Gears Of War: Judgment - Lost Relics DLC out now VIP - 6/25 for Non VIP

[quote name='Ryuukishi']That is so cool! I always wanted Grayson and Trishka in Gears 3.[/QUOTE]
I'm wondering if they'll be tied to achievements from Bulletstorm, as the previous posted video didn't show them. I know Epic mentioned in Gears of War 3 that Microsoft wouldn't allow the legacy unlocks to go beyond the actual game series, which is why the unlocks for achievements with Bulletstorm, Unreal Tournament 3 or Shadow Complex didn't happen. Yet Lost Planet 2 featured Marcus and Dom, and had character unlocks for having Resident Evil 5 or Dead Rising save files (I know they were Capcom games, but Microsoft had no issue with cross promotion there).

Maybe they'll just be available for everyone?

I still have not heard anything about Legacy Unlocks from previous Gears of War, though, like 2 and 3 did. I guess there's no rush to hit multiple 100's in Gears of War 3 for this games characters or weapon skins.
Seriously bulletstorm characters? :/

I wonder if jungle Tai is actually quiet, and has no shadow. Or is that just a description? That photo makes it look like he has a zombie skin or something.

Sucks there is no Dizzy. Not even A. Carmine. But there is Clayton. :whistle2:(

Looks like ill spend most of my time using Kim. Him or maybe Alex Brand, but i dont really like using females. I dont like how skinny they are.

PS. Not enough Cole skins!
[quote name='LinkinPrime']The Booshka:

Weapon execution at 27s mark. They are included :D[/QUOTE]
They've eliminated executions to make the game faster. They solely exist in Overrun and The Campaign (and I'd assume Survival...I guess we'll have to wait for more leaked info since Epic has no decent Public Relations or Marketing team anymore).

They reasoned that it just didn't make sense to keep them, as it slowed gameplay, and their tracking of Gears of War 3 statistics proved that people rarely did executions anymore. It's why they raised the XP bonus for doing executions, hoping it would entice people to do it more, but with little jump in the resulting numbers.

Essentially, most of the changes they've made in this game are apparently based off of tracking data and 'fan requests.' Since people don't execute often enough, why keep it? Since people seem to use one weapon mostly, why let them carry more than two? Since people rarely play the game as a cover shooter and rush in, why not give them a blind-fire crosshair (what an odd concept)?

Then people hated wall tagged grenades. They hated having to stop to crouch for ammunition for their guns. They complained about the Locust size imbalance. They wanted a free-for-all. Technically speaking...Epic did listen. It's just that when they gave it, people were not impressed, so far.

They have explained that executions are not 'gone.' If the game comes out and people really want them back, they can 'flip a switch' to reimplement them, but it would be across all games. That means that your kills would literally be stolen in Free-For-All games if you down someone across them map and I'm closer to grab the down, though.

They've also removed it from team modes because there is infinite spawns, so there no longer will be that last man standing that usually gets the insult execution. It's just for pacing, and apparently their numbers support this change.

It's just a shame that the demo comes out the day of release, and only for one mode. If people could actually play these changes they could at least decide with actual experience if the changes work or not. Maybe that's what Epic is afraid of, though.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I hope they can "flip a switch" to bring back the locust. I just worry cog vs cog will be too confusing.[/QUOTE]
I'm almost positive that that was one of the few things they said wasn't coming back. Again, if they had a Beta for these big changes, people and Epic could both see if this would work well or disrupt the player base. I just can't understand why they wouldn't have tried testing this game with a Beta if they were going to change so much of it.

The only positive I can think of is that with no Locust, at least in multiplayer you should be able to use your preferred character skin, and not default to Marcus or the Drone. 3 had too many characters and weapon skins that there wasn't enough RAM to store the player customized features, which is why weapon skins worked, but not characters because of design and voice files.

...and then I remembered that Epic already explained that Baird is the default character skin for people who join matches in progress. Nevermind.

Can you start out with this weapon? It looks pretty cool, but if people can start with it, i think it would make the game a camp fest, with everyone scared their head is gunna get popped.

