GGT 255 got boo'd off stage for marvel

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Not counting MMOs, I know I've played FFX for well over 100 hundred hours. I've played both Oblivion and Skyrim for about 150 hours a piece. Shorter games are better for me now, at least until I graduate this winter. 

My most-played game is either Tropico 4 (including DLC and the Modern Times expansion) or... Animal Crossing: Wild World.
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Shorter games are better for me now, at least until I graduate this winter.
Free time improving after graduation is far from a sure thing depending on how life/career pans out. It has as been a vicious cycle of whining about it and it just getting worse for me. :D I'd kill for the free time I had as an undergrad--and back then I bitched about being too busy. :lol:

Then master's program came, and free time was more limited--and I bitched. Then came the Ph D program, and huge jump in work time, and I longed for my Master's program free time. :D

Finished that up in 2009, and have had less free time than every the past four years working as a prof at a research university. Especially lately as I'm in my final year or two of publish or perish pushing for tenure.

I still don't complain as much (as I learned my lesson in past years/life stages!) as I have plenty of friends who are lawyers, doctors etc. logging 80+ hour weeks where as I usually come in around 55-65. A lot of my issue with gaming is after work so much free time is going to errands, running/lifting and time with the girlfriend.

Thankfully I'm never having kids, so that's one big time sink I'll never have to worry about! :D

My most played game this gen is probably Skyrim, over 200 hours with barely any DLC. Also have a bunch of ME1 playthroughts but not sure if they total up to more than Skyrim. Melee is probably my most played game ever though, I sunk a TON of time into it way back when.

Anyway, giving the Witcher 2 one final shot tonight. Got it during GS' $9.99 sale last year and only started it a month or so ago but haven't gotten too far at all, it's not really holding my interest. If I can't find myself engrossed by it tonight off it goes to GS tomorrow for a cool $5 profit.
Free time improving after graduation is far from a sure thing depending on how life/career pans out. It has as been a vicious cycle of whining about it and it just getting worse for me. :D I'd kill for the free time I had as an undergrad--and back then I bitched about being too busy. :lol:

Then master's program came, and free time was more limited--and I bitched. Then came the Ph D program, and huge jump in work time, and I longed for my Master's program free time. :D

Finished that up in 2009, and have had less free time than every the past four years working as a prof at a research university. Especially lately as I'm in my final year or two of publish or perish pushing for tenure.

I still don't complain as much (as I learned my lesson in past years/life stages!) as I have plenty of friends who are lawyers, doctors etc. logging 80+ hour weeks where as I usually come in around 55-65. A lot of my issue with gaming is after work so much free time is going to errands, running/lifting and time with the girlfriend.

Thankfully I'm never having kids, so that's one big time sink I'll never have to worry about! :D
Thankfully my future profession will not keep me busy all the time, but I will certainly have more free time than I do during the semester. I'm at School and then work from 9 AM until 9PM this upcoming semester (my final one). And that won't even factory in my studying and writing.

Thankfully my future profession will not keep me busy all the time, but I will certainly have more free time than I do during the semester. I'm at School and then work from 9 AM until 9PM this upcoming semester (my final one). And that won't even factory in my studying and writing.
Looks like bleach is coming to an end soon :(

Hi, GGT, check out the Civ 5 expansion if you dig Civ 5.  I've confused people in the GGT before with Civ 5 acronyms.  You're gonna dig it when you rush to PP after exploring so you can grab control of the WC and embargo your neighbor.  It's a good feeling, it's up there with the best of the civ thrills.

I guess it was just Crotch that was into civ.  There was somebody else, can't recall who off-hand.  Anyhow, Crotch is off playing Johnny Appleseed.  The canadian version of that.  Jean Pomme-something-or-other.  Semen something.  Jean Pommesemen.  Applejizz?  Works for me.

Thankfully my future profession will not keep me busy all the time, but I will certainly have more free time than I do during the semester. I'm at School and then work from 9 AM until 9PM this upcoming semester (my final one). And that won't even factory in my studying and writing.
That's good.

