GGT 284 celebrates the announcement of Project Diva f for the Vita

What was the GGT consensus on Bioshock Infinite? How's it hold up to the first two?
Up there with 1, better then 2. I really enjoyed it throughout, I know the feelings overall here were pretty mixed though. I really enjoyed the atmosphere and exploring the new world they made though and had a great time with the game.

I'm waiting till the Persona 5 announcement to decide if I want a PS4. Either way, let's see what they have.

DmC 2 please.

Same. I have it in my cart. A few friends were just telling me they want to get back into console gaming and plan on getting one. Decisions.... 


Must be cancels or card declines.
Well one of those is from me cancelling my preorder I made during e3. I'm guessing Hank's was another.

What was the GGT consensus on Bioshock Infinite? How's it hold up to the first two?
I didn't hate it, but I couldn't really get into it and I never finished it (got roughly halfway I think). Maybe I'll try going back to it eventually. The setting really didn't grab me like in the first Bioshock, and I didn't care for the characters.

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I liked Bioshock Infinite a lot.  Definitely not as much as the first.  Not sure whether I'd put it above or below the second.  The atmosphere of Columbia just paled in comparison to that of Rapture--that that was a huge part of the appeal of the first two for me.  Plus none of the enemies/encounters came close to matching the feel of fighting a Big Daddy in the first one.

Still a very good game, just didn't really feel like a Bioshock game necessarily aside from the utopia gone wrong setting and plasmid-like powers.

I liked Infinite a lot. I don't know about better than either of the others, but it was good. The ending was great for me because it deals with stuff that's very, very close to my heart.

BioShock Inifinite was awesome. My favorite of the trilogy.
Same, I thought it had a really interesting story that managed to keep momentum for the entire game unlike Bioshock 1. Gameplay-wise it doesn't feel all that different, which is fine since the gameplay was solid, although I'm glad I didn't have to play Pipe Dream again.
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Like what? Is there a Mega Man X skin for the PS4?
Yeah if DR3 came out on the ps3. Speaking of mega man I lost a contest in a speed run by .02 seconds :( ugh so shitty

ah well I'm going to eat some beef and cry over it

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bleach has sucked shit lately I just skim the pages looking for ichigo now.

Did you see that new xmen comic? Called xmen gold that's like 6 xmen comics not including ultimateverse

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The last 2 months of Bleach have been awesome. Kubo saving the best for last.

Also, in March, Wolverine and the X-Men and X-Men Legacy are ending. And the X-Force series are fusing into one book, so there will be less X-Men books, at least for a while. 

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO wolvernine and xmen was probably my favorite. Is it because of sales?

I just read up on it they speculate cretive control is the reason for its cancellation there's still xmen which is inside of the school.

Oh well I still got thunderbolts they will never cancel that. How can you cancel red hulk and deadpool

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Maybe I'll finally pick up Uncharted 3. Is it as bad as people say?

I really enjoyed it, but I like the series in general. The thing it does the best is tell a story with awesome presentation.

I found it entertaining overall. My friends don't like it and have problems with the shooting mechanics and overall controls doe. Strange because I never really had any issues with it myself...

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOO wolvernine and xmen was probably my favorite. Is it because of sales?

I just read up on it they speculate cretive control is the reason for its cancellation there's still xmen which is inside of the school.

Oh well I still got thunderbolts they will never cancel that. How can you cancel red hulk and deadpool
Sales dipped a little bit, but I never read the book so that is about all I can say.

I really enjoyed it, but I like the series in general. The thing it does the best is tell a story with awesome presentation.

I found it entertaining overall. My friends don't like it and have problems with the shooting mechanics and overall controls doe. Strange because I never really had any issues with it myself...
Ah well, UC2 had questionable gunplay too and I still loved it.

Ah well, UC2 had questionable gunplay too and I still loved it.
It is more or less the same, mechanics-wise. Although one my friends insisted that they changed the physics of the bullets in a way that made it "less intiuitive" for him to aim. I didn't really have any issue with it myself.

bread's done