GGT 255 got boo'd off stage for marvel

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Haha, I might. I do have 100 points expiring at the end of the month, I think. So if you want Donkey Kong or whatever the hell the other game is, I'll grab it and send you the code, bro.
Whoa! I was kinda being sarcastic and didn't expect you to say that at all lol! I already have Donkey Kong so I'm good on that front, thanks for the offer though! Maybe someone else here will want it or something :O

Actually it kinda is probably cost $25 to make a phoenix wright game why waste money on the plastic box and manual.
I think almost all handheld games have only digital manuals now, the only paper in the package is registration stuff and/or DLC/Activation codes.

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My friend just told me he's never beaten a Devil May Cry title and I'm losing my mind.
Good, send him a copy of DmC. He's their target audience.

Phoenix Wright 5 is digital only sometime in the next 3 months.
No thanks. Another game they'd have to pay me a lot of money to even put on my system. :rofl:


Are you guys Skyping lately? I know Mikey's probably still AWOL and Hank's been super busy.
I'm just trying to figure out if I should bother trying to install the linux version of Skype...
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Are you guys Skyping lately? I know Mikey's probably still AWOL and Hank's been super busy.
I'm just trying to figure out if I should bother trying to install the linux version of Skype...
I haven't Skyped in a while. I miss you all a lot. I've also been crazy busy, but I'd love to make some time for some fighting games! Especially some Tekken now that I've been upping my game as King! Or MK. Gotta keep my Kratos awesomeness going.

You want Donkey Kong or that cloud game for your 3DS, Frosty? I gotta spend some coiiiins.

I haven't Skyped in a while. I miss you all a lot. I've also been crazy busy, but I'd love to make some time for some fighting games! Especially some Tekken now that I've been upping my game as King! Or MK. Gotta keep my Kratos awesomeness going.

You want Donkey Kong or that cloud game for your 3DS, Frosty? I gotta spend some coiiiins.
I grabbed DK when the promo for the month went live -- and I don't really have interest in the cloud game. But thanks, man!

I got an e-mail from Club Nintendo today thanking me for registering SMT IV and telling me to expect my $30 Eshop credit soon since I already registered Fire Emblem.

I have neither of these games or a 3DS anymore. I don't know what they're talking about.

Give the credit to me. ^_^

Wait, free eshop credit? I want some free eshop credit, it's the only way I'll ever buy anything off of it.
Not eshop credit, but I will definitely give that away if they do send it to me for some reason.

I mean, I'll take DK if you're giving it away. I pretty much live on my 3DS and Vita now.
Sweetness, I'll PM it to you in a minute, mang.

What's a cloud game?

Like a game on the cloud?

Give the credit to me. ^_^
Again, not giving away the credit since I don't have it yet (or even think I'll get it). Pretty sure it was a mistake email like Josh's, but if it isn't you guys can be sure I'll give it to an awesome GGTer.

I already grabbed DK but just a heads up it's awesome. I played it back in the day. Probably not what you'd expect from Donkey Kong.

Again, not giving away the credit since I don't have it yet (or even think I'll get it). Pretty sure it was a mistake email like Josh's, but if it isn't you guys can be sure I'll give it to an awesome GGTer.

Ok I'll just accept your coins then. ^_^

On a serious note though...going to try and grab SMT IV later today. Provided GS gives me enough credit to make it worth my while.

I already grabbed DK but just a heads up it's awesome. I played it back in the day. Probably not what you'd expect from Donkey Kong.
I'm pretty sure everyone in the GGT is aware of the origins of Donkey Kong. I mean, since Cheddahz got disappeared we're all kind of old.

Oh, I guess we're just sharing out special secret messages with everybody now.

Whatever, Dot.

Are you guys Skyping lately? I know Mikey's probably still AWOL and Hank's been super busy.
I'm just trying to figure out if I should bother trying to install the linux version of Skype...
I've given up.

According to Zeki, most of the people who used to Skype hated Skyping anyways.

By most people, I mean Uraizen.

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I love Skyping with you all. I wish I could do it all the time. I miss shooting the shit.

I especially miss hitting on Josh's fox of a mom.

Would like to get the $30 eshop credit and have been wanting to pick up Fire Emblem (though no idea when I'd find time to play it).  No interest in SMTIV though, not big into JRPGs, especially hard ones and from what I've read it's a pretty tough one.

Got another hour or so into Last of Us last night--hoped to play more but was late when I got done with work.  Just under 15 hours into it and still loving it.  Not sure why some find it tedious.  Only a couple spots I've died more than a couple of times--though maybe people complaining are playing on higher difficulties. Pretty easy most of the time to sneak around and just take out enemies quietly and often just avoid the big ones--got through an area with 4 or 5 clickers and a bloater last night by sneaking and shiving the clickers and avoiding the bloater noticing me altogether.

Right now it's definitely up there on my favorite game of the generation list depending on how the rest of it plays out.  But I love the combat, the sneaking around etc.  I love the slow parts where there are no enemies and its just explore looking for supplies, taking in the amazing graphics and all the details in the environments, getting tidbits of story from Elle chatting, finding notes, diaries etc.  Just a very engrossing experience.  And kind of glad I've been busy and forced to take my time and enjoy it in a bunch of sessions rather than blowing through it in a weekend or whatever.  

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Yeah SMT sounds like a lot of emo.  I dunno if I'm ready for that, but then again I am forcing myself to finish TLoU, so maybe I like punishment.

Plus, Atlus always got dat schwag.

I want to see Josh's mom.  I'm down for some MILFs.

I'm trying to make more headway in TLoU as well, and yeah, I'm forcing myself to do it as well. It's a good game, but that is all I can honestly say about it after 11 hours. Nowhere near the level some people make it out to be.