And to be fair, I was very spoiled as an undergrad. I had a lot of scholarships and my parents had saved for my education and ended up just giving me money for rent etc. since I didn't need much tuition money after the first year. So I only had to work part time (15-20 hours a week) to cover food, beer and hobbies. I also majored in Journalism as an undergrad (started computer sci, switched to Criminology for Masters and Ph D), which wasn't super time intensive school work wise either since I've always been able to write fast.

So going to the MA and Ph D program with much more demanding course work, 20-30 hour (paid, much more many weeks in actuality) research and teaching assistantships was a rude awakening. Career now honestly isn't much worse than my busiest semesters of grad school. And I've got a nice "lull" now since I don't teach summer courses (just focus on research) and am also not teaching any fall semester courses due to research buyouts. Not really working less, but enjoying it more/less stressful as the teaching/dealing with students is my least favorite part of the job, whereas I love the research.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Mass Effect. I played ME2 three times (paragon and renegade on 360, redid paragon on PS3 when I ditched my 360 and lost my saves during that Live hacking debacle). I'd guess that was 90-100 some hours all together. I recall the main 360 one being around 50 (including DLC) and the 2nd and third playthroughs in the 25ish hour range. Only played ME1 and 3 once apiece.

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Looks like bleach is coming to an end soon :(
All good things must come to an end. At least One Piece is still going strong so it doesn't need to end. Naruto needs to just be cancelled at this point. At least Bleach knows when its time has come to an end. Naruto just struggles with accepting that.

That's good.

And to be fair, I was very spoiled as an undergrad. I had a lot of scholarships and my parents had saved for my education and ended up just giving me money for rent etc. since I didn't need much tuition money after the first year. So I only had to work part time (15-20 hours a week) to cover food, beer and hobbies. I also majored in Journalism as an undergrad (started computer sci, switched to Criminology for Masters and Ph D), which wasn't super time intensive school work wise either since I've always been able to write fast.

So going to the MA and Ph D program with much more demanding course work, 20-30 hour (paid, much more many weeks in actuality) research and teaching assistantships was a rude awakening. Career now honestly isn't much worse than my busiest semesters of grad school. And I've got a nice "lull" now since I don't teach summer courses (just focus on research) and am also not teaching any fall semester courses due to research buyouts. Not really working less, but enjoying it more/less stressful as the teaching/dealing with students is my least favorite part of the job, whereas I love the research.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Mass Effect. I played ME2 three times (paragon and renegade on 360, redid paragon on PS3 when I ditched my 360 and lost my saves during that Live hacking debacle). I'd guess that was 90-100 some hours all together. I recall the main 360 one being around 50 (including DLC) and the 2nd and third playthroughs in the 25ish hour range. Only played ME1 and 3 once apiece.

When I was in undergrad (graduated last year) I was usually in class and work (worked 2 jobs, so 30-35 hours a week) from 9 AM to 10 PM. Now that I work full-time, I'm usually home by 5-5:30 but dont even get to the 360 till after 7, and waking up at 5:15 for work usually means I'm in bed early. I swear, it just never ends.

1000 hours into the SFIV series, 1000 into LoL, something similar into both WoW and Counter Strike. Then Diablo 2, Warcraft III, and Tribes 2 are probably up there somewhere, too.

When I was in undergrad (graduated last year) I was usually in class and work (worked 2 jobs, so 30-35 hours a week) from 9 AM to 10 PM. Now that I work full-time, I'm usually home by 5-5:30 but dont even get to the 360 till after 7, and waking up at 5:15 for work usually means I'm in bed early. I swear, it just never ends.
It never does.

Especially not for most who want kids since they eat up pretty much all remaining free time.

Well over a thousand hours in SF4.  I am at a month played on my main in SWTOR and my other two 55s are are weeks played, closing in on a month played.  Easily put in the same amount of time into DotA (old school WC3 trigger map version) back in college.

I work 40 hours a week, with some weeks it gets up to 60+.  Not to mention I wake up everyday at 6am to get my workout in and I train for two hours after work.  Though my weekends are usually pretty damn empty and that is where I spend most of my game time/party time/finding tail time.


