GGT 173 Finished A "Visual Novel" and is Ready For The Hard Stuff

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[quote name='BlueScrote']Frosty's right. This thread is moving damn slow.

Edit: so somehow Rayman Origins installed itself in my steam library. Some serious wtfery.[/QUOTE]

That's not a bad thing. The game is good. Really good.
Seriously, I'm sticking with 7 until 9 hits. 8 is just straight trash. Metro UI doesn't belong on a desktop IMO. Hey, let's make every program fullscreen!! What a brilliant fucking idea!!! -___-

Keep this tablet oriented shit off of my desktop. If I want to use a tablet, I will.
SCV's online is A-OK for me. I just played with icebeast and it was not that bad, surprisingly. It's very playable and ten times better than the garbage netcode of SCIV which was unplayable. I imagine it would be good enough to do shit like Just Guard if I were to play Josh.
Four gnolls. Each one worth 35 EXP (divided by six). Killed in a matter of seconds.

About twenty meters to the left? Two lesser basilisks and a greater basilisk. Just one lesser nets the party 1200 EXP. I've never killed a greater, so I don't know what it's worth. All have a petrify ability, and if it happens to work against the main character, the game is over (nevermind that I have stone-to-flesh scrolls handy).

Baldur's Gate!
Holy shit @ the levels of retarded that Assassin's Creed brings out.

People counting Brotherhood as 3 and Revelations as 4. Was there a 3 or 4 in the title, asshole? No. THEN IT WASN'T 3 or 4!
People thinking the new assassin is anti-american when he's killing a motherfucking redcoat.
The list goes on and on.
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You got your aliens in my DmC:

[quote name='hankmecrankme']lol Steam saying I have 63.2 hours of gaming in the last 2 weeks. Yay I have no life.[/QUOTE]

Your'e beating me hank, I've only got 39.1 hours in the past 2 weeks, and I'm going to be playing a bunch this weekend to try and finish ME2 as well, and at some point after that I'd imagine I'll get back to working on Skyrim (although I'll probably run through ME3 as my next single player game, since I've pushed so hard to finish the first two).
It's about time they moved to a new time period. I started Revelations last night, and that particular formula is starting to get a bit tired.

I wonder how they're gonna mix it up with the new setting. I wonder how they're gonna deal with the lack of giant buildings in Colonial America.

SCV coming in the mail today. Haven't played soul calibur since 2, so I'm moderately excited.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']You have no idea the information that I am dying to post, Shrike.

I have so many sweet deets.[/QUOTE]Sounds like a put up or shut up moment, if I ever heard one. ;)
Had to stop myself from responding to this until I'd made my 10,000th post. Now that I am free of that burden...
[quote name='corrosivefrost']I bought it. Curse you, thecrotch, curse you.[/QUOTE]
This is another weird superpower I seem to have gained.

Though if I'd started playing and posting about Baldur's Gate a week earlier, you'd have been able to get in on the GOG deal. BG 1&2 with expansions plus Temple of Elemental Evil for $9.99. I posted the link here and everything.
any CSS bros know how to fix the overflow issue?


my content container needs to expand with the material written inside of it, right now it just cuts off whenever you need to scroll.

edit: never mind, got it =]
Four hostile mages on a raise platform with a narrow choke.

I'm fucked.

No. Not here. Not tonight.

My nearly-useless newest recruit knows stinking cloud, a massive AOE stun spell that I almost never use because it wrecks my melee fighters, too.

Cast stinking cloud on the platform, hitting all of the mages.

Fighters at the choke point are just out of range of the cloud, and quickly cut down one of the unconscious mages.

Imoen casts some weird fire spell that does damage in a line over time, bringing the other three mages to near-death. They are finished off by a pair of slings moments later.

Magical shit for everyone!
[quote name='hankmecrankme']It is Steamworks. Nice deal. ^__^

lol Steam saying I have 63.2 hours of gaming in the last 2 weeks. Yay I have no life.[/QUOTE]

If only you guys could see my SWTOR play time...

