Ggt #25

[quote name='corrosivefrost']The princess saving you is just a different take on a death animation -- instead of a dead body and continue, the princess hucks you back to the last *checkpoint* with magic. [/QUOTE]

Well one difference is it wasn't really last check point, it was the last place you were on solid ground (not wall running, swinging etc.).

I loved that as you didn't have to redo much. In the last gen PoP games if you fell and died you were back at the last check point which was sometimes a good bit before the platforming area where you fell and died.

So I loved always getting saved and put right back at the start of the platforming section, as replaying sections of games is something I loathe. I don't mind redoing a tricky platforming section until I get through it. But I don't want to have to waste a couple minutes getting back to that section when I die in the middle of it.
I loved it. But I also HATE hard games as you all know, and don't play for tension, sense of accomplishment etc. but just to veg out and relax.

So I just loved being able to explore the world, enjoy the acrobatics etc. without worrying about dying and having to replay long sections between checkpoints etc. Also why I dig games like Oblivion, Fallout 3, etc. as after the first few hours, with it on easy you can just explore and do quests and not worry much about dying. Even Mass Effect 2 on normal fit that bill as it was quite easy on normal.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Indeed.

I loved AC 2, and did damn near everything. The DLC, all the assassination contracts, races, beat up events etc.

But I wasn't about to waste time on that pointless collectathon crap with the feathers. That shit went out of style with the N64.[/QUOTE]
I just finished getting all the feathers and it actually got easier once I realized in the DNA part of the pause menu you could look into which areas you were missing feathers in. I only have two achievements left now and they're both story achievements. I don't think I'll finish it for a couple of days though... I need a break from it after the hell I went through to find those feathers.
[quote name='ninja dog']I wanted to like pop2008 a lot, but there was no tension, so it was boring. You literally couldn't lose a fight[/QUOTE]

If Elika would save you in a fight though, the enemy would regain its health, so there is still a punishment to replace the game over screen.

I agree the game had little tension though. I just enjoyed playing the game while relaxing...especially because it was possibly the most gorgeous game ever to just look around at the scenery.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I just finished getting all the feathers and it actually got easier once I realized in the DNA part of the pause menu you could look into which areas you were missing feathers in. I only have two achievements left now and they're both story achievements. I don't think I'll finish it for a couple of days though... I need a break from it after the hell I went through to find those feathers.[/QUOTE]

That did help for sure, but I just hate running around an area looking for hidden items etc.

And I was already a bit miffed that there was no achievement for finding all the treasure chests with the map, nor for doing every assassination contract etc. That was my one gripe with the game--achievements just didn't seem that well thought out in many cases.

Very minor gripe as I'm not that big on achievement points anyway, a neat novelty for doing more than just beating a game and seeing the credits roll for me, but I won't put much effort (like hunting the feathers) into a game to get achievements. Has to be something enjoyable that I'm doing mainly to extend playtime rather than just going for the points.
Ended up ordering SCC.

Okay, the part where Snow and Dirty Looking Woman show up on the Scissor Twins Bike to kick ass in FFXIII was AWESOME
[quote name='dmaul1114']That did help for sure, but I just hate running around an area looking for hidden items etc.

And I was already a bit miffed that there was no achievement for finding all the treasure chests with the map, nor for doing every assassination contract etc. That was my one gripe with the game--achievements just didn't seem that well thought out in many cases.

Very minor gripe as I'm not that big on achievement points anyway, a neat novelty for doing more than just beating a game and seeing the credits roll for me, but I won't put much effort (like hunting the feathers) into a game to get achievements. Has to be something enjoyable that I'm doing mainly to extend playtime rather than just going for the points.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking the same, actually. I'm mostly in it for the achievement points and I feel like I need to unlock everything in AC2 for some reason, but since you don't really get anything for those other missions I'm not really doing them. I think I've done three or four beat up missions, but no races or anything else.

