GameStop Trade & Promos XXVII: Values available on the website and on Android/iOS app.

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181 (100%)

The new thread format will be a work in progress but this first post will be the promos that are active and useful information, but also wikified. The second post will currently be frequently asked questions but may move it into the first post. Post three will be historical trade-in values from before the list.

Trade-in Values Available at:

Also on GameStop app on iOS and Android

Upcoming Promotions/Information:

From GameStop employees on CAG: Information (will post it when they update it)

Guaranteed $30/$40 on select games (Varying End Dates) said:
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As for the question topic: if the answer isn't on the latest page or on the wiki first post, I think it's fair game for people to ask.

That means we should maybe add things to the wiki more often?
You make a great point, but I don't see how cussing people out or posting gifs would stop people from asking questions. If so, you think there wouldn't be any more questions nowadays. And I wasn't advocating for stupid questions, I just thought that his question wasn't unreasonable, at least compared to other ones, and that he was attacked kind of unfairly. But such is the case of the internet. But I do agree, it does get annoying.
The gifs are beyond stupid
So I got a replacement action replay powersaves, does it take forever to update? It's been stuck about 1/2 for about 20 min now.

EDIT: Nevermind, I got it working, had to close out the app and restart it. Finally this thing seems to be working correctly.

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So I got a replacement action replay powersaves, does it take forever to update? It's been stuck about 1/2 for about 20 min now.

EDIT: Nevermind, I got it working, had to close out the app and restart it. Finally this thing seems to be working correctly.
same thing happened to me, i was worried i had bricked the stupid thing. its pretty sketchy functionality wise, but hard to beat something that lets you load up any amiibo into the little powertag in 10 seconds.

finished horizon zero dawn this week and plat'd it, gonna trade it into gamestop today I guess along with some older 3ds games I wanna dump now that I jailbroke my 3DS. Too bad only good promo is towards a switch game, I don't think i'll be buying a switch for a year or so with the current lineup. I'm surprised they aren't bumping the ME:A bump to 50% from 20%, with all the really bad word of mouth going out about the new mass effect you'd think they'd want to get people more into pre ordering it.

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As for the question topic: if the answer isn't on the latest page or on the wiki first post, I think it's fair game for people to ask.

That means we should maybe add things to the wiki more often?
What is the "latest page"? Most people have theirs set at 10 per page. If everyone has theirs set to 100 I'd agree.

If we updated the wiki for every dumb question we would end up in the same situation as before where no one reads the FAQ because it's too long.
so it says Ihave over $400....If i made this clam would it wipe out any preorders I have on any current giftcards?
Giftcards, yes
preorders, no

Also, remember they replace the physical cards with digital cards which never fucking scan properly, have to be keyed in, and are overall a pain in the ass.
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I made a claim yesterday for an amount over what I have down for preorders but the link they sent me hasn't worked at all since I got the email yesterday. Seems as if it worked for one guy last page and everyone else is having trouble. Was so happy to have all this found "money"

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Did they tank the value of 3ds games after the launch of switch or did they just drop them before the 50%? I was hoping to trade in my super smash 3ds and pokemon sun and I could have sworn it was originally above $20+ for the original price.

Did they tank the value of 3ds games after the launch of switch or did they just drop them before the 50%? I was hoping to trade in my super smash 3ds and pokemon sun and I could have sworn it was originally above $20+ for the original price.
Yes some did go down from $20 base to $17-$18 base. It is probably partly the Switch and partly they have too much inventory. Sun is sitting at over an estimated 8000 units nationwide which isn't too much but I think they are being cautious with them because they are drowning in X,Y,AS, and OR right now. SSB is hovering around 11,000 units nationwide which is getting on the high side.

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Yes some did go down from $20 base to $17-$18 base. It is probably partly the Switch and partly they have too much inventory. Sun is sitting at over an estimated 8000 units nationwide which isn't too much but I think they are being cautious with them because they are drowning in X,Y,AS, and OR right now. SSB is hovering around 11,000 units nationwide which is getting on the high side.
It's funny how there's that much supply of those 5 3DS games used nationwide, but most of the stores in STL have low inventory on them used, if they have them at all.
Yes some did go down from $20 base to $17-$18 base. It is probably partly the Switch and partly they have too much inventory. Sun is sitting at over an estimated 8000 units nationwide which isn't too much but I think they are being cautious with them because they are drowning in X,Y,AS, and OR right now. SSB is hovering around 11,000 units nationwide which is getting on the high side.
Thanks! Yea I might just trade them in now. I was holding out on trading in both my Yo-Kai watch 2 but I think the value will drop as more switch games come out. Even though the big N said the Switch wasn't a replacement for the 3DS, doesn't mean it won't impact the TIV

