Gears Of War Late Night Event - Saturday 10/21

I saw the faceplates for brother and I went to pick up dinner, and the eb next to the asian restaurant had the event. They had the faceplates on the rack for sale, as well as a superman faceplate...$
Check this out, I call my EB up and they say they're having this thing... I go there about 1 minute (really about 3-4) after close and no one's there... I go to the coffeeshop next door, and I order a cup of coffee and ask the girl working there if she knows when the people next door left and she says "this must be for you" and hands me a poster... I'm still a little pissed as I don't have the answers to the following questions...

1. Don't EB and GS employees, or employees of any store for that matter, have to check stock, at least before they go?

2. Why did I only get a poster?

I guess I'm lucky to get anything, but I decided this over a movie... bleh
The mall Gamestop had NO ONE come for it that I saw. I stopped by there about 8:55 to do a quick preorder and asked about the freebies; they gave me the poster and codes, and mentioned no one had stopped by for the event.

Got of work later and drove by the other GS in townat 9:45; no one was there.

And my codes don't work yet either. I'll give em a day or two.
just got back. they got 5 dog tags and 2 pins. for 23 people. wtf?

im guessing to drive hype, or maybe they though po-dunk idaho desnt need much.

i got a dt, but hoped i could get both.

p.s. the poster blows
Well I think it was rather obvious that the one I went to, the employees had pilfered everything by the time it started. 2 dog tags and 2 pins? Gay. Luckily I got one of each :)
Well, I was going to go to the Cool Springs EB, but when I went to a GS along the way, I found out they were doing it too, so I didn't have to drive all the way to Cool Springs. Plus, I was the first person there. The video was pretty good, but when I asked about the giveaways, they said they didn't get any (They did get 2 lanyards for the employees, though). I then drove to an EB down the road in time to find out that they didn't get anything except posters. Very disappointing. Also disappointing was that the 360 VGA cables they had in their system turned out to be component cables that were mis-entered.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Well I think it was rather obvious that the one I went to, the employees had pilfered everything by the time it started. 2 dog tags and 2 pins? Gay. Luckily I got one of each :)[/quote]

They took 1 dog tag if that. None of the stores got much of any of those.
If anyone is feeling generous with the gamerpic/theme codes, please feel free to give me one.

One of my stores claimed to be running it. I went by. Nothing. I went and ate a subway sandwich then returned...nothing. Some other guy was waiting outside the store, but he looked a little weird so I didn't want to bother him.
I was sort of pissed with this. The email said there'd be free pins and lanyards, and it was later implied there'd be posters and even dog tags... the Savannah, TN Gamestop had no such things. I only got the gamerpic/theme codes and temporary tattoos (wtf?). On top of all that, they tried telling me I had to preorder the game to be eligible for the event, so I did it with the intent to cancel the next day or weekend.

If someone has any spares of the real goodies - not temporary tattoos - and wouldn't mind sending them out to a fellow, I'd be grateful. All I can really offer to the community is one spare gamerpic/theme code.

I did get a Just Cause t-shirt and a Chromehounds poster, among other insignificant things, so the evening wasn't a total waste.

EDIT: Gamerpic/theme codes given to sanjuro.
I chose to goto borders for 75% off all game stuff instead haha and some nice italian food @ sprazzoos

glad I did D:
mine had this tonight kinda dissapointed that cliffyB was saying NO ONE HAD EVER SEEN THIS VIDEO, and I believe seeing it on youtube last week.. oh well.. and I got a pin, awesome poster, and the tags, but the manager said it was being shipped the 7th, and we'd be able to buy it the 8th?
It was only me and this other guy with the 2 employees watching the vid. I managed to get dog tags, pin, and the promo code, and a poster so I'm pretty content. Anyone notice that Gears of War doesn't have a real theme? When you hear the Halo theme, you know its Halo, I get pumped. I don't here anything good from GOW. Also it plays alot like GRAW from what I can tell, like clone-like.
Swung by the GS nearest me after grabbing some dinner - didn't see anyone hanging outside around closing time, so I decided to pass it by and go eat my dinner in peace. =)
How come they don't wear helmets? They protect every part of their body with 5 foot thick armor, but they leave their brains in the open? Maybe they are too cool for helmets like the SEALs.:whistle2:k

Looks like it plays like GRAW for some reason though.
[quote name='Ma12kez']How come they don't wear helmets? They protect every part of their body with 5 foot thick armor, but they leave their brains in the open? Maybe they are too cool for helmets like the SEALs.:whistle2:k

