Gears Of War - General info and Discussion #1 (MODS LOCK PLS)

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Sounds cool! Thanks for the descriptions. How much total playtime did you get? Would you say, based on what you played, that it's worth even buying for multi-player alone?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I am. Mainly because Halo 3 is sooo far away. Plus this won't be run-n-gun so its a nice change of pace.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='thrustbucket']Sounds cool! Thanks for the descriptions. How much total playtime did you get? Would you say, based on what you played, that it's worth even buying for multi-player alone?[/QUOTE]

We got plenty of playtime, probably could have gotten alot more if my friends werent tired, we left at around 2am and they were around till 3am.

I think it's worth it. The one thing I can't gauge is how well it will perform over Live since it was system link. As long as the matchmaking and lag isn't as bad as it is with Saints Row and Ghost Recon, i'd say it's a definite yes. But we know that it'll have a solid singleplayer and coop so yeah.

And really if you want to show people how badass the graphics on a 360 can be there is no substitute for Gears of War at the moment, it's really something. Especially the rain/water effects.
[quote name='jasonlives13']Thanks for those impressions Zoglog.[/QUOTE]

np, can't wait till this game comes out. Lets all Pray for good online performance haha
[quote name='thrustbucket']Is it ok to say around here that one might be more excited for gears of war than halo 3?

Or would that be flame bait, if one were to say such words?[/QUOTE]

I was always more excited for GoW than Halo 3. I love survival horror games and to me, this has always looked like a action horror game.

I love that GoW commercial on XBLA, the song from Donnie Darko just cemented taht fact :D
[quote name='Zoglog']np, can't wait till this game comes out. Lets all Pray for good online performance haha[/QUOTE]

Zoglog, I don't suppose you would have any idea if it supports split screen multiplayer? My main concern is split screen over live. I'd like that verified.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Zoglog, I don't suppose you would have any idea if it supports split screen multiplayer? My main concern is split screen over live. I'd like that verified.[/QUOTE]

honestly i'm not sure. Though with how splitscreen coop looked, I highly doubt they would leave out splitscreen multiplayer. It'll probably be like ghost recon with you being able to do split screen multiplayer in unranked matches.
[quote name='Zoglog']Well I didn't play the single player, I tried but they made me play multiplayer =/.

Graphics definetly live up to the hype and run rather nicely. I'd like to say I was impressed, but so far everything is as we've heard. The biggest change from other games is that run/hide/dodge are all controlled by the A button and highly context sensitive. Running is done by holding down the A button. It plays very much like ghost recon single player in my opinion, but much quicker and more diving.

When I first played I was quite puzzled because I tried to play it like Ghost recon so I'd never kill anyone since they'd hide and the health system seems to be more haloish where if you hide for awhile you get your health back. You basically have 3 weapons to start with and 1 smoke grenade at the beginning. pistol for longer range, chainsaw machinegun for mid/short, and shotgun for short.

You can pick up other guns on the map like rocket launcher, sniper rifle, revolver, SMG, and the lovely ion canon. I didn't find the Ion Cannon till the end of the night but it was interesting and killing somone with it was a good way to end the night. Basically it's like a laser pointer where you hold down on a point and the beam comes down after 4 seconds or so and you can drag the holy beam around (except indoors).[/quote]

could you explain this a little more in depth? I mean we're not looking at another HALO1/PDZ where the pistol is the overall "best" weapon in the game, are we?
[quote name='AYATOLA']could you explain this a little more in depth? I mean we're not looking at another HALO1/PDZ where the pistol is the overall "best" weapon in the game, are we?[/QUOTE]

as far as I could tell the pistol is not that strong, it just aims more accuratly when you zoom in a bit. There's also a sniper rifle located in the level. There is a magnum that is slightly strong, but it doesn't have much ammo.
From everything I've seen and read, the pistol isn't that powerful, but you can fire it as fast as you can pull the trigger. All the weapons become more accurate with the left trigger zoom.

I found this video that shows off the multiplayer level pretty well.


I swear there's no Toto in this one.

