General Role-Playing Game Thread

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Sacred 2 Fallen Angel is a bad ass game. If anyone likes Diablo/Baldurs Gate and are looking for a huge, huge open world game like those, pick this up.
whooo! finally beat Grandia!!

it sucked! lol. It hella dragged on forever, then got interesting, then u thought u were close to the end but then it continued to drag, then it dragged some more, then u beat the final boss which wasnt really the final boss, now the game drags even more coz u gotta fight another 5 final bosses, then u beat the game and get to enjoy the ending, but the ending drags on forever too.

and got damn some of the dialog was downright horrendous!! and the voice acting too... omg shutup!! Like I play so many real old games like Ys and Snatcher that set a real high standard for good voice acting, hella years later why do ppl still screw it up?!?!

game was still fun tho. lol. been wanting to play it forever and I finally got the chance to so I'm happy
Fair enough.

I have to have nostalgia to a old game to be able to play it. I have been too spoiled with good graphics lately to play some random old game and enjoy it. :/
[quote name='JEKKI']nah, for me games do not age.

had I played the game 10 years ago, I woulda felt the same[/QUOTE]

I totally agree if we're talking RPGs here. Some older action games (especially 8-bit era) have aged terribly, however. Older RPGs tho, to me, are still fun to play. But then, I'm just an old-school fool. One of those 'weirdos' that in today's modern HD-world still like turn-based menu-driven combat, random encounters, and saving princesses.

Spamming FIGHT FTW!!
off topic... but I love old 8 bit action titles... :cry:

Ninja Gaiden NES is better than new Ninja Gaiden.


actually.... what exactly is an example of an old retro action game??

are mega man and duck tales and felix the cat and contra considered action, or are those sidescroller/platformer?
[quote name='Sparta Omni']Who says hella...?

I loved Grandia II, but I played it when it came out, not 10 years later... :p[/QUOTE]

That's the truth Grandia 2 was awesome, I'm 6-7 hours into Tales of Vesperia, I'm really liking it. It's got a Grandia 2 vibe, anybody else notice that?
[quote name='tbassett']That's the truth Grandia 2 was awesome, I'm 6-7 hours into Tales of Vesperia, I'm really liking it. It's got a Grandia 2 vibe, anybody else notice that?[/QUOTE]

Nope. I notice you have my last name in your username :)
I don't think Grandia 2 comes even close to ToV. I guess you might be thinking they're alike because of the loner w/ animal sidekick setup? It's pretty cliche, but that's the only similarity I can see.
I think Grandia II blows Tales of of the water, but that's probably because Grandia II was my second JRPG, with FF9 being my first (LOVE that game as well), so I might be biased since I loved it so much. (Nostalgia is killer)
Anyway, I've probably only played about 6 JRPGs though, so not much to compare I guess.
I have Eternal Sonata and SO4 to beat after ToV, but I keep getting stuck playing these FPS games. :S
Yeah I can't believe anyone loving Grandia 2 without the nostalgia effect. FF IX and Chrono Cross blew it out of the water and they're on a much weaker console. Hell even FF VI is better than Grandia 2. I think Grandia 2 is actually a pretty good game, just not that good.

I too am getting distracted by shooting people. Call of Duty 4 is the first FPS I have really enjoyed in almost 10 years. The level-up system is so addictive.
[quote name='Sparta Omni']
I have Eternal Sonata and SO4 to beat after ToV, but I keep getting stuck playing these FPS games. :S[/QUOTE]

I'm playing SO4 now, and I really love it, but then I'm a sucker for JRPGs. As for Eternal Sonata, I thought it was fabulous, one of the more under appreciated current-gen games, particularly on the PS3.

ToV is still on my to-play list, mostly because I haven't found a copy for a good price yet.
Started up Devil Summoner 2 a few days ago. My biggest praise is much better control over your demons during battles. You get 2 demons instead of 1, you can select their opening attack, and by holding L2 your demons hide so the can't get hit plus they regroup on you. This really helps when a boss is about to pull off a huge attack. Raidou has a couple new tricks, he can dodge, they added a strong attack button and he can use diffrent weapons like axes & lances.

With all that said there are a few things that annoy me. Keep in mind I'm only 7 hours in. So far the game is pretty much a copy/paste of the first one from music, locations, demons & world map. And IMO the story isn't that interesting so far. Some might hate that the random encounter rate is still high, but so far the dungeons are small and you only fight enemies while you're in the "Dark Relm"
[quote name='willardhaven']Yeah I can't believe anyone loving Grandia 2 without the nostalgia effect. FF IX and Chrono Cross blew it out of the water and they're on a much weaker console. Hell even FF VI is better than Grandia 2. I think Grandia 2 is actually a pretty good game, just not that good.

