GGT 264 Goes Kawaii Desu Desu Over Miku

Why can't I marry serena? So racist a werewolf and a vampire can't be together.
Yeah I wish I could switch now also but even if you're not married before hand she won't do it because fear of churches. Such a waste by Bethesda to make the most powerful follower in the game unmarriable.

Yeah I wish I could switch now also but even if you're not married before hand she won't do it because fear of churches. Such a waste by Bethesda to make the most powerful follower in the game unmarriable.
I don't care about her power I only want to marry her voice

Reading over the Target Wind Waker bundle rumors, the insider source claimed the sku had a $349.99 price.

Well fucking shit. Head Up Their Ass Nintendo still reigns over their loser kindgdom, not Smart Nintendo.
Yeah if I wanted a WiiU that's the bundle I would want, but there's no chance in hell those will be around when the WiiU drops to a reasonable price as Zelda fanboys will buy the limited supply of those up for full price.

I don't care about her power I only want to marry her voice
Yeah that too. Dumped Aela at home once I got Serana and now the game acts like Aela and I aren't married. FYI you can't feed on your spouse while they're sleeping or they will ALWAYS detect you and go aggro.

So what's the craziest/weirdest thing anyone did to fund a system purchase? I got my used white Vita this month by selling Yugioh season 3 DVD set on Amazon for $200.

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Is there anything special about the Zelda Wii U or is it just a normal console that comes with Zelda?
The Gamepad has the same paint scheme as the Zelda 3DS from Christmas 2011.
What the fuck. Don't people know what torrents are?

Its a wii u with zelda with it. Pretty awesome deal
It's out of print and no confirmation of it being reprinted yet like Funimation is doing with season 1 and 2 this fall. Myself and someone else posted ours at the same time and had a price war until both of ours sold for $200 and now the people/sites that have had their sets up for over a year at $280 and never budged are still sitting unsold.

People want to own stuff I guess. Had I know its value I could have sold season 1 for nearly the same amount but still got $60 for it.

Also sold an original print Yu Yu Hakusho box set for $50 last week also. You can buy the unedited set for 1/2 of that price right now, even on Blu-Ray.
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The Gamepad has the same paint scheme as the Zelda 3DS from Christmas 2011.

It's out of print and no confirmation of it being reprinted yet like Funimation is doing with season 1 and 2 this fall. Myself and someone else posted ours at the same time and had a price war until both of ours sold for $200 and now the people/sites that have had their sets up for over a year at $280 and never budged are still sitting unsold.

People want to own stuff I guess. Had I know its value I could have sold season 1 for nearly the same amount but still got $60 for it.

Also sold a Yu Yu Hakusho box set for $50 last week also. You can buy the unedited set for 1/2 of that price right now.
Yugioh wasn't even that good of a show after they beat pegasus it sucked.

That chick with the asian dude is a crazy bitch and all of her costumes suck. That dude who does steampunk everything has a good storm trooper but his first one sucked

Yugioh wasn't even that good of a show after they beat pegasus it sucked.
Yeah but the card game is still hot, in a dogfight with Pokemon to be the No. 2 card game in the US again next to Magic's No. 1. That's what's driving the demand I guess.

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Yeah but the card game is still hot, in a dogfight with Pokemon to be the No. 2 card game in the US again next to Magic's No. 1. That's what's driving the demand I guess.
You ever see those videos on youtube ''worlds most serious yugio dueler?''

he has more videos on youtube

  the night classes sucked? or online classes
The morning ones haha, I'm always up at night so the night classes were awesome, plus you always get adjunct teachers and they are usually less strict and more fun :p

The online classes were nice cause I could do them whenever I wanted :D

That YuGiOh player is cool. I imagine playing with him would be better than playing with Lux cuz that dude explains everything that he's doing.

Lux just puts cards down and takes away my life points for no reason.

VERY excited for Killer is Dead, so excited in fact I made a video for it:


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VERY excited for Killer is Dead, so excited in fact I made a video for it:

I would tone down that excitement if i was u. Game has sold poorly in Japan and I watched gameplay of it and it looks very generic and boring. RIP Suda 51(2004-2013)


Gaizz, Miley killed it yo

I want to pick up the disc version of Super Luigi U before Nintendo stops selling it.  I dunno if I would wait for a NSMB U/Luigi U GOTY Edition since NSMB U is for casuals.

