Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

I like to grab the frags as the leader so when i get downed i can blow some people up and live to tell the story. :D

I ran into the "head up their ass" glitch when someone was holding the meatshield. Hasnt happened to me personally but when waiting to join a game ive seen it 2 or 3 times today. Havent seen it before that, except on youtube.

Also an annoying glitch lately is when im leader sometimes the info pop up (that happens at the start of the round) will happen a minute or so into the game. Which makes me unable to move, until 5 seconds later when it lets me press A to get out of the pop up. Never happened until today too.
What I'm good at:
- King of the Hill
- Capture the Leader

What I suck at:
- Team Deathmatch
- Spotting (How do I do that?)

CTL is really fun when you have people who know what they're doing. 2/3 or 3/2 should be the preferred strategies of most. Today I captured 4 leaders over 3 matches, including 2 in a row to beat a group that was much higher leveled than us. I think I might try to power 60 matches over the weekend so I can start on the 100 kills with the Gold Retro Lancer.
[quote name='KingBroly']

- Spotting (How do I do that?)[/QUOTE]

While left triggering, press in on the left stick when you see an opponent.
[quote name='Luxuria']While left triggering, press in on the left stick when you see an opponent.[/QUOTE]

To be more specific, you have to aim on the guy, then press the LS in. Sometimes you see a guy in cover but cant click on him because he isnt visible.

CTL can be frustrating. Last night i was playing a game where the other teams captain was just sniping people from the small ledge where the smokes/fire nades spawn in checkout. Mainly because my whole team wasnt even going for him. They were all over by the mulcher spawn protecting our leader. A couple times i would get over to the other teams leader, capture him, wasnt that hard at all, but there was always a teammate of his to break the weak meatshield. No one on my team was there to help me. So we lost.

Thats one of the reasons i dont like CTL, i prefer Guardian. If that was guardian i would have killed their leader easy and we might have won. Holding the meatshield for 30 seconds is just BS.
That reminds me. They need an active timer for Gears. I've been in quite a few games where it's gone to overtime and it just comes as a surprise.
[quote name='KingBroly']That reminds me. They need an active timer for Gears. I've been in quite a few games where it's gone to overtime and it just comes as a surprise.[/QUOTE]
A toggle for the auto-reload feature would be a lot better. I cant tell you how many times I've died to messing up my reload after emptying my clip.

Last weekend we had bunny heads again. I hope we get something special like a new skin to bring over to retail, but that's just wishful thinking.
[quote name='sasukekun']A toggle for the auto-reload feature would be a lot better. I cant tell you how many times I've died to messing up my reload after emptying my clip.[/QUOTE]

I thought that was in the previous 2 Gears games. Weird.

My guess on tomorrow's surprise: Horde Mode
[quote name='Trakan']The two maps people didn't vote in will get added to the rotation.[/QUOTE]

If this is the case please tell me Clocktower was one of them.
To be honest, I've been pretty happy with the Beta for the most part. They fixed most of the issues from the second game, which was complete garbage. Whatever the surprise may be, I'll be happy. Epic certainly won't disappoint with this game.

Edit: Anyone else love Raven Down from Gears 1? I honestly hope hey add that map in one of the map packs. >.
I like raven down but I prefer old bones. That really was a solid map pack. Can't wait to try out those maps on Sunday when I get back.
Playing as the Leader in CTL, I've never been captured. I've either been lucky or played it really well. Of course, last time it helped that the Leader was a Drone and it came right for me when I camped at the Spawn point. Only 55 more matches until I unlock the Gold Retro Lancer, and then the waiting begins.

I think we'll get another game type. 2 maps isn't going to add that much more space.
Is that 6AM EST tomorrow?

And Raven Down was great because it was just your starting guns and 2 grenade spawn points. It's baffling, but the simpler, the better. I once went 56 and 7 on that map during a First to 19 Warzone Game. I miss those days.
Usually when im the leader, if im on a good team, ill stick at our spawn. If the team fails, ill usually run with the largest group and try to stay on the move. Worked pretty well so far, only been captured a few times due to my own failure. Though i have seen some sheer stupidity occur.

