GameStop Trade & Promos XXVII: Values available on the website and on Android/iOS app.

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181 (100%)

The new thread format will be a work in progress but this first post will be the promos that are active and useful information, but also wikified. The second post will currently be frequently asked questions but may move it into the first post. Post three will be historical trade-in values from before the list.

Trade-in Values Available at:

Also on GameStop app on iOS and Android

Upcoming Promotions/Information:

From GameStop employees on CAG: Information (will post it when they update it)

Guaranteed $30/$40 on select games (Varying End Dates) said:
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Think a few went up too. GTA V PS4, Smash Wii U, and Arkham Knight X1 are all $35 base, so $56 after coupon. Might trade and rebuy later on some as the used prices will be instantly cheaper. You could literally buy one of those and immediately trade it in with a 50% coupon for $3-$6 profit depending on tax.
Think a few went up too. GTA V PS4, Smash Wii U, and Arkham Knight X1 are all $35 base, so $56 after coupon. Might trade and rebuy later on some as the used prices will be instantly cheaper. You could literally buy one of those and immediately trade it in with a 50% coupon for $3-$6 profit depending on tax.
Aw, crap. I traded in a copy of SSB yesterday, so that's $8 I missed out on. :wall:

Think a few went up too. GTA V PS4, Smash Wii U, and Arkham Knight X1 are all $35 base, so $56 after coupon. Might trade and rebuy later on some as the used prices will be instantly cheaper. You could literally buy one of those and immediately trade it in with a 50% coupon for $3-$6 profit depending on tax.
I think Hyrule Warrior s and Wind Waker Went Up to 27.50 base? or no.

I guess I should Trade in Wind waker hd 44 credit is not bad. I wonder if the game will be worth more in the future.

Is it against Gamestop policy for employees to hold stuff for themselves especially if they only have one of the item? Was trying to buy the rest of the Harry Potter Funko Pops my family needed and it showed stock on the app. Went in and asked the cashier if they had them and she said they did but they were on hold for herself to buy when she got off the clock.

I have no problem with employees putting stuff on hold if there are an abundance of something or even 2 or 3 because that gives customers chances to get what they want. But if the store only recieved one of each, shouldn't that be available to the public?
Is it against Gamestop policy for employees to hold stuff for themselves especially if they only have one of the item? Was trying to buy the rest of the Harry Potter Funko Pops my family needed and it showed stock on the app. Went in and asked the cashier if they had them and she said they did but they were on hold for herself to buy when she got off the clock.

I have no problem with employees putting stuff on hold if there are an abundance of something or even 2 or 3 because that gives customers chances to get what they want. But if the store only recieved one of each, shouldn't that be available to the public?
That's just one of the perks of working retail. Be glad that she was honest with you because anyone else doing that would have just said they didn't have it. The good news is that if you establish rapport with her, she is likely to ship items from other stores to her store in the future if you ask her.
Think a few went up too. GTA V PS4, Smash Wii U, and Arkham Knight X1 are all $35 base, so $56 after coupon.
Dang. Traded both GTA V PS4 and Arkham Knight X1 last night, using my last 50% bonus coupon. Since when do values go up during a promotion?! I didn't think it'd ever make sense to wait during situations like this.

[quote name="fuze9" post="12807175" timestamp="1436989813"]Dang. Traded both GTA V PS4 and Arkham Knight X1 last night, using my last 50% bonus coupon. Since when do values go up during a promotion?! I didn't think it'd ever make sense to wait during situations like this.[/quote]

I guess since its not a national promo, most people don't know about it who aren't cheap asses. One store I went to late yesterday said I was the first person he's seen use it.
Just curious, but what is the least amount of $ you'd have to spend (or trade-in) to earn 15k in PUR points? I've got plenty, but just trying to figure out if I should use them to renew my PUR or just spend the $ if its cheaper in the long run.

Just curious, but what is the least amount of $ you'd have to spend (or trade-in) to earn 15k in PUR points? I've got plenty, but just trying to figure out if I should use them to renew my PUR or just spend the $ if its cheaper in the long run.
$750 worth of trades ins/preowned purchases. More for new items.
Dang. Traded both GTA V PS4 and Arkham Knight X1 last night, using my last 50% bonus coupon. Since when do values go up during a promotion?! I didn't think it'd ever make sense to wait during situations like this.
My logic was the same. Was thinking that GS may fix the glitch and lower the trade since batman is worth that much at other places. I shocked the the tiv still hold up considering so many people got it on first release.

Just burned the shit out of the cashier that tried to charge me refurb fees for games without cases.

The amusing part is that after I called her on her bullshit, she had to void the transaction and rering it without the refurbs. But she didn't have another 50% coupon in the trash, so she had to manually adjust the TIVs, so I got a bit extra because of that.
She has worked there for around 3+ years. Long enough to know the policy.
Seems a little harsh, if she didn't have an attitude about the call out and corrected it I would've let her slide if it were me. Especially if I got more because of it *Kanye Shrug*

Is it normal to get a $4 refurbishing fee for a disc only trade in? The disc wasn't scratched or anything and it feels like kind of a jip since they sell them for the same price whether or not if it has the case and manual.

the official app even says something to the effect of, dont have the original case, no problem gamestop still offers the same great value, had to show it to an employee before

Is it normal to get a $4 refurbishing fee for a disc only trade in? The disc wasn't scratched or anything and it feels like kind of a jip since they sell them for the same price whether or not if it has the case and manual.
Some employees do it, not sure if they don't know their own policy or if they are just jerks, but:


This is on the trade in page for every game on their website, so make sure to show them this if they ever give you trouble.

Well he got an amazon $25 credit for it, so I guess it depends where you want money, and if you want $25 amazon or more at GameStop with some hassle
You can't pay hookers and drug dealers with Amazon GC tho so I guess credit isn't as good as cash....

However if you need gas money, food at some fast food joints or miscellaneous household goods,  credit is as good as cash

And if you really want to covert GS credit to cash, if you live in a big city or have friends, just buy stuff for people to convert it back to cash.

Heck I live in a city, tons of kids and h.s schoolers buy stuff at GS., I just tell them I can pay for their stuff no tax and boom instant sale.   Or if you really need cash back, just tell them you save them tax and cut out 2/3 dollars for them

Props to the people who say they're getting 180 in credit for 100 with the b2g1.  3 copies of the highest trading game after tax is 111 and even with a 50 percent coupon and power up rewards you only get 168.  Was still happy to boomerang for 57 though. 

Props to the people who say they're getting 180 in credit for 100 with the b2g1. 3 copies of the highest trading game after tax is 111 and even with a 50 percent coupon and power up rewards you only get 168. Was still happy to boomerang for 57 though.
Yeah, my Batmanses got $48 each, so I only got $33 profit for using a B2G1 and 2 50% bonus coupons. Kind of a lot of trouble for what may well flag me in the system.

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