Gears Of War: Judgment - Lost Relics DLC out now VIP - 6/25 for Non VIP

Joystiq had positive impressions...

excerpts only (go to link for full text):

I am an unabashed Gears of War multiplayer fanatic.

I was immediately hooked by Gears of War and its intoxicating blend of third-person cover-based shooting. I struggled through the muddled mess that was Gears of War 2's launch, yet kept playing regardless. Gears of War 3 made up for a lot of missteps with the most solid multiplayer offering yet, and found in me a stalwart soldier for over a year.

Taking off the press cap and putting on the fan hat, I found my few hours in Gears of War: Judgment's multiplayer suite a reassuring slice of grandma's apple pie – a comfort food not entirely as I remember it, but still as rich and full of empty calories as I could hope.

But what it does is finally accept that you want to play the Gears of War you want to play. Forever Epic Games has been fighting the dominance of the shotgun online, and have instituted new weaponry and features to try and push the online side of the franchise into more diverse areas. Everyone just likes that shotgun so much.

So now in multiplayer everyone spawns with one gun and one grenade type. Pistols are no longer the standard sidearm – there is no sidearm. You don't spawn with a Lancer and a shotgun anymore, you just pick what gun you want to start with and that's it. If you want to chainsaw guys, grab a Lancer. If you want to rock a double-barrel shotgun, go for it. It feels like finally Epic is willing to accept that you like the gun you like and you really don't want to use any others.

Epic favored more nuanced tweaks to the multiplayer modes in Gears of War: Judgment too. For instance, there's no Horde mode in the traditional sense, and Gears of War 3's Beast mode has received a considerable upgrade and is now called OverRun, which we're all familiar with. On March 19, Microsoft will release a free OverRun demo.

Survival feels a lot like the natural progression of Horde mode. In Gears of War 3, Horde mode had players building obstacles, unlocking different levels of turrets and the like, using in-game currency accrued through killing Locust. In Gears of War: Judgment, a lot of that management has been taken out in favor of class play.

There's an engineer, a soldier, a scout and a medic, each spawning with their own specific weapon set and ability: the soldier supplies ammo and has more health; the engineer maintains the fixed barriers across the map; the medic can throw stim grenades to heal and revive downed players from afar; and the scout can climb up to special perches and has a beacon grenade that spots and highlights enemies through walls, adding a damage buff to affected enemies. The game mode supports up to five players, so obviously there's going to be some class overlap, and if you die and want to respawn as a different class, you can easily do so.

Instead of surviving 50 waves of Locust enemies like before – quite the lengthy endeavor and, sometimes, just a chore – Survival tasks the COG with surviving 10 waves and protecting special E-hole covers. Each cover lost pushes the COG further back into the map, until the final generator that is apparently very vital and necessary to the war effort. For seemingly well-financed military, the COG doesn't seem to have the best infrastructure.

Survival mode itself was pretty tough on just normal, which came as a surprise to me – my team's first attempt saw us defeated before wave five. But the difficulty wasn't due to any inherent extra toughness of the CPU-controlled enemies, but rather due to my team's lackluster team work. Our second and third attempts fared better, the final go culminating in a win.

After just a few hours with pretty close to final Gears of War: Judgment multiplayer, I'm confident that series fans will find a lot to appreciate here and will ultimately end up enjoying the distillation of loadouts and game modes because I certainly did. Competitive multiplayer purists can stick to their playlists, fragging away the live long day, but most of my enjoyment came from Survival and Domination, two modes that demand team work.
[quote name='dirtyvu'] Gears of War 3 made up for a lot of missteps with the most solid multiplayer offering yet[/QUOTE]

Is he serious? Gears 3 did well with the fluidness of gameplay, and ease of movements around the maps. But there is a lot more bullshit in Gears 3 than there was in Gears 2. Plus Gears 2 had by far a lot better maps for MP. I cant think of any Gears 3 maps id want to see in judgment (not counting the remakes of Gears 1/2 maps). I think Gears 2 was better, except for the lag thing.
I'm in the camp with Gears of War 3 so I agree with him. It's a solid upgrade across the board over Gears of War 2 (which I also love). I prefer horde in 3. I prefer the guns in 3. I prefer pretty much everything.

The only thing I hated about 3 was the stupid sawed-off shotgun. Yeah, I'd be happy if that gun disappeared.
[quote name='dirtyvu']
The only thing I hated about 3 was the stupid sawed-off shotgun. Yeah, I'd be happy if that gun disappeared.[/QUOTE]

The other thing that really bugs in me in Gears 3 is the broken wall mantle / kick. That never seems to work consistently, and when you're the victim of it, you're seemingly frozen in place for an excessive period of time, unable to move, watching the other player jump at you, waiting to be killed, with no opportunity to move out of the way. Very frustrating to me.

