GGT 245 Will Look Up and Shout, "Save Us," and Sony Will Whisper, "Sure."

It was a Tom Clancy game, but a new one right? It looked like it could actually be cool if you get a group of friends to play together.
are you talking about the tom clancy's the division? It looks/ has a similar feel to the last of us.

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I'm back.  What did I miss?

Aisha is so fucking hot.  My fantasy waifu for sure.

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Only thing that I've seen so far from watching the conferences that has me really excited is Dragon Age Inquisition, but at the same time that game has me worried because I want it to be Origins good and not the step down (but still enjoyable) DA2.

The Mirrors Edge 2 announcement reminds me I should probably get to that game, might do it after I finish up Batman Arkham City.

It was a Tom Clancy game, but a new one right? It looked like it could actually be cool if you get a group of friends to play together.
are you talking about the tom clancy's the division? It looks/ has a similar feel to the last of us.
Yeah, The Division; it looks pretty interesting. I like the RPG/leveling aspect that it has and it looked nice as well. Having the PVP battles be able to just happen if you find other players is neat as well.

This woman demoing Fantasia looks SO BORED.
It kind of reminds me of a Kinectified Elite Beat Agents

It was a Tom Clancy game, but a new one right? It looked like it could actually be cool if you get a group of friends to play together.
are you talking about the tom clancy's the division? It looks/ has a similar feel to the last of us.
Yeah, The Division; it looks pretty interesting. I like the RPG/leveling aspect that it has and it looked nice as well. Having the PVP battles be able to just happen if you find other players is neat as well.
i think that is the game, which will probably be the game replacing tom clancys rainbow six.

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Aisha on IGN now. Soooo hawt.

Division sounds promising.
Absolutely not.

Peter Moore: "It's unprecedented to have two consoles launch in the same month."

You know except when Wii & PS3 launched...
The Wii wasn't a console.

I loved the Knack footage. Except from Nintendo, platformers haven't gotten much love the last 10 years.
I couldn't believe Knack was the first PS4 game they showed back at the reveal. Zero interest. Maybe it looks better now, but I really found it boring and it had that "we're a playable tech demo" feel to it when they showed it off in February. Oooh, look at the power of the PS4... all those particles!

I think they had to some indy love, but that doesn't change the fact that they won't let indies self-publish and decide price and release date and any sales.

Completely serious: The only games I really want to buy so far are Rayman & Stick of Truth, which we already knew tons about.
I'll buy Legends day one. Stick of Truth is a good contender. I've not seen a single next-gen game I want yet, FWIW...

Let me clarify this for you. I have no idea what Division is... but that statement could've probably applied to both. Further clarification below.

I'm back. What did I miss?

Aisha is so fucking hot. My fantasy waifu for sure.
No. Just say no.

But hey, if you get her off the stream and I never have to look at her or hear her again? Take her for your waifu dude and good luck with that. :p

This is the last gen of consoles? It will be just PCs and streaming TVs/smartphones/tablets?
Xbone and PS4 are basically PC in a box labeled as a console anyway, so maybe. :p

Sorny in about 30+ minutes?

The Division is a single player shooter AND an MMO RPG.

Based on Tom Clancy.

The Crew looks kind of fun too.

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Sorny in about 30+ minutes?

The Division is a single player shooter AND an MMO RPG.

The Crew looks kind of fun too.
Searching on e3 Division showed MMORPG shooter -- looked interesting, but I don't normally play games with friends like that, so the coop/online part is wasted on me. :\

That was my feeling too Frost, it's why I didn't get into Left 4 Dead at all.

My guess is that is super unlikely BlueShinra, but if it does show up I wouldn't complain.

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My guess is that is super unlikely BlueShinra, but if it does show up I wouldn't complain.
Versus XIII has reared its ugly head and turned into FFXV, so anything can happen at this point!

One of three scenarios:

1) Coming this FALL!
2) Pushed back for PS4!!
3) NOTHING Because it is CANCELLED.
I hope it's #1, if only because I'll probably get a PS3 before the end of the year.
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I am on the sony e3 official stream...isn't the "pre-show" supposed to be on right now?


Edit: ok here we go...15min preshow.

that carboni guy seems nervous.

Meredith is hot though...

Damn these two are annoying.  Hurry up.

get hype

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Nice.  I turned an edit into a double post.  Yay me.

Yeah this pre-show...holy balls just get to the damn conference already.

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 I'm just waiting for the main event.

Edit: oh look GT6 is coming to E3 via GT Academy.

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no skype for me.  but yeah i think everybody jumped on the stream at once and shit is bogged down now.

i think they see the issue too and took the stream off for a bit.  i just see a welcome screen now.

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*twiddles thumbs*

I am on "English 3" stream.  I wonder how many they made?

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I love how the GameTrailers guys have just been talking about random stuff about Sony since the conference isn't running yet.

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Oh boy this doesn't bode well lol.

Leave it Sorny to find some way to fuckup a good thing.

1 minute.  finally haha.

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Oh look its sony running out the back door after that dominating performance by xbone!

Yeah well nows a good time to finish ultimate hulk vs wolverine

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Maaaan, I'm going back home tonight and now I'm not sure if I'll be able to catch the end of the conference and that's probably when some big news will hit

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bread's done