My most played games are probably MMOs, but I really haven't played one in a very long time. Of more recent stuff I think my most played is Monster Hunter Tri for the Wii which I had something like 180 hours in, and then League of Legends (not sure how much I have in it, 100+ for sure) and DotA2 which I'm almost at 100 hours of.
you should def play swtor mmo with j-cart, lol . but seriously , the last game closest to an mmo for me was diablo 2. I had my friends dupe gears, and run bot for magicfinding. diablo 3 was a downgrade, just from the sheer max players that can be in a game. they went from 8 to 4. LOL

Contrary to that statement dmaul, I am finding the story and it's wide array of cliches and predictability to be what I dislike the most. If you can tell what is going to happen in the next 20 minutes then something is wrong. However, the characters look good and so do the environments, but really, when you deconstruct it down, it's very ho-hum and "been there, done that" with the survival pandemic genre. Though I will admit, I find the entire setting to be awesome and seeing how the world has degraded into what it is.

I find myself liking the game the most when I can explore neighborhoods and buildings and find stuff out about the old world. It's just there is no not much of that and the huge jumps in time really hinder the experience for me.

Also, if you love the world (and Ellie!) you should definitely check out the The Last of Us comic from Dark Horse. It's pretty good, even if the art is pretty lackluster.

Yah that sums it up more or less for me. The story is cliche as fuck, but goddamn is it ever pretty to look at. And bows. I wish every action game that required sneaking had bows. They are so badass. Anyways I enjoyed Uncharted way more.

In other news, I was able to get SMT IV from GS.

No idea when I will actually play it though...I'm hoping to grind through more of TLoU tonight...

Well over a thousand hours in SF4. I am at a month played on my main in SWTOR and my other two 55s are are weeks played, closing in on a month played. Easily put in the same amount of time into DotA (old school WC3 trigger map version) back in college.

I work 40 hours a week, with some weeks it gets up to 60+. Not to mention I wake up everyday at 6am to get my workout in and I train for two hours after work. Though my weekends are usually pretty damn empty and that is where I spend most of my game time/party time/finding tail time.
i used to play life as a peasant ( custom map on warcraft 3).

Man, I doubt I'll ever play a game for 1000 hours. I put a hundred into Persona 3 and Lost Odyssey. Probably put a ton into Pokemon Yellow as well when I was a kid.

Oh and I played the original Guild Wars a bunch a while back, probably over 100 hours.

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Man, I doubt I'll ever play a game for 1000 hours. I put a hundred into Persona 3 and Lost Odyssey. Probably put a ton into Pokemon Yellow as well when I was a kid.

Oh and I played the original Guild Wars a bunch a while back, probably over 100 hours.
the last/ only pokemon game i ever played was pokemon red. i Remember i would bring my gameboy to school to link it up with my friends/classmates.

I think I clocked over 100 hours with the following games (for certain):

Demon's Souls

Dark Souls

Final Fantasy XIII

I'm sure there are others, though I can't remember -- I know I had almost 85 in RE6.

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All good things must come to an end. At least One Piece is still going strong so it doesn't need to end. Naruto needs to just be cancelled at this point. At least Bleach knows when its time has come to an end. Naruto just struggles with accepting that.
where do it say bleach is going to end? it looks far from ending to me

I think at the age of 23, I've officially hit old man gamer status.

Turned the Witcher 2 down to Easy difficulty tonight.  I just dont have the time to constantly reload fights because I die in one-hit.

I also don't think I'll ever play a game for 1000 hours. My most played would probably be MGS3. Between now and the time it came out I have to have put around 500 hours into it. Most recent game I put a lot of time into is Minecraft, which according to Raptr, I have 136 hours in. I probably have spent around 100 hours with it offline, too. I also spent more than 100 hours in Fallout 3, New Vegas, Dragon Age Origins, and Skyrim. Skyrim alone was probably somewhere around the 180 mark.

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I think at the age of 23, I've officially hit old man gamer status.

Turned the Witcher 2 down to Easy difficulty tonight. I just dont have the time to constantly reload fights because I die in one-hit.
i have been playing games on easy mode for a long time, i never understood guys playing game on the higher difficulty. what are they trying to prove? that they are the worlds greatest/best gamer? it is not like you are going to win some kind of award/ prize money for that.

i have been playing games on easy mode for a long time, i never understood guys playing game on the higher difficulty. what are they trying to prove? that they are the worlds greatest/best gamer? it is not like you are going to win some kind of award/ prize money for that.
This would be a good whoknows post.

