GameStop Trade & Promos XXVII: Values available on the website and on Android/iOS app.

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181 (100%)

The new thread format will be a work in progress but this first post will be the promos that are active and useful information, but also wikified. The second post will currently be frequently asked questions but may move it into the first post. Post three will be historical trade-in values from before the list.

Trade-in Values Available at:

Also on GameStop app on iOS and Android

Upcoming Promotions/Information:

From GameStop employees on CAG: Information (will post it when they update it)

Guaranteed $30/$40 on select games (Varying End Dates) said:
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I bought mass effect andromeda yesterday but haven't gotten anything about the play pass thing for the other games. Do you still get that if you buy mass effect?
That's Big Rigs Over the Road Racing

I ended up walking in tonight and getting these for the PS3:

Ferrari Challenge
WWE Legends of Wrestlemania
NHL 13
Just googled the first video I saw and they must have spliced that in. Between that and the clipping of the motorcycle dude through the world constantly. The zero inputs from controllers etc it looked awful.
I've had a request, there is game rating data from GS on a scale of 0-10 that I can add to the GS game sheets and it would be relatively easy to implement I just wanted to see if anyone else would benefit from this or if it would just adding too much clutter.

sometime i wake up in the middle of the night sweating and wished blackbeard would have a rating system on his sheet... more specifically a gamer's girls rating system. so i can hold a conversation.

As opposed to many of their other illogical business practices, this one would actually make sense. I've often wondered why there are two stores near me that are only two traffic lights away from each other. Then, I remember that I can flip duplicates of the same game at both stores and I stop thinking such an awful thought.
Pretty sure that was because one used to be an EB Games. There were malls with two Gamestops within view of each other cause of the EB Games conversion like ~5ish years ago.

I am thinking about trying to get around $200 out of my account in the next few months because I am down to just 1 store being relatively close to me and even that is 20 miles away.

do you guys know of a reliable way to find out in advance what stores are closing?
Are you a kingdom hearts fan?

I think someone a few pages back was asking for the unused credit link. Maybe this could be added to the wiki as well.
I think someone a few pages back was asking for the unused credit link. Maybe this could be added to the wiki as well.
anybody ever get an email with a working link to their new credit? I called customer service and they were not helpful.. thanks

Is MLB The Show 17 Hall of Fame Edition still pre-orderable in-store?
Why would u want the HoF edition only difference between it and MVP edition to my knowledge is the stupid MLB cap. Take the 30 bucks and go buy a hat of your favorite MLB team not some stupid MLB logo hat.
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Why do people want GameStop to leave? Yeah they're a shitty company but I'm sure we've all made enough money off them to not give a fuck. I honestly can deal with all the bullshit as long as it gets me free Ubers and food GCs.
Why do people want GameStop to leave? Yeah they're a shitty company but I'm sure we've all made enough money off them to not give a fuck. I honestly can deal with all the bullshit as long as it gets me free Ubers and food GCs.
Tbh I really could care less either way. Yes we have all made money of flipping stuff at gamestop and gotten loads of free games. Systems. Ect. From gamestop. However, doesn't excuse their shirty practices of selling used games as new or some of the other stupid shot they do like taking away Amazon and eBay gift cards. Also if gamestop goes away maybe people will then actually play some of these amazing games that many of us trade in before we even play them. Just sayin.
100 plus stores is nothing, like many have said here, they could probably close 500 plus and they would just be closing redundant locations.
Its more like 150-200 stores that they are closing which yes right now in the grand scheme of things may not seem like much but its clearly the beginning of the end for gamestop unless they massively overhaul their business strategy and become competitive with Amazon and Best Buy on pricing. And even then they will probably not survive past a few more years. Fact is with digital platforms for games becoming more and more popular there is becoming less and less of a reason for brick and mortar game stores. Esspecially ones who refuse to sell their games at competitive prices with the likes of Amazon and Best Buy
Its more like 150-200 stores that they are closing which yes right now in the grand scheme of things may not seem like much but its clearly the beginning of the end for gamestop unless they massively overhaul their business strategy and become competitive with Amazon and Best Buy on pricing. And even then they will probably not survive past a few more years. Fact is with digital platforms for games becoming more and more popular there is becoming less and less of a reason for brick and mortar game stores. Esspecially ones who refuse to sell their games at competitive prices with the likes of Amazon and Best Buy
i dont think they even care about games anymore, all indications are that they are looking to grow in other areas and leave the games behind. not that i think the business model is sustainable without their pre owned games business, but it sure seems like they want to be a retro games/collectibles/niche store.

in fact they are opening 35 new collectible stores and 65 new technology stores according to gamespot.

