened to the other employees who used to work there.
Did you check the adjacent dumpster?! Apparently they were too friendly and lenient...
For 5000 points that coupon is pretty damn good. What if it stacks with the 20% :0
Just to clarify, for those not good at math, you should never use this coupon UNLESS you're using it on a game with a base value of $25 or higher. Otherwise it's more efficient to use your points on a "x off a used game" coupon because those are 800 points per dollar.
That coupon says on any ONE game traded. Is 5000 points a good trade off for 1 game getting bumped 25% extra (assuming its at max $25 / $30 base TIV). If it worked on more than one game that would be pretty good, it if stacked it would be even better.

What difference does it make? If I buy a game at Best Buy I have every right to trade it in to Gamestop without some loser working a cash register sticking his nose in my business all because he is too fuck ing stupid to know the return policy for a new item.

And I only have 1 local Gamestop unlike most of you and this JR detective is up there all the fuck ing time whether I go in the morning or at night. I don't know what happened to the other employees who used to work there.
That employee is a dumbass. I just flipped 3 copies of Pokemon Omega Ruby at my local stores and they've already been sold. They've been selling them as quick as they get them because of the Pokemom Go craze and no GS near me has a used copy.

If you reported him you might actually get him in trouble. What idiot employee would turn down a game he knows will sell?
That employee is a dumbass. I just flipped 3 copies of Pokemon Omega Ruby at my local stores and they've already been sold. They've been selling them as quick as they get them because of the Pokemom Go craze and no GS near me has a used copy.

If you reported him you might actually get him in trouble. What idiot employee would turn down a game he knows will sell?
After he called corporate and got off the phone he was still going to take the games (probably because they could clearly see my account and that I had did nothing wrong and have spent a shit ton of money there over the years) and I decided not to trade them in at that point because it wasn't even about making a small profit anymore because I don't appreciate being harassed for doing nothing wrong and I don't think corporate will appreciate losing business (especially easy profit trade ins like Pokemon) over their employee being a douchebag. I did call earlier and reported him over the phone and I went back on a receipt from Saturday and burned him on the survey and if I can find the receipt from the charge kit I'll do another survey.

Just to clarify, for those not good at math, you should never use this coupon UNLESS you're using it on a game with a base value of $25 or higher. Otherwise it's more efficient to use your points on a "x off a used game" coupon because those are 800 points per dollar.
Yep although the "X off a used game" coupons actually net you 10% less of a discount than advertised because your PUR discount won't apply to the amt the coupon takes away. For example, a $15 off used game coupon actually only gives you a $13.50 discount. (You lose your 10% PUR discount off the $15.) And so in reality you're paying 12,000 pts for $13.50 off coupon. $1.125/1000 points.

25% off a $25 game is $1.25/1000 points and actually betters the "X off a used game" coupon.

The break even pt on the 25% off a used game coupon (on a dollar/pt basis) compared to the "X off a used game" is really $22.50. :)

I'm basing this off my experience a few days ago when I used a $15 off used game coupon. For all I know ringing up coupons/discounts in a different order might change what happens.

Note: The "X off a used game" coupons would be even worse if stacked with an additional " x percent off" coupon or deal if the system still applied the "X off a used game" coupon first. (I'm assuming you can stack with the "x percent off" coupon.) For example, a $15 off used coupon stacked with a 10% PUR and 20% used game coupon/deal would, in reality, only be a $10.50 off coupon.

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The Pokemon thing is strange but the official policy is 1 title per transaction.

If they suspect you of theft they will try to shit you down.
Well they were different Pokemon games and I brought them in cartridge only and like I said even mentioned I had a receipt in my car from buying the Pokemon games on Monday before he even called corporate if he was accusing me of stealing which he had no reason to accuse me of doing to begin with. Having 2 copies of Left 4 Dead 2 raises suspicion of someone being a thief now? He has been an asshole to me every time I've stepped in that store since the play and charge kit return.

Well they were different Pokemon games and I brought them in cartridge only and like I said even mentioned I had a receipt in my car from buying the Pokemon games on Monday before he even called corporate if he was accusing me of stealing which he had no reason to accuse me of doing to begin with. Having 2 copies of Left 4 Dead 2 raises suspicion of someone being a thief now? He has been an asshole to me every time I've stepped in that store since the play and charge kit return.
Why did you need to keep the cases?

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