The one question I have for Zoglog is how does it feel coming in and out of cover? It seems like when you run into cover and someone comes around the corner on you, it's easy for them to flank you before you can get off the cover.
[quote name='radjago']

I swear there's no Toto in this one.[/quote]
Man I would love some toto in-game!

The one question I have for Zoglog is how does it feel coming in and out of cover? It seems like when you run into cover and someone comes around the corner on you, it's easy for them to flank you before you can get off the cover.

I have a strong feeling this sort of thing will be frustrating and hard to get use to. Having the A button do so many things that are context sensitive is asking for trouble. I envision many times where you want to run but it rolls, or you want to get cover but you jump over the cover instead.

I don't think it will hurt the game that much, but it will be so different and hard to get use to, it may turn some gamers too set in their fps ways off.
I found this video that shows off the multiplayer level pretty well.
I watched all those multiplayer videos. It's funny to watch almost everyone play it just like a fps. Nobody really seems to grasp the concept of cover and flank.


The Mad Catz Gears of War Faceplate and Skin Kit is available for $29.99 and it includes a faceplate and two set of Gears of War decals, one featuring Marcus Fenix and the other featuring his pal Dominic Santiago.

Is it me, or does the second decal set seem to be for the HD-DVD drive???

Edit NVM...seems like a 2nd skin only.
not bad if you really want it. The official faceplate looks really weird on consoles that aren't skinned.

[quote name='radjago']
The one question I have for Zoglog is how does it feel coming in and out of cover? It seems like when you run into cover and someone comes around the corner on you, it's easy for them to flank you before you can get off the cover.[/QUOTE]

You can dive out of cover which helps quite a bit. I never really had a problem with evading people, usually you can see them trying to flank you.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']How come they installed their skins upside down? Pretty cool looking though.[/quote]
Nice :applause: I didn't notice that the first time I saw them.
[quote name='Kendal']Wow, I can't wait. Was that trailer bullshot or in-game graphics?[/QUOTE]

They made a point to say all that trailer was entirely in engine.
Paid off my preorder at GS today and was told that I can pick up the game at midnight on the 6th. WOOT!
I also have two preordered at BB doing that 1600pnt card thing. Might pass those on to friends.
I picked up that faceplate today with some extra store credit that I had but I didn't apply the decals since it looks like it might be a pain to take them off.
[quote name='BREVITY']Paid off my preorder at GS today and was told that I can pick up the game at midnight on the 6th. WOOT!
I also have two preordered at BB doing that 1600pnt card thing. Might pass those on to friends.[/quote]

my eb just told me the 8th. wtf.
[quote name='orntar']my eb just told me the 8th. wtf.[/QUOTE]

His EB is misinformed/lying, or next door to the GoW distribution factory.
Anyone need the code for the GoW Theme/Gamerpics that they gave out at the EB/Gamestop preview night last week?

Was in a GS today that had cancelled their event and they just had a stack of these on the counter for anyone to take. Have 6 all together so just reply if you need one.
[quote name='Johnny Postman']Anyone need the code for the GoW Theme/Gamerpics that they gave out at the EB/Gamestop preview night last week?

Was in a GS today that had cancelled their event and they just had a stack of these on the counter for anyone to take. Have 6 all together so just reply if you need one.[/QUOTE]

i would like one, thanks!
[quote name='Johnny Postman']Anyone need the code for the GoW Theme/Gamerpics that they gave out at the EB/Gamestop preview night last week?

Was in a GS today that had cancelled their event and they just had a stack of these on the counter for anyone to take. Have 6 all together so just reply if you need one.[/QUOTE]

PM sent.
All codes gone - 5 who replied and Trakan.

They had more at that store so I'll check for some next time I'm there (Tuesday.)

Everyone who got the codes, let me know if they don't work - I could always have mistyped something.
[quote name='getmyrunon']His EB is misinformed/lying, or next door to the GoW distribution factory.[/quote]

Game ships on 7th for the EB/GS stores. Should be in on the 8th. Where do you get your info, the toilet store?

