GGT 263 Is Going Thug Lyfe With FFXIV, Let The True Color Drip!

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I tried a round of that Killzone Vita beta, I wasn't 100% sure what was going on but I went 25-11 and hacked a few of those pods along with doing the interrogation a couple of times to get the enemies on the map, my team won by a lot as well, I have to get used to running using the rear touchpad though, the controls say you can use O when you are moving but it just makes me slide :/

Eh, I think I like The Bureau enough to pick it on the cheap, like when it hits $20. The combat is fun, but AI is pretty clueless on both ends (look at the outsider staring at a wall doing nothing while I shoot him!) and the dialogue wheel is completely pointless along with it not being too good looking. Granted Enemy Unknown isn't too pretty either but it obviously makes up for that in excellent if punishing as hell gameplay (or I just really suck at it, which is probably the case).

Played more of The Walking Dead Episode 2 yesterday.  So far this episode
Things are kind of fucked up. Glad Larry is dead.  I've had Kenny's back all game but he was acting like a dick in episode 2

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I tried a round of that Killzone Vita beta, I wasn't 100% sure what was going on but I went 25-11 and hacked a few of those pods along with doing the interrogation a couple of times to get the enemies on the map, my team won by a lot as well, I have to get used to running using the rear touchpad though, the controls say you can use O when you are moving but it just makes me slide :/
So you'd rather play killzone beta then co-op with me? its whatever

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i am more surprise they actually released the xcom bureau declassified. I remember reading numerous reports that the game was either cancelled, or postponed/ hiatus.
It should have stayed cancelled. The character models look great but explosions and blood look so bad like almost like they made it look bad on purpose.

The Bureau rite?

Mass Effect is kinda shitty so that explains why XCom is as well if they look alike.

xcom bureau, is basically mass effect in bioshock infinite color theme/style.

Bioshock Infinite is also kinda shitty.
it was alright

Guys, remember in the last handful of threads how Whoknows was only posting like 6 or 7 times per?

I remember.

Eh, I think I like The Bureau enough to pick it on the cheap, like when it hits $20. The combat is fun, but AI is pretty clueless on both ends (look at the outsider staring at a wall doing nothing while I shoot him!) and the dialogue wheel is completely pointless along with it not being too good looking. Granted Enemy Unknown isn't too pretty either but it obviously makes up for that in excellent if punishing as hell gameplay (or I just really suck at it, which is probably the case).



Arf Arf.



I tried a round of that Killzone Vita beta, I wasn't 100% sure what was going on but I went 25-11 and hacked a few of those pods along with doing the interrogation a couple of times to get the enemies on the map, my team won by a lot as well, I have to get used to running using the rear touchpad though, the controls say you can use O when you are moving but it just makes me slide :/
So you'd rather play killzone beta then co-op with me? its whatever

Did you guys see the new odd pricing MS is doing? They're adding 4 MSP to everything it seems so instead of 800 its 804

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Damn just finished superior spiderman this has to be the best comic out right now.

Did you read it yet joel? Is that a new costume on the very last page?
I agree. Definitely the best book out there right now.

The design is all new, but the Goblin Knight name has been used a couple of times before (back in the 90's). I liked this issue a lot. I'm even more excited for the next issue, since 2099 will finally be around.

Hmmm, Symphony of the Goddesses: The Second Quest is appearing near me in November, looks like I might be going back for round 2! Has some new music and images I guess, prices aren't that bad either!

I agree. Definitely the best book out there right now.

The design is all new, but the Goblin Knight name has been used a couple of times before (back in the 90's). I liked this issue a lot. I'm even more excited for the next issue, since 2099 will finally be around.
No not the goblin knight the uh preview for #17. It looks like spiderman on a statue with someone under neath but the design is totally different its not even a spider on the chest

No not the goblin knight the uh preview for #17. It looks like spiderman on a statue with someone under neath but the design is totally different its not even a spider on the chest
Oh, that's Spider-Man 2099. Superior Spidey is the one under the statue.

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So like everybody is gonna be meeting the new spider man soon. Venom is soon,scarlett spider is currently fighting with him in his comic and now spiderman 2099

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Damn forgot about that guy. Wasn't that like he got sucked into a warm hole or something? I had that shiny comic when I was a kid I hope isn't worth much cause I lost it.

its worth shit glad I lost it
Nah, he just went back home to 2099. It'll be interesting to see what they do with him, since the last couple of times we saw him they did major retcon shit with him.

