Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

[quote name='The 7th Number']BSEE = Bulletstorm epic edition

Yeah the flaming hammerburst is kinda useless to me because for whatever reason it takes me forever to down a guy with it. Yet people can down me with it in 3-4 bullets.

Ive been using the lancer lately, even though i prefer the retro. Lancer has a HUGE clip. I can down and kill two guys before i have to reload with the Lancer. Plus i prefer its close range options.[/QUOTE]

I've had the same problem with the hammerburst. I don't use it because I suck with it, but i ran out of ammo and picked one up and found out that if you zoom in, its more least that's what it seemed like for me as I was able to down a few people from a distance.
I'm 46 kills in on my gold retro. I thought it would take as lot longer and was worried about not getting to keep it. I think I'll be able to do it all in KOTH
Some stats....

7431 Rank
309 matches
1.6 K/D
1.5 W/L

114531 Rank
41 Matches
0.9 K/D
0.5 W/L

1654 Rank
160 Matches
1.4 K/D
1.4 W/L

I played a round where i got a chance to mess around with the sniper, got a no zoom in headshot, and 3 other headshots. Its not too often i get a chance to pick it up and actually shoot with it. But when i do its pretty fun.
[quote name='KingBroly']I might switch to the Sawed-Off Shotgun here soon. I know it's a ton more powerful than the Gnasher, but it has a lot less ammo and only a single round.[/QUOTE]
Technically, you shouldn't run out of ammo with the sawed off shotgun. Too many people use it in the game, so when you blow someone away with that gun it's likely that they're also holding one in their hands, which means you can grab their dropped ammo.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']Technically, you shouldn't run out of ammo with the sawed off shotgun. Too many people use it in the game, so when you blow someone away with that gun it's likely that they're also holding one in their hands, which means you can grab their dropped ammo.[/QUOTE]

Yeah unless your playing trenches where the ammo drops fall through the floor. :headache:
I wonder why the Maps don't have ammo drops in this game.

I was honestly just thinking about having my game sit overnight at the behest of my stats. I've been really busy today and haven't been able to play.
[quote name='KingBroly']I wonder why the Maps don't have ammo drops in this game.

I was honestly just thinking about having my game sit overnight at the behest of my stats. I've been really busy today and haven't been able to play.[/QUOTE]

If you mean let it play as you are AFK, if they catch people doing this they will take away all beta unlocks.
We need to start playing together. I'm really tired of playing with people who just don't know how to play.

55 matches overall now. My overall K/D is 0.9. I'm sure once the retail version comes out my K/D will be much, much higher, because if my K/D ratio started from recently it'd be something like 2.5.
i suck at this game. i don't know if its the aiming or the sensitivity which, frankly, i do not like. Powered thru 35 matches today. Want to hit 50 to get started on cole, maybe attempt to finish the 40 tomorrow for the golden lancer.

Will the golden lancer be available in SP or MP only?
Feel free to add me if you want to play. West coast, and I play late. Monday I'll spend a good amount of the day on. I've got everything unlocked at this point, so I'm just playing for the fuck of it.
Just went 4-0 against a team that had a level 26. Once I left he felt the need to insult me. How...odd for me. I feel as though my ego has been boosted 10% because of this.
[quote name='The 7th Number']If you mean let it play as you are AFK, if they catch people doing this they will take away all beta unlocks.[/QUOTE]
Can you even do that? I've gone to the bathroom for less than 2 minutes during a match and when I came back it had quit me out to the main menu for "not being an active participant".
[quote name='CaptainJoel']Can you even do that? I've gone to the bathroom for less than 2 minutes during a match and when I came back it had quit me out to the main menu for "not being an active participant".[/QUOTE]

Some people make it so their analog stick is in a position that will make you move without you being there.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Some people make it so their analog stick is in a position that will make you move without you being there.[/QUOTE]
Well crap, I wish I'd thought of that. Makes sense. I wonder how many people are actually trying to do that.
So I just noticed that the last 4 Unlocks don't say 'in Retail'


So the only real point in playing is to try and get the Gold Retro Lancer.
[quote name='KingBroly']So I just noticed that the last 4 Unlocks don't say 'in Retail'


So the only real point in playing is to try and get the Gold Retro Lancer.[/QUOTE]

The flaming weapons carry over. Also dont forget cole train thrashball skin. PS i sent you an invite.

Man i hate retro lancer charge. I can NEVER kill someone with a shotty before they hit me. Usually i try right before they hit me, today i did it a little earlier, still got me.
Roll out of the way. They won't be able to kill you unless they're really close. Besides, Lancer or Retro Lancer will do them in. Then again, Retro Lancer does everyone in because there are plenty of spots on the map where you can sit and enemies will have no place to go except into your lovely bullet storm.

I accepted your FR, and I know about Thrashball Cole (7 more matches to unlock him).

I still don't understand the point of unlocking Executions. It's seems really arbitrary.
[quote name='KingBroly']So I just noticed that the last 4 Unlocks don't say 'in Retail'


So the only real point in playing is to try and get the Gold Retro Lancer.[/QUOTE]

And obviously ya have fun.......

My biggest gripe about this game is all the inept team mates I get that are just absolutely terrible. Abysmal doesn't even scratch the surface of how to describe them. It's not oh they get killed because other players are better, they make stupid choices in regards to strategy and overall common sense.

