GGT 177 can't wait for the crash of the gaming industry

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[quote name='hankmecrankme']I fucking hate virtual buttons.[/QUOTE]

As somebody who owned an iPod Touch at one point, I concur.
[quote name='The Crotch']Ugh. Installing a BG2 mod mid-game is... dangeresque.[/QUOTE]

I have a feeling that is going to go poorly causing you to rage quite bg2.
[quote name='distgfx']As somebody who owned an iPod Touch at one point, I concur.[/QUOTE]

Re-installing SC2...I feel like that's a dangerous move...:|

Applying patch 1 of 23.....Jeebus
[quote name='BlueScrote']I have a feeling that is going to go poorly causing you to rage quite bg2.[/QUOTE]

The mod in question is called "Happy Mod", and it is part of the BG2 tweakpack. I already had a bunch of tweakpack stuff running, but I wanted to add on Happy Mod (or a variant of it, at least) now that I have Viconia in my party.

The game has a "reputation" system with various minor effects. High reputation (being a good guy in quests) will get you discounts, low reputation (killing people, being an asshole, transforming into on of the avatars of Bhaal, God of Murder, etc.) will get you bounty hunters. However, extremely low reputations will cause "good" party members to leave you and extremely high reputations will also cause "evil" party members to leave. This kinda sorta makes sense, but...

1: Viconia is a new addition to the party. I already had maxed out reputation when I picked her up. Having her be all, "Hey, paladin guy! I want your dick!" one moment and then totally disgusted and taking off a minute later doesn't make much sense.

2: Some of the alignments in the game are screwy. Viconia is listed as evil, but she acts neutral. Jaheira is listed as neutral, but she acts good. Korgan is listed as chaotic, but he actus neutral. A lot of NPCs have really screwy alignments, too, which messes with "extra damage against/protection from X alignment" stuff.

But the freshly installed Happy Mod is kinda-sorta working. And if it doesn't, I'll try going back to my save from just before I added Viconia and work from there.

EDIT: And despite my frustrations with the ruleset and general mechanics behind the game, it's still got Bioware's best writing. And some of their best voice acting, too. Damn, Jaheira.
[quote name='BlueScrote']Why was cheddahz originally banned?[/QUOTE]

Something about some friend of his posting how to cheat and get prestige level 10 in MW2 on xbox.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']I believe mods did an IP check and it looked like he was an alt?
Who knows, but after he was banned, the mods made sure it stuck.[/QUOTE]
and they still haven't noticed that linkpwns and JSP are the same person.
La Dispute, Balance & Composure tomorrow.

I know Mikey's a fan. That's why I like him the best.

And Disneyland on Friday without whonoes. That's why I don't like him at all.
Based off our Raccoon City trophies I have deduced that you are a better gamer than I since you have 1% more trophies. I am in awe of your prowess.

P.S. I miss your wife's voice.
[quote name='Cheska19']Oh, I'm sorry. I just figured since you were such a big boy to dish out some jokes that you could take them too ;)

Excuse me while I go order you a blow up doll.[/QUOTE]

I'm still waiting...
What a call back.

I think the art style and character style is perfect in DotA 2. Go kill a few heroes and listen to what you Hero says :D
[quote name='hankmecrankme']I feel like I missed something. . .[/QUOTE]

Skype call last night, for one.
If you still need whatever you needed last night, send me an IM. :cool:
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Skype call last night, for one.
If you still need whatever you needed last night, send me an IM. :cool:[/QUOTE]

I just wanted to show you some thick sluts. That's about it. :bouncy:
Jesus Christ is magic ever broken in Baldur's Gate. At least this time it's broken in my favour.

Oh, what's that? You're one of those super-hard optional boss things? Alright. Here, I'll have Jaheira kill you in two hits.

And it's not like I had to do some elaborate preparation or anything. I walked up to the guy, looked at my spell list, had Jaheira cast "harm" on herself, and slapped the dude. It brought him down to 1 HP.

Second Edition!
Was Cheska here?

A few pages late, but I feel like I'm in a gaming slump myself--not that excited about gaming.

Luckily, I have Saint's Row the Third and am enjoying the stupid, juvenile fun.

I may try to grab some more trophies in Journey. Why is there no Platinum for that game? I'll never get a platinum. :(
If you buy Green Lantern you could get the platinum in that. I hear it's easy.

[quote name='hankmecrankme']I feel like I missed something. . .[/QUOTE]
Your avatar goes well with that statement.
Porn company Brazzers said it wants to sponsor professional fighting-game players via a Twitch.TV livestream with fighting-game community (FGC) member Long Island Joe. Rob Steele, director of special events for Brazzers, announced the formation of a sponsored team with LI Joe as its captain. Brazzer hopes to not only form a team but also host tournaments.

You're welcome, uraizen.

Also, I never noticed this, but Icebeast, that Elena in your sig seems to have a rather phallic-shaped bulge coming through her... thong thing.
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