GGT 262 Declares M$ Biggest Losers 2013

I love you for this.

This is so damn awesome. So does that mean we are getting a new story mode? If so, that's somewhat disappointing. I was hoping they'd make it a traditional Persona game. Something like P2: Eternal Punishment.

Yukari <3

Grats on the Vitas, whoknows. ^_^

Just came back from watching Kick-Ass 2. Ton of violence and action. Overall, it wasn't bad. Of course, I haven't read the comic so I can't really compare the two unfortunately.

One of these belongs to Leda.

Can I tag GhostShark in this post so I can make sure he sees it?


Hmmm, all of my AWD deals went through, all of the ones that were sitting on Not yet shipped changed to otherwise shipped or shipping now, will be getting a fair amount of packages the next few days, gonna be a fun time.

So uh jobs is at 20% and kick ass 2 at 28%, holy fuck.

Elysium this week it is.
They are both at 42 on MetaCritic, granted Saints Row 4 is at an 86 so it's still better than both of those things combined :D

Eh? I could grab this baby on the way home, which is appealing. I get impatient with this shit.
Yeah man, that one would work fine!

Hey, speaking of asking about stuff, anyone here know a good deal on some rechargeable batteries with a dock? I'm looking at getting these and was wondering if any of you knew something better I should get instead, not really looking to spend more then around that $20 range right now though

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I wouldn't put too much stock in the wording just yet. Is Arc though, so probably. Who knows. I just hope it's more of a "buff everyone else" than "nerf a few characters" kind of endeavor.

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So it looks like characters have different amount of persona cards now.

In those videos Elizabeth has seven and Akihiko has two.

...I'm going to have to go read up on all these changes now.

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They're going to eliminate Naoto's loop and not do enough to buff her and she's going to go back to bottom tier because of it, I can just feel it.

I'm fine with that doe.

I love the dem bottom rungs.

They try harder, you know?

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You know how they had that DLC that added glasses?

I hope they have something that makes them take off their shoes.

It's Japan, that's what they do there.

I wouldn't put too much stock in the wording just yet. Is Arc though, so probably. Who knows. I just hope it's more of a "buff everyone else" than "nerf a few characters" kind of endeavor.
If BB and GG+R is anything to go by, they've learned their lesson and know people love it when each character has their own broken shit.

What happened to evanescence doe? She was the first scene girl and then everyone copied her.

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bread's done