EDIT: I have some codes and I am still planning on a give away contest, I am just so busy lately. I promise to do it soon.
Wait, is the November 7th release exclusive to GS/EB? Amazon says they are shipping the game on November 7th, so does Best Buy. I thought if you pre-order at GS/EB, you get it a few days earlier (other retailers getting it on the 12)?
anyone know if the manufacturers of the game are near the makers of the game (i.e. Epic is in NC, so would the factory maybe be in NC as well?) if so...i might be able to get it early :D
Well that sucks...I thought I would be getting at least "something" from pre-ordering at GS. Could have sworn they had an exclusive early release, even if it was only for a few days...
[quote name='Kendro']Well that sucks...I thought I would be getting at least "something" from pre-ordering at GS. Could have sworn they had an exclusive early release, even if it was only for a few days...[/QUOTE]

Around here clerks have been trying to get pre-orders for GoW by bragging about an "exclusive launch" of 11/7 only at EB/Gamestop with other stores having to wait 'til the 12th.
[quote name='Johnny Postman']Around here clerks have been trying to get pre-orders for GoW by bragging about an "exclusive launch" of 11/7 only at EB/Gamestop with other stores having to wait 'til the 12th.[/QUOTE]

Me thinks they're lying. The new Best Buy ad touts that they will have GoW instores by the 8th.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Me thinks they're lying. The new Best Buy ad touts that they will have GoW instores by the 8th.[/QUOTE]

I noticed the same thing in today's TRU ad.
[quote name='BREVITY']The new OXM lists a Gears of War demo on one of the pages. Boy I would love it if that hit before the actual game.[/QUOTE]

In major nelsons podcast last week, he interviewed some people on the dev team and asked about a demo. The devs exploded with a banter of frustration and made fun of the fact that people expect a demo, and said that they haven't worked on a demo and haven't even planned on a demo at any point in time. He said if there was a demo released, they'd have to decide to make one after launch. (Demos take up an average of 2 months of development time)

Of course it's possible he was lying and blowing smoke, but I sort of doubt it.
pre-ordered at EB today and they said they don't know if it'll get here on the 7th or 8th, depends on UPS.

That could've just been my store though. Hope this game turns out great. Anything less than a 9 and I'm cancelling my preorder :lol:
[quote name='Foolman']
GameTrailers is putting up a bunch of videos. All of them are worth watching.[/QUOTE]

Those trailers have seriously blown away all my expectations for this game. I seriously can't wait now. I love how you only get one shot with the sniper rifle and there doesn't seem to be alot of auto aim.
[quote name='IGN']What the heck is Emergence Day?

Emergence Day, for lack of a better phrase, is a big marketing event. While enjoying a cocktail outside with one of the developers from Epic, he told me that the game launches at game boutiques -- retailers that specialize specifically in videogames, like EB Games -- on November 7. However, major retailers like Target and Walmart aren't slated to get the game until the following week.

So at the time when everyone finally has the game, Microsoft has scheduled 24 hours of special events, beginning at 12:01 a.m. on November 12. Here's the events, straight from a Microsoft announcement last week:

A 24-Hour Leader board Tournament. The tournament winner receives a one of a kind "Gears of War" branded guitar as well as an automatic bye to the finals of a Global "Gears of War" Tournament planned for 2007.

Hourly sweepstakes drawings and prize giveaways including the chance to win one of several Samsung HT-P29 Dolby 5.1 Surround Sound System.

An exclusive free "Gears of War" Gamer pic and theme only available on Emergence Day.

Game with Fame sessions with legendary heavy metal band and "Gears of War" fans Megadeth, the game's lead designer Cliff Bleszinski and other members of the Epic Games team.

Never before seen videos including a special Emergence Day transmission from Cliff Bleszinski.

An MTV "Gears of War: The Road to Launch" Sneak Preview.[/quote]

IGN is now saying that EB/GS will be getting it on the 7th and other retailers will be getting it later.

Is IGN just being fucking stupid or did kotaku/next weeks ads give false info?
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