Get a Free Xbox One or $480 cash/giftcard! Conga Line ( Real with proof! )

The only problem with multiple conga lines is that we will eventually run out of offers to do xD

EDIT: Also I'm about to hit up XBL and play some Halo 4 to spread the word about this thread. Hopefully get this line moving again.

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We may need to just start paying people. Hell, it'd still cheaper than paying for one of these consoles out of pocket.


Alright I think this referral link may be done Ill let you guys know in about 5 minutes after I add everyone and fix the original OP.  People please be PATIENT!  I have people pming me and emailing me constantly asking the same questions over and over.  

K added everyone who emailed me Paul needs 1 more referral!  


So apparently people arent following the rules on another forum and a bunch of people had there accounts banned.  If you make multiple accounts they will ban your account and you will lose credit!  If you cancel the offer you signed up for to early they will ban your account!  They check all the info you sign up with once the person you have signed up under submits there account for review.  

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ill be back in a little if you sign up under the current referral please post that you have so people know to sign up under the next referral link!  thanks I appreciate it guys.

i just need one more referral guys!  Then its on to the next one.

If you complete a referral with my link, post it on here so we can go on to the next person and keep it moving!

Ok Im back just had to goto work to check me schedule.  Im gonna have a fun week lol, I have to work the midnight launch of ps4 and probably have to work the midnight launch of x1 the following week.  I have to work until 2 the night of ps4 launch and get back up at 10 the following day to go back to work.  Oh joy!

I can finally reply lol. I did two for blockburn the first one gamefly never went through. I did creditreport which went through but i still have not been updated as confirmed in list. I think whether it goes through or not is random i did myscore site for wii u one and it still has not gone through. What sucks is that one last four days  so i have to cancel soon without getting credit.

youll still get credit even if you cancel as long as you cancel after 4 days you should be fine.  you just need the email sent from the offer you did in a screenshot.  If you cant get that Id suggest logging on to your account going to your info and get a screenshot of that.  send in a request here

after 7 days.  You will end up getting your credit dont worry.

there has to be a way to give people more incentive..almost 900 people to get to me, but that 900th person would need roughly 10,000 people. 

there has to be a way to give people more incentive..almost 900 people to get to me, but that 900th person would need roughly 10,000 people.
I'm giving out a gift card to one of my 11 people when it gets to me. The more people that go this route the more we can get I'd think.

i guess it would be nice to highlight certain people in the OP's list doing giveaways and different things?

Idk, not everyone would do that and we would still have to wait for it to get to us...

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Assuming it ever gets to me, I'll probably give out Amazon gift certificates to each person using my referral link. It'll just come out of the cash I'm getting anyway. What do I have to lose by sharing?

Assuming it ever gets to me, I'll probably give out Amazon gift certificates to each person using my referral link. It'll just come out of the cash I'm getting anyway. What do I have to lose by sharing?
Thats the spirit

Anyways update OP, paulgarcia should be done he has one person waiting on confirmation.

Sooooo, is it wrong to pay people for referrals? I suggested it in jest earlier, but I don't actually mind doing it. I just don't want to disrupt the flow of things here, and if you guys feel it's unfair, I'll reconsider.

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Sooooo, is it wrong to pay people for referrals? I suggested it in jest earlier, but I don't actually mind doing it. I just don't want to disrupt the flow of things here, and if you guys feel it's unfair, I'll reconsider.
See that disrupts this whole thing being a conga line. The whole purpose is to get one person done at a time. If you have people do that I can not put them on the list. Its unfair for people who are currently signing up.

Question for people here. If I have an offer that's not crediting, what if I do another offer for something else? Will I still get credit for completing an offer? Also, will my referrer get credit for me completing an offer.?
Question for people here. If I have an offer that's not crediting, what if I do another offer for something else? Will I still get credit for completing an offer? Also, will my referrer get credit for me completing an offer.?
Yeah if you complete another offer and its an instant offer it will credit it. Just dont make multiple accounts because it will ban you and the person who your signed up under will lose the point. Yes your referral will get the credit for you completing another offer.

Yeah if you complete another offer and its an instant offer it will credit it. Just dont make multiple accounts because it will ban you and the person who your signed up under will lose the point. Yes your referral will get the credit for you completing another offer.
Nah, just talking about using an existing account. I did the myscore offer for the Vita line, but it still hasn't credited. I was just going to do something else so my referrer would get the point, and so I would get credit. Someone overthink ere made it seem like I couldn't do another offer.
Sooooo, is it wrong to pay people for referrals? I suggested it in jest earlier, but I don't actually mind doing it. I just don't want to disrupt the flow of things here, and if you guys feel it's unfair, I'll reconsider.
There are sites and forums where you can pay people to do your refs, but a conga thread is not one of them. I recommend freebiesociety or thefreebieexchange. Say azhang40 referred you there :)

Remember, everyone with a confirmed offer from 98 to when I start getting referrals will be getting a free random game on Steam from my far too large a collection of keys and Steam inventory.  So everyone remain positive, do a good offer like Gamefly and no matter what you'll be enjoying a month of free game rentals and getting a game on Steam.