Edit: WTF? Why does the new Harry Potter game look like Gears of War?
[quote name='dallow']Cloth map up ins.

[/QUOTE]OMG, I'm so going to buy this. :D

[quote name='seanr1221']What are the reasons?[/QUOTE]Not really into RockStar Games stuff. I don't really like GTA and didn't like the last Red Dead game at al.
Perhaps because Im already a huge Harry Potter fanatic and I've enjoyed the previous two games, but I think it looks like the best one yet (with the exception of the Lego version coming out this summer which I have a feeling will be super fun).
Mario Galaxy 2 is ridiculously fun. It's not the kind of game that I like to play for hours on end, but it's perfect for playing like 30 minutes at a time. I cannot believe how well designed the game is.

Additionally, I'm thinking about getting some computer speakers (all I have right now are my HD650 phones and an amp)... but I'm not sure I wanna do it. I will need to think on this.
[quote name='Kissfuldreamer']Perhaps because Im already a huge Harry Potter fanatic and I've enjoyed the previous two games, but I think it looks like the best one yet (with the exception of the Lego version coming out this summer which I have a feeling will be super fun).[/QUOTE]

I just feel like running and gunning with wooden sticks looks silly.
[quote name='Chacrana']I just feel like running and gunning with wooden sticks looks silly.[/QUOTE]
Same thing can be said about countless games and the weapons they choose to use. At least it's not a flashlight you constantly need to either reload or let charge.
[quote name='Kissfuldreamer']At least it's not a flashlight you constantly need to either reload or let charge.[/QUOTE]
That still sounds more fun then gunning with a wooden stick. Then again a lot of things sound more fun then that.
Whatever floats everyone's boat, we all have different opinions on what fun is anyways.

On another note, I think I'm finally going to try and finish Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days.
[quote name='Kissfuldreamer']Perhaps because Im already a huge Harry Potter fanatic and I've enjoyed the previous two games, but I think it looks like the best one yet (with the exception of the Lego version coming out this summer which I have a feeling will be super fun).[/QUOTE]

Lego Harry Potter looks fantastic. The lady friend loves the lego co-op games.
[quote name='Chacrana']Additionally, I'm thinking about getting some computer speakers (all I have right now are my HD650 phones and an amp)... but I'm not sure I wanna do it. I will need to think on this.[/QUOTE]
You have HD650s and an amp, why do you need speakers? You'd have to get some pretty damn nice ones to even compare.

Also, I need to throw these Logitech X540s in the trash.
Agree with Hank.

Though, I'd have some just for casual use. Don't always want to put phones on for a shitty YouTube video or whatever.
well it wasn't exactly an interview, but testing. i got offered the job but I dunno if I should take it. Will have to think on it. it's just part time until I can go to school again in the fall. Or I could take unemployment. I dunno.

I got blur used today with credit. I hope i like it.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I was thinking the same, actually. I'm mostly in it for the achievement points and I feel like I need to unlock everything in AC2 for some reason, but since you don't really get anything for those other missions I'm not really doing them. I think I've done three or four beat up missions, but no races or anything else.

Yeah, I didn't look at the achievement list until I was mostly done so I did it all.

If I had looked, I'd just have done the assassination contracts, as those were fun, and treasure chests up to the point where I had way more money than stuff to buy. The races sucked, and the beat up events were pretty pointless.
[quote name='Kissfuldreamer']Perhaps because Im already a huge Harry Potter fanatic and I've enjoyed the previous two games, but I think it looks like the best one yet (with the exception of the Lego version coming out this summer which I have a feeling will be super fun).[/QUOTE]
I haven't played anything past Azkaban yet, but I really loved the first 3 games because of the way they weren't direct translations of the movies. I really loved the Quidditch game that came out, too.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']I really want to pick Alpha Protocol up soon but I'm going to wait for a deal on it. Besides I need to finish a few games before I grab more anyway.[/QUOTE]

But it is on sale.

[quote name='dallow']Way back.


