[quote name='GBAstar']Thank you all for entering. I'll admit I've been quite lazy this month with bumping the thread and updating the entrants list. I should have time tomorrow or Thursday (in between stuffing my face and watching the Patriots spank the Jets).[/QUOTE]
Last day to enter for November's giveaway! See the OP for prizes! We will have four winners this month!
I have added a spoiler tag in post # 3 that has the current list of entrants up through post # 256. If you previously entered this month please check to see if I have included you---if not then just send me a PM with the post # in which you entered and I'll make sure to add you.
Anyone that enters after this post will be added in the next 1-2 days. The drawing will be held on either Sunday or Monday.
I will spend today and tomorrow thinking of prizes for December.
Mad love to giveaways that don't require me to log in to something. Count me in [email protected] I can never get to my pm inbox on the mobile site (maybe I'm just shaq fuing dumb)
Stop...November contest is over! Finalized list of entrants is in post #3 (check to make sure you are included); the winners will be chosen Sunday evening.
Start...December contest begins! Prizes will be posted in the OP at some point this weekend!
It would be awesome to win the 1st prize! I'd so would like another watch, maybe not blue. (I know I'm being greedy.) If I won the 3rd prize, I'd give the game to my brother who just got a 3DS XL.