On a side note, it REALLY pisses me off when people see your the leader and are heading toward a powerful weapon, only to still take it. (Especially Frag Grenades). Even asked over the mic if i could take them to protect myself a few times, only to get "So?" a few times in response.
i love the fact that its playable unlike gears 2. i need to get used to stop trying to go heads up with a SOS user i hate it but i need to work on my tactics. only thing i hate is when its p2p connection i get b's a lot unlike when im finally on a dedicated server the game is awesome.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Hmmm it only lasts the weekend. Im guessing something to do with mothers day?[/QUOTE]

All female players maybe?
[quote name='The 7th Number']Hmmm it only lasts the weekend. Im guessing something to do with mothers day?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='LinkinPrime']All female players maybe?[/QUOTE]

New kitchen map.
The surprise is a Player's Choice playlist with random maps and modes. We also get Big Heads with Squeaky Voices on that playlist. :\

I'm up to 40 matches played now. Hopefully I can get up to 90 before the end of the weekend so I can put it on cruise control, aka "King of the Hill" for 100 Gold Retro Lancer kills.
I think the big heads/feet squeaky voices is a cool thing. It just shows off how they can manipulate the game for special events, which i think is a great thing to be able to do.

However, there was barely 3,000 people in the public playlist so the lag was horrible which means point blank sawed off shots are 50% useless. I had to turn it off because it was unplayable in the current state.
I've got 10 more matches to go to get the Gold Retro, and only 2 more for Cole Train as a keeper. It just sucks that I keep getting put in as Red, or dropped in an ongoing match as Fenix.

I'm torn if I want to try to unlock Baird... only 4 more CTL matches for him. I like KOTH so much more. It's more forgiving and a lot more kills. (meaning more deaths for me, of course.)
KOTH goes by much slower than CTL, so you'd probably unlock Baird in 30-40 minutes roughly.

I have to go 10 more matches until I can unlock Cole Train myself, but I'll stick with it.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']Is that 6AM EST tomorrow?

And Raven Down was great because it was just your starting guns and 2 grenade spawn points. It's baffling, but the simpler, the better. I once went 56 and 7 on that map during a First to 19 Warzone Game. I miss those days.[/QUOTE]

Raven Down is up there as one of the worst maps Epic ever made. Matches already devolve into Shotguns of War on regular sized maps let alone that piece of shit map.
[quote name='KingBroly']KOTH goes by much slower than CTL, so you'd probably unlock Baird in 30-40 minutes roughly.

I have to go 10 more matches until I can unlock Cole Train myself, but I'll stick with it.[/QUOTE]

Maybe I'll go for Baird while getting Cole Train unlocked. Then, I'll use KOTH for the Gold Retro.

Either way, I'll be happy playing this beta. It's been more rewarding for me than any COD online match.
I really hope they fix the spawning in the retail version. in a CTL match earlier they parked the leader at a spawn, I died, and spawned right next to him. It allowed us to win.
[quote name='Trakan']Raven Down is up there as one of the worst maps Epic ever made. Matches already devolve into Shotguns of War on regular sized maps let alone that piece of shit map.[/QUOTE]

Lol @Shotguns of War. That should be the subtitle to this game.
It's the subtitle of every Gears game unfortunately. Except this game doesn't lag like crazy when you use it.

It's satisfying when it takes 5 guys on that other team (2 of which were hackers) to take you down. Before they could get 1 kill on me I got 5 of them. Considering I took them 12 lives left to 7, I feel satisfied.
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[quote name='KingBroly']It's the subtitle of every Gears game unfortunately. Except this game doesn't lag like crazy when you use it.

It's satisfying when it takes 5 guys on that other team (2 of which were hackers) to take you down. Before they could get 1 kill on me I got 5 of them. Considering I took them 12 lives left to 7, I feel satisfied.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry did you just use the term "hackers" when referring to some players in an Xbox game?
What term would you like me to use? When someone can one shot you with a Shotgun from halfway across the map you know something's fishy.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Shitty luck?[/QUOTE]

Not to mention lag, bad connection, an active reload head shot, host advantage, etc. When it comes to Gears you can literally take your pick.
The big head thing is the dumbest shit ever, it makes it difficult to aim with the rifles.

