Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']It would be nice if they'd open the beta up for Epic Edition owners of Bulletstorm already. Otherwise this is a pretty huge slap in the face for those of us who bit the bullet. Not the end of the world of course, but still very insulting.[/QUOTE]

This. I got a key and played last night but kept thinking to myself how BS it is for the ones who got the epic edition of Bulletstorm. Some got that edition JUST for the beta, and then there are hundreds of people who were able to just get a code, including myself.
I can't for the life of me get used to the sawed-off shotgun. It shoots one bullet and the re-load takes for ever. You have to be sure you're going for the kill, if not, run away.
[quote name='Superstar']If anyone has a beta code I would appreciate it. I know this is a long shot, but I figured I'd ask :p[/QUOTE]

Same here. I wasn't on yesterday and missed those codes being given away,but it would have been hard to get one. I don't even have gold,but I'm buying gold If I can get a beta code. :lol:
[quote name='CaseyRyback']They didn't ban anyone who played Gears 2 early so I doubt that they go after people playing a fucking beta early.[/QUOTE]

Hasn't MS tightened up since those days? I know they were recently talking about the new system they use to catch these types of things. I think the bannings are in reference to the USB trick, since that involves downloading a torrent, but not account sharing.

Nothing will probably happen though.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']I'm actually highly considering just picking up a copy of Bulletstorm to get in early......[/QUOTE]

Its gotta be the Epic Edition, supposedly anyway!
I had a blast playing this last night.

The pendulum lancer will take a while to get used to but it is deadly woth quick bursts. I started aiming for the upper torso and rode shots into heads.

I absolutely love the sawed off shotgun, nothing cooler than coming up behind 2 people and blasting them apart with one shot.

The bayonet charge was kind of cool, I only got it to work once.

Still trying to decide if I like the available maps. Can't wait to get back on tonight.
So I have the option of getting the game early (about a week or so) from a friend of mine that works at GS. Does anyone know if Microsoft will ban players who have a legit copy? I've heard different stories so I haven't been able to find a concrete answer on this. x.x
[quote name='Luxuria']So I have the option of getting the game early (about a week or so) from a friend of mine that works at GS. Does anyone know if Microsoft will ban players who have a legit copy? I've heard different stories so I haven't been able to find a concrete answer on this. x.x[/QUOTE]

That comes up alot and some people like to say that you would but if its a legal copy you are fine.
[quote name='Luxuria']So I have the option of getting the game early (about a week or so) from a friend of mine that works at GS. Does anyone know if Microsoft will ban players who have a legit copy? I've heard different stories so I haven't been able to find a concrete answer on this. x.x[/QUOTE]

Cant you play it offline, not logged into xbox live, and then when release day hits you can log in online? Unless you want to play MP and not campaign.

Ive been doing active reloading just to see how big the medal gets and its pretty big now. I think it said i was an active reload god. LOL. Did it 1000 times so far to get 4 star rank. Now it says i have to do another 1000 to get to the next level.
I see more mid range battles, like I posted before the pendulun lancer changes it up. A skilled shooter can bring someonne down quick right outside of shotgun range.

That being said I still see my share of one on one rolling shotgun battles.
[quote name='thrustbucket']So do most matches still devolve into flanking rushes with shotguns?[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, big time. It's like everyone has a host Gnasher now too. The Gnasher still one-shots at close range. With the addition of the Sawed-Off I figured they would tone down the Gnasher, but nope. The Gnasher damage needs to be halved if not a quarter of what it does now. If it can still one-shot, I don't understand why they added the Sawed-Off.

So far I'm thinking the beta is just alright. Dedicated servers don't fix everything. The spawns are absolutely terrible. If you're defending a hill, or have the leader captured and are in a spawn, the enemy team can literally spawn right behind you. Even if the opposite spawn is completely open and free. I can't count how many times it has happened to me. The maps are mediocre at best. I don't dislike any of them, but there's nothing that stands out like Gridlock or War Machine.
Here is what my active reload medal looks like now. I did 2,000 total perfect reloads and now it shows a 2 under the medal. The color of the medal might have changed also but im not 100% sure on that.

Yeah, the spawning is bullshit.
Its so easy for a team to trap people inside a spawn area that's enclosed. Someone tosses a grenade in they can eat most of the people inside.
[quote name='Luxuria']So I have the option of getting the game early (about a week or so) from a friend of mine that works at GS. Does anyone know if Microsoft will ban players who have a legit copy? I've heard different stories so I haven't been able to find a concrete answer on this. x.x[/QUOTE]

Every time a big game is released, people ask this question. And the official answer always is, you cannot get banned for playing a game before release date, as long as it's a legit copy.

It's pirates that claim innocence, and articles like these (which are never corrected), that perpetuate these rumors.
So, what are the ways into the beta? Hate to beat a dead horse. Bulletstorm, win one and Gamestop? Anything else? Also, I am a huge 360 noob, so add me as my friend list is at 0 people. :lol:
[quote name='Saint Noir']So, what are the ways into the beta? Hate to beat a dead horse. Bulletstorm, win one and Gamestop? Anything else? Also, I am a huge 360 noob, so add me as my friend list is at 0 people. :lol:[/QUOTE]
I Got mine through Expertzone. The only perk of working retail.
I got mine thru Expertzone also, the only perk to not having to work at all lol

Im one of only around 17,000 playn the beta now
I got mine from Expertzone (the only perk from EVER having worked retail), but I also got my Bulletstorm epic edition. :D

As for the beta, I like Old Town and the Thrashball stadium a lot. Those are the only ones that stand out to me at all.