Oh, and the stun on ink grenades. Also annoying.

But overall, Gears 3 was a great game. No game is ever perfect, we can always nitpick, but I've played Gears 3 more days than any other game I've ever owned.
Is the one gun change only for FFA? That sounds like a really bad idea to me. I prefer two guns on my loadouts. I use a long range gun (Lancer) and a short range gun (Gnasher). So people with lancers will be screwed since the game always ends up being close quarters combat in the end? WTF?? It's not going to stop frag steals unless DBNO is completely gone. Other gnasher players would just kill the other downed enemies anyway. I actually like helping other teammates in TDM by shooting across the map but now I can't because there's no way anybody would not pick a shotgun when you can only choose one gun.

I don't see the need to take out pistols either. I actually liked having a backup gun whenever my clip was empty in a CQC situation. So what do they expect us to do next time our clip runs out? Reload? Melee? lol what?
[quote name='The 7th Number']Is he serious? Gears 3 did well with the fluidness of gameplay, and ease of movements around the maps. But there is a lot more bullshit in Gears 3 than there was in Gears 2. Plus Gears 2 had by far a lot better maps for MP. I cant think of any Gears 3 maps id want to see in judgment (not counting the remakes of Gears 1/2 maps). I think Gears 2 was better, except for the lag thing.[/QUOTE]

You complain so much dude
[quote name='WV Matsui']You complain so much dude[/QUOTE]

I dont mean to, i think it just comes out that way, or i focus mostly on the negative things i dont like about games.

I just think Gears 2 was more legit. The only noob thing it really had was holding b with a lancer to chainsaw people. Where as Gears 3 has a lot. Take the retro charge for instance. You can charge from 1 foot away and then spray and get an easy kill. A charge from that distance shouldnt damage you as much as it does. Then you have ink stuns and mantle kicks which leave you standing still and defenseless. Then you have players with the SOS who just rush. You can put 2-3 gnasher shots into them as they just rush in a straight line and shoot you once and your dead.

I think the maps were a lot better in Gears 2. Even planting nades in Gears 2 was better. You could avoid them easier. In Gears 3 you can trigger it, jump back behind the wall and it will still kill you. Incendiaries are annoying because someone can throw it and you jump away and it kills you even though they threw it where you used to be. Same thing happens to me with the digger. I see it coming, i jump 10 feet away and it still instantly kills me.

Overall i just liked Gears 2 better. I just hope they fix some of the Gears 3 issues for Judgment. I know they already took the ink stun out. But mantle kick is back, and i wouldnt mind it if it actually worked. Half the time in Gears 3 im being mantle kicked even though im 10 feet behind the barrier or not even in front of them. Hopefully the SOS and retro are nerfed so its not as easy to get kills with. SOS might be a nightmare since i believe they took stopping power out of the game, and they added 2 shots to that gun. Kind of insane they left it in after even cliffy said he regretted putting it in. But i guess its easier to make a noob shotgun than to expect players to learn how to aim a gnasher.

Either way im excited for judgment, campaign looks awesome, and hopefully the multiplayer will be a blast.
I'm a pretty big Gears fan and everything I saw and heard with that Live Premiere - I missed it on Sunday so I got the archived footage - looked great. However it's in the wrong month, so not picking this up in March unfortunately. I also found it funny that Microsoft is making this look like it's all Epic Games.
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Ok so I got the ahold of a Jungle Tai code from the beef jerky promo, is that the same skin that Brisk gave away for signing up for the text to win game?
[quote name='GUNNM']You know some asshole who doesn't work or go outside will be ranked up 11 before the end of the month[/QUOTE]
People at the Epic Forums are aiming to Re-Up in the freaking early access period from Gamestop. That double XP will only make it worse.

As for the ranks, it's 1-50 now. Epic has informed people that the ranks are 'easier' than they were in 2 and 3, so it might not be as long of a task to level up. Also, ribbons and medals are still in, so that should help with XP, but they said they've removed some of the less practical medals (I'd assume thing like Vengeful or Sapper are gone).

Dennis, the Tai skin was a mistake. Brisk was supposed to be Baird, as the download prompt says, but instead the Tai skin file was shared between Brisk and Oberto. Once posters informed Epic of this, I assume Microsoft corrected the error. If you go back to your download history and re-download the Brisk skin it will now be for Baird. If you had Tai from before, the Tai file will still work. You just have access to both skins via Microsoft's mistake. Just don't delete Tai or you won't be able to (re)download him without the Oberto code (which you have, but I assume others may not, so that warning is more for them).