This gun is what i wanted the Retro Lancer in Gears 3 to be more like. But without having to reload after each shot, and not able to hit headshots. Maybe a faster bullet fire. But single shot fire like a hammer burst, but have a cap on it so you cant make it shoot like a laser.
Survival Mode (this is the Horde Replacement)

It seems to be a misnomer, as you can die and respawn during the game without issue. Before someone asks, you can play with human partners. There are bots in this video because the person is playing the mode alone, so the game adds in the other 4 players as bots. If you notice, the friendly bots seems to have navigation issues and don't seem like the best substitute for human teammates.

Also, weapon skins appear in that game mode too (look at Baird's shotgun), but I don't notice character skin mods appearing.

Breechshot doesn't seem to be a loadout option, just a pickup weapon, to answer that.

And weapons are accurate with hipfire, as people who have it already have commented that 'no-scoping' (as internet lingo puts it) is quite easy to do now, so expect frustration with that. Oddly, firing from behind cover is supposed to be wildly inaccurate, unlike the previous games where you could still be accurate while firing blindly behind cover.

It's also been pointed out that the Sawed-Off has a longer range, and shorter reload, along with the ability to take out multiple, close targets with one shot still. And the Gnasher only starts with 8 shots. If you want to reload, you're going to have to find and kill someone who has it. I guess they're really trying to promote rushing with the shotguns and using range with the rifles by putting these sorts of limitations in.

I am concerned by this VIP Pass that's been discovered, as well as 'other' DLC being offered. There's specifically a menu option listed for VIP, like it's own playlist. This sounds like it's different from just a Season Pass. And people who have the game have noticed that there seems to be a secret map, that could be withheld content.

Still waiting on Epic to, you know, tell us about this game, rather than having to use leaked information that sometimes gets removed.
[quote name='Rexall']It's not really. I beat the game in less than a day....everything seemed anticlimactic.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='bhk']The game has leaked to torrent sites. I imagine he took advantage of this.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I posted that a page or two back

I hope he enjoys being banned from XBL
Expect la ban

"Consumers should be aware that piracy is illegal and we take vigorous action against illegal activity related to our products and services. Playing pirated copies of games, such as 'Gears of War: Judgment,' is a violation of the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use and will result in enforcement action, such as account and console bans," Microsoft added.
Yeah, now all we need is Guardian and locusts.

Who knows maybe that will be one of the DLC packs... buy the Guardian DLC pack, comes with Locust skins!!! LOL.

Actually that would be pretty badass. Guardian, Locust team skins, and like 4 maps that would be great for guardian from Gears 1-3. :)
Season pass announced for 20 dollars. God please let one of the new modes be Guardian!

The war for Sera ignites on March 19 with the highly anticipated release of “Gears of War: Judgment.”

The VIP Season Pass for “Judgment” will be available at launch for 1600 Microsoft points, providing players with a more than 20 percent discount across a broad range of content, including six multiplayer maps, two new modes and nine exclusive unlocks.

The VIP Season Pass is the only way you can score a permanent double XP boost as well as a cache of exclusive armor and weapon skins, and it is your only chance to get a jump on the competition with exclusive, early access to all Game Add-on multiplayer maps. With the VIP Season Pass you will get:

  • Two upcoming Game Add-on Packs that include six multiplayer maps, two new modes, and new weapon and armor skins
  • Early access to Game Add-on multiplayer maps so you can be the first to play
  • A permanent double XP boost to accelerate your ascent through the ranks
  • Five exclusive weapon skins and four exclusive armor skins
Wow finally a season pass worth buying early. If the game is good I'll buy it if not I'll wait for a sale if I still own the game.
Why is there so much excitement for this Season Pass?

-It's two DLCs for $20, which doesn't really seem like a discount, since most map packs are $10 to start with.
-There are 4 maps for each mode on disc, meaning 4 for Survival/Overrun, and 4 for the competitive games. This means that the Season Pass might not be just 6 maps for only competitive. That's not really many maps to play on for variety. Every previous Gears of War shipped with no less than 10 maps to play on, and even with the announced free map pack, this game is only then hitting 10 maps. We have no idea what kind of quality the new maps are like, or if they are even disc locked (Rig better not be a withheld map).
-XP boost is useless, as there are only 50 ranks (not 100), with 3 current re-ups. And Epic is bound to increase the XP bonus as the game continues and numbers on the community drop, like they've done with both 2 and 3.

