GGT 277 Celebrates the Relaunch of Subwoofer Technology

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I'm at like 100 hours already. This game has consumed my life and I don't even do anything in the game. So who has a Slyveon for me so I can complete my team of badass creatures of badassitude?

I do too, even a few female, but I really don't want to do that Poke Amie stuff.
What do you need, like two hearts? You can definitely get that pretty quick. I've got a few of my dudes up to five and they use the power of friendship for mad criticals and just erasing status effects.

I was going to figure out how to run League of Legends in Ubuntu today and then I remembered how much I hate League of Legends so I napped instead.

mfw i spent a grand on that game

I feel long too.  It's this long penis I have.  Makes me feel too short.

I received my Kalos Region guide.  It's not a Pokedex, but it's a nice hardcover walkthrough of the basic game.  Comes with a poster and screen cleaner too.

Well, my day of hard work is done for now. I took my mom to get surgery and waited in a waiting room for 4 and a half hours. It would've been uneventful if it wasn't for the woman that moved all the way across the room to where I was about ten minutes after she saw me come in. She walked over and was like, "Mind if I sit near you?" Thinking that she meant one of the chairs across from me or something I shook my head and she set down right beside me on the love seat I was sitting on. She then took off her snuggie and I realized she had massive jugs. Like, they were easily Gs, which wouldn't have been impressive if she would have been fat, but she was actually super skinny. She turned to me after taking off the snuggie and asked if I wanted a blueberry muffin and I was like, "uhhh, no thanks." She kept pushing me to eat the muffin and I kept saying no. After being rebuffed she opened up a huge backpack and reached in for what seemed like a long time and pulled out a bottle of water, "Here, drink this!" Again, I said no, but thanked her for the attempt at giving me things. She kept trying to tell me that I'd get dehydrated if I didn't take care of myself and then she offered me her Gatorade. "I don't know if you like Grape, but we can share this if you'd like... I don't mind drinking after you." I still said no, but I finally asked what she was doing there. She told me about how she was waiting for her husband to get out of surgery for his hip and told me about her life a bit. Turns out she was a former Marine and she had 37 surgeries during her military career. She could tell I was shocked to hear that until she admitted that most of them were elective (while motioning to her boobs). I asked, "What did you get done?" "Oh, y'know.. A nip here, tuck there, tit implants, and I had my vagina rejuvenated." I must have been blushing slightly because she giggled. She then asked why I was there and I explained to her that my mom was getting a hysterectomy and I needed to be nearby in case anything went wrong. She was like, "Oh, that's not bad! I had mine out after I had my fifth kid." I was just like, dafuq? FIVE KIDS? She didn't look that old. She could tell I was curious, "I'm 34 and I had mine when I was 27. It wasn't that bad." She then quickly changed the subject and kept leaning over on me and showing me pictures of things on her Facebook and talking about how much she loved her Kindle. Then, she sat with me in silence after the doctors came in with a prescription for her to fill for her husband. After she filled it she came back and told me all about her house and odd facts about jacuzzi sex until her husband rolled by on a gurney and she left leaving me very confused about why my life is so weird.


P.S I did actually read that

P.P.S Seriously though, paragraphs are nice :p

P.P.P.S I hope everything goes well though

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lulz @Jo-El and his Penthouse stories.  "This always happens to I was at blahblahblah and then this girl comes in and blahblahblah...."

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She wanted to have her 6th kid with you joel. Stop playing mega man on your 3ds for two seconds and focus on her, gosh.

The FGT poll?

Yeah, I thought it was weird that half of those dudes were on there.

Like, we all know who the top 8 are going to be. Only a few people even come close to penetrating that list beyond them.

That said, I voted for Moons, Green Ace, and Frutsy.

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Well it said MOST HYPEST in marvel not the best. Yipes sucks at marvel 3 but I still voted for him, mame-spider I forgot my 3rd.

I don't think broke ass capcom is paying for air fare

A lot of people mad neo isn't on the list.

I wonder if chris g/flocker got any votes? No one wants to see that boring shit

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Are you talking about the eventhubs list?

That's a totally different list.

That's a fanfiction list.

I don't do fanfiction.

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I'm stealing that to write a short story.

But honestly, that is fucking weird. And awesome.
Thank you, I thought so, too.

lulz @Jo-El and his Penthouse stories. "This always happens to I was at blahblahblah and then this girl comes in and blahblahblah...."
I don't know what to say other than I attract weirdos.

She wanted to have her 6th kid with you joel. Stop playing mega man on your 3ds for two seconds and focus on her, gosh.
My girlfriend said something similar to this. I think she was jelly.

Should I get Batman or Lego Marvel, dawg?
Lego Marvel, probably. Everything I'm hearing about Batman has me kinda bummed. Still have high hopes for Friday, though!

I don't want to pop the question before CoD hits the shelves, but is everyone's GotY pretty much GTA?

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It'd be a tie between GTA and Pokemans for me right now. And seeing how FFX/X-2 HD most likely isn't coming out this year...

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