I am tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired.

School in the morning. It's still pretty hot though so feet. Winter is going to be booooooooooring. GUNNM Dawg knows what I mean.

Star Trek 2 was pretty good. I think I like the first one more, maybe. Benedict Cumberbatch was too stoic for me I think. Not sure how much that relates to the original character though. Eric Bana had all that emotion in the last movie. Such a great actor. He should be Batman too.

My cousin and I are going through Leon's campaign right now. We just fought the dinosaur. I'm playing as Laura Bailey, of course.

That YuGiOh player is cool. I imagine playing with him would be better than playing with Lux cuz that dude explains everything that he's doing.

Lux just puts cards down and takes away my life points for no reason.
You're the one that was all like, "Blah blah heart of the cards."

VERY excited for Killer is Dead, so excited in fact I made a video for it:
Looking forward to it. Hope it's fun.

It's so early. Maybe I should stop taking early classes.

My cousin and I are going through Leon's campaign right now. We just fought the dinosaur. I'm playing as Laura Bailey, of course.
Be honest if you ddn't IMDB it would you have known it was laura bailey? dat range doe

School in the morning. It's still pretty hot though so feet. Winter is going to be booooooooooring. GUNNM Dawg knows what I mean.
Hard to see peoples feet in ugh boots dawg

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Damn I've had gamefly for over a year this is the first time they've ever fucked me like this. Didn't send me SRIV,splinter cell and now killer is dead and lost planet 3 is on low.

You're the one that was all like, "Blah blah heart of the cards."

Looking forward to it. Hope it's fun.

It's so early. Maybe I should stop taking early classes.
Go do what all casual kids did when I went to college and play cvs2 in the arcade room

I want to pick up the disc version of Super Luigi U before Nintendo stops selling it. I dunno if I would wait for a NSMB U/Luigi U GOTY Edition since NSMB U is for casuals.
Are you assuming that or have you played it? I ask because I thought both NSMB Wii and NSMBU were actually kinda tough, especially in the later worlds (and very much so if you go for the 3 big coins).

Are you assuming that or have you played it? I ask because I thought both NSMB Wii and NSMBU were actually kinda tough, especially in the later worlds (and very much so if you go for the 3 big coins).
I agree with this, NSMBU can get pretty challenging if you go for all the coins/no deaths.

You guys should have seen how salty I made some people with Naya Blitz in the last two major Magic tournaments I played in late July & early August.

If they were some of those Yugioh players they would have flipped over the table or punched me. :)

I remember the last major Yugioh tournament I played in, Shonen Jump Indy Aug. 2005 (finished 55th out of 500 players.) Some kid that was likely to move to day 2 lost in the final round & punched the wall of the TCG Hall in the Indy Convention Center, which got him DQ'd w/o prizes.
Damn I've had gamefly for over a year this is the first time they've ever fucked me like this. Didn't send me SRIV,splinter cell and now killer is dead and lost planet 3 is on low.
I guess I shouldn't mention that mine's in the mail then. That sucks, dude. Your queue's all cleared out of other shit with earlier release dates too? How far in advance you queuing shit up?

I'm totally ignorant to the Yugioh scene. Those videos are insane.

I might grab Luigi over lunch. Mostly just to have another WiiU game case on the shelf.

I only played Yugioh and Magic casually. Some friends have recently gotten into Magic so we get together every now and then to play a few rounds or we do our own drafts. I can see the appeal to the card games honestly, but man, some people flip the heck out over them.

Just got back from class. Professors are pretty cool. Should be an 'aight semester. 

I guess I shouldn't mention that mine's in the mail then. That sucks, dude. Your queue's all cleared out of other shit with earlier release dates too? How far in advance you queuing shit up?

I'm totally ignorant to the Yugioh scene. Those videos are insane.

I might grab Luigi over lunch. Mostly just to have another WiiU game case on the shelf.
Dude 3 game out and 2 open slots right now. When I wanted SR4 and splinter cell I had all three slots open what's weird is it usually says AVAILABLE NOW but these past 2 weeks its been immediately LOW.

I only played Yugioh and Magic casually. Some friends have recently gotten into Magic so we get together every now and then to play a few rounds or we do our own drafts. I can see the appeal to the card games honestly, but man, some people flip the heck out over them.
I can't especially when you can buy better cards and beat casuals who don't.

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bread's done