First Killzone 3 trailer.
CG though.[/QUOTE]
Even though that's CG it still makes me excited for the game :D
Ok, I officially hate world/character tendency in Demon's Souls.
Soon, I will slaughter everyone. I promise. Then I'll be a black soul for sure. ^_^
So far enjoying alpha protocol but so far the only real bother is the overall blandness of everything + the lack of a good facial animation system >_<

Makes me appreciate Mass Effect alot more now.

Enjoying it even with its quirks but can't commit to the game till I get back from berlin... I need to do my research before leaving on Wed
[quote name='whoknows']I can't believe you had to play it first to form an opinion on it. :roll:


lol tuche' (spelling?)

at least with Alpha Pee I wanted to see what's up... it's a game that's pretty much middle ground on everything and it's hard to know if anyone would like it till some time is put into it.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Ok, I officially hate world/character tendency in Demon's Souls.
Soon, I will slaughter everyone. I promise. Then I'll be a black soul for sure. ^_^[/QUOTE]

Yeah the way that world tendency is kind of a mystery is kind of obnoxious. Especially for completionists.

I've never seen Fargo. Hmm. :whistle2:k

New Deus Ex 3 trailer is pretty, but ultimately disappointing. Hopefully we'll get some gameplay footage at E3.

Gonna play some more Yakuza 3 today. Kick some more ass.
100 percent done with RDR's single player. Wanted the last thing I did to be something cool, unfortunately I forgot to buy the Gaptooth Ridge map, so that was it. Time played is at 2 days, 10 hours, 44 minutes. (I have no idea how the hell that happened)

Don't know if I'm going to bother with the multiplayer.
Peace Walker is amazing so far. Glad to see Kojima didn't totally lose after that DMC2-style failure with MGS4.
cmon ggt, take the bait
but really, my first 2 hours with PW > my entire playthrough of 4

also, last day to preorder the LE at gamestop. Glad I stopped in there today.
[quote name='ninja dog']Peace Walker is amazing so far. Glad to see Kojima didn't totally lose after that DMC2-style failure with MGS4.
cmon ggt, take the bait
but really, my first 2 hours with PW > my entire playthrough of 4

also, last day to preorder the LE at gamestop. Glad I stopped in there today.[/QUOTE]

This is an interesting view point because the main issue with MGS4 was its outdated mechanics, and the Peace Walker demo didn't exactly feel very cutting edge in terms of MGS gameplay.

I hope to try it out eventually though.
[quote name='panzerfaust']This is an interesting view point because the main issue with MGS4 was its outdated mechanics, and the Peace Walker demo didn't exactly feel very cutting edge in terms of MGS gameplay.

I hope to try it out eventually though.[/QUOTE]

the main problem with MGS4 is that it didn't have any worthwhile stealth gameplay after chapter 2 and became a shitty movie.

I'm not sure what you mean by "cutting edge" but Peace Walker is for fans of MGS3:Subsistence, for sure.
Well, yeah -- that's what I meant by outdated. Waiting for patrols to walk around and proceeding to use some unimpressive stealth moves is so year 2001. If the game wasn't so epic in terms of a finishing story to MGS, then the same old gameplay and unimpressive bosses would of made that game tank.

You have to draw the line between making a game nostalgic, and actually making it good. MGS4 IMO was a just a huge dose of fanservice. It was very well appreciated, but as a video game there wasn't much to it.
I agree about it being one big dose of fanservice, but not about stealth gameplay being 2001 (and like I said, MGS4's problem was not enough stealth.)

I mean, what does the new Splinter Cell game do? Lets you point the camera at 3 guys, "mark them," then automatically throw Sam Fisher at them to automatically take them out with no consequences. It's like the Splinter Cell version of Prince of Persia 2008.

