GGT 291 Renders Indignate a Renderfarm so he can Render Renders While His Renders Render.

Is that why they start freaking out and having a panic attack when you ask them to tell you the back story of what the tattoo means?


Because they wrote something meaningful in a fake language from the thing the tattoo is based off of but can't remember what it's supposed to say.

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speaking of lord of the rings, that is the only  movie i remember that is like almost 3 hours long for each installment. i only watched one. i forgot which one i watched in  the theater, but i almost fell asleep watching it.


Get on that early bird special dawg $60 for the full board. It was fully funded in a day. ^___^ The world loves mega man

If this had online MP I would play with you all day.
Maybe someone will make a Vassal module for it, then we could play it during a GGT board game night.
Anyone want a base copy of Killing Floor or Zeno Clash 1 from Steam? I got the links from the Humble Bundle and don't need either of those 2.

You know what's not in the center of the Hobbit poster? A Hobbit
At least it's not one of those dumb movie posters that are so popular nowadays where it's just a character from the movie with a generic background. They actually put effort into this one.

You know what was on the poster for The Mexican?

Two white people.
Valid point

At least it's not one of those dumb movie posters that are so popular nowadays where it's just a character from the movie with a generic background. They actually put effort into this one.
That is true, it's not a bad looking poster, just kinda funny that the Hobbit isn't the main focus point.

Kim Kardashian? Where?!

Speaking of which, guess what expansion has been uploaded?

Actually, don't guess.

It's the last BSG expansion.

I told you not to guess.
We need to play.

Shit, so when I got home from helping out my lady I ended up coming home to a huge ass list of things I need to do. One of them was changing the bulb in one of the hallways in my house (because I'm the only one tall enough) and I expected it to be a regular thing, but I just tried it and got the every living fuck shocked out of me. Christ, I have no fucking idea what the former owners did to this house, but since we've moved in it seems like it's falling apart a little more every day.

bread's done