GGT 292: The Official Final Fantasy XIII Strategy Thread

you should get FC3 indidawg needs some friends to play that
i speed through that game, and finished the sp /campaign missions back in april 2013. the story, and gameplay was intriguing and fun at first, but after 5 hours in, i got tedious, and felt more like a chore, because of the stupid requirement of certain missions requiring you to use stealth to complete it. I mean what is the point then, if you let me buy rocket launchers, and ak-47 machine guns. and i cannot even use it in some missions

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And Joel.

It's like, all I need.

Maybe us three can play BL2 afterwards too.

and Castlevania: HD
shots fired

texas has state tax so I put oregon in my zip code so I can buy 3ds games without tax


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That tax evasion.

It's kind of like how people buy stuff from other marketplaces on XBL.

Remember that?

Remember Me.

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"remember that? remember me"

sounds like a cool rap verse to a mega man song
oh wait, those don't' exist
just like how capcoms love for mega man doesn't exist
"yo, capcom in the house
we like make da dolla dolla bill ya
street fightas cum out empty handed
and we add more shit 4 da dolla
hell yeah
we r OG$"
i lucked out from bestbuy, i ordered the ps3 version of metal gear rising revegence for bestbuy in store pickup. i just received an email saying item cannot be found. so i decided to contact bestbuy corporate through the 1888 #, and  ask in a calm manner, " so what are my options?". the rep i spoke  to apologize for the issue, and give me free expedite shipping for the game, since all my local bestbuy stores shows none in stock. i felt like  a bestbuy Premier Silver member. even thought i never ever touch the spending ceiling of $2500

I'll definitely be getting FFX/X-2 on PS3 over Vita, I need that on my TV and I'll easily play it more if it's on a home console. Plus I'll take that free 24 page artbook/case combo thing since it goes with the KH one I got. The $80 CE doesn't really look worth an extra $40, that music blu-ray would be cool but a smaller artbook and a few lithographs aren't worth it to me, plus Digital River

Also, I have $60 Amazon credits...should I get an XBO? It is in stock right now and this tempts me.
Again, yes :p

so true mash dat X
That's the B button, do you even 360?!

Mega Man X for $2 on WiiU, go get it.

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guys tomorrow is mega man's 26th anniversary  how are we going to celebrate?

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I don't know.

Whoknows and I aren't talking right now and I don't think we're going to see past each others differences in time to plan something for that.

Oh well.

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I personally would have gone mega man 3 wily castle...

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turning dat ship up doe

Or the megas version

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I've decided that I'll record a video of me rapping the song tomorrow, I'm going to try and get some lyrics down for it. Anyone want to find a song for me to rap over?
Will Probably pick up Guacamelee after Frosty gushed over it.

I figured I'd get it on PC, but why not with PS3 + cross buy.

I don't know if I should get MvC on that digital.

Would be nice to have it readily available without having to switch disc for whenever I want to train #marvelpro

I hope 21 jump street is just about tatum's midsection and then the camera pans down a little and  the movie ends. PART III PLZ

I wish I had a co op partner for RE revelations. I hope ghostdawg buys the game he loves to help co op true friend.

bread's done