However, Dust: An Elysian Tail and Theatrhythm are both awesome. 

I watched my roommate play some of Dust: An Elysian Tail, I actually wasn't that impressed, it seemed like the combat was very boring with just tons of the same enemies thrown at you in swarms, and then you got to that city and everyone was giving you quests after really long dialog sections. I still decided to get it on Steam, but the game didn't totally wow me with the couple hours of it I watched.
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It's pretty fun, but it does have a ton of quests, but the platforming is nice in certain areas. The combat is very dependent on the enemies, but it's pretty simple. I mean, shit, what do you expect from 7-15 bucks? It's fully voiced, though the quality of the voice work is pretty suspect. I just wish there were more bosses. Like 6 hours into the game and I've only fought one true boss. 

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The fact that game was created by just one guy (not counting the audio producers) is an amazing feat.

Okay, I broke down and bought Dark Souls. Why the heck is this happening? 

I'm pretty sure everyone in the GGT is aware of the origins of Donkey Kong. I mean, since Cheddahz got disappeared we're all kind of old.
Lol, I'm old too but I was talking about the Gameboy Donkey Kong game specifically. It starts out like old school Donkey Kong and then turns into a new game. Back in the day it was like oh what's this?

I didn't want TLOU to end still deciding if I want to let it be and trade it in or hold on to it, now I'm on to Uncharted 2. A little backwards but backlog stops for no one. If only all my time posting could be spent gaming. :)

Dust is awesome.

I've already talked about it before, so you can look back through the GGTs and find my opinions if you want them.

I'm trying to make more headway in TLoU as well, and yeah, I'm forcing myself to do it as well. It's a good game, but that is all I can honestly say about it after 11 hours. Nowhere near the level some people make it out to be.
I'm starting to gather that TLoU is one of those game that really blows away more casual gamers like me who are more about the story, environment, exploration, graphics etc. than the gameplay mechanics, challenge/skill requirements etc..

Maybe that's off base, but the threads I see people underwhelmed buy it around the net tend to be ones like this where there's a lot more hardcore gamers who play a lot more gameplay/skill focused games like fighters, action games etc. than stuff like this or Uncharted 2 or Gears etc.

Or maybe just it's a too each their own thing like every game, and that's just coincidental. *shrugs*

Contrary to that statement dmaul, I am finding the story and it's wide array of cliches and predictability to be what I dislike the most. If you can tell what is going to happen in the next 20 minutes then something is wrong. However, the characters look good and so do the environments, but really, when you deconstruct it down, it's very ho-hum and "been there, done that" with the survival pandemic genre. Though I will admit, I find the entire setting to be awesome and seeing how the world has degraded into what it is. 

I find myself liking the game the most when I can explore neighborhoods and buildings and find stuff out about the old world. It's just there is no not much of that and the huge jumps in time really hinder the experience for me. 

Also, if you love the world (and Ellie!) you should definitely check out the The Last of Us comic from Dark Horse. It's pretty good, even if the art is pretty lackluster. 

Fair enough.  I love zombie/post apocalyptic stuff so the setting and story are great for me, even if cliche for the genre.

I'll definitely check out the comic.  Looks like there's a trade paper back collecting them coming this fall, so I'll wait for that.

Wow, just checked the 3DS activity log and see I'm at 104 hours into AC: New Leaf. :lol:

Definitely will end up being my most played game ever as I think the only others I have over 100 hours in are a couple of the CoD games (4 and Black Ops) where I probably hit 150ish between MP and single player.

To be fair, 5-10 hours of that is my g/f playing as she'll help catch beetles on the island or redecorate my house etc. some times. :D

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I love Skyping with you all. I wish I could do it all the time. I miss shooting the shit.

I especially miss hitting on Josh's fox of a mom.

I especially miss hitting on Josh.

I miss his voice.

It was my favorite.

I miss skyping with all of you guys too! One of these days we need to find a time/day where we can all plan to hop on for a bit again. I've been pretty busy lately though with a variety of things, and I'm moving in a few weeks (within the same general area), but after that things should slow down a bit hopefully and I'll be able to hop on skype occasionally.

Wow, just checked the 3DS activity log and see I'm at 104 hours into AC: New Leaf. :lol:

Definitely will end up being my most played game ever as I think the only others I have over 100 hours in are a couple of the CoD games (4 and Black Ops) where I probably hit 150ish between MP and single player.

To be fair, 5-10 hours of that is my g/f playing as she'll help catch beetles on the island or redecorate my house etc. some times. :D
Man, I'm afraid to check my log now. And oddly enough my other most played game is probably COD4 as well.

Are you guys Skyping lately? I know Mikey's probably still AWOL and Hank's been super busy.
I'm just trying to figure out if I should bother trying to install the linux version of Skype...
I wanted to Skype with Indignate a couple nights ago but he was too busy playing games with other people.

My most played games are probably MMOs, but I really haven't played one in a very long time. Of more recent stuff I think my most played is Monster Hunter Tri for the Wii which I had something like 180 hours in, and then League of Legends (not sure how much I have in it, 100+ for sure) and DotA2 which I'm almost at 100 hours of.
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Yeah, I've never played MMOs.  Only things I have over 100 hours are the couple CoD games and AC: New Leaf.  Maybe Halo Reach as well.  Think that was just in the 80s.  Borderlands 2 I think I'm in the 70 or 80 hour range.

Even the stuff like Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim I was all in the 60-80 hour range even with DLC as I just played once, turned down difficulty and only did major side quests (faction/guild ones, ones with achievements attached etc.

Games in the 6-20 hour range are the best fit for me these days as anything longer usually takes me months to work through.

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