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Tbh I really could care less either way. Yes we have all made money of flipping stuff at gamestop and gotten loads of free games. Systems. Ect. From gamestop. However, doesn't excuse their shirty practices of selling used games as new or some of the other stupid shot they do like taking away Amazon and eBay gift cards. Also if gamestop goes away maybe people will then actually play some of these amazing games that many of us trade in before we even play them. Just sayin.
The only reason they took away those gift cards was because of abuse. How does it make sense to allow us to funnel money between eBay and GameStop and get free shit out of it? It was bound to happen. And if GameStop goes away how are we gonna get used games for the super cheap? I'm sure no one here actually pays $55 for a used game. They are the only place you can work around to get really cheap games, unlike Best Buy where you gotta wait for a sale every time.

Look I'm not advocating gamestops shitty practices or saying that they should succeed I just think it's good they stick around because it causes places like Best Buy on to give an a 20% discount as well as other consumer incentives.
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Tbh I really could care less either way. Yes we have all made money of flipping stuff at gamestop and gotten loads of free games. Systems. Ect. From gamestop. However, doesn't excuse their shirty practices of selling used games as new or some of the other stupid shot they do like taking away Amazon and eBay gift cards. Also if gamestop goes away maybe people will then actually play some of these amazing games that many of us trade in before we even play them. Just sayin.
If you out it that way, consider this. Our practices is the reason GS has to operate that way. They have to recoup some way
Anyone that wants fewer shopping options is an idiot.
Gamestop sucks 90% of the time, but in that 10% when you can take $100 worth of games and turn them into $800 worth of credit they make up for it.
Anyone get any trade in deals for stealth bump last month? I have some games to trade in. Should I wait until Friday?

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Seriously? No one mentioned blowing into the cartridge? I recommend only having an adolescent do this, as adult saliva can be too acidic.

I'm only joking, any one of those options is better than blowing into the cartridge. :D
I'm going to try all of these sometime this week. Thanks!

Tbh I really could care less either way. Yes we have all made money of flipping stuff at gamestop and gotten loads of free games. Systems. Ect. From gamestop. However, doesn't excuse their shirty practices of selling used games as new or some of the other stupid shot they do like taking away Amazon and eBay gift cards. Also if gamestop goes away maybe people will then actually play some of these amazing games that many of us trade in before we even play them. Just sayin.
So you care at least a little? :)

Has anyone been able to locate the offer terms image for the 4 for $10? Usually they advertise these in store and on the website, but I haven't been able to find either one.

I've had a request, there is game rating data from GS on a scale of 0-10 that I can add to the GS game sheets and it would be relatively easy to implement I just wanted to see if anyone else would benefit from this or if it would just adding too much clutter.
I think this could be really useful on the lists of cheap games that we are not getting to flip. I would really like to see this on the 4/$10 sheet so I can target games that say have a 7 or higher rating that are on that list in case there is some good stuff that I missed that I can now get for super cheap.

You guys do realize that if Gamestop goes away Best Buy will have little reason to offer GCU in its current format right?
No they don't. Everyone here calling for GameStop to go bankrupt and close their stores have no clue how business works and how competition benefits the consumer. It's all a bunch of immature mob mentality thats similar to when people vote against their own best interest.

GameStop sucks for the soccer Mom and young child. But for the CAG, GameStop is the constant to every math equation we formulate.
No they don't. Everyone here calling for GameStop to go bankrupt and close their stores have no clue how business works and how competition benefits the consumer. It's all a bunch of immature mob mentality thats similar to when people vote against their own best interest.

GameStop sucks for the soccer Mom and young child. But for the CAG, GameStop is the constant to every math equation we formulate that no one can seem to understand how to use properly.
Fixed that for you.

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