GGT 292: The Official Final Fantasy XIII Strategy Thread

So that Xbox sale kicked in, some pretty nice stuff on there. Not sure what I'll get yet but I'm sure I'll pick up the $1 Kinect games I don't have.

So that Xbox sale kicked in, some pretty nice stuff on there. Not sure what I'll get yet but I'm sure I'll pick up the $1 Kinect games I don't have.
pick up marvel and lets practice for evo.

damnit origins not sale boooo

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dawg you should get marvel to see my spider man swag combos doe


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I like how all of my Best Buy orders with free standard shipping have all been getting free 1-day/2-day shipping lately for some reason, nothing wrong with me getting my games the day after I order them :p 

As for Marvel, I have both 2 and U3 on 360 if people do get it in this sale and do want to play I suppose, again I'm not the best though.


another final fantasy thread, really? ur not even trying anymore Action bro. guess we need a new thread maker. I hate final fantasy with a passion!

I'm glad that the damage model in GT6 is purely cosmetic, 'cause I can run fuckers off the goddamn road when they try to pass me.

I'm glad that the damage model in GT6 is purely cosmetic, 'cause I can run fuckers off the goddamn road when they try to pass me.
Haha, I love doing that in Forza, running other cars into the wall making them flip on top of my car even :p Then I try with damage actually on and bad things happen :(

I don't work Wednesday or Thursday. If any of you are free, we should play some MP games either one of those days (though I won't be available the later half of Wednesday). 

Why does Snake think we care about anything he thinks?

Also, I feel like we need an artist to redesign us for the GGT's new 52 reboot. I hope I'm grittier!
I have it for PS3. I was going to get it on 360 until I saw that it wasn't an even $5. I hate being left with uneven balances.
I don't think there's a platform that I DO have an even amount on my balance, my Steam wallet is always ending with something like 4 cents, same with Wii U shop, Xbox store, Playstation store, so I don't really get how you could be used to not having them? I mean, the games 5.09, normally everything would be something like 4.99, they both end in a nine so I'm not really seeing this :p That said, you should probably just buy it anyway

Why does Snake think we care about anything he thinks?
It's the internet, everyone just posts random stuff that they want to say, I don't blame him for posting stuff like that personally. Kinda like how I like posting stuff like how my BB shipping has been awesome lately, just the first thing that comes to my mind when I'm in the thread really.

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But I just zeroed out alll of my balances thanks to having exact change. blaaaaaah. And I would need the costumes toooooo.

Actually, I might get it anyways because I just realized I could use my paypal to take care of the 9 cents. Haha!
But I just zeroed out alll of my balances thanks to having exact change. blaaaaaah. And I would need the costumes toooooo.

Actually, I might get it anyways because I just realized I could use my paypal to take care of the 9 cents. Haha!
I was debating on getting the costume pack myself even though I rarely play that game anymore, don't mind putting a little bit of money towards something like that and I like the characters, plus if enough people here get it then I may do some matches with all of you people :p

Yay Paypal! (Even though they always mess with my account so I never use it anymore :( )

It's the internet, everyone just posts random stuff that they want to say, I don't blame him for posting stuff like that personally. Kinda like how I like posting stuff like how my BB shipping has been awesome lately, just the first thing that comes to my mind when I'm in the thread really.
When has the GgT ever been about posting things randomly?

Actually, I might get it anyways

Finally beat Assassins Creed 3, and I gotta say with all the hate going around for it I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I like going through all of the different settings and I'm looking forward to playing AC4 and wonder what else they will do with the series moving forward. The ending was like a mix of terrible but good, I'll have to see more with what AC4 does. That said, Ubisofts credit scenes suck, I mean come on! I can't skip them and they are like 30 minutes, they really need to stop doing this to us :(

I do like the more "sci-fi" elements of the series as well, and would like to see more of that stuff in the future.

I'm pretty sure I'm offended by this :(

I don't even remember AC3's ending.  I feel like every assassin's creed ending is a blur of meta bull shit.  The only thing I remember from AC3 story-wise that I like was 

The twist that the initial player character was a Templar.

I don't even remember AC3's ending. I feel like every assassin's creed ending is a blur of meta bull shit. The only thing I remember from AC3 story-wise that I like was

The twist that the initial player character was a Templar.
The ending was just

Desmond touching that orb and "rescuing" humanity by sacrificing his own life, since if he didn't he would live but everyone else would die. But now that everyone won't die they are going to become slaves since Juno would be in control of them, so essentially he was in a lose-lose. But the big thing was how they built him up all of these games just to have him die by touching an orb :/

But yeah, the part you mentioned was actually pretty cool, but I enjoyed the game overall as well.

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I don't even remember AC3's ending. I feel like every assassin's creed ending is a blur of meta bull shit. The only thing I remember from AC3 story-wise that I like was

The twist that the initial player character was a Templar.


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its ok I'll be saving everyone a playthrough of a shitty game

the DLC was pretty good never finished the last one doe but I kinda got my console banned and don't want to risk redownloading it off my hungarian account just to finish it. also apparently connor was an integral part of american history

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its ok I'll be saving everyone a playthrough of a shitty game

the DLC was pretty good never finished the last one doe but I kinda got my console banned and don't want to risk redownloading it off my hungarian account just to finish it. also apparently connor was an integral part of every huge american part of history
Didn't have the DLC, and yeah Connor being a big part like that was weird. But I just enjoyed the game for what it was, exploring the world and doing the missions. They could have made a better character probably though. I liked the real world parts quite a bit.

bread's done