Many games simply play better on harder difficulty these days, since the default Normal is more accommodating to new gamers. It's not really about challenge more than it is about making the game more engaging. 'Hard' isn't hard on Tomb Raider, but it does make you move from cover more frequently, for example. I just think that sort of thing makes a game more enjoyable. 

Many games simply play better on harder difficulty these days, since the default Normal is more accommodating to new gamers. It's not really about challenge more than it is about making the game more engaging. 'Hard' isn't hard on Tomb Raider, but it does make you move from cover more frequently, for example. I just think that sort of thing makes a game more enjoyable.
i hate dying in games, and impatient. so starting over from checkpoints after death, Especially with the checkpoint in some games nowadays, it just becomes pita having to start all over again.

I think at the age of 23, I've officially hit old man gamer status.

Turned the Witcher 2 down to Easy difficulty tonight. I just dont have the time to constantly reload fights because I die in one-hit.
I hit that point more in late 20s. No qualms turning down the difficulty in certain games--especially WRPGS since I'm mainly playing for the story, questing and exploring rather than the combat/challenge.

And yay, just got a SMT IV Club Nintendo code from another CAG for $15. So now I can get Fire Emblem and get that $30 credit. Really been wanting to pick up FE, but just no interest in SMTIV. Good time to jump when it's $55 to get FE and a $30 credit. Plus the 50 coins of course (and I'd assume 10 more for a post-play survey). Maybe less than $55 if FE happens to get a sell below $30 over the next month (promo runs through end of August, so I don't have to buy it right away).

I'll definitely play that on the easier mode where characters can't perma-die, and probably use some of the e-shop credit for the DLC as I read that helps power up your party a lot.

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I usually play on the default, but if that's too squirrelly, I have no shame in dialing that down.

Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are actually not as difficult as people make them out to be.  If you go into each area prepared, and have patience and some amount of skill, you will progress just like any other game.  The game only "punishes" sloppy or rushed play.

the civ series looks complicated, i get a headache just looking at the gameplay video on youtube of the game.

Civ 5 is much easy to get into than Civ 3 or 4. It is a lot of fun, there is just really no such thing a "one more move before sleep".

I think I clocked over 100 hours with the following games (for certain):

Demon's Souls

Dark Souls

Final Fantasy XIII

I'm sure there are others, though I can't remember -- I know I had almost 85 in RE6.
Sounds about the same hours for me on those games. Though I know I put over 250 hours into Demon's Souls and around 150 in Dark Souls.

you must hate/ like to torture youself. if you played through/beaten both demon, and dark souls.
You must just suck at video games :D

I think at the age of 23, I've officially hit old man gamer status.

Turned the Witcher 2 down to Easy difficulty tonight. I just dont have the time to constantly reload fights because I die in one-hit.
Happens, then again I always play my games on hard first.

I also don't think I'll ever play a game for 1000 hours. My most played would probably be MGS3. Between now and the time it came out I have to have put around 500 hours into it. Most recent game I put a lot of time into is Minecraft, which according to Raptr, I have 136 hours in. I probably have spent around 100 hours with it offline, too. I also spent more than 100 hours in Fallout 3, New Vegas, Dragon Age Origins, and Skyrim. Skyrim alone was probably somewhere around the 180 mark.
I have easily put over 300 hours of my own time into MGS3. Then there was a point where all I did for 6 weeks straight was to obtain the Fox Hound rank everyday and I totally got paid for my time :D

i hate dying in games, and impatient. so starting over from checkpoints after death, Especially with the checkpoint in some games nowadays, it just becomes pita having to start all over again.

You would have hated games from the late nineties.

i hate dying in games, and impatient. so starting over from checkpoints after death, Especially with the checkpoint in some games nowadays, it just becomes pita having to start all over again.
Same for me. I want to veg out and relax, and mainly play games for the story, setting, exploring the world etc. I'm not big on the combat, don't like much challenge (a little is fine), and have no patience for dying a lot and doing even small sections over and over.

That's part of why I've got 104 hours in Animal Crossing over the past month and a half or whatever. It doesn't get more relaxing or frustration free than that.