Stealth gameplay almost has to be archaic by nature. Part of being stealthy is sitting around and waiting. There are some rough edges, but I think MGS' rank system provides incentive to actually be stealthy, instead of getting caught then mowing down a million dudes so you can run through the level.
if Peace Walker is for MGS3 fans, then I must play that shit. No PSP though. :cry:

Also agreed about MGS4. If Chapters 1 and 2 were 5x longer, or shit, even 2x longer, it would've been a much better "game" and not so much a "movie".
[quote name='ninja dog']I agree about it being one big dose of fanservice, but not about stealth gameplay being 2001 (and like I said, MGS4's problem was not enough stealth.)

I mean, what does the new Splinter Cell game do? Lets you point the camera at 3 guys, "mark them," then automatically throw Sam Fisher at them to automatically take them out with no consequences. It's like the Splinter Cell version of Prince of Persia 2008.

Stealth gameplay almost has to be archaic by nature. Part of being stealthy is sitting around and waiting. There are some rough edges, but I think MGS' rank system provides incentive to actually be stealthy, instead of getting caught then mowing down a million dudes so you can run through the level.[/QUOTE]

I haven't played the newer Splinter Cells but the ones on the Xbox did a great job of making you feel like a high class spy. Although to be honest, hiding in the shadows was the stupidest concept I've ever heard of, especially for a man that was lit up like a christmas tree. So I'm not giving too much credit to that series.

I agree that stealth gameplay is indeed all about that waiting, as it adds immersion, like that feeling you got when you were a kid playing hide and seek. But for what was supposed to be the "next generation" of Metal Gear Solid, it played like a pretty old game. Sure, it played like the solid stealth games we knew and love, but damn that's all they could do on a PS3? That's what I meant by fanservice. Previous MGS games were exciting because it was like, "OH MAN SURVIVAL IN THE JUNGLE!!!?, NEW CHARACTER AND WTF!!? SWORDS!!?" MGS4 was really tame in comparison.

All of Snake's animations remained largely unchanged. Here you have the most iconic stealth character in gaming and all he can do is choke people out, do the most ridiculous looking melee combo in gaming history, and some hilarious combat roll. What was the big appeal of the gameplay? You never needed to use Octocamo, and the over the shoulder camera was something that should of been there all along. If you stealthed through this game, you have an amazing amount of patience.

But when they let you assemble a silenced sniper rifle after a couple of hours in, it sends a pretty clear message of what's wrong with the game.
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[quote name='ninja dog']I agree about it being one big dose of fanservice, but not about stealth gameplay being 2001 (and like I said, MGS4's problem was not enough stealth.)

I mean, what does the new Splinter Cell game do? Lets you point the camera at 3 guys, "mark them," then automatically throw Sam Fisher at them to automatically take them out with no consequences. It's like the Splinter Cell version of Prince of Persia 2008.

Stealth gameplay almost has to be archaic by nature. Part of being stealthy is sitting around and waiting. There are some rough edges, but I think MGS' rank system provides incentive to actually be stealthy, instead of getting caught then mowing down a million dudes so you can run through the level.[/QUOTE]

I mostly agree with this. Good stealth gameplay is all about strategizing followed by being patient and waiting for the most part. The only thing I disagree with is Splinter Cell Conviction having bad stealth gameplay. Sure you can mark and execute some targets, but you have to earn that by taking someone out stealthily first. The way that most levels worked was that you would have to take out a few guys through stealth in order to have a mark and execute ready for the small group of guys that did not move away from each other. The mark and execute actually provided an incentive to play stealthily in the first place. To me, stealth gameplay is all about not getting caught, so it doesn't matter if you can take out a group of guys at once, as long as the game sets you up to do that correctly.
[quote name='ninja dog']Peace Walker is amazing so far. Glad to see Kojima didn't totally lose after that DMC2-style failure with MGS4.
cmon ggt, take the bait
but really, my first 2 hours with PW > my entire playthrough of 4

also, last day to preorder the LE at gamestop. Glad I stopped in there today.[/QUOTE]

Hmm...? What LE?
bread's done