Playing CTL, instead of fanning out and creating a perimeter against the enemy to keep them from getting close to their leader that I'm holding, they all group up against me while I hold the leader, enemy throws a single smoke and he gets away, cuz no one is playing defense and pushing them back...........

Epic took the franchise down a couple pegs with their additions of "noob friendly" features. The noobs are still going to get the shit stomped out of them when the game releases and they're going to end up quitting anyway, so instead of keeping most of everything the way it was, they sacrifice a solid game in which they just had to improve and fix existing issues in, to an equally broken mess that Gears 2 released as.

While I'm only speculating because the game hasn't been released yet, I still see the same issues that the beta had when it first started on 4/18 and I'm sure even before that.

[quote name='The 7th Number']The flaming weapons carry over. Also dont forget cole train thrashball skin. PS i sent you an invite.

Man i hate retro lancer charge. I can NEVER kill someone with a shotty before they hit me. Usually i try right before they hit me, today i did it a little earlier, still got me.[/QUOTE]

It will more than likely never happen with the gnasher if you wait till the last second because of the vaccuum Epic has created with that gun and the chainsaw. Even if you roll away you still run the risk of getting hit, you get hit when you're behind cover, I see it every time I play. You have to start shooting at someone when they are charging you before they get to you with the gnasher, someone tried this on me last night, I shot at him with my gnasher a decent distance away, he slowed down a bit, shot again and took his head off when he was closer to me.

DBS is a different story, you just have to time it right. Then again it's never really consistent because of lag.
Yeah i was using the DBS and he just walks through it.

I hate getting dumbass teammates in CTL too. I had a game where time was ticking down less than 5 seconds and dude decides to try to rush and shotgun me free from capture when all he had to do was throw a smoke.

Or you have the idiots that just give up and stand in spawn, or go for kills instead of trying to free me. I know when im on a bad team as the leader when i get captured in less than a minute. As the leader i go to get kills, why? because I CANT DIE. Its so much fun when you cant die. LOL. Some games i get captured in less than a minute cos of bad teammates, some games we stand in a certain area just killing anyone who comes near us and end the game after it goes into OT and capturing the leader takes 1 second of holding him.
I hope they make a way for non-beta players to be able to get the skins, seeing as there is no way possible for me to play it. :)
[quote name='The 7th Number']Its may 8th, has anyone got their extra Gears beta codes yet?[/QUOTE]

I haven't received an email yet
[quote name='Amblix']I hope they make a way for non-beta players to be able to get the skins, seeing as there is no way possible for me to play it. :)[/QUOTE]

Yea same here .... i wont be back from my deployment from Afghan-land till the end of November ..... this just suxs ballz!!!!
I hope every unlock carries over, the Executions included. Seriously though, unlocking the executions is really bad especially since I know there's going to be an achievement that says 'unlock every Execution' or 'use every Execution' or a combination or the 2.

I'm up to 65 matches now. I'll play 5 later and I'll be done for the day. I just went 14-11-5 (K-A-D) in a match on Thrashball and felt pretty good about it. I also got 2 Bayonette kills in a row with it, which was satisfying. 1 more for Kantus unlocked and then 3 more matches will unlock Cole Train. I think I'll play 15 matches a piece over the next 2 days so I can get a jump start on the Gold Retro Lancer. I really want that.
I guess so.

I just unlocked Cole Train for retail, so now all that's left for me to do is unlock the Gold Retro and then it's onto 100 kills. I also have to do 15 more KOTH matches, but I decided to save that until I got my Gold Retro Lancer, which is now 20 matches away. I'm basically the guy who is involved in almost every kill now in matches for my team.

I'm also at a 10 kill gap for my overall K/D ratio.
This beta ends the 15th and we can't even get the codes at least middle of today, weak.

Also, is it just me or compared to Gears 2, a substantial shotgun shot to someone charging the chainsaw bayonet not enough to stun? I feel like i get that solid shot in under the 10 foot distance and they have almost no cool down for their "stun" before I can get another shot off :( Maybe my connection isn't good enough, so I'll never try to take on a chainsaw with the gnasher anymore.
The lancer charge is aggravating if you don't have a rifle out. I tested my theory again today, waited till the charging enemy was almost on top of me, for example where I would shoot if I had the DBS, except I had the gnasher, shot him right in his face.

I get impaled.
[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']when are we supposed to get the friend beta codes?[/QUOTE]

haven't played the beta since the beginning of last week (to get the unlock). I should be getting at least 4 codes (not sure if I played 20+ hr of beta) but no email atm.
I just got a code. If anyone wants it, add me on XBL and send me a PM on here for the code. EDIT - GONE.
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I hate how bullets stop me from moving from side to side. I understand stopping someone from rushing straight through the bullets, but trying to move left or right and i still cant move? Thats BS.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I hate how bullets stop me from moving from side to side. I understand stopping someone from rushing straight through the bullets, but trying to move left or right and i still cant move? Thats BS.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, especially 3 of them and then you're down.
I have 2 extra codes if anyone wants them. PM for interest.

I'm at 79 matches and I'm stopping for now. I'm getting paired with TONS of idiots that really makes it hard for me to justify playing. I can't even join friends, which is bizarre.
bread's done