Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

That's hilarious. They can't figure out how to make disc locked content unlock itself. If these dipshits hadn't have locked it in the first place there wouldn't have been an issue.
couldn't count the time I got one shot downed by gnasher from a medium distance today.... while I'm shooting the same person multiple times with my gnasher from the same distance.
Yeah one thing about gears that i hate is the inconsistency of the game. Maybe its just lag? IDK, but lately its been lagging it up. Many times today i get headshot after im under cover, or evade out of sight. Its really annoying when i die and there is no way in hell they can shoot me. Must be from lag, like they shot me before i evaded, but on my screen i am already untouchable, yet i die.

I ended tonight with like 300 explosive kills away from gold. Boomshot really helped with that medal this weekend. I also think im about 400 matches as a female away from onyx, cant wait to get that over and done with.
aiight, it's on like megatron.

what time is good for most? I'm EST as well after business hours.

(this is for finishing horde and insane beast, then whatever floats your boat)
[quote name='The 7th Number']Yeah one thing about gears that i hate is the inconsistency of the game.[/QUOTE]

thats the nail on the head.
Horde DLC is up, i turned my game on and it said something about season pass download, so i said yeah, and it was the horde command pack. 1.42mb later and i have the maps/characters.

Ill be on later tonight after 8pm ET if anyone wants to horde, ill have to check out the achievements again to see what they were.
Does anyone know if the Season Pass works just like any other sort of DLC in terms of licence? I'm thinking of "giving" it to my friend since we tend to do it every time we buy DLC or an XBLA game.
On the Horde Command DLC shows as costing 800 points despite purchasing the season pass. I guess you need to download it in-game?
[quote name='Ryuukishi']On the Horde Command DLC shows as costing 800 points despite purchasing the season pass. I guess you need to download it in-game?[/QUOTE]

Yes, when i started my game there was a pop up saying i had the season pass, do i want to download content now? And i said yes and got it free.

And again, not sure if people read my previous message, ill be on all night starting at 8pm ET if anyone wants to do horde achievements with me.
[quote name='woodcan']I too will be on tonight but probably not until around 9PM CST.[/QUOTE]
Same for me, I'll be on but it will probably be at least 8 or 9 pm.
@7th - yup yup, just trying to get some ppl together that have the stamina to do a horde run, as well as insane beast + DLC. not everyone who is willing to help has the season pass. I think collectively through 6 degrees of separation we're all probably friends of friends and can easily get a few solid groups together.
[quote name='Luxuria']Does anyone know if the Season Pass works just like any other sort of DLC in terms of licence? I'm thinking of "giving" it to my friend since we tend to do it every time we buy DLC or an XBLA game.[/QUOTE]

I asked that before and someone said yes but I don't know if anyone has tried it yet. I would like to share it with my brother. Gamesharing is the only thing my PS3 does that I wish the 360 would do... Sigh.
Confirmed. It can be shared accross 2 X360's. Might even work with more...the first time you load the game, it tells you the "season pass content is available, would you like to download now?".

I got the prompt each time on XBOX A and XBOX B. Keep in mind I purchased the season pass on XBOX A. Verified that the content is available on XBOX B.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Confirmed. It can be shared accross 2 X360's. Might even work with more...the first time you load the game, it tells you the "season pass content is available, would you like to download now?".

I got the prompt each time on XBOX A and XBOX B. Keep in mind I purchased the season pass on XBOX A. Verified that the content is available on XBOX B.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! You are the man! Gonna have my brother download this now.
I already miss Boomsnipes. Playing regular TDM with SOS guns is disappointing. What did they do to gears! :(

Whats funny is they made the SOS for people who suck at using the gnasher, and i dont think it really solves a problem because those same people suck with the SOS too. I seen a player today miss two easy shots, and i mean they werent even close to aiming at the guy, it was so embarrassing. So in the end they just gave good players a more powerful shotgun.

Well at least with this DLC i can use Bernie, was getting tired of using Sam for the female medal. I cant wait to get that over with so i can use Big Rig Dizzy.
What is the alpha game type? On events it list alpha and on the playlist there is an alpha playlist but it seemed like just regular koth but with 4 v4 not 5 v5
[quote name='kklems']What is the alpha game type? On events it list alpha and on the playlist there is an alpha playlist but it seemed like just regular koth but with 4 v4 not 5 v5[/QUOTE]

It's a testing ground for the possibility of a Classic Playlist being permanently added to the general line up. I haven't played it yet, but from what I've read they are so close and yet oh so far. I wish Rod, Cliff, Quinn and whoever else is a part of the powers that be would let go of their vision of what the game SHOULD play like already. Because it's obvious they themselves can't figure out how to appease themselves and the hardcore simultaneously. It's a shame Epic can't seem to come to terms with what the public really wants. I'll tell you right now making the remaining rifles and SOS pick ups is a mistake that will bite them in the ass sooner or later, but at least they are trying to listen. I'll give them that much credit. I'll simply have to wait a little longer before I feel comfortable buying DLC and feeling enthusiastic about GoW 3 again. Hopefully what's left of the hardcore pro GoW1/2 crowd hints toward my personal game play concerns and voices them in the future.

Until then I'll pop it in when the free Clocktower/Bullet Marsh DLC shows up for a couple hours then move onto MW3 *shudder* and Skyrim.
I love how that article ignores the fact those who didn't buy it are steady chuckling at the Versus playing crowd of early Horde DLC adopters for buying three free maps for no good reason.

Nice job Epic.

Then again... you also gave me the Blood Drive and Clocktower remakes I wanted WITHOUT shoving River down my throat so more slack is happily being cut on my behalf. Well done.
I never liked Clocktower or Swamp...disappointing remakes but heh.

Guess the achievement of beating a boss wave of Horde with Onyx guards can only be achieved by playing with 4 others who have the DLC.
I'll be online in half an hour, it would be awesome if we could get a group of 5 together and get everybody the DLC achievements.

It's funny to me that commenters on various websites are raging at the "revelation" that the Horde Command download is just an unlock key for on-disc content, when there have been Youtube videos for weeks of people with modded consoles playing on the maps and using the character skins.
^I'm right there with you man.

I like the new weapon skins, and Big Rig Dizzy will probably be my new character.

Still $10 for skins and to get the maps a few weeks early? fuck YOU, Epic. I wish I hadn't bought the season pass now. fuckers.
Can someone explain this swamp map being in gears 1? Unless I missed something there was no swamp map in gears 1. There was bullet marsh which was hated by anyone who ever played gears, but no other swamp based maps.

20000 kills in gears 1 so I don't think I missed playing a map in my time with the game.
bread's done