It wouldn't be a Gears of War sequel/prequel release without some error in downloadable skins by Microsoft (Golden Lancer free to download on release night, Limited Edition Controller getting the Limited Edition Console download by mistake, and the Haze Weapon Skins going for free when Gears of War 3 released).
For the Double XP the way I understood it based on the "Reveal Video" this past weekend, is that there's a VIP lobby, and when you play in that lobby its the only time you'll get double xp. Kinda sucks that those of us who get the season pass will have to exclude ourselves from the rest of the players.

Forgot to mention...At Gamestop, you buy the 1600pts Season Pass, and you get 400pts bonus:

[quote name='The Ebbtide']
Dennis, the Tai skin was a mistake. Brisk was supposed to be Baird, as the download prompt says, but instead the Tai skin file was shared between Brisk and Oberto. Once posters informed Epic of this, I assume Microsoft corrected the error. If you go back to your download history and re-download the Brisk skin it will now be for Baird. If you had Tai from before, the Tai file will still work. You just have access to both skins via Microsoft's mistake. Just don't delete Tai or you won't be able to (re)download him without the Oberto code (which you have, but I assume others may not, so that warning is more for them).
.[/QUOTE]OH ok...I haven't redeemed Oberto yet, its dont thru Facebook then they send you a code. I was out looking for the 12pack of Brisk tea for that code too but none at a Walmart grocery store or at a Publix I went to today.
For those who have gotten the Tai and Baird codes from Oberto/Brisk:

What stores did you find them at? So far I have found nothing at several stores I've tried between Walmart, Publix, Kroger and some gas stations. They would either not be marked or not even be a product carried depending on which store I was at.
[quote name='jdawgg76']For those who have gotten the Tai and Baird codes from Oberto/Brisk:

What stores did you find them at? So far I have found nothing at several stores I've tried between Walmart, Publix, Kroger and some gas stations. They would either not be marked or not even be a product carried depending on which store I was at.[/QUOTE]
I got mine from a Publix here in Orlando today, my 1st attempt was a Walmart grocery store (Neighborhood Market) but they didnt have the special marked ones.
The other issue with the Brisk promotion is that it's just a sticker on the packaging. Some people have found the sticker pealed back, and that the code was already redeemed by someone who didn't even buy it.

If they just advertise Brisk, they'd probably be lame anyway. If they are neat enough, though, they might sell them later with how the Micrsoft Liquid Green Skins were obtained via Jack-in-the-Box, and then later listed on the marketplace.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']For the Double XP the way I understood it based on the "Reveal Video" this past weekend, is that there's a VIP lobby, and when you play in that lobby its the only time you'll get double xp. Kinda sucks that those of us who get the season pass will have to exclude ourselves from the rest of the players.

Forgot to mention...At Gamestop, you buy the 1600pts Season Pass, and you get 400pts bonus:


oh seriously? I just used a $25 gift card to buy 2000 MS points the other day
All this "get this character here get that weapon skin there" is confusing as hell. So for the record what characters/skins are available now and from where (NOT pre-order incentives)
[quote name='dennisb407']All this "get this character here get that weapon skin there" is confusing as hell. So for the record what characters/skins are available now and from where (NOT pre-order incentives)[/QUOTE]

from the epic game forums.

Character Skins
* Anya (Pre-Order Bonus)
* Alex Brand (Pre-Order Bonus)
* Young Dom (Pre-Order Bonus)
* Young Marcus (Pre-Order Bonus)
* Jungle Tai (Oberto Jerky Promotion)
* Emergence Era Baird (Brisk Text Promotion)

* Classic Hammerburst (Pre-Order Bonus, although it's believed that this is also unlocked in game, this is may just be early access.)

Weapon Skins
* Big Game (Purchase of the GoW:J Strategy Guide)
* Cobweb (Pre-Order Bonus)
* Lambent (Pre-Order Bonus)
* Paintball (Microsoft Expertzone Exclusive)
* Brisk (12 Pack Coupon Promotion)
* Team Insignia?(We do not have a confirmed name for this skin as of now.) (Purchase of a marked 3 Month Xbox Live Gold Membership)

Armor Skins
* Brisk (12 Pack Coupon Promotion)

Credit to Mr Gearhero
Yeah you can get a whole year for about 10-15 dollars more. lol

All i got is the Alex Brand, Jungle Tai, and Emergency Baird skins, along with classic hammy.

So this game is sounding better than Gears 3. This is what ive read, not sure if its 100% true.