So like everybody is gonna be meeting the new spider man soon. Venom is soon,scarlett spider is currently fighting with him in his comic and now spiderman 2099
Yeah, they have to make sure they get Superior out there in all his spin-off books.

oh yeah dead space 3 was back in stock in the morning don't know if you got in on that
Gah, it got taken out of cart when I tried to checkout. Oh, well... $4.29 was a damn good price, too.

Just do what I do and rent it and then buy it assuming you have an account still. I don't feel like reading up on spiderman 2099 I got too much shit to read still.

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Hmmm, Symphony of the Goddesses: The Second Quest is appearing near me in November, looks like I might be going back for round 2! Has some new music and images I guess, prices aren't that bad either!
That's cool. I went to the Symphony of the Goddesses in Baltimore last month and it was sweet. Not sure if that's considered Second Quest or not.

That's cool. I went to the Symphony of the Goddesses in Baltimore last month and it was sweet. Not sure if that's considered Second Quest or not.
Just looked it up and it looks like that was a "First Quest" showing, I guess the places it's going to for a second time are getting the Second Quest while they are still playing the First Quest this year in places they didn't go last year, the site says that 50% of the images and songs are different for each version, so then I saw the one you did last year, it really was amazing. I'll probably go again since that's a good amount of new stuff and it's close to me anyway.

Just do what I do and rent it and then buy it assuming you have an account still. I don't feel like reading up on spiderman 2099 I got too much shit to read still.
I'm already renting Saints Row IV, so I don't want to send it back or go up to a two game at a time plan. I figured, but you really should read him eventually. He has some amazing stories. Best part of the 2099 universe.

The one day I can have my friends over for a game night and my buddy has a family dinner.  doe!

I keep forgetting to download the KZ Beta!

And the FFXIV beta.

All the beta.

I wish Symphony of the Goddesses came back to DFW. The first time they were here, it was pretty awesome. The second time it was held outside so I decided to skip it because it was like 95 degrees that day in October.

Curse all this Spider-Mang talk. I don't really like the character and the only Spidey book I read is Superior Foes. 

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So like everybody is gonna be meeting the new spider man soon. Venom is soon,scarlett spider is currently fighting with him in his comic and now spiderman 2099
What issue of Scarlet Spider does Superior Spidey start to show up in?

Finally got some play time in with MGS3.
I got up to the dude with bees (boss fight).
It's kind of strange for a MGS game to me so far it seems very linear. I don't mind really just seems different for the series.

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I can see what he's getting at. In 3 its pretty much a straight shot towards  the end. 2 made you walk in circles and 1 you had to back track a couple of times.

4 was pretty much a straight shot too you can really tell kojima got lazy.

Whatever I'm doing the skyrim mission with laura bailey vampire girl. I keep asking her questions I can hardly tell its her voice.

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It's cuz you said you could hardly tell it's her voice so I'm wondering if that's cuz the volume is too low or if your tv is just straight up muted.

Maybe you were playing with the tv muted cuz you were talking to your gf on the phone.

oh wait...

Which part made you say oh wait? The g/f part or the phone part? Come on dawg don't embarrass me in front of joel.

You getting lost planet 3 next week? Co-op with me? Thanks man.

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Oh shit she's an olsen sister. I was wondering what you guys were talking about.

She's also in the new godzilla movie. Remember when whoknows liked godzilla?

It's okay. We get two shots are a good Scarlet and Quicksliver.

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Which part made you say oh wait? The g/f part or the phone part? Come on dawg don't embarrass me in front of joel.

You getting lost planet 3 next week? Co-op with me? Thanks man.
i am considering getting getting lost planet 3, but i will wait to see if the games i am planning to trade into gamestop holds up their value. I did not get a chance to trade those games in earlier this week, because of the heavy rain, and storm. The fact, i hate bring tons of games in a bag, and getting it all soaked.

I just went to Walmart for the first time in god knows how long on purpose. I sometimes go with friends, but I never go there under my own free will. After getting home, what the fuck was I thinking?

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