Also, don't like the shitty spawns and how the Gnasher is OP.
[quote name='Dokstarr']Hey people,

Can you tell if a bullet storm code is the epic version before redeeming? Wanna make sure..[/QUOTE]

The front of the game case will say Epic edition
I got my early beta access the less savory way (only took about 5 mins total), but Im playing GoW3 right now, and I cant begin to explain how much better dedicated servers make this game, also I am having no luck using the Saw off shotgun...but damn the hamerburst has been improved big time.
I got a not so fast ribbon today. An enemy speared my teammate with a retro lancer and as he was holding him up i killed him with a shotty. It was pretty cool. I dont know if its my connection or what, but it seems like the rifles really bring you down fast. I hate the simultaneous kills, they need to take that out. To me its just stupid. I dont really like the sniper much. It seems like it zooms in way too far. I did get a headshot without the zoom in my last game. I like how its less accurate if you are moving around.
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[quote name='Necrozilla']He's probably buying it from someone.[/QUOTE]

Correct. I got an epic edition online and the code was used. Guy sent me another code - is there a way to see if it is the epic version before i redeem.
Glad to hear the servers are improved. I'm playing some Gears 2 right now, and 1/5 games are almost unplayable. It's pretty bad.
[quote name='Dokstarr']Correct. I got an epic edition online and the code was used. Guy sent me another code - is there a way to see if it is the epic version before i redeem.[/QUOTE]

It should have a "gears of war 3 beta" button under all the other main menu buttons. Im pretty sure its there even if you dont use the code. But you need to code to use it.
[quote name='popular penguin']I saw someone with a different gun paint job, black with green lightning. How did he get that?

P.S. The lancer sux so much[/QUOTE]

You have to complete the challenges VIA stats/awards menu.

Retro lancer is awesome, should try that over the regular one.
Is it just me or is the running camera too shaky?

Also i sometimes have issues when behind cover, then try to turn corner into roadie run. My guy will stop running right after i turn the corner. Doesnt happen all the time, but it does do it. Same with when i slide in and bounce off a wall, then try to keep running, but my guy will start walking.
[quote name='sasukekun']You have to complete the challenges VIA stats/awards menu.

Retro lancer is awesome, should try that over the regular one.[/QUOTE]
I didn't see that paintjob in any of the menus.
Has anyone noticed that if you're behind cover, and an enemy takes cover in front of you, then jumps out of cover towards you, you end up getting knocked down as if a smoke grenade hit you.

I find this really lame.

Also, I had a blast last night with the game but I'm starting to find a lot of annoyances today.

The grenades, no matter what kind are so weak. You have to directly hit someone in order to kill them with it. The splash damage sucks!!
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Has anyone noticed that if you're behind cover, and an enemy takes cover in front of you, then jumps out of cover towards you, you end up getting knocked down as if a smoke grenade hit you.

I find this really lame.

Isn't that a new move? Vault over cover onto an enemy and it stuns them? I haven't played yet, but I heard that was a new feature.
are the smoke grenades still useless? or did they put it back to how they were in gears 2 (which i preferred, personally, not sure why they ever made them useless)
Rented Bulletstorm after work tonight and popped it in but the Beta wouldn't download.. I was like ARGGGGGGH and ran to the internet... Damn i'm to early! LOL oh well At least I rented the next to last copy and have my Epic code from launch. 1 more day. :)
[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']are the smoke grenades still useless? or did they put it back to how they were in gears 2 (which i preferred, personally, not sure why they ever made them useless)[/QUOTE]

When you get hit by a smoke it makes you unable to shoot. Its like in gears 2 when you were stunned and ducking, but still standing. Except now you can still walk around while you are ducking with your hands over your head.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I didn't see that paintjob in any of the menus.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, meant the multiplayer character setup.

Playing solo sucks, you always get put in a team who's already losing and by the time you get actual people, there's no way you can catch up.
[quote name='Darkside Hazuki']After 6 games of TDM, I'm already tired of Shotguns of War 3.[/QUOTE]

That's what I was afraid of.

Man, why can't someone just make a fun cover based shooter that people actually play as a cover based shooter?
Just Gnashers of War, they get to keep the G.o.W. acronym too! Sawed off shotgun is totally useless.

Shotguns shouldn't be spawned with. Only map pick-ups.
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I personally love it. I'd actually go ahead and say it's the best online competitive shooter I've ever played. Everything is so smooth and fluid that I often forget I'm even playing online. Add to that the weapons are much more balanced this time around and all serve a purpose, the maps are great, the game looks gorgeous, and there's a really deep rank/unlock system and you've got yourself a recipe for an awesome online shooter.

Can't wait for this to finally come out in September.
Really another shotgun fest? That was my major gripe with Gears of War 2, outside of taking light years to get into the action (which they patched most of it overtime)
I myself have been using the Retro Lancer quite a bit. The Hammerburst is amazing now and have seen a lot of people use it. The Lancer is the one weapon that I rarely see anyone using. I've played for hours and have only gotten into one chainsaw battle. Yes, the shotguns are used quite a lot but at least they work now unlike in Gears 2 where a point blank wouldn't even kill the damn enemy.
bread's done