I made a claim yesterday for an amount over what I have down for preorders but the link they sent me hasn't worked at all since I got the email yesterday. Seems as if it worked for one guy last page and everyone else is having trouble. Was so happy to have all this found "money"
Thanks for the info. I guess I'll wipe out my gift cards and then make the claim.

so, i just did a survey for gamestop and i guess they are thinking of doing a summer gaming pass. pay $59.99 and you get to basically "rent" used games, returning them when you are done and getting a different one. it didnt have a start date but it did ask how many games i buy from june to august every year. seems like it might be a good deal, assuming there arent too many limitations.

so, i just did a survey for gamestop and i guess they are thinking of doing a summer gaming pass. pay $59.99 and you get to basically "rent" used games, returning them when you are done and getting a different one. it didnt have a start date but it did ask how many games i buy from june to august every year. seems like it might be a good deal, assuming there arent too many limitations.
They already have that [emoji57]
so, i just did a survey for gamestop and i guess they are thinking of doing a summer gaming pass. pay $59.99 and you get to basically "rent" used games, returning them when you are done and getting a different one. it didnt have a start date but it did ask how many games i buy from june to august every year. seems like it might be a good deal, assuming there arent too many limitations.
I took the same survey yesterday, but they said it would cost $74.99. I pointed out it was too expensive (and it still is even at $59.99), but I guess they listened to me?

so, i just did a survey for gamestop and i guess they are thinking of doing a summer gaming pass. pay $59.99 and you get to basically "rent" used games, returning them when you are done and getting a different one. it didnt have a start date but it did ask how many games i buy from june to august every year. seems like it might be a good deal, assuming there arent too many limitations.
I took the same survey yesterday, but they said it would cost $74.99. I pointed out it was too expensive (and it still is even at $59.99), but I guess they listened to me?
They are probably desperately throwing a program together to combat the Xbox gaming pass.

It's funny how there's that much supply of those 5 3DS games used nationwide, but most of the stores in STL have low inventory on them used, if they have them at all.
Also remember it is a ballpark estimate based off the inventories of a sample of 300 stores. So it is not representative of all areas.

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Anyone have issues canceling a fully paid preorder that was done using the switch promo?

I had a friend that was told he wasn't allowed to cancel because he used the promo to get the extra credit.

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Anyone have issues canceling a fully paid preorder that was done using the switch promo?

I had a friend that was told he wasn't allowed to cancel because he used the promo to get the extra credit.
Try again with a different employee or just pick up the preorder and then return.

It's just a case where the employee is putting his personal metrics above the interests of the customer.

I just did the survey since everyone was talking about it. They said $75. I would consider $60 for 3 months and maybe $25/month if you do it on a month by month basis.

The problem is that we see a lot of sales during the summer since there are not many summer releases. Success of the program could hurt them in future sales though. Why buy a game during the busy seasons when I can just wait until the summer pass and play all the ones I know I can't get to?

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Try again with a different employee or just pick up the preorder and then return.

It's just a case where the employee is putting his personal metrics above the interests of the customer.
inwas told this was done with the store manager standing over the assistant manager that denied the cancelatin of the preorder. That store only has 3 employees
Apparently what my friend did instead was take $5 off that pre order and put it on another game.
inwas told this was done with the store manager standing over the assistant manager that denied the cancelatin of the preorder. That store only has 3 employees
Apparently what my friend did instead was take $5 off that pre order and put it on another game.
Again, that shit is illegal. Take out your phone, and record the conversation (illegal as well based on your location) because if that was heard by the dm there would be hell to pay. The company could be sued over that and lose easily.

Preorder money is your money, period. Gamestop has 0 leverage.

Disclaimer: doing any of this could bring attention to your account.
inwas told this was done with the store manager standing over the assistant manager that denied the cancelatin of the preorder. That store only has 3 employees
Apparently what my friend did instead was take $5 off that pre order and put it on another game.
The fuck so you live? You constantly seem to have weird issues. Call the god damn district manager that shit is illegal as fuck.
The fuck so you live? You constantly seem to have weird issues. Call the god damn district manager that shit is illegal as fuck.
Summersville WV lol
It is my friend this had happened to. He just wanted to do the 50% extra and then cancel his preorder so he could get a new controller.
If this was me personally I would have done called someone by now.
It is illegal for them to do that.
100% Correct. The Promo deal (contract/agreement) holds that you get an extra X% for preordering a game. If you preordered, you have technically fulfilled your obligation. Some could perhaps argue it is deceptive, but to prove the intent would be virtually impossible.