And I'm disappointed by this hope that Guardian is a "new" mode. If you like that mode, fine, but it's odd to request it, as Gears of War 3 proved to Epic that people enjoyed it, and it was absurd that they took it out. They then had the balls to make it a paid map pack to get it. I'm not trying to be condescending, I'm trying to point out that you shouldn't have to pay for a mode that was liked in the first game it was in, then later added to the game that followed it for a price, due to lowering multiplayer numbers. It's just annoying that people are hoping to pay for content that should already be there. If Epic want money, it should be new modes, not intentionally stripped away modes.

And people that have the game already have checked the files on disc, and Horde is on there (which makes sense since the game is a modified Gears of War 3). That would be extremely infuriating if that is the other "new" mode, as it shouldn't be a further paid content.

I'm just hoping people won't blindly buy a VIP Season Pass based solely on hype, and instead will actually wait for presentation of the product. At least wait until the first DLC comes out, or is revealed, so that you can judge if it's worth your money.
Here's more info on the season pass and some fre Maxim sponsored DLC:
Not all of the post-launch DLC for Judgment costs money. MAXIM is apparently sponsoring the release of two free maps and Execution Mode. Execution Mode is like Team Deathmatch, except enemies need to be killed with melee finishing moves or one-shot weapons to prevent them from reviving.

The two maps are called Haven and Capitol. The first screenshots from Haven are below. It depicts a monastery in the Azura Mountains.

Anyone know if Judgment supports 3D?
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Like TDM with executions? I hope thats just a bad example. Execution and TDM are not even like each other. That would be pretty dumb if its just TDM with executions.

I agree with ebbtide, but i would rather pay for getting guardian back, than to not have it at all. Its pretty much the only mode i love to play. But it is really low of epic to take away modes, to sell them back to you.

I really hope they have more maps than what we are being told. Even with the best game types, if there is only 8-10 maps, it will get old fast.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']
It's also been pointed out that the Sawed-Off has a longer range, and shorter reload, along with the ability to take out multiple, close targets with one shot still. And the Gnasher only starts with 8 shots. If you want to reload, you're going to have to find and kill someone who has it. I guess they're really trying to promote rushing with the shotguns and using range with the rifles by putting these sorts of limitations in.[/QUOTE]

The new SOS really concerns me. Didn't Cliffy admit they regretted making that gun in Gears 3? So they opt to keep it and now they wanna make it stronger while making the Gnasher weaker. This is such bullshit. God I hate that noob SOS.
SOS really is the worst thing in any GOW game. Even worse than that shitty smoke grenade that would send you launching.
There's a ton of speculation. I recall hearing that there would be no retro, sos, early on, no executions, no downs....all that has been confirmed to be in game due to the trailers they've been releasing.

At this point, I'm not taking anyone's word for it...based on the gameplay trailers alone and my history with Gears, it'll be a fun experience whether it be the Campaign, the MP, or hopefully both.

There's a reveal happening on Sunday on the dashboard that's supposed to reveal additional modes still.
[quote name='Donut2922']The new SOS really concerns me. Didn't Cliffy admit they regretted making that gun in Gears 3? So they opt to keep it and now they wanna make it stronger while making the Gnasher weaker. This is such bullshit. God I hate that noob SOS.[/QUOTE]
I think it's more to do with them rationalizing it's existence.

If people recall, the first game had an accidental emphasis on the shotgun, due to the tightness of the maps. It was supposed to be more about careful movement, planned teamwork, and tactical awareness, but, like most things, they didn't count on variables. The variable to the first game was people rushing. Why worry about power weapons when you can run in, blow someone away with your starting weapon, and quickly move on to other players? Even if you're shot, just move to cover and heal while you blind-fire at the enemy.

Similarly, they changed the Hammerburst from 1 to 2 to have it feel like a distinct rifle. Even though it was a burst rifle in the original, Epic explained that it just felt too similar to the Lancer. Having two different starting weapons in the second game made them reevaluate it. That's why it's a semi-automatic weapon in the second, and third, game. It genuinely feels and plays differently. The maps in Gears of War 2 were designed to be more open, with the idea of people using rifles more than shotguns, at least at the start of matches.