- SOS has same spread as gnasher, but can still kill 2 people if they are behind one another.
- Retro charge does less damage from close range.
- Every character has the Baird sized hit box, even smaller female characters.
- No Ink Stuns

I also read Digger travels faster when its under ground.
[quote name='The 7th Number']from the epic game forums.[/QUOTE]
So there's 2 different codes for the Brisk 12 packs? Finally saw a GOWJ sticker on Brisk today, but it was just a $2 off coupon for drinks. I know Cobweb is from New Zealand, not too optimistic on getting my hands on that one.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I really dont know. I havent seen any armor or weapon skins from brisk.[/QUOTE]
According to eBay listings that $2 coupon is somehow associated with the DLC. One was already pulled back put no codes to enter here or there just alot of fine print.
Some $2 coupons have a DLC code on them as well, but some do not. You have to look for a mention of DLC on the coupon. There is a thread on epic's forums for Judgment which details this, but I don't have time to find it and link it right now.
if anyone has a brisk code that I could have it would be appreciated.. The stores in my area never got any in.. and Cell phone died on me early Jan. Thanks.. I really do hate to ask but it's getting closer to release.
Just scored the Brisk Skin Pack, go to Brisks facebook page and send them a message. I told them how i couldnt find the 12 pack brisk product in the store, they messaged me back within 5 minutes with a free code. :D

Now i have Brisk Skin Pack, Emergence Era Baird, and Jungle Tai.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Just scored the Brisk Skin Pack, go to Brisks facebook page and send them a message. I told them how i couldnt find the 12 pack brisk product in the store, they messaged me back within 5 minutes with a free code. :D[/QUOTE]
Awesome, trying it now.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Also the VIP season pass it out, if you want to buy it early. :)[/QUOTE]
Is the Gamestop season pass deal in-store only or what?
Those guys are idiots, I hit them up yesterday and they looked at me like I was speaking in a different language. GS employees seem to get dumber and dumber every year.
I was just curious if anyone knew for sure. If they make it available online, great. If not, I'll just buy it on It's worth $5 to me not to have to go in the store. :lol:
Just bought the season pass off the dashboard as there are no deals in the UK for it, now what's the betting that a really good one will appear before the 22nd. I was probably a little too keen, lol.

I also messaged Brisk about the Weapon Skins, so thanks for the heads up The 7th Number. Hopefully they send me a code. On the topic of Brisk, does anyone know if you actually got Jungle Tai with the Emergence Era Baird mix-up (I have Baird and Tai from the same Brisk code) or do I still need to try and get hold of a code for Jungle Tai from the Jerky?
[quote name='Karl of Duty XP']Just bought the season pass off the dashboard as there are no deals in the UK for it, now what's the betting that a really good one will appear before the 22nd. I was probably a little too keen, lol.

I also messaged Brisk about the Weapon Skins, so thanks for the heads up The 7th Number. Hopefully they send me a code. On the topic of Brisk, does anyone know if you actually got Jungle Tai with the Emergence Era Baird mix-up (I have Baird and Tai from the same Brisk code) or do I still need to try and get hold of a code for Jungle Tai from the Jerky?[/QUOTE]

My guess is that they were mixed up, you downloaded the tai skin, then they fixed it, which is why you got baird when you downloaded it again. Kind of like when they mixed up the Infected Omen skins that came with Gears 3 controller, with the download that got the same skins and Adam Fenix which you were only supposed to get from buying the console or epic edition. So as long as you have tai file downloaded, i think you will have him. But if you deleted it, you wont be able to download it again.
[quote name='The 7th Number']My guess is that they were mixed up, you downloaded the tai skin, then they fixed it, which is why you got baird when you downloaded it again. Kind of like when they mixed up the Infected Omen skins that came with Gears 3 controller, with the download that got the same skins and Adam Fenix which you were only supposed to get from buying the console or epic edition. So as long as you have tai file downloaded, i think you will have him. But if you deleted it, you wont be able to download it again.[/QUOTE]

I kept the Tai file just in case (I even backed it up on a USB). I'm just wondering if it actually is Jungle Tai or an incorrectly named file of Baird. I would of assumed it's Tai, as normally the same file would overwrite and be renamed, but I don't know if I'm that lucky. I suppose it's only a few more days to go until we find out for sure.
This weekend during SXSW, Epic Games PR Manager Wes Phillips revealed the Epic Reaper character from Gears of War: Judgment during a panel with Sr. Producer Chris Wynn and Sr. Gameplay Programmer Pete Knepley. Each week, one member from the Gears of War community will be chosen to be the Epic Reaper. Members will be chosen based on their contributions to the community.
The Epic Reaper has special abilities and physics so he’s not very easy to kill. If you do manage though, you will be rewarded with the Reaper medal and custom weapon skin!
The person who is chosen as Reaper will receive a set of custom Gears of War: Judgment dog tags.
Epic employees will also have the Reaper skin available, so if you kill them, it will count towards the medal and skin.
bread's done