Signed up under GreaterFel. Did the Multivitamin offer and it credited instantly.

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Signed up under GreaterFel. Did the Multivitamin offer and it credited instantly.
Appreciate it try to spread the word if you can. Like I said the more people we can get in here the more free xbox ones for cags! Also please send me your info so I can add you to the list.

Greaterfel needs 1 more referral and we will have gotten through 2 people today! This is amazing because Rockstarnati already has 3 referrals! Things are going great so far.

Remember, everyone with a confirmed offer from 98 to when I start getting referrals will be getting a free random game on Steam from my far too large a collection of keys and Steam inventory. So everyone remain positive, do a good offer like Gamefly and no matter what you'll be enjoying a month of free game rentals and getting a game on Steam.
Please, Uncle Eldritch. Don't do this. Please...

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Why does this feel like a pyramid scheme of people just climbing on top of 11 other people who in turn climb on top of 11 other people until there are no people left to refer ? System seems shady as fuck

im curious how come it says offer pending for me when my offer has already been completed? i sent a screen shot of the completed offer email with my conga registration.

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im curious how come it says offer pending for me when my offer has already been completed? i sent a screen shot of the completed offer email with my conga registration.
Im waiting for greaterfel to get back to me to let me know who has been confirmed on his list. Dont worry about it if you got your credit instantly your good to go.

im curious how come it says offer pending for me when my offer has already been completed? i sent a screen shot of the completed offer email with my conga registration.
Which offer did you do? Some offers have taken a bit to show as confirmed even if you've gone through the process of it.

Why does this feel like a pyramid scheme of people just climbing on top of 11 other people who in turn climb on top of 11 other people until there are no people left to refer ? System seems shady as fuck
Technically it is a pyramid scheme but it works, the proof is there. The point of this line is to get as many people Xbox One's/Cash as possible. It takes little to no effort to join. The Gamefly offer is free and you cancel it on their website so you lose nothing for doing it.

Why does this feel like a pyramid scheme of people just climbing on top of 11 other people who in turn climb on top of 11 other people until there are no people left to refer ? System seems shady as fuck
There's no denying this is a pyramid scheme, but it is legit one. Proof, in photos and videos, have been posted throughout this thread. Would you rather try getting all the referrals yourself? xD

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Why does this feel like a pyramid scheme of people just climbing on top of 11 other people who in turn climb on top of 11 other people until there are no people left to refer ? System seems shady as fuck
*this is not a pyramid*​
*this is not a pyramid**this is not a pyramid*​
*this is not a pyramid**this is not a pyramid**this is not a pyramid*​
*this is not a pyramid**this is not a pyramid**this is not a pyramid**this is not a pyramid*​
*this is not a pyramid**this is not a pyramid**this is not a pyramid**this is not a pyramid**this is not a pyramid*​
*this is not a pyramid**this is not a pyramid**this is not a pyramid**this is not a pyramid**this is not a pyramid**this is not​
Huh? You don't want me to give out free things?
haha, nah, it's just that you sound like a creepy relative. "just do as I ask...think positively. It'll feel good for you. believe"

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Just because some people here are getting xbox one's...people don't see how they are essentially just using people below them to get the xbox one.'s classic pyramid scheme....not saying there aren't people benefitting from it...even in pyramid schemes, the people on top of the pyramid make this case..they get xbox one's....

Just because some people here are getting xbox one's...people don't see how they are essentially just using people below them to get the xbox one.'s classic pyramid scheme....not saying there aren't people benefitting from it...even in pyramid schemes, the people on top of the pyramid make this case..they get xbox one's....
Thought that was pretty obvious to everyone doing this. LOL

Your really not losing anything at all doing this the most at $1 or paying s&h for a offer you can cancel later on down the line.  Your helping someone else get something and giving yourself the opportunity to get something for free as well.  This thing is gonna blow up way more once a physical xbox one has been received.  Trainn is legit and have been around for years.  

Everyone should be more surprised I stuck around through this madness :p.  Think of how my inbox looks.

And on that note I am not making any money from doing this.  I got an xbox one yeah but, this is a lot of work for myself as well.

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Just because some people here are getting xbox one's...people don't see how they are essentially just using people below them to get the xbox one.'s classic pyramid scheme....not saying there aren't people benefitting from it...even in pyramid schemes, the people on top of the pyramid make this case..they get xbox one's....
This thing will run forever. Get in on it now and you'll be one of the ones benefitting. Even if you don't, you have nothing to lose and you get the satisfaction of helping others. ;)

P.S. You know you can get $480, right? DOES NO ONE LIKE MONEY?!??!?

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Yeah, I'm realistic about my chances on this thread, but if this were the shady scheme you're afraid it is, Mykel would've cut and run at the very beginning, in true pyramid scheme style. Instead, he's had to deal with over 100 individual emails over the last few days personally. This is a community, not Craigslist, and I expect we'd hold each other accountable. Not your thing? Great. But don't spoil it with negativity.
bread's done