Gears of War 3 goes further with this. 3 rifles, all for a different purpose. The Lancer for mid-range, with the chainsaw for up-close encounters. The Hammerburst is meant more for precision and longer ranges, even with an added first-person view. The Retro Lancer is more for up-close encounters, with a bayonet for long distance charging. Of course, variables happened.

Players will short charge with the Retro Lancer, causing their opponent both to be damaged and a stunned. All the Retro user has to do is hold down the trigger for an easy down after that. The Lancer has the absurd vacuum which just pulls in enemies, as well as stopping power, making it's shots accurate and punishing. The Hammerburst can be fired rapidly, allowing for decent use up-close with a fast trigger finger. It's both good and bad. Good for the living player, bad for the dead one.

The shotguns are no different. Gnasher versus the Sawed-Off is almost a joke, in theory. 8 shots with the ability to rip apart or headshot an opponent, along with a very fast reload, versus a one shot weapon with a short range and a very long reload. It almost sounds backwards to say that the Sawed-Off is the weapon for inexperienced players. It's meant to deliver an easy kill, but you have to be on top of your opponent to do that. In that situation, wouldn't a Gnasher be better? At least you could miss at least once and not be defenseless.

I'm not defending the Sawed-Off as good or bad, I'm looking for it's logic in this game.

2 shots with longer range makes sense, to a degree. It has a double barrel. It has a long, but shortened, reload. It can still kill multiple enemies. Arguably it sounds like the weapon an inexperienced player might like. It also sounds somewhat different than the Gnasher. But there is still the variable.

Better players.

If these people aim to exploit the Sawed-Off, like in 3, expect to see cartwheels with each shot. Expect inconsistent deaths. 3 had adjustments made to the Sawed-Off, but still doesn't work 'right.' I think with this game they are trying to make it more distinct, as to make it feel like a different weapon. It's not just a shotgun, it's a hunting gun with 2 rapid, powerful shots.

It seems like a decent idea, but I think the flaw is that inexperienced people still will be killed due to the lack of experience, and these people might not stick around long, as casual players don't stay with most games. That's what I feel like Cliff Blezinski meant when he commented about regretting it. If it genuinely was available to low ranked players only, and had no impact on Seriously 3.0, it would have been better. Once you reach a high enough rank it gets locked away, and only the Gnasher is available. That's all the Sawed-Off serves as; preparation for the Gnasher. Rush in, blow them away, move back, reload, repeat.

This game feels like it could be a different gun, forcing a different playstyle. At least that's what I'm hoping from all that I've seen and read. Less than a month to really know online.
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[quote name='The Ebbtide']
The shotguns are no different. Gnasher versus the Sawed-Off is almost a joke, in theory. 8 shots with the ability to rip apart or headshot an opponent, along with a very fast reload, versus a one shot weapon with a short range and a very long reload. It almost sounds backwards to say that the Sawed-Off is the weapon for inexperienced players. It's meant to deliver an easy kill, but you have to be on top of your opponent to do that. In that situation, wouldn't a Gnasheforr be better? At least you could miss at least once and not be defenseless.

I'm not defending the Sawed-Off as good or bad, I'm looking for it's logic in this game.

2 shots with longer range makes sense, to a degree. It has a double barrel. It has a long, but shortened, reload. It can still kill multiple enemies. Arguably it sounds like the weapon an inexperienced player might like. It also sounds somewhat different than the Gnasher. But there is still the variable.

Better players.

I think that's an interesting way to look at the evolution of the short range/long range weapons so I appreciate the insight Ebbtide. My issue is that I'm still concerned about the balance issues of the guns/gameplay.

While ultimately, the biggest variable will be better players, the guns imo shouldn't be designed to promote imbalance. On average, I personally prefer a lancer/gnasher loadout myself. The gameplay still favors short term duels because Epic overdid the nerfing of the Lancer. I hate catching an enemy out in the open and just bringing his health just down to 55 -60% before he downs me or finds cover. Sometimes, the situation looks so favorable enough for me to stick with my Lancer versus a rushing Gnasher yet I'll find myself just a split second short of scoring the down before the Gnasher takes me out.