(it lists days instead of hours now)
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"A young man was found dead in his home today. The body was located in front of his PC, where the video game "Star Wars: The Old Republic" was still running. Neighbors say he hadn't left his residence in 8 days."
[quote name='hankmecrankme']"A young man was found dead in his home today. The body was located in front of his PC, where the video game "Star Wars: The Old Republic" was still running. Neighbors say he hadn't left his residence in 8 days."[/QUOTE]
"Also on his computer were a shitload of PMs from an incredibly handsome young man requesting that he 'Get off that Old Republic cock and come play Tribes'."
[quote name='The Crotch']"Also on his computer were a shitload of PMs from an incredibly handsome young man requesting that he 'Get off that Old Republic cock and come play Tribes'."[/QUOTE]

If only I worked at decent hours. My schedule is now 7:30pm-4am PST. It also doesn't help that everyone I play SWTOR with is all from work.
[quote name='j-cart']If only I worked at decent hours. My schedule is now 7:30pm-4am PST. It also doesn't help that everyone I play SWTOR with is all from work.[/QUOTE]With fucked up hours like that, it's likely you'd all congregate to do something on your off-times, being backwards to a bit of the planet.
Regular schedule was 3:30 to 12am, but things are happening differently, to where we have to come in 4 hours later than usual.

Hopefully in 2 weeks I should be on a regular schedule, ie. 9-6pm.
[quote name='j-cart']Regular schedule was 3:30 to 12am, but things are happening differently, to where we have to come in 4 hours later than usual.

Hopefully in 2 weeks I should be on a regular schedule, ie. 9-6pm.[/QUOTE]I guess you get re-introduced to seeing sunlight when you leave for work and somewhat when you leave from work, instead of being a creature of the dark?

I found out long ago that I can work 1st and 2nd shift timeframes, and even into that 3AM - 12AM shifts, though when it comes to the ass-backwards "get home two hours before dawn" timeframe, I can't do it.
We were putting in flooring in a 3 story warehouse. 100 boxes, 60 pounds each, 40 had to go to the 2nd floor, 60 had to go to the 3rd floor. Then we had to put it all in. Friend and I both stayed up overnight and went to do it.

Yeah, that was a long day.
[quote name='The Crotch']Four gnolls. Each one worth 35 EXP (divided by six). Killed in a matter of seconds.

About twenty meters to the left? Two lesser basilisks and a greater basilisk. Just one lesser nets the party 1200 EXP. I've never killed a greater, so I don't know what it's worth. All have a petrify ability, and if it happens to work against the main character, the game is over (nevermind that I have stone-to-flesh scrolls handy).

Baldur's Gate![/QUOTE]

These goddam action scenes. I bought the GOG pack a long time ago (one of the few gaming impulse buys I've made), and fine, I'll install it already. I'll have to nibble at it, as deadlines are pressing, but it's better than watching old DS9 episodes to kill the few hours of free time that come my way.

My question pre-install is does this guy have the essential mods and the process correct? Because some of the comments suggest he excludes critical steps. Given how busy things are, if getting the install correctly modded requires more than one attempt, I'll probably let this one lay for another 2 months and go back to wondering if Kira really got down with ODOSEX.

Any help appreciated...
Well... I didn't use some of the mods he did, and I did use some stuff that he didn't. I used a massive list from the Gibberlings forum when I installed my mods, but someone (Frost?) posted a much easier to read guide from GOG that you should check out.
[quote name='The Crotch']Well... I didn't use some of the mods he did, and I did use some stuff that he didn't. I used a massive list from the Gibberlings forum when I installed my mods, but someone (Frost?) posted a much easier to read guide from GOG that you should check out.[/QUOTE]

It was me, but ya I followed that GOG guide and everything seemed to be working correctly.
I swear to Christ, Minsc has, like, anti-poison resistance.

The man creates poisonous enemies where once there were none.

EDIT: Dynaheir has fireball. She is no longer a useless drag on the party where once there was a competent mage with a bitchin' knife.
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