Looks like it plays like GRAW for some reason though.[/quote]

What alien group is smart enough to shoot someones head:roll:
[quote name='Tebunker']anyone else having problems getting the codes to work?[/QUOTE]

See page 3. They are not working for anyone.
[quote name='Ma12kez']How come they don't wear helmets? They protect every part of their body with 5 foot thick armor, but they leave their brains in the open? Maybe they are too cool for helmets like the SEALs.:whistle2:k

Looks like it plays like GRAW for some reason though.[/QUOTE]

Early builds had just the main character being too cool for a helmet (not too cool for a bandanna though- he's auditioning for Guns N Roses perhaps?) but all the other humans had full armor, including headgear.

It's fairly new that no humans wear helmets now - prolly to give the different squad members more personality.
I'm pretty sure the cheesedick who asks him if he's THE Marcus Fenix in the helicopter is wearing a helmet. They could probably come up with some BS excuse if they needed to, like helmets being ineffective against the aliens' guns or something.
[quote name='sanjuro']I'm pretty sure the cheesedick who asks him if he's THE Marcus Fenix in the helicopter is wearing a helmet.[/quote]Oh yeah that's right. Guess I missed that.
[quote name='sanjuro']I'm pretty sure the cheesedick who asks him if he's THE Marcus Fenix in the helicopter is wearing a helmet. [/QUOTE]

Now how do you know his dick had anything to do with cheese? You can't see through his armor.

[quote name='thrustbucket']Now how do you know his dick had anything to do with cheese? You can't see through his armor.


[quote name='Kendal']I have 5 extra theme and pic pack cards. I also have one for Linkin Prime since he asked me. I will think of a good fair way to give these extra cards away. Please no begging or filling my PM box. Thanks in advance.[/quote]

i'd be interested when you decide on a way to give the extras out

I heard from a very unreliable source(Gamefaqs/Gamespot) that the codes won't work until these things become avavible on XBLM. So when they start working, I am going to have a few creative ways of giving them away.
[quote name='Kendal']I heard from a very unreliable source(Gamefaqs/Gamespot) that the codes won't work until these things become avavible on XBLM. So when they start working, I am going to have a few creative ways of giving them away.[/QUOTE]

Y'know, that would make a lot of sense. Hopefully they're right. I couldn't stand talking to the MS people when I called customer service today, so I hung up and I'm just gonna wait for this.
The codes might be working. Major Nelson is sporting a GoW gamerpic:

I dont wanna sound beggy but if anyone has any extras of these codes could you please be generous to give me one.

I was unable to go to the event because there arent any gamestops/eb's within 40 miles of my house.
The codes work now, I just got mine to work. The theme is pretty cool except it has the stupid gamestop logo on every theme picture. I also wished there would be a picture of the red skull on the main page but their isn't. The gamer pics are nothing special also, but free doesn't hurt.
Yeah, they're not available for purchase either, which I found weird.

Theme is two pictures that get repeated once, one is a picture of Marcus chainsawing a bad guy and the other is a drawing of like a fountain.

Five pictures in all, two good guys, two bad guys and a chainsaw. They're alright, only thing I don't like is they have that ugly glare/gloss shit on them.
Stupid work, i missed out. If anyone has a extra code for the theme/gamerpic could you pm this way, if ya want, id appreciate it =]
Some time this week I will start the contests. Just don't get your hopes up as the theme is kinda crappy, but the gamer pics are pretty cool.
can you redeem the codes online at

or does it have to be thru the dash? i hate entering codes with the controller
[quote name='orntar']can you redeem the codes online at

or does it have to be thru the dash? i hate entering codes with the controller[/QUOTE]

yes you can now.
But oddly enough, you can't see your point balance there.
i know about regular codes (did it myself) but i mean, can you redeem the gears one of a kind codes?

my appologies if you meant yes to both.
[quote name='orntar']i know about regular codes (did it myself) but i mean, can you redeem the gears one of a kind codes?

my appologies if you meant yes to both.[/QUOTE]

Ah. that's what I was wondering as well. I thought a code redeeming was a code redeeming. It says nothing on about what types of codes you can redeem.
I tried both my theme and gamerpic codes online under 'redeem prepaid code' and no dice. They worked on my 360 though. Probably has something to do with it being a downloadable item.
bread's done