GGT 289 isn't a complete game

You're in a village with quests and you kill giant monsters.

u rite dats as far as I've played

rt ef u cri everitime
Well in MH4 you'll be able to climb on the monsters just like in DD! They do definitely have some comparisons though, not a huge amount but you can see the similarities :p

You need to read dat Inhumanity, gunnm dawg. So good. Might be one of the best comics of the year.
''The Avengers find themselves face to face with Karnak''

So wolverine, spiderman, captain america, who else?

Well in MH4 you'll be able to climb on the monsters just like in DD! They do definitely have some comparisons though, not a huge amount but you can see the similarities :p
I like grabbed a lion's asshole and cut off his tail.

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Wait what blew up? Should I read something else before reading this?

I shouldn't even be up right now I feel asleep at 10 woke up at 1 WHY? fuckING SHIT I'm going to bed

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My package just got switched to Out for delivery and says "UPS will attempt delivery; package will not be transferred to local post office for delivery", wonder if that means it might need a signature since it says attempt, I hope not since I don't think I'll be able to sign for it at the time it's supposed to be delivered since I was planning on getting it from the USPS.

maybe you live in a shit neighborhood and attempting to knock on the door and not leaving it is a better option then leaving it on the porch

maybe you live in a shit neighborhood and attempting to knock on the door and not leaving it is a better option then leaving it on the porch
Nah, I've had packages sit out for a while and nothings ever been taken, sometimes they put them in random spots though since there are 2 doors they can leave it at or the patio, and they never like to be consistent and just put them anywhere :/

Black Friday week is the worst when it comes to that, I've gotten like 5+ packages and am still expecting a bunch more, haven't needed to sign for any before though, it's just that word attempt that made me wonder that.

There are no classes available for next semester at the moment.

What is this crap?

Guess I'll become a professional Hearthstone player. Time to practice. 

There are no classes available for next semester at the moment.

What is this crap?

Guess I'll become a professional Hearthstone player. Time to practice.
should try to become a pro League of legends players, or call of duty player. almost anybody can do it.

I always worry about my teacher looking at what I'm doing when I go on the computer. They had that program in HS I would play whatever game was on the computer and he could close it from his computer

Ultra comes out in June I don't think game will be at EVO

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I like how we talk about whoknows when he isn't around. He is so popular and charismatic.
He's techniqually always around me so...

I always worry about my teacher looking at what I'm doing when I go on the computer. They had that program in HS I would play whatever game was on the computer and he could close it from his computer
They have that here.

It's no big deal.

i cannot wait, when amazon start delivering item packages by amazon prime air, with their futuristic flying drones.

Why the fuck does every super hero movie need like 3 or villains?  It just makes the movie more convoluted and complicated than it needs to be.  

It sounds like Electro might be the main baddie, but then there's Harry Osborn and Rhino.  Just give Spidey one bad guy.

Yeah there is. You just have to pay attention, but audiences are stupid. 

But seriously, if it was just Electro it might be good (then again the first AMS was pretty bad so...) but you got Optimus Rhinotron and Flair Hair Hipster Goblin. At least Emma Stone is there. That's something, I think. 

I'm just about done with Lords of Shadow. I love the combat and puzzles, but really hate the silly platforming.

Yeah LoS was great. I still want to buy mirror of fate but I'm not paying $15

I agree harry looks like a twit. Kinda like joffery

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Yeah there is. You just have to pay attention, but audiences are stupid.

But seriously, if it was just Electro it might be good (then again the first AMS was pretty bad so...) but you got Optimus Rhinotron and Flair Hair Hipster Goblin. At least Emma Stone is there. That's something, I think.

I'm just about done with Lords of Shadow. I love the combat and puzzles, but really hate the silly platforming.
you playing lord of shadows on platform console? did you run into the save glitch that corrupt your save? since the game only allow one save like dragons dogma. i traded my dragons dogma in, because of the corrupted save glitch, i am too lazy to do backup saves.

i finally got gears of war, probably going to start it this weekend. if i can finish speed running through the metal gear rising revegence single player missions, and beyond two souls to trade it in by this saturday.

I'm mostly looking forward to all of the refunds and free shit from Amazon drones (Amadrones? Amazones?) dropping my stuff.

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I'm mostly looking forward to all of the refunds and free shit from Amazon drones (Amadrones? Amazones?) dropping my shit.
i am just looking forward to not dealing with local usps delivery man, always with the attempted delivery failed.

bread's done