The SOS vs. Gnasher is too unfair for my liking. When I'm gunning at a SOS, unless I get a headshot, it annoys me whenever I take an opponent down to 60-70% while the opponent just takes me out with one shot when we both get our shots off. If I earn a one shot (non-headshot) frag from the Gnasher, I need to get a huge jump on the positioning battle just because the SOS is an automatic frag if the noob gets off a shot. It's ridiculous that when a SOS is that close to you, he doesn't even need to aim to get the kill. FFS.

So while better players should prevail, it's not always the case because of the gun/gameplay imbalance that's promoted in its design. When both players are equal, one guy shouldn't have the advantage over the other. Now while I'm not an expert at the game, I've logged plenty of hours to be considered an experienced one. It bothers me when a SOS gets the better of me when some noob runs around with it - let alone an equally experienced opponent.

Don't take my view as Gears bashing, I love my Gears still, enough that it was the sole reason why I bought an Xbox 360 in the first place. However, it is certainly not without fault. Despite the little fanfare over Judgment, I will be getting this Day 1 yet I have a little apprehension about this one. We'll see.
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Yeah. It's definitely annoying to move in and get ripped apart by a Sawed-Off. That's why I never understand why gamemakers try to make "easy" weapons. I was terrible when I first played Gears of War. The amount of times I had someone yelling at me for doing something "stupid" really made it discouraging to play. But when I finally got the highest points in a match, something just made sense to me about it.

It's different when you die and are forced to sit there and wait until the next round. I watch people in Halo walk up a hill and get sniped, respawn and walk up that same hill and die the same way. In Gears of War it punished you and essentially made you sit there and think about what you did wrong, and how to not let that happen the next round.

I feel like 2, and definitely 3, removed that, and just make it so that lesser players can ruin a game experience. Hearing that all of the modes will have respawns in Judgment just feels weird. I'm hoping it'll be fun and fast, and in a way should help lessen the tension of people screaming at you for dying, but it does seem like a different game.

I'm not a sadist, and I hate making it seem like people shouldn't play this game series unless they're all phenomenal players. It's just that this game series, initially, was the anti-Halo. No respawns. Down-but-not-out. A cover system. Rush movements. I think that's what made the series successful. It was that, and that Halo 3 wasn't out yet, and also that the Xbox 360 lacked a dominant online game. That's why the distinct gameplay of Gears of War stood out. It wasn't just another shooter game.

That's why I see all the changes through the series and wonder why they do it. Money and audience, yes, obvously. But I stuck with the first game even when I struggled. Why simplify when part of the game is that it's unlike most other games?

I just really hope this game is good. It'll be different, but man I hope it's really good, too.
Just read this on Epic forums and it works, if you already used the brisk code to download Jungle Tai, go to your download history and download it again and it should download Emergernce Era Baird. I did it and it worked. Now i have both.
I can't find the Brisk or Oberto codes anywhere, it sucks because I keep seeing the other Brisk coupons that don't have the DLC in them :/ I just wanted to pick up one of each to use and the prices online for them are ridiculous.
I was lucky enough to get mine from a CAG member, i couldnt find the special marked packaged for brisk or oberto. I also dont have a cell phone to text to get a code.
Thats nice, I completely forgot I did that text thing before, and entered it when it said it was Tai, just checked and did what you mentioned and now I have Tai and Baird, can't believe I forgot about that, and was out checking for codes lol. Well, at least I have them now, was there a third one out there or are these it, don't want to buy anything if I don't need it. Thanks for posting that download tip, definitely helped me out.
[quote name='dennisb407']Heads up: There's some sort of live event for GOW:J on Xbox Live tonight at 8pm EST[/QUOTE]

yeah, im going to tune in, hopefully my internet connection will produce a smooth stream.
So horde is replaced with Survival, which is just overrun with bots as locust team, up to 10 waves. Sounds dumb. I agree that 10 waves is better than 50 waves. 50 waves of horde could take 3 or 4 hours to complete. But 10 seems too short. They should have made it 20 or 25 waves. But im not really excited for overrun or survival mode.

The campaign scenes looked really cool, so im excited for the story mode. Domination might be fun.
bread's done