Anyone have issues canceling a fully paid preorder that was done using the switch promo?

I had a friend that was told he wasn't allowed to cancel because he used the promo to get the extra credit.
No. I was lucky and got a cashier that didn't do the trade to cancel it. I had paid off $50 on it. Is the game going to be released soon?

100% Correct. The Promo deal (contract/agreement) holds that you get an extra X% for preordering a game. If you preordered, you have technically fulfilled your obligation. Some could perhaps argue it is deceptive, but to prove the intent would be virtually impossible.
I don't really understand Gamestops beef anyway. It's store credit that you end up getting, not cash. You have to buy their goods with that credit.
Hey I just realized that I had an old wii u stand that is PERFECT for holding the switch when you want to play on the tablet. For anyone that got them at clearance at Kmart a long time ago I know they're long gone now
WTF, I've got $120 in trade credit I can't account for. 🤔

Edit: I guess I did have around that much a month or so ago. That must be how far back the snapshot is.
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thanks it said i had $202.22
What the fuck. It said I have over $200 in unused credit. I am pretty OCD (with a spreadsheet and all) and I can't believe I misplace 4 trade or gift cards.
WTF, I've got $120 in trade credit I can't account for.
Didn't we go through this before Christmas when they first introduced this? Those numbers are just some snapshot they took a while ago and you don't actually get the number they quote.

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I wonder how much stock of Wii Sports Club there is.

I got a copy for $35 off neoGAF this week, just came in the mail. I am happy to have it to play but I also wonder if it'll be the rarest 1st party wiiu game.

I wonder how much stock of Wii Sports Club there is.

I got a copy for $35 off neoGAF this week, just came in the mail. I am happy to have it to play but I also wonder if it'll be the rarest 1st party wiiu game.
The demand is there. I bought a complete copy for $30 from Gamestop about a month ago with coupon/pur/flip credit and sold it 2 weeks ago with the $20 extra ebay coupon promo.

In total paid+coupon it sold for $85.
Like many people my Wii U and all its jazz is essentially useless now with the Switch so I figure I'd trade it in with the promo. Anywho it says preorder or purchase of a Switch. Since there's no available consoles are they gonna make me preorder that $500 bundle or can I get the base console.

Also is there anything specific needed. I doubt I have the cradle, but I do have everything else and a spare gamecube adapter

Like many people my Wii U and all its jazz is essentially useless now with the Switch so I figure I'd trade it in with the promo. Anywho it says preorder or purchase of a Switch. Since there's no available consoles are they gonna make me preorder that $500 bundle or can I get the base console.

Also is there anything specific needed. I doubt I have the cradle, but I do have everything else and a spare gamecube adapter
Thats not really true though, depending on how many wii u games you never got around to playing. You can jailbreak the wii u and let it run any game ever made for any region, its pretty easy and unlocks all the licenses for every game ever made. If you've already played most of the games then yeah its not really worth it, but if you never did its kinda cool to jail break it and load up games from europe, japan, etc that were never released in the US.

You can read more about the steps here and if its something you are interested in doing (there is something exactly like it as well for 3DS)

Thats not really true though, depending on how many wii u games you never got around to playing. You can jailbreak the wii u and let it run any game ever made for any region, its pretty easy and unlocks all the licenses for every game ever made. If you've already played most of the games then yeah its not really worth it, but if you never did its kinda cool to jail break it and load up games from europe, japan, etc that were never released in the US.

You can read more about the steps here and if its something you are interested in doing (there is something exactly like it as well for 3DS)
I played a good majority of the games. Because of the lack of games in general I always found myself clinging to any release whether e-shop or physical just so I can have something to play.

I have the Wii U, games, and some accessories plus a few electronics to trade in so the Switch would be virtually cost free on my end so I thought I'd take advantage of it. Hopefully I can snag a Switch on Wednesday when they re-stock otherwise I guess I'll have to wait.

I wonder how much stock of Wii Sports Club there is.

I got a copy for $35 off neoGAF this week, just came in the mail. I am happy to have it to play but I also wonder if it'll be the rarest 1st party wiiu game.
All I can tell you as I am limited with what info I can get on it since it's PID was pulled is that there are currently 210 stores nationwide showing it in stock and I'm sure most of those stores probably only have 1.

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