I too am getting distracted by shooting people. Call of Duty 4 is the first FPS I have really enjoyed in almost 10 years. The level-up system is so addictive.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I probably wouldn't be able to get into GII if I never had played it before, but then again, that can be said for a lot of games now.
I can't wait to play it again, though. I have two playthroughs already, but it's been a good 2 years. Everytime I see a cheap DC for sale, I think, "Man, I could play some Grandia II about now. And Sonic Adventure, and Shenmue, etc..." But, then I remember I have a huge backlog of 360 games, so I pass, but one day, I'd like to catch up on my old school games that I miss. :p

I've been playing Riddick, and I can't believe I missed out on Butcher Bay all this time. I was pretty busy with school and partying back then though, but I'm glad I got to play a polished up version on the 360. I beat it this morning and am now playing Dark Athena.
I like it a lot, but just I wish they would have done a little more to it to make it feel more "next gen"-ish.

[quote name='bvharris']I'm playing SO4 now, and I really love it, but then I'm a sucker for JRPGs. As for Eternal Sonata, I thought it was fabulous, one of the more under appreciated current-gen games, particularly on the PS3.

ToV is still on my to-play list, mostly because I haven't found a copy for a good price yet.[/QUOTE]
I played SO4 for a few hours but just couldn't get into it. When I can devote time into it, I'm sure I'll like it, though. I know the fighting was a lot of fun, but I wasn't digging the characters or story that much.
I might be about halfway through Eternal Sonata, and while I like it, it seems very boring and repetitive. I know all games can become that ultimately and usually do, but some games stand out more to me than others I guess. It has a really neat interface and charm to boot, so it keeps me going. I want to finish it, so after ToV, I'll beat it, then move on to SO4.

Oh, and ToV is worth the 60 bucks, easily. I can't say the same for many other games. It's a really great and solid game, and I hear it's anywhere from 50-100+ hours depending on how fast you plow through it and what all you do. I know you're not wanting to spend that much, but if you can find a copy for ~40, it's a steal imho.
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[quote name='Rodimus']With all that said there are a few things that annoy me. Keep in mind I'm only 7 hours in. So far the game is pretty much a copy/paste of the first one from music, locations, demons & world map. And IMO the story isn't that interesting so far. Some might hate that the random encounter rate is still high, but so far the dungeons are small and you only fight enemies while you're in the "Dark Relm"[/QUOTE]
How high are we talking about about? Is it Skies of Arcadia/DDS high? I got my copy of Devil Summoner 2 last night but I'm not sure if I want to start it yet. I would like to finish up Persona 4 first. But I haven't really been in the mood to play it for a while.
I liked Eternal Sonata until the end. The battle system got much better with the chain attacks but it couldn't make up for the shortcomings in the story. The bits about Chopin's life were great also.
[quote name='depascal22']How's Nocturne going for you Krymner?[/QUOTE]

Still slowly grinding my way thru it. I'm taking my time with it, playing maybe 2 hours every 3 days. I like the combat, the demon raising, and stuff. What I don't like so much is the constant random encounters everywhere. Recently I decided I was finished playing for the day, so I came out of a healing store and headed next door to save it, but on the way I got attacked from behind and half my party under half HP before I could finish them off, then suddenly after, twice as many demons showed up immediatly after that fight. I finished them off, kept walking to the save door, then RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE DOOR, boom, another random encounter. All I wanted was to save the damn game. Frustrating as hell.

But that's about it for my complaints, except for some little stuff. I'm still only about 15 hours into it, so I've got a long ways to go. I'll probably get to a point (maybe around 30 hours in) where I'll get tired of it and will most likely put it down for awhile, but I'll surely come back to it.

[quote name='JEKKI']off topic... but I love old 8 bit action titles... :cry:

Ninja Gaiden NES is better than new Ninja Gaiden.


actually.... what exactly is an example of an old retro action game??

are mega man and duck tales and felix the cat and contra considered action, or are those sidescroller/platformer?[/QUOTE]

Mega Man, Duck Tales, Felix, Ninja Gaiden, those are all classics and still hold up, mainly because of the challange and unique gameplay they still offer even today. I'm mostly referring to stuff like beat-em-ups like Final Fight and Double Dragon (fun until they get super-repetitive) action shooters like Ikari Warriors (again, repetitive gameplay) and even action/adventure stuff like the Wizards and Warriors trilogy. All of those series I mentioned I totally loved back in the NES days, but I just cannot stomach them today because of the repetitiveness just gets so boring after awhile, and the lack of any save feature in almost all of them makes them unapproachable to me nowadays.