CTL is probably going to be my exclusive gametype when the game comes out, based solely on the fact that when I'm the leader I go for frags and run towards the enemy team to have them down me and I martyr myself except I never die cuz I'm the leader. Amazing.
I'm now at at 1.0 K/D ratio in Team Deathmatch. It's a MIRACLE! :cool: More kills than deaths, too, so it is unquestionable that I am actually good at a multiplayer shooter! :roll:

Now only 39 more matches until I unlock the Gold Retro Lancer and 10 matches with Cole Train until I unlock him in the retail version.

I might switch to the Sawed-Off Shotgun here soon. I know it's a ton more powerful than the Gnasher, but it has a lot less ammo and only a single round.
[quote name='KingBroly']I might switch to the Sawed-Off Shotgun here soon. I know it's a ton more powerful than the Gnasher, but it has a lot less ammo and only a single round.[/QUOTE]

With a 1.0 K/D i dont think you are going to run out of DBS ammo anytime soon. LOL jk. My K/D varies from match type. Around 1.0 to 1.6 or so. I use sawed off mainly because if i try to use gnasher i always get beat out by someone using a sawed off. So im better off using it.
My K/D is stuck around 1.0/1.1.

Managed to get 1.2 last night after an epic CTL match (Got like 55 kills and 17 deaths). Though, i doubt im gonna switch to the Sawn Off anytime soon, i fail too hard with it. Getting better with the Gnasher though, finally getting that hip-fire aim down.

On a side note, does anyone know if its possible to get the Flaming Hammerburst in any other way than the beta? Im a completionist, and i kick myself in the rear for forgetting to rebuy Bulletstorm to get in the beta.
[quote name='dgwillia006']My K/D is stuck around 1.0/1.1.

Managed to get 1.2 last night after an epic CTL match (Got like 55 kills and 17 deaths). Though, i doubt im gonna switch to the Sawn Off anytime soon, i fail too hard with it. Getting better with the Gnasher though, finally getting that hip-fire aim down.

On a side note, does anyone know if its possible to get the Flaming Hammerburst in any other way than the beta? Im a completionist, and i kick myself in the rear for forgetting to rebuy Bulletstorm to get in the beta.[/QUOTE]

AFAIK playing during the bulletstorm beta week was the only way to get the flaming hammy.
I'm sure there will be a way in-game to get it. Or through a pre-order bonus or special edition.

I wonder if Epic's going to do the '5 free maps with new copies' thing again this time or not. That'd be swell.

My overall K/D ratio is something like 0.8. It's 0.6 in KOTH, which I haven't played since I started using the Retro Lancer and 0.8 in CTL. It's like 293 kills and 333 deaths. I think if I push just enough I'll be able to get to 1.0 overall.
Ah yeah, i forgot about pre-order bonuses. And the Retro Map thing was pretty awesome too.

I really gotta start playing Gear's 2 again too, i pretty much skipped over Multiplayer in that version after realizing how unholy the lag was

And i just cant force myself to like the Retro Lancer. I LOVE the Bayonet charge, but aside from that, i seem to do just as well if not better with a Lancer or a Hammerburst.
BSEE? Whatever it is, if it comes with a Bloody Carmine helmet, I'm in.

Yeah, I need to get back to Gears 2 and get the last few multiplayer achievements and...100,000 kills. But I hate Wingman and Guardian.
BSEE = Bulletstorm epic edition

Yeah the flaming hammerburst is kinda useless to me because for whatever reason it takes me forever to down a guy with it. Yet people can down me with it in 3-4 bullets.

Ive been using the lancer lately, even though i prefer the retro. Lancer has a HUGE clip. I can down and kill two guys before i have to reload with the Lancer. Plus i prefer its close range options.
I like the Lancer because you can easily use it at Long Range too if you fire in bursts. Plus, nothing feels more awesome than getting 2+ Chainsaw kills in a row.

As far as the Hammerburst goes, i usually aim for the chest. For some reason if i aim for lower body it takes almost a whole damn clip to down someone. And with all of the rolling people do, aiming for the head seems ineffective too.
bread's done