Yeah if you have any sort of patience the Souls games are pretty straightforward.
Yeah patience is definitely not one of my virtues. :lol:

And I have zero interest in hobbies that require patience since I have to fake it so much at work! :D

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Same for me. I want to veg out and relax, and mainly play games for the story, setting, exploring the world etc. I'm not big on the combat, don't like much challenge (a little is fine), and have no patience for dying a lot and doing even small sections over and over.

That's part of why I've got 104 hours in Animal Crossing over the past month and a half or whatever. It doesn't get more relaxing or frustration free than that.
but animal crossing looks really like a kiddie game, or casual family game similar to farmville. I could not get into it, it also reminds me of sim. I dislike the sims.

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I think I clocked over 100 hours with the following games (for certain):
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
Final Fantasy XIII

I'm sure there are others, though I can't remember -- I know I had almost 85 in RE6.
The two I listed before I put around 400 hours each into! For my 100+ game list, these would have to be added:
- Disgaea DS
- Dragon Quest IX
- Final Fantasy Tactics A2
- Persona 3 FES
- Tropico 3

Those are just the ones I know for sure I've logged more than 100 hours into; there might be a few others.

Same for me. I want to veg out and relax, and mainly play games for the story, setting, exploring the world etc. I'm not big on the combat, don't like much challenge (a little is fine), and have no patience for dying a lot and doing even small sections over and over.
For me, it depends on the type of game it is. For example, if it's a roguelike, I always avoid easy difficulty settings and prefer having permadeath turned on when given the choice. On the flipside, I play many action games (most Capcom/Clover/Platinum ones in particular) on easy, since I'm in it more for fun rather than challenge.
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I never really turn down the difficulty, but I never turn it up on the first PT. Some games, like DmC and the ME/DA series, I will often turn up on my second (and subsequent) PTs to enjoy the games with more of a challenge. 

I think at the age of 23, I've officially hit old man gamer status.

Turned the Witcher 2 down to Easy difficulty tonight. I just dont have the time to constantly reload fights because I die in one-hit.
Whippersnapper. Also I really felt Witcher 2 never hit that sweet spot of just right challenge for me, On easy it was brainless and boring. I played until on normal until that first fight with Letho and he was just massively cheap and impossible, then I switched to easy and it was oddly enough too easy as he basically stood there while I hit him til the fight was over.

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The two I listed before I put around 400 hours each into! For my 100+ game list, these would have to be added:
- Disgaea DS
- Dragon Quest IX
- Final Fantasy Tactics A2
- Persona 3 FES
- Tropico 3

Those are just the ones I know for sure I've logged more than 100 hours into; there might be a few others.

For me, it depends on the type of game it is. For example, if it's a roguelike, I always avoid easy difficulty settings and prefer having permadeath turned on when given the choice. On the flipside, I play many action games (most Capcom/Clover/Platinum ones in particular) on easy, since I'm in it more for fun rather than challenge.
are the disgaea series hard? all i know is it is is like board/grid turn based game.

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Oh man, I spaced on games like MGS3 and Vagrant Story. I've cleared Snake Eater of shit to do four times now. Vagrant Story even more. I shudder to think how much time I've lost during my no-responsibility SNES/PSOne days.

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but animal crossing looks really like a kiddie game, or casual family game similar to farmville. I could not get into it, it also reminds me of sim. I dislike the sims.
It's a hard game to explain the appeal of. It's the first I played in the series as I always thought it looked dumb. Also never played Harvest Moon, Farmville or that stuff. I did try the Sims (on PS2 I think) and didn't like it. That's way more complicated than AC, and gets frustrating micromanaging shit.

AC is just great to veg out in fishing, catching bugs etc. to earn money and gradually expand your house. Check the stores each day to see what new furniture and outfits you can get, work on collecting fossils, catching the bugs and fish in various seasons to complete the museum collections, checking out friends towns, trading items with friends to help each other complete collections etc.

Definitely not for everyone, but addictive as hell if you get sucked into collecting things, customizing things etc.

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I have wide enough interests where I'll just switch to a different game if I feel like just relaxing, versus changing the difficulty.  

I rarely find higher difficulty fun since making it harder doesn't necessarily involve making the player use skill to resolve their situation.

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