But most classic RPGs do have a save feature. Thus, they are a little more forgiving and less time-consuming in a single playtime because you can always just save it and go back to it later. Stuff like Double Dragon you had to keep going, and Wizards & Warriors had that clunky password system.

But that's just my opinion. Replayability is also a factor to me. Graphics less so because they aren't as important to me as stuff like gameplay.
[quote name='depascal22']I liked Eternal Sonata until the end. The battle system got much better with the chain attacks but it couldn't make up for the shortcomings in the story. The bits about Chopin's life were great also.[/QUOTE]
Another game I need to finish... But I would need to restart it since I have no idea how to play it anymore and I'm stuck in the middle of a dungeon.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']How high are we talking about about? Is it Skies of Arcadia/DDS high? I got my copy of Devil Summoner 2 last night but I'm not sure if I want to start it yet. I would like to finish up Persona 4 first. But I haven't really been in the mood to play it for a while.[/QUOTE]

I don't remember the exact encounter rate of every RPG but this is higher than most. However the dungeons are small (so far) and since the "Dark Relm" is a mirror image of the "Real Relm" you should already be familiar with most maps.

It's SMT so exploit weaknesses. If you know what you're doing then winning is a synch. Battles are more fun this time around so it doesn't feel like a chore.
[quote name='Rodimus']I don't remember the exact encounter rate of every RPG but this is higher than most. However the dungeons are small (so far) and since the "Dark Relm" is a mirror image of the "Real Relm" you should already be familiar with most maps.

It's SMT so exploit weaknesses. If you know what you're doing then winning is a synch. Battles are more fun this time around so it doesn't feel like a chore.[/QUOTE]
It's hard to forget Skies of Arcadia encounter rate... there were times where you would get into a battle every step you took.

And since it's a SMT game it's a given that you need to exploit weaknesses. That was the only way I made it through DDS.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']It's hard to forget Skies of Arcadia encounter rate... there were times where you would get into a battle every step you took.

And since it's a SMT game it's a given that you need to exploit weaknesses. That was the only way I made it through DDS.[/QUOTE]
That's probably why I didn't like that game. I know I rented it, and hated it.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']It's hard to forget Skies of Arcadia encounter rate... there were times where you would get into a battle every step you took.

And since it's a SMT game it's a given that you need to exploit weaknesses. That was the only way I made it through DDS.[/QUOTE]

I played the GC version of Arcadia so the encounter rate wasn't an issue.

Devil Summoner 2 doesn't relay on weaknesses as much as other SMT games, but it's there solely to replenish your magic. As long as you keep hitting the weakness you'll never run out of magic points.
[quote name='Rodimus']I played the GC version of Arcadia so the encounter rate wasn't an issue.[/QUOTE]
Thats the version I played as well and it was still pretty high at times.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']Thats the version I played as well and it was still pretty high at times.[/QUOTE]

I guess after beating Persona 1 encounter rates don't phase me much. ;)

Anyways if you ever played a SMT game with random encounters then you know what to expect.
One more tidbit I forgot to add about Devil Summoner 2 : If you have a save file from the first DS then you can upload your data. It'll give you a few items to sell off for money nothing special. But the best part of data transfer is: if you fight a demon you recruited in the first DS it will remember you and join you automatically (if your level is high enough.) This is very cool considering I spent a lot of time creating demons.
[quote name='Rodimus']One more tidbit I forgot to add about Devil Summoner 2 : If you have a save file from the first DS then you can upload your data. It'll give you a few items to sell off for money nothing special. But the best part is: if you fight a demon you recruited in the first it will remember you and join you automatically (if your level is high enough.) This is very cool since I spent a lot of time creating demons.[/QUOTE]
Thats a nice touch... I'll just have to double check if I have a save file.
2 votes for Xenogears.

[quote name='Rodimus']One more tidbit I forgot to add about Devil Summoner 2 : If you have a save file from the first DS then you can upload your data. It'll give you a few items to sell off for money nothing special. But the best part of data transfer is: if you fight a demon you recruited in the first DS it will remember you and join you automatically (if your level is high enough.) This is very cool considering I spent a lot of time creating demons.[/QUOTE]
You know, I thought I read this somewhere but was too lazy to confirm it. Think I might take a few minutes to recruit some more demons in DS1 before I start DS2, since recruiting seems easier in 1. Never really liked demon negotiation. Completely random.
[quote name='willardhaven']I think I'm one of the only people in this thread who didn't like Vagrant Story.[/QUOTE]

Did you dislike Final Fantasy XII as well? I think I gave FF a second chance just because I liked Vagrant so much.
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